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“I don’t do delusion so I just blocked her” love this woman… OP is hurt but she will be fine.


We need this as a flair. And more people need to start following her shining example.


My only question……why do people always assume the poster is from America? They never ask, always just give advice based off America laws.


Especially when she listed her salary in Euros, lol.


Who but an American would quote their annual income in Euros?!? /s


I promise as an American I also get annoyed- it’s not hard to read and see that someone is from a different country rather than being wrong or confused about their facts (even if she hadn’t included the currency in her post… that just makes it worse )


US defaultism is a common thing, especially online. the US has a massive case of Main Character Syndrome.


I have argued with an American about my country's laws in the comments section of a news article from my country. They insisted they were correct.


It’s so annoying !


> I don't do delusion so I just blocked her. I absolutely love this pragmatic approach


It would also make a great flair. That aside, I applaud OOP for not entertaining the craziness the side chick oozes.


What is your flair from




Good lord, that was a Telenovela with everything except the amnesia plot line.


You, sir, are a saint. Thanks for the link.


Since it's my flair too, I keep it handy for when folks ask. ;)


I should do this! Sadly, I don't. Thank you for providing the link!!


I need to do that with mine, but the no context cum jar is always golden


Damn, that was a wild ride.


What gets me about this one is the total nearly gloss over.. so Cheryl slept with Tom so she was kicked out. Later we did a DNA test and Tom is her dad.. Then just MOVES ON to the next messed up thing like that's not even that huge.


Holy shit, I missed this one


Wow just wow! 😮


thank you for posting this link! and i'm eternally grateful for u/Direct-Caterpillar77 for their wonderful stories and most importantly mood-spoilers :D


I think it’s the mood warning from another BORU not that long ago. I remember reading it and laughing, but can’t for the life of me recall the actual story. I do remember being shocked.


Yes! The flair really did make the story.


I can never remember either! I remember reading it, but not the story it came from.


You can check the flair origins post, it will be in there! . . . . ....Somewhere...


Please will someone make this a flair?!  I’m even tempted to change my Liz flair to this. 


How does one acquire a flair? Do the mods just need to smile upon you?


You do it through the app rather than on the website. I think? I can’t remember 


Ah thank you. I use the app but haven't found the option. I shall dig further


You can request new flairs here [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cbq9v4/flair\_request\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cbq9v4/flair_request_thread/)


If you want one that’s already a flair, then just click on the three dots at the top right of the main page of the subreddit. Choose change flair. Choose your flair.


Absolutely flair-worthy. Boss girl move.


The moment I read that, I wanted it as a flair.. i genuinely adore OOP and her attitude.


These flairs are all so wonderful. Can’t someone program a flair-bot?


Op is so cool. Love that 😍


Can we have this as a flair please?


There's a flair request post but please also include the link when asking so the Mods can add it to the Flair Origin list as well!


You can request new flairs here  [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cbq9v4/flair\_request\_thread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cbq9v4/flair_request_thread/)


I think I've found my new motto in dealing with my in-laws


I love your flair. I just realized last month that my husband had never come across the Ogtha post so I made him read it and now he makes Ogtha jokes a lot.


Yea, much like war games the only winning move is to not play when it comes to people like that.  I like to rephrase it to the only way to win is to not play bc out of original context it makes more sense that way.   So many potential headaches are correctly resolved that way.  Not to say it’s an excuse to avoid things that need to be addressed but in situations like this where responding is only going to give people who are not coming to you in good faith a foothold to be able to bother you more or escalate the issue.  


That’s why she is rich!


Oh, you remember the art room! 😊


My favourite story ever, is just so ridiculous


>He didn’t want to lose his manhood. Does he think they'll cut his d off or smth? lol so dumb. thank god oop wasnt married to this dumb trash


Sadly, a fairly common idea, that a vasectomy somehow will affect their “abilities” or worse still, that shooting blanks makes them “less manly”.


Unfortunately many men confuse a vasectomy with castration. I've had men my age (mid 30's) who legit thought it was the same thing as when you take a male dog to the vet to be neutered!


Before I got a snipped I was told by a few of my friends and sibling to not do it. The appointment before the surgery the doctor said “before you have any questions watch this video”. It was literally a video of debunking all the things say about why not to get snipped. The only thing that caught me off guard was that after you get snipped you still need to ejaculate 20-30 more times and then take a sample down to the lab to be examined.


…and be sure to get retested to make sure the swimmers are gone. Do it every year, as part of an annual check-up because, depending on the type of vasectomy (cauterized vs not) the snip can/might reattach.


Facts. I still pull out even with a vasectomy 🤣🤣🤣. My wife is way too Fertile! Our last child (who’s now 2) she still got pregnant with a IUD in. Her OBGYN was like “oh wow that’s so rare!” And we were like “yay lucky us”. Though I can’t imagine life without our two year old :-)




Again, depending on the type of vasectomy (cauterized vs simple snip) should check for at least 5 years. Sometimes the snip isn’t as permanent (reconnects).


Well, it makes sense. Even if you disconnect the garden hose from the water supply, there's always water left in the hose that'll get everywhere when you're not careful.




And the hose is literally meters long, so lots of stored content.


And some people will always try to put their finger in it, no matter how I'll-advised it is. Wait. What were we talking about?




My partner had zero problems trying 20-30 more times to get me pregnant before he went in for the official all-clear. He didn't score, thankfully, but it was a fun thrill to take all those shots on goal!


That sounds like the opposite of a fun thrill to me lol


Are you telling me they weren't supposed to cut off my dick and balls when I got my vasectomy!? I thought that was the whole point!!


This is it. My husband, a loving and reasonable man, a man of science was nervous to get a vasectomy because he didn’t know what would happen to all the sperm and would it back up and does it cause prostate cancer. I looked at him all confused and said “no and no”. I told him thousands of men have it done and they are perfectly fine. Why should I have surgery where I have to go to the hospital and be put under when he can spend 30 minutes in the doctor’s office? He realized how stupid he was sounding and got it done. I think men hear sharp instrument near penis and balls and the lizard part of their brain takes over lol.


Not just sharp, now you get to smell your burning flesh with the newer tools. Way less invasive, but that was a weird sensation.


Vasectomy - best birth control & does not impact performance or intense orgasms


The stupidity honestly checks out He had such a fragile ego, I'm sure he felt like such a "big man" for gifting & providing for his side piece while breadwinner OOP made him feel emasculated by providing for him and making over 10x his income. The karma is great, but I do feel bad for that poor kid as both parents are trash :(


Oh, I read it as - she is paying for all of the things at their home, the house is hers and in general she is much more wealthy. So he did not want to loose his manhood and got a younger sidepiece. xD


And her tricking him to get pregnant. Like, she certainly didn't jizz on her own vagina 


She told him she was on the pill! And she put a hole in the condom! And she made him trip and fall into her vagina!!


And she was living in his house just from the goodness in his heart, not because they are having sex.


This man is a teacher...


There’s so many idiots out there, and worse, they’re breeding


My ex husband refused point blank to have a vasectomy, I didn’t want to get pregnant again after getting pregnant 3 times within 18months (2 live births) I refused to have sex with him, problem solved!


I love that between paying rent and buying Prada, Prada won. How?!


She thought that dude had more money to give her


GF believed an untrustworthy, lying, cheating asshat, that he was married to a wealthy woman and once they're divorced, he would get a nice, big settlement and half of everything OOP owns. Who knew an untrustworthy, lying, cheating asshat could be so... untrustworthy? baffling.


She was probably demanding he end the "marriage" so they could stop hiding and she'd get a more luxurious life. He wouldn't do it, so she might have been (possibly subconsciously) trying to force his hand by letting the apartment go.


Why pay rent, when there's a big house with guest house sitting and waiting for her?


She believed she was sleeping with a married man and could just roll up and move it. Real MENSA candidate. That poor baby.


Priorities. Prada shows off better on social media.


I actually knew someone who wanted to sell their couch to fund her Gucci diaper bag. 🙃


And even that is more reasonable than not paying rent. You can sit on the floor. It is worse to not have a floor.


Maybe the baby didn’t have the right clothes?


"Show me proof that you're not married!" Send a bunch of completely white or black JPGs. "Here's my lack of a marriage certificate. This is the wedding that didn't happen. Here's us not at the altar not exchanging vows. Aww, this is the cute moment where he didn't try to mash cake in my face and I didn't judo flip him into the meatballs..."


This comment made me laugh more than I care to admit. Also: "I didn't judo flip him into the meatballs" should be a flair.


[Reminds me of the real Helen Keller](https://www.instagram.com/therealhelenkeller?igsh=OGI1d2p0eGp0YzFj)


There is bunch of empty hand pictures online just for that. Great deal of sellers want proof that you didn't get anything too.


“It was a one time thing and she tricked him into having a baby, the baby is not his and he can prove it” It’s not mine! I was just holding it for a friend!!!


Yeah from this retelling; I love that he didn’t deny that he fucked her, but just denied that his sperm ended up being more useful than him


Nice try. We all know that possession is 9/10 of the law.


Ex's GF thought she had a golden goose; she and ex are getting what both deserve. He was saying he was married, so he couldn't marry her.


I wonder what else he was saying that this stranger walked in an unpacked baby clothes.


I think we have all the relevant information here. GF thought BF was loaded and that BF was going to marry her as soon as he got divorced. GF spent all of his money, and got evicted. GF decided that half the house was going to belong to BF anyway, so why not move things forward? She broke the news to OOP, and then found out that she was the world's biggest idiot, second only to BF.


> He was saying he was married, so he couldn't marry her. Probably more trying to pretend that he was wealthier than he was (because the wealth was all OP's).


One of the most amusing genres of cheaters there is to me are the broke losers who want to come across like Big Men (I'm aware not only men fit this archetype but, from my experience, it's typically men) rolling in wealth to their gold digging side pieces. I love when the affair gets discovered and the other woman finds out that he's not nearly as wealthy as he was letting on and the wealth actually came from his wife. It makes me laugh every time. This actually reminds me of that saga about the SAHD who had 4 daughters with his wealthy and successful wife but, cheated on her and got babytrapped by his AP who thought he was well off.


I don't remember that one.  It sounds like it's full of schadenfreude. 


Here's a link to it if you're still interested!: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/10yn7oi/man_cheats_on_his_wife_and_his_daughters_hate_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


>I don’t do delusion so I just blocked her.  Still my favorite line from this. I can't wait for the people who attacked the OOP from the "cut my daughter's inheritance" story to go attack the OOP of this story as well. "How dare OOP punish a baby!" It makes me wonder if that argument means that people who make bad decisions shouldn't be faced with the consequences of their decisions if they have kids??


Punish a baby? A woman you don't know, who you have never heard of, busts into your house claiming you need to go to a hotel and starts unpacking - are you supposed to make her lunch before you leave?


I'm from a developing nation. If I have funds to spare, I'm sure there's a cousin I can help instead of a husband's mistress.


My point is that at the moment the woman came to the door... she had no idea if she was actually a mistress or just some wacko.


She **is** a wacko if she spends (rent) money on Prada bags to the point of getting homeless with a baby.


GF was obviously always speculating on moving in in OOP's home, so why spend all that money on something so mundane as rent, if she will live in that big house very soon? To bad OOP's ex is an untrustworthy, lying asshat. The house and the money isn't his and without a marriage, there will be no sweet settlement money post divorce from wealthy OOP to fund the lifestyle his GF clearly was expecting. tragic. I feel sorry for the child, who's trapped in this mess and probably definitely only was created for gold-digging purposes, though.


Kid had ONE job!


Makes me think of how the women Beyonce’s father cheated and procreated with keep running to the media complaining that Beyonce won’t help them financially. The woman made a whole visual album talking about how cheating hurts (and has made subsequent references), but she’s supposed to pay for the rearing of kids she had no hand in making and give money to women who helped her father hurt her mother and end their relationship? Uh, no. Let him take care of his responsibilities.


"Oh no, the way more successful child of the man I slept with because I thought he had money won't pay up!" - these sidechicks, probably.


I mean sure. But I always wonder why Beyonce doesn't divorce Jay-Z


Probably because they have built quite a substantial business empire together and it benefits them both to continue legally as a married couple; plus the personal reasons on both their parts, whatever those may be.


Where is your flair coming from? That sounds hilarious


yup, anyone who expects OOP to take in the kid can take them in themselves, why not after all? she's equally responsible for the kid than any whiny redditor MIL genuinely has a connection and is more bound than OOP


Right? For one night at least, you can host someone in your studio apartment.


Oop didn't punish the baby. The side piece punished her own baby and try to drag oop into it.


But that's what the people in the other story said OOP was doing, punishing a poor innocent baby just because her mom was a gold digging mistress...


Says the people who did nothing to help the baby, so why would anything they say have any weight?


I saw another Redditor say this and I love it: delulu is not the solulu.




>OOP: He didn’t want to lose his manhood. His literal reason I swear all these men think a vasectomy is the same as castration. How else could they possibly think you "lose your manhood" otherwise? It's invisible, doesn't stop you being able to ejaculate, doesn't reduce your sex drive or prevent you from getting an erection. How is any part of your manhood lost other than being able to have children, something he insists he doesn't want?


I love stories where the gold digger discovers they’ve mined Pyrite.


It’s pretty funny


-**OOP:** He didn’t want to lose his manhood. His literal reason What the fuck is with men and thinking vasectomies 'take away their manhood'?? It's not fuckin' CASTRATION, buddy. Your balls are still perfectly fuckin' functional and intact; literally the only difference is they closed off the passageway so the troopers can't invade the starbase. It's literally so fucking funny to me how fragile some dudes can be about their penises.


I agree!! Me and my husband are child free and he said- I don't want some doctor near my balls with any sharp objects, like literally it is sooo much riskier for women to get a bisalp! There's some saying I heard and I'll probably get it wrong but "it's easier to unload the gun instead of shoot at a bullet proof vest" also one of my fb acquaintances legit made a status saying- just got snipped! Meet me at this* pub for beers! Also it's reversible ffs edit- spelling and also adding in totally his body/choice and I take BC pills anyway for cramps anyways,


i used to work at Planned Parenthood where we did vasectomies and we *always* counseled patients to not count on the procedure being reversible. with the way most vasectomies are done these days with cauterizing the vas deferens it’s very difficult to reverse and is often not successful. not only that, but insurance companies will almost never pay for a reversal. i’m a huge proponent of vasectomies but patients need to be 100% sure they don’t want any/more children first.


Just be aware of all the things that can mess with the effectiveness of the pills, such as antibiotics, activated charcoal, and, IIRC, St. John's Wort. (This is not an exhaustive list.)


Don't trust people who vacations to Dubai


I still can't figure out why this guy was on vacation alone instead of with his wife. I'm convinced he's has at least a second affair partner. If not more.


You can tell a lot about a person by their attitude to Dubai. 


The only person in my entire life who romanticizes Dubai and vacations there, is also the absolute scummiest worst human I have ever had the displeasure of knowing , so… I feel very validated by this comment lol


Gf realising he’s broke as f 😂 that’s the funniest part of this .


I would feel bad for the gf because she was lied to, but she knew he was "married" and literally tried to take OOP's wealth from her.


It’s my favorite comeuppance I see on Reddit. Affair partner is convinced they’re owed big time and surprise, their married fling is broke!


This is a whole new level of delusional entitlement I can’t even comprehend. You show up to your AP’s house, he’s not there so you just START SQUATTING IN HIS HOUSE AND KICK OUT HIS WIFE. I’m flabbergasted.


I can see the sidepiece becoming a stalker because the common-law wife had the lifestyle she thought she was entitled to, only to find out that the wife can have it without the man. Wouldn’t be surprised if her next play was some psuedo-sisterhood, “We were both betrayed” type ish. But certain women only espouse sisterhood when it suits them; when it comes to one-upping a woman, it suddenly doesn’t matter...until it does again (i.e., when they follow the money/real source of what made the man attractive—in other words, the woman).


I just wanna know how you make a cool mil a year making furniture. Edit: I get that we don't know the currency but apparently a teacher makes 60k in that currency, so she is making 17 times or so more than a teacher.


"Making furniture" probably doesn't mean handcrafting it. It most likely means she came up with a design  & it got popular enough she has a factory/workshop where other people crank out her designs. (Though actually, now that I think about it, I actually personally know 2 people who make about that doing similar craftsmanship for billionaires...one makes handcrafted custom cabinet built-in type stuff, the other does one of a kind custom pieces for practical things like railings, front doors, etc. His stuff is more like art pieces you would see in a gallery even though completely functional. Both of them are as much artists as craftsmen)


I grew up pretty privileged due to handcrafted furniture. My dad’s day job was pretty damned blue collar. His hobby was “playing with wood.” He had a really nice side-hustle doing custom cabinetry, tables, things of that nature. He absolutely could have made it into a career, but, that just wasn’t a part of his personality. As a hobby, albeit a money making one, he could basically pick and choose what he enjoyed working on, verses *having* to make something to pay the bills.


Yep, turn your hobby into your job, and you'll end up hating them both.


I mean the prices people on Insta charge for their thrift shop flipped stuff is a lot and they’re transparently showing it’s thrifted; if it’s custom to order or she’s literally making custom pieces from scratch I’d believe it.


I think probably she owns a company that makes furniture rather than necessarily making it all herself. There's a local furniture company where I live that according to google is worth about (US) $100 million since they started up in 2015 who make furniture that is both good quality and specifically easy to move. So maybe she thought of some niche like that.


I was thinking, there are a lot of Italian designer furniture brands famous in rich circles in Europe. The handmade, luxury type. My in-laws are knowledgeable in that because it's a way to build rapport with wealthy clients in finance. I'm the type who only knows Ikea and Jysk, so I have no eye for furniture. But I'm not surprised about OOP's net worth.


We do know the currency € = Euros


Perhaps custom furniture?


That's what I'm thinking. I like to watch this guy on youtube who makes custom wooden furniture from tree scraps and resin, and holy shit if his stuff doesn't look like a million bucks.


We had a small table (circular made for a breakfast nook) and 4 chairs made from wormwood. It was made by a Mennonite company for $8k and will last pretty much forever. I worked at an interior design company and furniture can cost a looooooooot of money if it is good quality.


Can I ask for the name of the YT channel? I'm interested in this sort of stuff


Might be Blackrock studios, that guy does nice work


My boss makes probably that or around that making video games. How does one make this much money making video games? You own the company that makes video games. I'm kinda confused why people seem hung up on that concept.


It’s right there, she makes €1M. If you saw she makes 1M, you also saw its euros. 


It's a lot more likely that OOP makes a mil a year *designing* furniture. They may make the test pieces themself or something like that. Or, they could be talking gross income rather than net profit. I watch some woodworkers on youtube that make really fucking expensive furniture that might gross that much but the wood they use is super expensive. Like "ooops I just fucked up a $50,000 piece of wood" expensive. Black Forest Wood Co. made a $50,000 front door for a mansion a while back. That's not their profit on the door though, that's their gross income. They had to buy the expensive wood and pay like 8 dudes to help install it.


Fancy cat trees or castles that take up a 20 foot long wall from top to bottom.


There is a lot of money in cat furniture, to be sure


We do know the currency. It's in the post - € = euros.


I am now Picturing that scene from Parks and Rec where Ben talks about how much the chair with a roof costs at Entertainment 720. 


I mean she has a company. Pretty sure it's a profitable business, too, because she came up with a product the demand was there for but not the supply. 


We *do* know the currency, it’s euros, she used the symbol and everything


>make around €1M a year Do you seriously not know what € means?


Considering English is a second language it might be a million in a currency with higher inflation and she might also 'make it' in the sense she owns a factory


I was thinking she may actually design furniture and contract a company to construct what she designs and sells.


I mean given she said it's 1M euros a year and that she's a designer I'd say that she "makes" it in the sense of owning a furniture company and it's actually closer to 1.1M USD.


It’s Euros. My guess is she started as a boutique furniture designer partnering with a small factory and her work has gotten popular. I don’t think she’s making every individual piece.


The currency marker is right there in the post. It's Euros.


> I make furniture and make around €1M a year. My husband is a teacher. Ah yes, the House Hunters couple archetype


“I am a font-namer and my partner is a daydream interpreter. Our budget is $10 billion.”


Amazing How.... how do you have the energy to be doing shit like that? The (no) common sense, the selfishness? Me, I'm way too practical and loyal! If I didn't love my partner anymore, I'd just end things. This dude also had a cushy life due to OOP's business and he decided to go ahead and cheat?! Like.... Amazing


Lol at the commenter that couldn't fathom a teacher being child-free. Do you think chefs want to come home and cook dinner after a long day of cooking dinner for other people? Teaching children is the same.


This lady means business. You gotta love someone like OOP. Takes no shit. Deals no shit. Just hard facts and true here. I can say I’m a little sad that we’re not gonna find out who the actual father of the baby is. Though it is definitely easy to trap someone. As we all know, because we’re frequenters of this thread: just poke holes in the condom and them you’re on birth control so they can raw dog. But I genuinely say God bless OOP for not realizing that. She is not a jaded, Reddit reader like I am. The world has left her innocent, and I hope her innocent is protected, because the world needs to protect a person like this


If the gf convinces asshat to fight the separation we might get an update. I hope OOP is able to find peace and the others figure out their shit


Soon he'll miss what he used to have and come grovelling back.


If he owned the OW’s apartment, and clearly stayed there at least sometime, could be argued that he lived there and just stayed with OOP most of the time? So OOP could argue against cohabitation and owing him anything


Since OOP said the gf was using the money he gave her for luxury goods instead of paying the rent, it looks like he doesn't own it. Cohabitation argument would depend on whose name is on the lease. Did he rent it in his own name and just let her live there, or did she rent it, and he just gave her money to cover the rent? If he rented it in his name, then gf has blown his credit rating all to hell and gone.


People find good partners, build a good life, then sabotage it with people that don't have common sense 🤦🏾‍♂️


Imagine being the side piece and having the absolute audacity to march up to the [assumed] wife and say “I live here now.” 🫨. Nawwww *fam* GTFOH


This is the attitude everyone that gets cheated on should have


It's incredible how the commenters actually sat around lecturing OP on divorce laws without even knowing her jurisdiction. I can't believe she was able to actually respond with just straight facts with no hint of the smugness that they deserved when challenging her knowledge.


Sometimes it's hard to acknowledge that there are places that aren't the USA and things happen there, I guess.


OOP literally mentioned euros in the first post and people still talked to her about USA laws.


I do enjoy the cut and dry laws regarding assets wherever this person hails from.  I wish we had more consistent and clear cut rules so emotions cannot cloud how they treat the other when it is time to split outside of being more generous than the rules that are already pretty fair from the sound of it.  He would have gotten more had he not already signed agreements that say he accepts that he will not get them like the house and certain art pieces.  


When MIL went in on OOP, OOP should've said, "Do you really think so? That a mother and baby shouldn't be abandoned? I'm so relieved you've said this, I'm going to send them to you via taxi. Don't worry, I'll pay for it. See you in a couple of hours!" Then tell gf that MIL has kindly offered to take her in until this is sorted.


OP sounds awesome and I want to be her friend! I'm so sorry this is happening to her, but I'm glad she's not getting screwed over (anymore). I'm glad she'll have more powerful lawyers than he will. I hope when this is all over she can find peace and happiness (and an even cooler home in which to fill with even happier memories).


Well mistress is crazy and husband is just a pathetic cheater. Throw those trash out. OP handled things really good and I hope she has a good future. ~~Side note, I like to travel Dubai sometime. Heard some nice things there.~~


Yeah it’s a great place if you aren’t a South Asian slave


Or LGBT. Or female


I was at a kids birthday party recently where one of the other parents was gushing about her recent trip to Dubai and recommending it as a holiday destination, including to a lesbian couple who were trying to diplomatically say that it probably wasn’t the best destination for them, only for the oblivious parent to keep trying to convince them until one of them just straight up pointed out how unsafe it would be for them. Very awkward.


When im a south asian bisexual female 🧍🏻‍♀️


Oof...well then, never mind.


Just don't be a slave! Problem solved! That said, people basically just go to Dubai to shop. You can shop pretty much anywhere.


Dubai is staffed almost entirely by modern day slaves. We visited in 2015 or 16 and it was very uncomfortable. For example, we hired a private car to take us from Dubai to Abu Dhabi (a roughly one hour drive with traffic). Our driver apparently was not permitted to take bathroom breaks by his employer so he chose instead to wear an adult diaper. About 1/3 of the way into our drive, he pooped himself and the smell was unholy in the recirculating air conditioning of the car. I felt so bad for him and bad for myself as well. If he had just asked, my husband and I would have been fine with him stopping at a gas station for ten minutes!! Instead we all sat in awkward, stinky silence for about forty minutes and tbh I have blocked the rest of the day from my mind. There is definitely some neat things to see in Dubai/ Abu Dhabi (eating on the 122nd floor of the Burj Khalifa and overlooking the city was amazing!) but be forewarned that the only working class is all imported slave labor (typically Pakistan or India). The actual Emiratis earn so much from oil money that none of them work.


In regards to that one comment, and as a child free former teacher with friends in the same boat, I promise that we can not want kids of our own, and still work our asses off to be amazing, empathetic, caring and enthusiastic teachers that genuinely care for the kids and teens we see almost every day. This guy might have been like that, but not wanting kids of your own rarely equates to hating kids and teens. I loved teaching, loved getting to see them have that lightbulb moment when something finally made sense, loved seeing that spark whenever someone got excited about a subject and genuinely wanted to learn, loved getting to see them grow into themselves as tiny humans turning into teens and tiny adults. I was so proud of every single one of them, and was honored whenever any of them trusted me enough to open up to me. I still dont want kids of my own, because at the end of the day having your own kids is an entirely different ballpark than teaching a group of teens at work, and then you go home.  I'll pack away my soap box for now, the "child free = hates kids = how could you have been a teacher if you hate kids?" just irks me enough to dust it off every now and again. 


“I will literally be counting spoons and napkins” is, somehow, such a vibe. OOP sounds incredible.


'...we are both minimalists but we have a big house, nice cars and lots of art.' Hmmm.


She clarified that she meant they're not consumer-hoarders with tons of clothes and crap.


Minimalism is a design choice, I am sure she meant it like that as designer. I don’t think it’s strange to have big houses and cars and art on walls and the style to be minimalistic 


She hid in the greenhouse...  She considered letting the AP stay in the guest house...  hahaha!


You deserve so much better ler them lay in the pit of there own making


That’s one hell of a way to find out you’ve been cheated on. What really stands out for me is the MIL giving her a guilt trip. I guess the Apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree.


> *I don’t do delusion* so I just blocked her. What a boss. I love that.


OOP sounds so cool. I want to be friends with her!


She's not wrong with the common law phrasing. It's used in countries besides the US and the law likely differs in each country.


So why didn’t the grandma provide for the grandson. Obviously that the way to go