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Did he curtsy after he was done being a human flag?


he did! and I love it


He just asserted dominance over me and I'm not even in his way


his grace washes over all of us


And his abs humble us.


Did he just dominate us without even being there?! Sweet.


I’d totally submit his domination


you will lack the right motivation...in my opinion the gentleman fell in love and from there the radical change!


My buddy is in china sending me picks of tshirts with horrible attempts-to-be-motivational english all of them. Your comment just reminded me of that.


Or…knee gave out for a second


tomato tomato


Manliest curtsy witnessed by anyone.


Mr steal your Nan.


This dude terrifying because he can and will bench press, then mating press any grandma he wants. I need to check on mine. It could be too late. 🥺


Let gam gam enjoy her retirement


Would you rather she get a replacement hip the fun way or the not so fun way?


Best. ER. Story. EVER.


Except he calls her bam bam


And she calls him Grandaddy.


I don't think you realize how unsafe it is for someone to be getting their guts powerbombed like that in their 80s. 😭 And this ain't what I want her to go out doing. Cause we gotta live with the result *a LOT of demons.*


At what age should you stop powerbombing for future reference


No, the secret is to begin powerbombing early **AND NEVER STOP**.


A friend of mine wants to know what powerbombing is?


This is a typical set-up: Kick to the gut, to double your opponent over. Grab their head with both of your hands and position their head between your thighs. Clasp your arms around their waist and hoist them upwards, they should be rolling forwards, until their legs are on your shoulders (your head between their thighs now). At this point, you have them in the powerbomb position, with multiple options available. You could proceed to finish the powerbomb by slamming them down on their neck and back, leaving them writhing in pain. There's also a variation called a sit-out powerbomb, where you repeat all the above steps, except when slamming your opponent down, you sit down with your legs stretched to the sides. That variation leaves you in the perfect position to pin your opponent for the 3-count. Results may vary.


Fk me, I genuinely had a propper belly laugh at this one.


Plus he has “old guy strength”. That generation got beatings and had to learn to fight bullies and things. I wouldn’t mess with anyone over 50 if I’m honest.


I found that only true if they worked blue collar jobs. He don't look like he did.


If he’s already curtsied in her direction, it’s over.


Thanks to viagra, experience and young men watching too much porn, grandpas have better erections and are better at sex than twenty year olds.


Mine have been buried for a bit, buuut I’m gonna go ahead and check as well, bc this guy is RIPPED…


Why wouldn’t someone do test when they are old? Many benefits


I think you replied to the wrong comment.


Who do I show my Costco card to?


Sir this is KFC


On a military base in Kandahar.


Sir this is a Wendy's.


It makes your cells go a bit mad by stimulating them.... And older people have more cancer cells. So there's a chance that you feed those bastards the rocket sauce.


testosterone doesn’t do that, HGH does.


Okay then I’m going out a little early while benching a fuckin smart car Y’all can go out a few years older looking like Santa’s toysack


Yeah remember Coco from Pixar, your spirit avatar will look old and busted for eternity. ![gif](giphy|eIh0dD9FV8iAZvKT2Y|downsized) Oh and Fat, fat fat fat...So work out


An actual big boned person


You stimulate your cancer cells by eating junk food every day way more, than exercise and right food, unless he uses asteroids of course


How can I use asteroids to build muscle? I need this secret.


Just buy some asteroids from your local asteroid dealer. Use asteroid's dust in your food to increase your stamina if you wanna build muscles you need to buy liquid asteroids, they're more expensive and you need to inject it directly into your body.


I'll wait for the day this answer shows up on Google AI search


He's more superhuman than we all took him for then...(snort)... Clark Kent , eat your heart out...


Hes talking about steroids not exercise bruv


That's not correct, exercise has been shown to reduce tumors and prevent cancer. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211005101902.htm https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987556/


They’re talking about test, not exercise.


Oh yeah, for sure, exam pressure creates stress, which causes cancer.




He might even get your mum too


Old Bro is going to be stealing all the girls, not just Nana.


Nan? This guy would steal you mum too


World is weird, so technically he could steal your wife or even adult daughter.


This dude is probably able to pull tail half his age on the regular.  


So I can be a lazy ass till 60 and have enough time to get shredded...


Even in first pic he's fairly fit. Looks slob coz of posture.


Also lapsed athletes have a significantly easier time getting fit than those who’ve never been fit before


This. I go through “lazy” periods during winter months, but make sure to never lose my base level of fitness. It ensures I can be trained for a race again in a pretty reasonable amount of time with fewer injuries and don’t feel like dying when I do.


Bro, I didn't hit the gym for more than a decade. Got back to 90% of my bench in like 2 weeks.


Assuming you are a 30ish year old male. If we did nothing we basically keep getting stronger until our mid 30s.


yeah, he looks like food intake is reasonable but calorie wise may be due to a few extra beers in a week and isn't overweight or obese. the posture doesn't help bec he was reclined and hunching forward in the before pics.


Yeah you could see he had pretty decent muscle definition possibly from being fit in the past.


And you need steroid those are important here too


He's definitely taking TRT. You do not get like that at his age without at least TRT.


I think it should be recommend that older men and women take PEDs. What is heart problems in 40 years if you'll be 110 by that point. What problems is irregular/absent periods if you have already stopped getting them. A fall at 70 will shorten your life by decades, and greatly reduce your quality of life during the remaining years.


Oh I definitely agree. Testosterone is so incredibly important for men of any age but especially for older dudes as we begin losing it from our 30's. It contributes to so much of our health. It should be a free government provided supplement for men over 50 I reckon. I just don't want people walking away from this picture thinking this is 100% natural. I mean, I could be wrong, the guy could be a fuckin freak, I dunno, but it's more so the case than not IMO.


If this man went from picture 1, to doing a dragon flag after the age of 60 and ISNT on TRT, I'll eat every 45lb plate I have in my basement. Before that though, id slap his bald head to ask him why the fuck he didn't get on it before he started!


Dont quote me on this but i could swear i saw some studies showing that taking TRT at older ages increased the life expectancy of men. So taking TRT in your 60s should definitely be recommended. Theres really no reason not to because you wont live long enough to experience the problems from taking it anyway.


Honestly as long as my heart is healthy at like 65, I’d love to hop on a little bit of the sauce. Nothing crazy, just test. I’d hope I would be getting regular checkups anyways at that age, so side effects can be discussed and mitigated with a doc. Sperm count and test suppression aren’t really issues when you’re in your 60s (in most cases). Injury potential would probably skyrocket but again, I’m probably not gunning for PRs at 65. I’m pretty sold on the idea tbh.


I have snorted unknown substances before. Im in absolutely no position to judge a man and his gear


Sure, but testosterone is one of the most widely researched hormones and, when under the supervision of a physician, is quite safe. More and more men over the age of 40 are put on TRT because it helps nearly all aspects of male life--*not* just physically but mentally/emotionally, too. There is no shame in it and people shouldn't try to shame it. It's also quite affordable (~$40 for a 3 month supply on average without insurance) so a lot of men can be on it while improving their lives.


Preach my man. Test needs to be destigmatized. Test and tren are not the same, but they are to the general public.


Gotta make it to 60 though...


A lot of people think that being healthy just extends how long you live and will say like they don't want to live longer at 90+ anyway. But it also impacts your quality of life up until and through old age. 60 isn't 60 for everyone. Some 60 year olds are just as physically capable as 40 year olds and mentally just as with it as they ever were. Some 60 year olds seem like they're 80 and are just waiting for their 1 of many preventable issues to kill them


Seen some people who were super-duper unfit make it to their nineties. I've also seen their quality of living (next to none) and the stack of stuff they had to take to just keep functioning enough. Modern medicine can keep you alive for longer than you'd think, but to actually decently live, you have to do your part. 


Your last sentence is the key; it’s no fun spending half a century struggling to walk up stairs from 45-95 just because you can’t be arsed to care for your body.


My father is in his early 50s and is already quite senile and he looks like the average 65 year old. He's gone to great lengths his whole adult life to think as little as humanely possible and worked as little as he could. I'd compare him to a grumpy old man, but it would be incorrect as even a grumpy grandpa has concrete topics to be grumpy about. This abomination is just plain angry and vents on literally anything. Grandfather meanwhile is in his late 70s and yet he's razor sharp, he is always occupied with something and is always working on some project. So if you think you'll age with dignity sitting and doing absolutely nothing every day, good luck with that. You have to always work on yourself. Not necessarily doing physical labour (though it does help immensely later on), you could keep your mind occupied with some kind of problem solving or you could make an effort to always learn new things.


My grandmother had 2 heart attacks by age 50 for a variety of reasons and it wasn't until I became an adult and heard her age again that I put together that life really isn't supposed to be like that. In my mind 50 was basically the end of the road but now my mom is turning 50 soon and she is in better health than people I know in their 20s. Everyone always hears the stuff about keeping an active healthy lifestyle but people just think it makes you live longer and don't put it together that it makes every part of your life at every age better.


If you are serious about tackling this in your own life but aren't sure where to start, I would highly recommend reading Outlive by Dr Peter Attia. It focuses on "healthspan" rather than just lifespan: how long you can have a life where you're able to do all the things you want to do. The vast majority of death and disability comes down to four main categories of disease: Metabolic disease (diabetes, fatty liver), Atherosclerotic disease (heart attacks, strokes), Cancer, and Neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc). The book goes into detail about the causes and risk factors of each, with specific recommendations for tests you can request to determine your personal long term risk of each, medical treatment options to reduce that risk, and broader recommendations for lifestyle choices that everyone can adopt to reduce those risks. This book (doing the tests it recommended and discussing with my doctor) led me to start taking a statin in my late 30s, instead of waiting until my 50s or 60s when I would have likely been prescribed one. Unsurprisingly, if your goal is to extend both your healthspan and lifespan, there is no replacement for regular exercise. Not only does it reduce the risk of all of the diseases above, the improvements in muscle mass and bone density become especially important later in life for preventing injury and improving recovery when injuries do occur. If you want to be able to run a mile at 80, start now.


>So I can be a lazy ass till 60 and have enough time to get shredded... My back would like to have a discussion


That's the message I got.


What's he on? Give me a list of everything he's taking. We can all be super human in our 70s... Just need money and illegal drugs




Test, Test, this is a Test.




What a time...


Hello world


I miss Andrew "Test" Punishment Martin


Plural of Test is Testes


Not a doctor here. Is this alright at his age? I have a couple of friends that are low on T so they are prescribed stuff but they don't look like other dudes on questionable stuff. Just gives them enough energy to feel normal. But yea it would be nice to be 70 and move around like you're 40. Or 30.


Sarcopenia is one of the most debilitating things about aging, and is completely reversible with testosterone replacement therapy. If someone is bedridden for over a year, statistically they're as good as dead. Testosterone gives even old people the strength to perform daily activities without depending on caretakers. The big problems that come from exogenous testosterone intake, like infertility, are usually not relevant for the older population. I should say however, I'm not a doctor, just someone who listened to one talk about this before.


Sarcopenia is the natural deterioration of muscles over time from lack of exercise. It can be prevented by regularly lifting weights starting in your 30s/40s. Not saying he isn’t on HRT, but that alone wouldn’t make him like this.


Actually, TRT is not at all widely accepted as a "general treatment for age". [The ACP (\*) does not recommend it](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M19-0882). >*ACP suggests that clinicians not initiate testosterone treatment in men with age-related low testosterone to improve energy, vitality, physical function, or cognition (conditional recommendation; low-certainty evidence).* (\*) Wikipedia describes ACP as "...the largest medical-specialty organization and second-largest physician group in the United States".


Many MDs are happy if you are some where in the normal range. But being in the lower half or in the upper half is a huge difference energy wise. The 70 year old does also sport and keeps his diet in check.


There is a HUGE different when you are prescribed test because you have low levels OR if you take test to look like TheRock... The first one "just" takes you to normal levels at around 300-400 ng/dL. Bodybuilders on "stuff" are mostly WAY over 1000 ng/dL


I’m around 300 natural but even doubling my test to around 600 still had me building muscle much faster. Even being under 1000 ng/dl one can see huge benefits. Exogenous test is still a huge boost vs natty even with guys with natural low t.Mosr Clinics will write test to anyone easily in the ballpark of 300. It’s mostly about cash for the majority.


> The first one “just” takes you to normal levels at around 300-400 ng/dL. That’s not really true. - The Endocrine Society Guidelines recommend measuring serum T concentrations midway between injections. If mid-interval T is >600 ng/dL (24.5 nmol/L) or <350 ng/dL (14.1 nmol/L), adjust dose or frequency. - The AUA recommends using the lowest possible dose of testosterone to achieve levels of 450 to 600 ng/dL - The CMAJ recommends a therapeutic target of 14.0 to 17.5 nmol/L - The BSSM recommends a therapeutic target of mid-upper-end of range (15 to 30 nnmol/L) - The ISSM recommends targeting T levels at mid-point of the reference range at trough. The reference range is ~300-1000ng/dl > Bodybuilders on “stuff” are mostly WAY over 1000 ng/dL A basic 500mg a week cycle can put your levels 2000-4000ng/dl, Dallas McCarver clocked in at [55000 ng/dl.](https://m.imgur.com/ah0XxU7)


testosterone is cardio protective in the old age. it’s only beneficial. you have no natural production left to suppress.


Test alone doesn't give you "the look." He's probably stacking 3 or more compounds


large amounts of test will give you that look. large amounts of test have been shown to increase muscle mass while doing zero exercise, not enough to make you look buff, but it just shows test alone will increase muscle mass.


> large amounts of test have been shown to increase muscle mass while doing zero exercise Even therapeutical amounts...


This is fairly attainable with just test supplementation provided by a doctor. He probably has a fairly decent dosage to look like this at 70, but yeah. It’s absolutely possible on just testosterone. He’s also SUPER lean, not a lot of muscle density there. No offense, but you gotta be fairly new to lifting or don’t at all to think he’s stacking 3 compounds lol.


The super leanness is precisely why I say he's stacking. Test doesn't shred you up 


He just eats really lean and yea… no… it’s the juice.


At that age, why not?


I did a bit of gear in my early 20’s. Not enough to be a mountain, but I looked fucking great and the gym PB’s every week were amazing. Now I eat too much cake and have a young family, but when I’m 60 I’d definitely have another bash at it!!


What did you take?


Test bases (both E and A depending on what I was mixing with) primo, sus, and tren I think were my main components. I did some pre-mix cycles tooI that may have had other stuff in I don’t remember. never did Deca as I’m quite sensitive to gyno. A friend did and ballooned overnight tho (but imo it wasn’t a good look.. too much bloat) Tren was ridiculous and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Just strength to strength to strength of solid gains. Mentally it was very difficult after about week 4, but physically it was stupid! Always stayed away from orals - they’re brutal on the liver. And didn’t drink while on cycle - another friend put himself in hospital doing that with early liver issues! PCT was always a full length nolva, clomid and HCG, sometimes some caber thrown in if gyno flaired up. It gets a lot of bad press but respect what you’re taking and take it properly and you’ll minimise the risk.


"a bit of gear..." My man, you were JUICING! I know a number of guys who qualified for TRT because their test levels in their early 50's were hosed from running cycles in their 20's. Get your levels checked. You might be back on the team sooner than you thought. Come to the dark side...


Haha I’d be more than ok with dr prescribed test e in my 50’s - probably be back to feeling 20 again in no time. And no risk of losing your delivery through customs! Save a spot for me - I’ll be back on the team in a few years!


How much cake you on now though? Im on cheesecake cycles once a day, maybe a bit of lemon sponge or red velvet if im feeling fancy


Lol, I thought I was a little bit into fitness but I didn't understand a single word here. But it's nice that you tried these things so you could form an opinion based on first hand experiences, and it sounds like you didn't do too much damage to yourself, so good job!


I'm with you, when I hit 60 I am definitely going to try roids. I've been working out my whole life, but still it seems like the time to give that a shot.


Why not? Because at that age you already have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, your arteries and joints aren't what they used to be etc. Combine that with juice and you are set up for stroke or heart problems. Even for a young body PEDs are a great health risk, but at that age...?


Eat clen and tren hard baby!


Anavar give up!


That’s the spirit 🤣🤣


Beets and carrots? Or cab… ohhh right.


Apart from some drugs I'm willing to bet that he was incredible fit through the years and just let himself go a bit for a few years.


You can see the veins on his chest in his before pics, dude was fit before an let himself go. He even used the lazy pics for extra effect, he could have done the sad face b&w trick from imfommercials too for extra points.




No way that's just "replacement"


The number 1 thing is rejuvenation clinics now popping up with hrt clinics He's on Number one HGH 3-8IU a day Probably anavar Testosterone


hope old boy finds the punani he after


Nah… he on semen retention 🤣🤣


Var fucks up your cholesterol pretty quick, is not advised for people his age, even on TRT and peptides, cholesterol is no joke.


My thoughts exactly. Sign me up for whatever tweaked his motivation


Plenty of legal drugs for this


Legal as in prescription or over the counter?


Prescription, but literally any man over 30 can walk into a clinic and walk out with a prescription for HGH and TRT. It’s like ADHD. Every person on the planet has ADHD symptoms and can get a monthly supply of stimulants it’s just a matter of going in. You just go to any random doctor and say you are tired, have low libido, and struggle to gain muscle mass despite lifting weights. Boom. All the steroids and testosterone you want. In my personal opinion it’s not even remotely worth it under 55ish unless you actually struggle with low T, but if you’re 55-70 why the fuck not. Your hormones are inactive enough at that age to where you don’t get the negatives a 30 year old gets from juicing.


This probably just works in the US folks. Cause I sure as shit can't just walk into a pharmacy and get my ADHD medicine. Not even MDs can prescribe it here (NL)


Wouldn't they do bloodwork to prove you have low test?


Prolly just test, and prolly a lot less than any of our testicles produce


Nahhh the production of test is shrinking since decades. You are blessed to be in ghe upper normal range.


You can legally take it for the health benefits now. Seems to be working ok for him


There's a very high likelihood that he was active when he was younger. Your muscles can regain any lost mass relatively quickly. However, at that age, he likely needs to take some form of testosterone replacement, since natural production slows with age. Still, that alone would probably be enough alongside 7 years of training, especially if he was able to do something like that human flag in the past.




There is no way he wasn't in shape when he was young. He "just" got back in shape.


Came here to say this. Looking at his arms and chest at 60yo, he wasn't training naive.


Good thing you wrote "just". TRT, former training or not, going from almost nothing to doing the flag at age 70 takes some time.


Yeah, it is insanely impressive! I'm glad the quotation marks worked as intended.


I thought the same thing. His body at 63 honestly looked good. He had that type of body that's been trained in the past but has switched a lot of muscle for fat, but he didn't look at all out of shape or fat or anything.


"It's never too late" to take TRT...


I like how everyone is going crazy over what he's taking while completely downplaying the insane amounts of hard work he had to put into this. As if all it takes is chilling on the couch and having pizza with some TRT on top.


the issue is that the post implies by omission that this is possible without performance enhancing drugs. Most people will watch this and think the difference between an average 70 y.o. and this guy is just determination and grit, which might even make people feel worse about themselves for not achieving similar results, so the fact that it literally, absolutely isn´t possible naturally, is a pretty big deal.


This also goes for all the Hollywood actors that are absolute beefcakes and that either insist it's because they eat broccoli and lean chicken or want to sell you their outrageously priced training program, while omitting that you can *never* look like them without performance enhancing drugs.


Mmm TRT pizza *drool*


You can literally sit on your ass and take TRT and build considerable muscle. There’s no doubt he put in hard work, but the reason everyone is fixating on the gear he’s taking is because it’s the only way you can get like this at his age. There’s no point talking about his gym routine or diet, none of that makes any difference when it comes to getting these kinds of results.


That's a ridiculous statement to make. That's like claiming there's nothing you can learn from Arnold Schwarzenegger because he was on gear. Not to mention that you would look nowhere near this guy if you only took TRT while sitting on your ass. The REAL reason everyone is fixated on the gear is because it's much easier to be dismissive and downplay other people's achievements than to address your own lack of effort, motivation and consistency.


Nah, it's a natural hype backlash. People generate hype by presenting things in specific ways. If the presentation is bad, some people will naturally react negatively. Instead of being about how great this guy is, this should really be about how awesome PEDs are. I don't use them myself but they're amazing. This is like a guy in the 1920s claiming that he's the fastest man ever but neglecting to mention he has a new car most people haven't even heard of. Yes, he still has to drive the car but it's a hell of a lot easier than running twice as fast as anyone else in the world.


It does make a lot of difference. You can build muscle on steroids alone, yes but you will not look like this (even at a younger age) with just steroids. This guy probably has a sophisticated stack and very good diet and training.


A man with TRT will build more muscle doing nothing, than a guy without TRT doing workouts 3 times a week.


Exactly. Has been shown in multiple studies. No training + trt still beats training without trt Edit: trt as in misuse, to achieve greater than normal t-levels. If you do correct trt you'll obviously be at the same level as your peers so there would be no more gains in comparison


These people are hilarious. They downvoted me even when I posted an actual medical study proving this very thing. They’re all so confident yet they can’t post any evidence to the bullshit they’re claiming. Amazing.


>There’s no point talking about his gym routine or diet, non of that makes any difference when it comes to getting these kinds of results. So you’re saying if we took a bunch of men in their late 60s and gave them all the same TRT regime, then had half of them do diet and exercise and the other half do nothing, they’d all be shredded like this guy?


I’m saying that if you don’t take gear you will not look like this at that age no matter how much dieting or exercise you do. I honestly don’t think any of you that are disagreeing have done any actual research yourselves or know anything about sports science. I made it very clear in my initial comment that he put in hard work, but it’s clear to anyone that has any actual experience what is going on here.


The issue I see more so is the fact he has denied taking anything previously on his social media feed. Personally I couldn't give two craps if people take gear or not, but don't lie about it when it's very obvious 😆


Good to know I can wait until I'm 63.


Just avoid the speeding bus.


Fuck these people showing off results without mentioning the PEDs they are taking. This causes more trouble than people think. Fuck them!


But he’s 70. By the time it does any serious damage, he’ll be 90. If he was in his 30s I would agree with you, but he’s old, let him have his fun


If it's not made obvious how ridiculously unachievable this is for someone his age without drugs and how ridiculously difficult that physique is to maintain at any age, it will just continue contributing to unrealistic body standards placed on men. Young men are suffering from more body image issues right now than they ever have since anyone started to keep track. The "it's never too late" "what's your excuse" misleading click bait like this video is part of that.


I think the trouble they're referring to isn't that the drugs will harm them, it's that not disclosing you're on PED when showing off results will mislead people about what's physically possible.


Sure, but then why doesn't he tell people in the video that he uses steroids if there is nothing wrong with that?


Nothing wrong with doing properly dosed HRT under doctor supervision when your natural test is pretty much tanked


What trouble?


people having unrealistic body standards and not knowing that a lot of what they see is unattainable without using PEDs. a lot of people dont even know that the shredded people in Hollywood use drugs to look the way they do. Although openness about PED use also has some issues




He takes his weekly TRT dose every morning  


I can't wait to be elderly and fucking shredded


is this an ad for steroids?


For old people.


I get the whole issue with certain influencers deceiving their audience regarding PEDs. That said, someone at his age could reasonably start taking TRT so no shit that’s obviously not natural per se. However, how many people even with TRT could dedicate themselves to the amount of effort it would take to do what he did with his body? TRT or not, that man changed his fucking life and some of you can go shove it with your miserable selves.


lol the curtsy at the end.....


First guy was president of Belarus


Dude looks like he already had some build from exercising underneath his flabbier self


Dude took roids, that's all that's going on here


He definitely took test but he also put in a ton of work at the gym 🤷‍♂️.


Every one always says this except what about everyone that already puts tons of work in the gym. This comments makes sense if you’ve never seen the inside of the gym. But if it’s already a part of your lifestyle the gear 100% puts you over the top. And when you’re older you ain’t training as hard or looking like that without it. 


Hmm yes, TRT and HGH.


Nice! I can start working out in 20 years!


Then I still have time


This guy fucks




My FIL is 87 and is in incredible shape. The guy works out 6 days a week. I don’t think he looks quite as good as this guy but he’s got pecks and a 6 pack. I’m quite certain in his case there’s nothing extra going on.


I wish my uncle had more positivity in life. He died from self abuse from alcohol and tobacco in his 74th. :(


Retirement sure can make one golden


Wow! It’s never too late to learn how to curtsey. [The wow was for how strong his physique is now.]


Damn, this guy should run for president, couldn't be as bad as 😧


His son is a personal trainer and body builder if I remember correctly.


It's never too late to take gear.


*stupid sexy senior*


You know what, man! This is truly awsome. Not necessarily the transformation but the way you look at 70. Im past 50 and have been working out since my teen years. Natural all the way. But I see guys come in, 60+ and they just look like hell… In fact, only yesterday I thought «man… Ive got 5 more years then Im fucked» after seing another one of these men. But then you show me that you can look fit as fuck at 70 as well. Can I ask if youre on TRT or all natural? Great going man!!! Respect!


The only guy I knew who looked like this in his 60s was taking god knows what, and he died of an aggressive brain tumor soon after. That cured me of any desire to try it myself. I’ll stay flabby when I’m old.


No doctor anyway, at any time, has ever said you need to get ripped if you want quality of life in old age. As long as you’re eating right, moderate exercise, clean bill of health on the blood work, it’s all good. Everything else is personal choice. Me, as long as I’m still walking unassisted at 60, 70+, it’s all good.


Love those shoes…


Me at 70 hunting for the late 20s to start a fam with lol