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This is officially the weirdest thing I’ve seen on here and there is so much weird shit 😂 wtf




Umm no - OP DO NOT take the crack pipe anywhere, especially not in your car and then drive somewhere!! What bad advice lol


Ty. It only let me attach one picture so I did that. I thought about going into the conversation thread with her and asking why the hell her pipe was left in my package to see what she says but I’m a little impulsive… so I thought then maybe I’ll just wait to see what Poshmark plans to do with the information I gave them




Ah! Ty!


Give the crack pipe to the cops? This is terrible advice. What if she gets pulled over or is involved in a crash and they find it in her car? This is indeed a horrifying situation. But suggesting she involve the police is not only unnecessarily dramatic, it’s incredibly naive. OP, put the pipe back in the bubble mailer, tape it, and put it in the garbage.


I’m going to call my state police when I get home from work and see what they want me to do exactly. They are 3 miles from my house. They may want to do something since it went thru the mail. I mean I have her address 😂


holy shit


That was my thought! I wanted to attach pictures, but I didn’t know if it would let me considering the subject matter lol


Please keep us updated, this is insane.


Oh for sure! Seems like some hungry peeps 🤣


Probably meth!


Obviously the seller was high when she packed your order and has been wondering where her pipe went. Well - now she knows! I'm certain it was not intentional but wow. That's pretty awful. Sorry this happened to you and thank God your Daughter didn't open it!


Ya this has me rethinking letting my teen open her Poshmark packages


Omg that has to be embarrassing for the seller. Everyone hits rock bottom so this may be hers lol does she know yet?


I put in a complaint with Poshmark. I thought about messaging her there directly but I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. That’s why I came to you lovely people 🤣


WTF ! That is insanity! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't even know what to say. Wow.


https://preview.redd.it/xx56rzeyr79d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5c10fea74ca3d6b7f7dadd30f2d2f89cbd3cc06 Here.. if this is allowed 😂


What is truly must wild to me about this story is that a crackhead would be able to wrap things so nicely. 🤣


Do you think she’s been tearing her house apart trying to find her pipe?


Think it is a meth pipe. That's wild


You're correct, definitely a meth pipe.


I wouldn’t know the difference tbh. I guess I just assumed her choice of hard drug 🤣


Just wow. This is truly insane.


What the…… 😳


Wellll she seems like a functioning addict it was nicely packed with a thank you card 😂


🤣🤣 Seriously WTF 😭😭😭 I wonder when she realized it was missing


The bubble mailer isn’t much bigger than that gold package.. that has the stickers.. so I’m thinking how the hell did she drop it and not realize it was in that tight bag?? It’s so wild 🤣


I just want to know how a CRACK PIPE made it through USPS in a bubble mailer without shattering 😂


I had the same thought! Are they super sturdy or something? 😂


It was packed tight! Then my dad said he was squeezing it trying to figure out what was in there and it still didn’t break! Sturdy shit 🤣


The bubble mailer or the tweak pipe? 🤔


Omg. I know exactly who this seller is based off that notecard!!! I’ve bought from her, and she does act like she’s on serious meth. Omggggg


Seriously?! That’s hilarious! What has she done to you?


Wow.. wonder if she's been s'itting nickels since she shipped it?


No doubt! 🤣 i mean, i have a favorite fork, maybe it’s her favorite pipe 🤣🤣🤣


Here’s the email 🤦‍♀️ such an impersonal template of bullshit. My complaint was not for dissatisfaction of the product/description/etc. they should be concerned about this seller. Then I had the thought if it wasn’t on purpose why would it be in a bubble mailer? I mean, I’m an overthinker but damn made me wonder. https://preview.redd.it/8ds1ssig6d9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be23306d197587c20f4cbf4a90ff3f4fac4a586e


Wow!!! How lucky you got a free crack pipe!!!


I see in the comments so many people telling you to call the police but keep in mind she has access to your address. Just throw it out. Sort of silly to get the police involved anyways.


Wtf 😳 ya I’d definitely be reporting this to the state police as well and I’m shocked Poshmark was like oh well ya both getting laid keep it! Like ya I want my 9 year old the wear a bra that’s been wrapped up and shipped with a crack pipe. I swear there are some lunatics that sell on Poshmark. I’ve seen some crazy live shows and think who tf is buying from this hoarder. I can smell the cigs & trash from here. 😂


Do not touch or transport that pipe. Call the police on phone and they may send deputy. I also would call USPS as it's a crime to mail that and provide shoppers address. So sorry this happened glad your kid didn't touch it.


Okay, like.. the lady absolutely deserves a refund. And yeah, don’t transport it anywhere. But send a deputy? Really? I think that’s a bit of a misuse of the police. OP, grab a stack of napkins, wrap it up, double grocery store bag in the middle of some kitchen trash or kitty litter, and throw it out!


I completely agree about it being too much lol Some people are wayyyy over the top. Like while we are at it, let's just get the DEA over and get SWAT to bust down the sellers door on the count of 3 lol I mean I guess in a true totally out there, never really going to happen but let's play devil's advocate hypothetical situation where perhaps before your trash goes out, police are called to your house for some reason that has nothing to do with this and they get a warrant to search your property and find the pipe after digging through the trash, you could be charged with paraphernalia but I mean you already have enough proof to fight the charge and the chance of that happening is like 99.99999% not going to happen! Now driving it somewhere, totally different. Don't do that. Just throw it away!


Ahhh! Good to know! I never even thought about that!


Call your local police depot (not 911, the local sub station) and explain what happened. They should send someone to pick it up to be properly destroyed. I live in an area with a lot of nightclubs and get drugs and drug paraphernalia tossed in my yard. They usually come pretty quickly.


Or just throw it away. No need to get police involved


This is absolutely wild 😳 Just wow. Really glad you opened it and not your daughter!




https://preview.redd.it/ayw91s3q7s9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=91598acd31da15e3c1e6345eed4fbad2787c2c6a I never heard again after my two follow up complaints. I told them I’d delete my account so I did. I’m sure they don’t give a shit. But oh well. Thank you all for your comments and shares. Maybe if they catch any heat from someone of value to them they’ll do something, if not, I can at least feel good that I will no longer be supporting them.


Sounds like she was toking some crack and put it down to grab more and forgot about it. Crackheads gonna crackhead.


Notify your nearest DEA office for shipping narcotics via interstate and let them prosecute.


That's not even why that law exists - the seller clearly wasn't trying to deal drugs through the mail smh


Call the police, report the person, and advise pm that police are involved and that rhis should be handled appropriately by them as well. This is inexcusable. Should that have had fentynol in it, you wouldn't have been writing this..bc you would've been dead. And if youre like me who hands my child a package to open knowing i bought that for them, your child could've been killed too. as for the lack of shipping, it's so fuckng aggravating. I bought from a larger seller who does shows every day. A week went by and I watched this bitch do shows every day. Later in the day on day 6, I went into her show and asked when she was going to ship as it had been a week and $50 was sitting in limbo. She immediately comes up with a story 🙄 Day 8, I cancel. Day 9, I get an email from PM saying your orders been canceled but if tracking starts, your cancelation will be reversed. It legit didnt start tracking for 2 days. I was not happy. Order should've been canceled and seller should've had to track the package back to her, but no PM being PM yet again 🤦‍♀️. I did nothing to this seller to deserve this. It was my first time shopping with her, I was nice during her show, and I even messaged her on day 9 saying how I have no ill will and wanted to let her know what was happening on my side so it didnt look like i was trying to scam her. Never heard back 🖕 no apology, no nothing. So I let the order auto rate. If I had to wait, you gotta wait.


"You can't overdose just by touching fentanyl. In fact, there are no confirmed cases of overdose from touching fentanyl powder or pills. While fentanyl can be absorbed across the skin, this happens only with constant direct contact over hours and days. Still, you should avoid touching fentanyl." https://doh.wa.gov/community-and-environment/opioids/fentanyl-exposure-public-places


Isn’t it crazy how we as buyers always try to find an excuse for the sellers asshole behavior? We buy their shit and then rack our brains for something that we may have done to cause them not to get off their ass and ship it