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So I've known this for a long time and let me just tell you, looking through bundle comments of so called "influencer sellers" is a pretty fun past time of mine šŸæ Also, pro tip, bundle comments sometimes give away what the seller is willing to sell for. You can see the negotiation comments from buyers who didn't purchase. That said, most bundles are not juicy or fun to look through but I do appreciate mildly scrolling through them if someone I'm about to purchase from to give me an Idea of how they conduct business. Are they snarky? Making a ton of excuses for not shipping? Are they nice? Are they cursing someone out for something ridiculous? It can be telling if they have a bunch of bundle comments - especially because people don't realize you can look at them so they think they are speaking privately.


Empty bundles are private, and sold bundles are private. The only ones that aren't private are the ones that are open. If/when the bundle sale is complete, those comments can no longer be seen. If you're concerned with people reading your comments, delete the items from your unsold bundles, and those messages will be private.


Valuable info. Thanks! šŸ˜Š


You're welcome!


What are you commenting in bundles that you donā€™t want others seeing? Its not super common to look through others bundles.


I would imagine it isnā€™t super common because majority do not know. I offer decent discounts and haggle with my customers now and again and Iā€™d like potential buyers to not know that I offered 35% off or whatever to this person if the potential buyer is already interested at a 25% discount. This was a PSA. Itā€™s not about me. I made this post because, even though it goes against the terms, people do business off of Poshmark. And people think that creating a bundle is the same as a private text message thread. It isnā€™t. Iā€™m just looking out for other sellers.


Use the make an offer option to offer amounts off then no new buyers will see what you offered others. Not a fan of people doing off app deals. If they donā€™t want to sell through the app then donā€™t use it at all. There are so many other options out there.


Thatā€™s fine, you should only be discussing the sale anyway.


This is pretty common knowledge, but also if people are discussing things that donā€™t have to do with the item theyā€™re calling theyā€™re potentially violating the terms of the app anyway.


Thank you. I appreciate this PSA


Youā€™re welcome!


not really related but i finally saw the selling of used underwear as a weird fetish item https://preview.redd.it/4iyw7l7oyq5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4346beba74329a442ebc1f3cdda3306693312bf9 on my app IRL! šŸ˜³ i was like holy shit, cuz i saw ppl commenting this on reddit & i didnā€™t know how common or how real of a thing it was but yea real weird and wild to be doing this šŸ‘€


More common that I would have thought in my pre-reseller days.


i didnā€™t include the item pictured but it was a Champion man thongā€¦. šŸ’€ and dude had other pairs for sale as well. and you can tell itā€™s some weird shit cuz the comments ā€œcan i see them on?ā€ and who tf sells or buys used underwear. shouldnā€™t even be allowed on the app much less out in the open like that. this post just reminded me cuz i saw it yesterday and if youā€™re doing that kinda weird stuff, shouldnā€™t be doing it openly idk šŸ¤·


This guyā€™s so creepy. šŸ¤®


I didnā€™t know this when I first started Posh. I snooped in the beginning but now the thought doesnā€™t cross my mind (unless thereā€™s suspected drama lol)


Me reading lizard ladyā€™s bundles šŸ«”šŸ¤«


What is lizard lady's @? I know we're not supposed to share these on here but please! I keep reading about her and I have no idea who she is, I wanna see šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Hint: South Florida Royalty I didn't know who/what people were talking about when they said "lizard lady is live again" until a user here posted that hint. I went to the Posh Shows tab and scrolled until I saw her "@" bc shes live multiple times a day. Hopefully you can catch her screaming into the microphone about private investigators!


Any chance you could dm me the closet name? Iā€™ve been checking in on lives here and there and canā€™t figure out who the lizard lady is. Iā€™m wondering if I have the closet blocked. When lives first came out I just blocked anyone whose live sent me notifications all the time. I never unblocked them when they just added the option to turn the notifications off


Sorry for late reply but thank you for the hint!! I'll check it out!!Ā 


Omg I I found her!! Thank you so much! That hint really helped!Ā 


How do you find these bundle conversations?


Yes! If you want a private conversation, you open and bundle and put nothing in it.


They never were..


I had a few, but when I found out anyone can see them I deleted the bundle. Does that mean they can be reopened or when they are deleted or exxed out can they still be seen or are they permanently removed?


Yes, is no secret they arenā€™t private


I thought this was common knowledge.


Not for everyone.