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If you can’t feel them man then tbh you should stop taking them. If you don’t have anxiety or ptsd or some other panic disorder, try another substance. Benzos and alcohol are 2 of the only things withdrawal from can literally kill you. I wish I had never started benzos. Withdrawals are absolutely hellish some of the worst ever and it lasts weeks


Yeah but its hard im in point where i dont wanna stop doing drugs i have been clean, used training as my drug but all went down the sink after feeling stuck in life


Try other drugs other than benzos man


Tolerance is too high


Lot of fakes going around. If your buying them off the street make sure the plugs reputable


The problem is sometimes they work but most of the times they dont work is it just him giving me both fake and real to keep me buying. what do you think ?


The problem is galenika products are being faked. You can even see it on google articles. I take galenika vals but it took me 2 years of trial and error to find the legit ones. So it’s possible you could be getting both real and fake


I bought Rivotril Galinka brand for 2 years constantly here in Scandinavia like 7y ago - tasted the same, looked the same, could eat 10mg and feel something but I didn’t know what, on the real ones I feel great on 4mg (with minor tolerance). I did the mistake buy 20 after all shitty ones , and started with 6mg because they stopped working anyway, hard and perfectly shape and didn’t came in blister and split perfectly in half when I broke them, I felt the well-being spread after 45 min and thought to myself, ‘yes jackpot’, took another 6mg. On my way to work next morning I tripped on the smallest stone anyone ever tripped on, and realize I was wasted. Still continued to work, was there for 45 minutes before my boss sent me home.