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I’m sorry you’re only 4’3, OP.


3'9 and a 1/2 actually but i appreciate the compliment! /s


Damn that’s small. Mexican?


Nah. Oompa loompa*


AAAAAA *"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"* reference


Yo it's Green Needle


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory actually


Lolly pop guild actually


What's the supposed to mean


What lollipop guild? It's those group of munchkins little people from Wizard of Oz that welcome Dorothy


No I'm asking why he said Mexican after short I want to know if I'm just short or I'm meant to be short


I'm not sure I guess he just thought it sounded funny perhaps he meant that Mexicans are inherently short but there's always exceptions to the rule


The only Mexicans I've met that were tall were both only half Mexican, one is a half white female who is like 6 foot 5, the other is a half native male who is like 6 foot 2


Mexicans are stereotypically known for being short.


Bro been hit with Green Green Grass of Home


I mean, that is something that 10 year olds will say to each other. It was a pretty common insult back on the elementary school playground.


I completely understand , its just not the sort of thing I'm used to in my childs programing. I love this show when I was younger and I'm watching this for the first time with my son and i wasn't planning on having to tell him that it's not okay to randomly call people midgets


Show came out 20 years ago and this is tame af


wait what? you can't drop a bomb like that and leave!


I'm know lol no need to make me feel older than I already feel


That's fair. Children's programming has changed since then.


That's 2005 for you


Tail end of the era just before Political Correctness poisoned conversation forever.


Hey, maybe don't. Thanks. Language is an ever-flowing, ever-changing thing. What's acceptable and unacceptable are always changing. Political correctness or otherwise.


Imma be honest, both my brothers are half black and are more offended by political correctness than being racially profiled. I'm sure it depends on person to person, but what offends some doesn't offend others, you can't keep everyone happy, and people will always find a reason to be offended, I say keep the racism in a joking way with friends and don't go to far with it.


genuine question, how do you get offended by not being called slurs


That's exactly what I was thinking when I read it too.


The offensive thing is that people will be overzealously anti-racist, for example a friend of yours calls you a slur jokingly you laugh it off/don't care a stranger you've never seen in your life intervenes and "defends" you as if you weren't able to do that yourself


i'm like 90% sure that they didn't like being called that in 2005 either people just ignored it, n you still can, pls feel free to ignore social groups and call them slurs so your conversations flow better, ofc someone who belongs to one of those groups may get pissed n punch the shit out of you, but yk you'll have your conversations back so it must be worth it




This has nothing to do with Political Correctness, this is just a matter of times changing. This is something that was said in that era but is no longer said because people grew up and the idea of insulting people with slurs is becoming less and less of a thing as time goes on.


Based and agree.


Based and agree.


Based and disagree


Bro got negated out of existence 💀




Ben is about maybe an inch shorter than Gwen


"And don't you forget it."


This is the second time I've seen someone be surprised at the word midget. Wtf happened ???? I'm well aware it's not an appropriate word, I'm just lost on the shock factor. The other instance someone called it "the m slur"


Its a bad word to call someone but not a slur. Who in their right mind would call it a slur?


A lot of people of small stature find the word to be offensive or demeaning


People of small stature is more demeaning that midget lmao. Imagine if people called a shortie "person of small stature".


I can only speak from my personal experience. Based on a single conversation I've had with one person, they told me they find the term midget offensive and generally prefer to be regarded as a person of small stature


I think midget is a word that really depends on personal preference. I your little pocket pal has no problem being called a midget, you can use it towards them. Apparently your's doesnt, and that is completely O.K.


Little People of America (LPA), a nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families, says that the term "midget" is unanimously considered to be offensive. In 2015, they reported that more than 90% of its members thought the word "midget" derogatory.


It still can be used if one allows you to. If members of an american organisation largely don't prefer it doesn't mean that nobody does. It has also been 9 years since 2015.


Im sure the same could be said about the N-word but i still wouldn't try it. This was just the first readily available survey i found after Googling it. Obviously it's an American survey that couldn't possibly account for every member of this community. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable addressing a person who suffered from dwarfism as a midget to their face, but your obviously free to do and say whatever you please. I highly doubt people have become less offended in the last 9 years but that is all a matter of opinion.


A matter of experiences and opinions it is then. Its been a long time since someone from reddit respectfully disagreed with me and for that, thank you. Have a great day mate.


The term "person of small stature" is less demeaning because it's not used to insult a short person. It also includes short people, but it's meant for dwarfs.


Alright I'll use Oompa Loompa from now on


This word is getting the same treatment as the phrase "screwing up".


Wait, what's wrong with "screwing up"? I'm not a native english speaker so i thought it was a tame word


For some reason people aren’t allowed to say it near children, because it’s “inappropriate”, despite it being a censoring


I cannot find anything about the supposed inappropriateness of this phrase online, and I’m sure reactionary mom websites would be talking about it


Here's my best guess at the origin of the phrase and why it's deemed problematic. When you screw a bolt, it goes down. But when you unscrew a bolt, it goes up and the whole thing comes undone. Hence the term Screw Loose. So screwing up meaning you messed up the design plans or whatever. But screw has another meaning in English. Fuck. Screw up could be easily taken to mean fuck up.


I you’re right, that think the fuck up connection is probably why some people might have an issue with it, but I think the actual origin likely has more to do with screwing up something like a piece of paper or an item of clothing, than with actual screws


yoooo, MightyBondandi, i follow you on Instagram my dude, love your art!


We need another war so people can have actual problems to worry about again....


I am too young to not understand what's happening 💀 I feel so left out


> The other instance someone called it "the m slur" Somewhere, a producer is thinking "told you so, Mulaney".


Lmao, i remember these things, latin american spongebob dub once had squidward called spongebob and patrick a “pair of re____s”


COD lobby Squidward


Different time. That, The F slur, and the R slur were in everyday vocabulary back then. If you didn’t call your friend the F word you weren’t friends lol


for real, haha i was more surprised than anything because I don't think I ever caught this until now or just never paid enough attention before. Love this show its my first time watching the series with my son


The f what and r what?


And that was the day Gwen got cancelled.


I legitimately don't understand what's wrong here, didn't everybody say this stuff as a kid?


Worked with a girl whose whole family had dwarfism , according to her at least the term midget is regarded as demeaning or offensive to some. lol it's just not a word you hear thrown around a lot in kids cartoons, now I have to explain to my son that's not okay to just randomly call people midgets


IDK, maybe it's just me, but I still feel like the word is fairly commonplace. Maybe not in kid's cartoons, but in general I still hear the word used a fair amount


I can't remember the last time I heard that word, you must live in a very different society than me


Yeah probably, lol. Growing up I used to call my cousin "Midget" all the time cuz she was like, a foot shorter than everyone else despite being the oldest, so I just never thought it was a big deal


ok midget


fun fact small tootsie rolls are actually called Midgees


Fun fact - [there is technically a difference between dwarves and midgets](https://www.diffen.com/difference/Dwarf_vs_Midget), though midget is considered a slur nowadays (similarly to how retard is an actual medical term that is also considered a slur).


I wasn’t aware midget was a slur, I mean, I wouldn’t use it on someone with dwarfism But I never it considered it impolite enough to not be used on TV


I never said it was a slur, although the fact that you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it to someone with dwarfism should tell you everything you need to know. The only problem I have is I had to explain to my son what a midget was and that it's not okay to just randomly call people one didn't think I'd be having this conversation with him today but here we are lol.


I’m just surprised you’re surprised it was on a kids show


I'm sure not everyone finds it offensive, however I worked with a girl whose family all had dwarfism and they hated the term midget, it's also just not something you hear often in children's programming.


Fair enough!


What’s the matter?


Before when people weren't so offended by everything


You won’t believe what Gohan called Buu https://youtu.be/RRrn2d0N2Vg?si=OEwJwik8G04rqNRm


Damn, dude was just 5'11.


Not as bad as Ben in this series telling Gwen "don't get your shorts in a twist" and he says it MULTIPLE TIMES


Its the american version of "Don't get your knickers in a twist" how is that offensive?


The version I know is "don't get your panties in a twist" and it typically was a sexual remark


The distinction is purely a British versus American thing knickers originally used to mean underwear but over time evolved into knickerbockers to mean short shorts.I believe this is where the distinction comes from


Which episode?


I think it was the kraken episode, and if I'm right, it was before scaring her as fourarms in the beginning . Could be wrong tho.


You are correct it is the Kraken episode


They had the craziest roasts


Not every word was viewed as a slur. Even 20 years ago


At this point imma say what I want >! Frame this for when I get canceled lol /J !<




Is midget offensive now? ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


I mean in the context of the episode it was obviously meant to be offensive to him . she did use the word to insult him. My issue wasn't that she called him a midget it's that I had to stop the episode and explain to my son what dwarfism is ,and that it's not okay to just randomly call people midgets. I'm pretty sure it's his new favorite word now


It's not ok to randomly call people midgets. But it's definitely not that big of a deal enough to lecture your kid mid episode. Especially not in the context of the show. Just two cousins jerking around with each other literally every episode. If you teach your kid to be too sensitive he will get bullied by their peers in the future.


lol I didn't "lecture" him, I had to pause it because he asked me what a midget was. Now he won't stop saying it.


Lmao. That's such a kid thing to do XD. He'll get tired of eventually. As long as he doesn't "insult" people no need to worry about it imo.


For real I just hope he gets tired of it soon


To be fair it was the early 2000's


As more words become used offensively, more older media is gonna have this. One time I was watching Breaking Bad and Hank called Jesse a racial slur lmao


Early 2000s humor was something else.


Aren’t they the same height?


Op can’t even watch a kids show without getting upset


I never said I was upset, more surprised than anything. I love this show, that's why I'm still watching it at 30. Its just now I have to explain to my son that it's not okay to just call people midgets. Didnt think of be having this conversation today lol


Tell him it’s not okay to brain wash and enlarge animals to go on a robbery spree as well


The difference is he Didn't ask me about Brian washing and enlarging animals. However he did ask me what a midget was


to these commenters, y'all understand you can still say it right? you can also say the f-slur and the n-word and any other slur you'd like, ofc people might get pissed at you, but um there's never been a time where there weren't words that pissed people off lmao, that's always been a thing, i mean christian's get on people about saying "jesus" in vein, but id never go "oh you're just sensitive and you're killing conversations with your sensitivity" i just don't fuckin say it again lmao, like i truly don't understand yall edgelords whining do you not see the irony in "this person got offended at a thing i said and for that reason im fuckin pissed" like dude you're the sensitive one if other people processing emotion gets you upset


I vividly remember gwen calling ben a r\*tard in the latin spanish dub


I don't get what's so bad about saying midget






? is midget a slur now or something? she’s literally just calling him short


I mean it was obviously meant to be offensive to Ben otherwise she would have just called him shorty or something like that personally I wouldn't feel comfortable calling someone with dwarfism a midget to their face


Yes obviously the insult is meant to be offensive? its an insult, but ben doesn’t have dwarfism, shes literally just calling him a short person, if they changed the wording to “shorty” would it still be an issue? Its not (it atleast it doesn’t come off to me as) problematic, had the insult been directed at, or had negative cultural history with people who suffer from dwarfism etc… then I could see the issue


She has called him shorty, and that's just normal family banter. so no that isnt the issue. Its like when people substitue the word g@y or r3t@rded to mean somthing is stupid. they may not be using those words to insult someone directly, but the context reinforces negative connotations .


Thats just a false comparison, she isn’t saying midget as in stupid, she’s saying midget as in midget because she means his height What negative connotation? she’s just mocking his height, also pretty sure its not even a slur nor does it have any connection to people to suffer from dwarfism


The word Midget traces back to the days of "freak shows" when people referred to short-statured performers for public amusement. Little People of America (LPA), an organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families, says that the term "midget" is unanimously considered to be offensive. In 2015, they reported that more than 90% of its members thought the word "midget" derogatory. Also I didn't say midget was a stand in for stupid i said Its simillar in the sense that using the word in this context reinforces negative connotations about it.


The more you know ig, still show is like 20 years old, the producers probably didn’t have any ill will towards dwarfism but rather didn’t even know


We want a pitcher not a hairy-


The proper terminology is “Vertically Challenged”


This is not offensive where I live, even in current time. I watched this episode a few weeks ago, and I didn't even realise I was supposed to notice something. They bully each other like they're from a decade ago, which is a given, but people still regularly say midget here, and not a single person actually uses it to refer to someone with Dwarfism. If someone has Dwarfism, then you just don't mention their height, or anything about their disability unless they talk to you about it. That should be obvious to anyone. Here, midget is just a term people call each other to make fun of friends or family that are completely able, but happen to be short. No one is insulting others with disabilities.


Also what app are you using


No app Needed. I own the complete series on dvd


Are you American by any chance? I want to get the DVD set but hear Warnerbros made the disc faulty so anything between 2006-2009 have disc rot which is when the Ben 10 dvds came out. How’s the quality?


I am yes. most are good, i have every season they are all original. i think maybe one disc might skip on season 3.


Too sad I can’t buy it (And it’s only available legit way)


The original series is all available on Netflix


I live in Algeria which means I have to be in a different country to watch it It’s not like we don’t have Netflix,we do,but I think Ben 10 is just available on some servers that are not really close or available to Algeria


Oh gotcha, I'm sorry to hear that. I thought I heard somewhere if you got a VPN that you'd be able to watch versions of Netflix from other countries


Gwen is still the best tho.




Never remember hearing her say that, though ben was shortish as a kid


Love how people who aren't of small stature, are weighing in on what they think is offensive or not. If a group of people tell you a word is offensive to them, the generally good thing to do is stop calling them that. That's why midget is shocking to see in a kids show, especially today, because it was and is considered offensive.


So only short people can have a say about short people? Should people who pay the most taxes have the most say about the government's spending as well by your logic?


Love how you automatically jump to the end of democracy with just a simple comment about what a group of people would prefer to be called.


For real


That was just a common word for everyone to use back then. It’s like the R word. It’s just something we did but most of us just don’t use anymore. The far more crazy thing is how much more common innuendos and swears have been making their way in which honestly, good for them. Beats the actually harmful stuff some other folks wanna jam down our throats.


I was just more surprised than anything. I had to stop the episode and explain the word to my son and that it's not okay to randomly call people midgets . the funny part about this interaction is that Gwen is barely taller than Ben to begin with LOL


Thankfully that’s really the only instance of that kind of language in the show, and it’s only in episode 3. Almost makes me want Meghan Smith to redub it with a different insult just so it doesn’t stand out like that.


I'm just surprised they didn't opt for a term like shorty


Nothing wrong here


Damn, this show really *has* aged.


Same energy as katara calling sokka sexist


Except Sokka, most likely, WAS being sexist. The difference being that Statment was used to further his character arc. Gwen calling Ben a midget does nothing but maraganalize a group of people for the sake of a joke.


She used the m word


In the past 20 years, language and code of conduct can truly change... Safe to say this will never happen again.


Bro got bullied by fictional characters


I'm not insulted personally I had to pause the show and tell my son that it's okay to randomly call people midgets because he didn't know what it meant.


Why am being downvoted


Probably for the same reason anyone gets downvoted, someone didn't like what you had to say. It's happened to me quite a few times on this thread.


Wait I don’t remember that