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Definitely has the characteristics. Maybe not 100% but has the ears, narrow head, short coat, slender body, giant paws, classic Malinois hazel eyes. I’d say 75% or more.


First, thank you for taking this handsome guy on. They are lots of work, but well worth your time and effort. You will have a loyal and loving companion for life. Good for you, great for him.


He's good with everyone not skittish and gives the best cuddles.


could be anything but looks like a mal. what do you mean by "rescued" from a homeless man?


Was left tied up in this Texas heat in front of a 7-11 I watched him leave on the bus without him and the dog had no food or water.


What a piece of shit. Thank you for rescuing the poor thing.


He was to sweet and innocent not to I couldn't believe my eyes when he did that he spent the rest of shift in my patrol car (level 3 security) and did amazing.


I know a former CHP who got an amazing Husky the same way. Tied up at a gas station in Riverside County in 90+ heat with no water. Guy did his patrol one direction, stopped at the same place on the way back and the dog was still there. Took him home, looked for potential owners but found none. And the dog is seriously the sweetest dog you've ever met. He should be a therapy dog, he just loves to get pet by kids and old people.


That's how he is now he laid at my friend's 3-year-olds feet and let him pet him


Unfortunately I can believe it. Homeless people can be some of the nicest or shittiest examples of humans. I’m just glad that he’s in a much better place thanks to you!


Like all humans then


Sounds like the homeless guy abandoned him, what an asshole (and glad you didn’t steal a homeless person’s pet.)


Thank you for having awareness of your surroundings. Saved his life. 👏🏽


I hope it wasn’t: “hey man, watch my beloved best friend while I go into 711.” “But my bus will be here any minute.” “I’ll make it quick and if your bus comes tie him here and I’ll get him when I come right back”. Some homeless people take amazing care of their animals.


I don't think so because I followed up today at work to see if anyone was asking about him all 3 cashiers said no and I was there till 10pm (family ran 7-11) so they all know me and it's also a very notorious area of Dallas not the first dog I've helped the first one was when we worked security for the apartments adjacent to the 7-11 and found this poor husky mix in a crate behind a dumpster I spent my entire 8hr shift looking for the person who was responsible so I could have a strong conversation with them


You did a good thing.


I lived in El Paso TX for a couple years and the amount of animals people just drop off and drive away from is so saddening. That area really broke me. Coming from Minnesota where for the most part we make sure to police up animals right away and have a very robust network of no kill shelters. I fed stray dogs everyday down there and just tried my best to give a few friendly pats to any 11/10 good boy/girl that was wandering around. Absolutely heartbreaking conditions for animals and many people as well.


Beautiful dog. You might want to check if he's chipped, though. You never know where that person got the pup from.


This is what I was gonna say. Someone who left the dog tied up and got on a bus sounds uninvested and might not be the original owner.


I too was going to say this. I'm very concerned how a homeless person would come across a puppy this young. Almost feels like he might've been either missing or stolen.


https://preview.redd.it/t3j9ttwkd95d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e06ffc1b4cdfc3d354f6beec93343d516489f0 This is my girl Sadie, black Malinois / Dutch Shepard … maybe your boy will grow up to be a male version of her. Amazing dogs … just be prepared to put in the training time. It’s a multi-year process.


Man your pupper did NOT skip leg day, holy fuck! She's a beautiful tank!




Kindred souls 🤗


Omg she looks like ours who passed :( beautiful beautiful beautiful


Looks a lot like my dog, which everyone thought was a Mal. DNA test showed she’s actually 50-50 German Shepherd / American Bully. https://preview.redd.it/mz0xdbyi5d5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9541f258cb46adeafc1e11194317824c44fc78c


He has such beautiful fur and his yawn is so adorable. Thank you so much for saving him ♥️ what will you name him?


I named him Geronimo


Think you got yourself a lifelong friend. Definitely >half mal at minimum. Thank you for being a decent human being and taking him in. Dogs deserve far better than to be tied to a gas station ice case.


Those legs…..


He is beautiful.


To be honest, he reminds me of a German Shepherd. I could be completely wrong but that’s what this cutie reminds me of. But you’re completely right, he’s 💯 cutie!!🥰


Mals are the best dogs. I have two. Both have different personalities. I love that. Both huge lovers. The first was through a rescue. The second one my wife saw on the side of the road. Both of them are so great. We just got a new ball for the second one. My wife sent a video of her playing with it. All the tail wags. She jumped on it played with it etc. she showed me the ball when I got home. Point I’m trying to make. There are a lot of dogs less than fortunate. Give one a home. Show it love. Then watch it grow. It’s amazing. She’s so thankful for a ball. It’s amazing for me.


He does that with the elk antler I got him he throws it around and pounces on it like a full fledged goober


Showing off his things. Both of mine do it. One of them has learned that she can throw her rubber bone it the air. When she does it. She catches it. Then looks to see if we watched her do it. Total hams for attention.


Careful! We got our dog one of those bones filled with treat stuffing. She loved it, but also learned that to get the last of it out she could throw it into the air to let it smash onto the ground, causing pieces of the stuffing to fall out. We began to call it explodobone. But then we realized that there was a very real danger of that bone exploding our feet…or other extremities if she brought it to the bed to play. Sadly we had to remove explodobone, but she plays happily with her other toys


First, thank you for taking this handsome guy on. They are lots of work, but well worth your time and effort. You will have a loyal and loving companion for life. Good for you, great for him.


That’s a great looking dog I would love him so much


He is so gorgeous and absolutely precious!!!


We just rescued our guy from Texas too! He’s handsome. Congratulations you just won the dog lotto.


What a beauty! ❤️


I can’t stand people like that! Thank you for saving him. He looks like high content Mal to me


Hope you didn’t rob anyone.


Definitely not he was left in front of a 7-11 tied to an ice machine and watched him get on the bus and leave him with no food/ water in this Texas heat.


Did you watch him tie the dog in the first place?


You stole a homeless man's pet.... wtf


Left in the heat by someone who is barely able to take care of themselves, let alone another living being. Op did this pup a HUGE favor.


Hey thank you for taking up for me and not to mention he didn't have booties on and the place he was at had no shade and it was at least 96⁰f Texas gets hot


Mal and/ or Dutch for sure. Check if he’s chipped, get pet insurance and a good trainer asap. They are amazing animals and companions.


NSFW is the right tag. Oh my god.


Thank you for saving him! I have a Mal rescue. They know they are saved, trust me. Little Geronimo...I already am calling him Ronnie....lol...


Unbelievably cute. Looks like mine at /u/cleonardodavinci


Love how his tongue is the shape of a milkbone lol


You hit the jackpot


Oh wow he is beautiful,congrats and thanks for rescuing him,he looks like he is very young.Goog luck with your new MALIGATOR.


That a pure bread sable mal boy. Homeless guy had him? Hes stolen for sure.


Shut up. You don't know how that person ended up being homeless.