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I dont get the sisters game here at all. Its almost as if she has turned victim-blaming into a performance and is unhappy that its not getting the positive reaction she expected and so keeps ramping it up. Its a brave strategy, sister. Lets see if it pays off for you.


On an earlier version of this BORU I saw someone comment that the friend may have been playing on her phone to try to record OOP freaking out over having her neck touched.  Then they could have spread the video around to show how awful OOP is and thus justify the friend's shitty comments in her speech.   I think it's plausible. 


This reminds me very much of the parent who posted about not liking their daughter very much. Their older daughter left her 14 year old sister at home alone during a party with a group of known adult gangbangers who then proceed to violently rape her. The older sister was more upset that she lost friends (because they went to jail for raping her sister) than she was that the sister got raped.


did you see that the sister admitted feeling resentment towards the 14yo because older sister’s boyfriend left her and said something like *’14yo is way prettier and she’s a virgin unlike you’*. theory is older sister got 14yo SA-ed on purpose to take away the “purity” advantage…..


Gang banger friends... 100% on purpose and older sister should have been charged.


She was. But since she was a first offender, it was mostly probation, I think. ETA: >Maya was arrested the night of Lia’s attack. She was charged with felony child endangerment & 2 misdemeanors. The judge was very nice to her and made her pay a 2,000$ fine, 60 hours of community service & 3 years probation. plus I took her car but after this update, I maybe should have given her a harsher punishment


Damn. She should have been locked up.


She got a fine, community service and probation. And she wasn't remorseful in the least. The younger daughter tried to commit suicide recently.


It online happened because in one of her comments, OP says she regrets paying for Maya's lawyer. Tbh if one of my kids pulled bs like that, I would let them rot in jail but that's just me.


IIRC at the time OP initially paid for the lawyer, it did honestly seem like Maya was upset about what happened. Maya didn’t show her full true colors until the therapy appointment. OP was angry with her prior but chalked it up to immature stupidity on Maya’s part, she separated them for Lia’s sake but didn’t really see the malicious intent until Maya dropped her mask in therapy.


One of my kids did this, they would no longer be my child.


I don't know, I think it's kinda difficult to say what I would do. Like, think of it this way: most of the times, people who are arrested are not calm, especially if it's their first time. Further, when it comes to the legal system, it's imperative to get a lawyer ASAP. Good parents have an instinct to protect their kids, especially if that kid says that it was a mistake or they are being treated unfairly. So you have a situation where your kid is in "danger", maybe even begging you for help, and you need to act fast. Emotions are running high, there's a bunch of stress, you're on a time crunch, and you don't know what's going on. I don't think it's a bad thing for a parent in that situation to pay for a lawyer. Of course, there's the parents who later learn more information that clearly shows their kid is in the wrong but still try to avoid letting their child experience consequences. Those are bad parents. But a parent who reacts in this way isn't, in and of themselves, a bad parent.


AND the older sister was still holding a grudge from her boyfriend finding the younger sister more attractive... when the younger sister was TWELVE.


I just read about Ali Isran the other day, the father from Iraq who murdered his older daughter's best friend (a female rights activist) and the older daughter's husband because she'd \*brought shame upon him\* by not wearing her hijab at college and then married a christian man. When the two daughters got permission to go to college, ostensibly to help take care of the father who had a heart condition, they both delighted in their freedom and took off their hijabs when at school. When the older sister got a bf, the younger sister got a crush on his twin but he wasn't interested and she became insanely jealous of her sister so she helped her father stalk her own sister and murder the 2 people most important to her. Jealousy is indeed a monster. Edit: Changed "her" to "the older daughter" to make it make sense.


I am totally speechless. What a messed up world we live in.


That is evil and reminds me of serial killer Karla Hamolka. She purposely drugged her younger sister so she could be raped. Karla wasn’t a virgin so she offered her sister as a replacement to her serial killer husband. The younger sister was killed afterwards and it was ruled an accident initially. It’s genuinely horrific how cruel a sibling can be.


It's worse. Her husband and lead killer Paul Bernardo was most likely planning to rape Karla's sister again. She wasn't killed afterwards. A later forensic analysis found that when Karla gave her sister the sedative prior to the rape, Karla intentionally gave her sister a lethal dose. The sister choked to death on her own vomit while she was being raped. The fact that Karla is now free, living under an assumed name with a new husband and children, is insane. Complete failure of the Canadian justice system


My understanding is the only reason she is free is that she played up being a victim of her husband as well and made a plea deal before investigators knew the extent of her involvement. After she had her signed plea deal, she told the investigators where to find the tapes that got Paul sentenced. The tapes revealed her level of involvement but the plea had already been signed so they were forced to honor it. That she has kids and that she was working at her kids' school until her new identity was revealed, is so scary.


There is no doubt in my mind she set up her sister. And I think its more along the path of initiation then to get rid of the purity. Purity was just a bonus.


Someone’s gotta live through a train to get in the gang, offering a substitute would be savvy.


And it sickens me that I know that too. Gangs should be treated as terrorists IMHO. And idc who that pisses off. As they survive on terror and intimidation.


LAPD is one of the biggest gangs in America and I agree with everything you said. And I don’t care who that pisses off either.


I have no positive feelings for the LAPD, but the gang allegations are actually against the LASD, the county sheriff's department.


They mean that LAPD is, as a whole, a gang--much like many other PDs, especially other major cities. Yes, LASD had gangs in the ranks, but they weren't a single, unified gang.


The reason came out in a recent update that hadn't migrated here yet. A bit you're missing - the Older sisters boyfriend was grooming her at 12. He was sexting the 14yo (then 12) on the side and playing up her attractiveness and purity as the reason she was better than her sister. The older sister and him had to break up clearly, but the older sister never forgave her for sexting back and held a clear grudge. So yeah she set her up over an ex boyfriend.


That sister deserves to sit right next to fucking Ghislane Maxwell in hell for the rest of eternity. With the pedophiles they help. Makes me wanna scream.


Purity culture is so screwed up In so many ways.


Yes. I was reminded of that one too and was wondering if it was the same person being hazy on the details.


Ugh, I remember that one, and you probably right, sister may have been responsible for OOP's trauma in the first place and her abuse could be a sign she doesn't want to admit to the truth.


I missed they one and judging by the comments here I'm glad I did


Yep that one made me physically throw up


Every time that one gets updated it’s worse than before. It’s terrible to think but OP may need to just kick the older daughter out and focus on herself and the youngest


I thought she did kick her out? Didn’t she say something about having not talked to Maya in weeks?


Man, fuck Maya.


That one honestly infuriated Me in ways I can't say... And some of the insinuations are just wild to comprehend.


Here I am, reading the boru posts, smiling about a few sweet ones. Aaaaand, now I wanna curb stomp an OOP's sister. Best friend is just a horrible mean girl. The sister, though? There's a special hell for people who use the intimate knowledge they gain from being family to emotionally and *physically* assault that family. FFS. I feel filthy wishing someone ill, but that sister deserves to have the same thing happen to her and no one believe her or care. Gah, I'll be in r/oneorangebraincell watching a cat chase greebles until I feel like a human again.


It was probably a lose-lose setup for OP. If she got upset, her sister and the friend would’ve riled her up and recorded her freaking out to “prove” how unstable OP is. Since she didn’t give them a reaction, they’re using that to accuse OP of faking and using it for attention. 


I hate that that's very plausible. The sister intentionally trying to trigger OOP was disgusting enough but to add the layer of trying to record it to joke about it even more and defend themselves?


I think the term here, even though the sister probably doesn't KNOW the term, is Reactive Abuse. Where the abuser pushes hard enough in subtle ways that the victim lashes out, allowing the abuser to yell out, "See? SHE'S the abuser not me!"


Omg. Thats horrific. Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse...


I didn't comment on the OP, but I really thought the same. They wanted evidence to show OOP was indeed crazy. SMH


Always make sure to respect and protect the weak. Otherwise you will be a social predator like the sister.


I wish OOP had recorded the entire incident. I hope she will record any future encounters with her evil sister and/or the evil best friend. But then, I always wish people had recorded everything and have gotten into the habit of recording (covertly) whenever a stranger or known AH approaches me.


I have a sister like that. They tend to double down because they've invested so much in their lies that they know they will look like the biggest asshole if they admitted the truth. I wish we could ship them all off to an island and watch them battle it out via tv, kinda like a fucked up Lord of the Flies/Truman Show hybrid


'Lord of the Flies - the exciting new reality tv / game show!'. Im sure thats already been floated as an idea and only various insurance / legal issues have stopped it being on right now.


some of them are so confident they are in the right, I'm sure they would sign their lives away to participate haha. I'm not that into reality tv but I would watch this one for sure


Karma and a conch shell.


I would pay a subscription fee for this. All the brothers and sisters. 'Lie-ve' Island 🤣🤣🤣


Only if it's called Narc Swamp Island and they all get a body rotting disease.


nah. they'd love the attention the cameras bring. let them do that shit unseen and forever forgotten.


There are cameras. It's just not broadcast anywhere. They don't find this out. Nobody's around to care.


I wonder if the sister was at all interested in one of the guys who SA'd OOP, or maybe one of their friends, and OOP's situation ruined her status at school, or her chances with that group? Regardless, she's an unsupportive, unempathetic pos- as a woman, she should know (at least intellectually) that SA has nothing to do with the victim and everything to do with the perpetrator.


She is a mean girl and just can't contain her disgusting self inside. She doesn't have a strategy, her inner shit is just spilling.


She probably liked one of the guys and couldn't believe he 1. Would be a rapist and 2. Would choose to rape her sister and not her (yes some women consider it a competition. Like "why did he pick her and not me? Oh, I know! She threw herself at him! Any man with a pulse would fuck someone that willing!") She's probably one of those people that doesn't understand that other people can have other perspectives.


Tbh, this is an underrated comment. It sounds so juvenile and irrational, but so does the sister's behavior. When I first read the post, I thought MOH was just a terrible speech writer who couldn't write jokes without punching down and who didn't understand the context behind OOP's troubles (*I get this, bc it happens to me all the time - nothing quite like watching people's view pull a 180 when they see the big picture). But every update makes it sound more and more like the actions are being driven by sister ... Who knows and has known exactly what happened.


My guess is that she was always jealous of any attention their parents gave to OP. The support the parents and brother gave to OP as she recovered from her SA, over years, bugged the sister, who has no empathy at all. OP is better off without that sister in her life and I'm happy she has a solid support system in place.


Maybe she resents all the (necessary) extra attention OOP got after the SA.


sounds like a feedback loop with her friend where they both shit on OOP for long enough to each other and keep chasing that high that comes with putting someone down. they expected everyone to get the same enjoyment out of it that they do.


From the last time this was posted I was under the impression the elder sister was jealous of the amount of care, support and attention Oop got after her SA. Like ....as if she was getting it just because and not because something insanely traumatic happened to her and an incredibly long journey will be involved in recovering?  That's at least my best guess, idk I'm glad I can't quite understand the elder sister, I'd never want to be as vile as she has been to this poor woman.


She is a mean girl and just can't contain her disgusting self inside. She doesn't have a strategy, her inner shit is just spilling.


Hope her husband sees her true self and dumps her ass.


She wants OOP to "admit" that she wasn't raped, that she lied about having had consensual sex for attention, that the 10 years of therapy have all been for attention, and that OOP owes the bride for years of having been favoured due to her constant lies and attention-getting behaviour. The sister basically sees OOP as a golden child who's been lying and attention hogging for a decade. That's the monstrosity OOP is facing: that sister sees her not as a victim but as THE perpetrator, as the intentional, coolly calculating architect of their family's dysfunction. She sees the AITA post as yet more of the same thing, as derailing even her wedding to make it all about OOP. Edit: if true this would also explain the MOH's speech. If MOH thinks OOP is a lying lying lying attention hog liar who lied about having been raped for attention and who was determined to derail everything specifically to be the centre of attention even at her sister's wedding, she's going to call her out *and* feel justified and righteous about it.


She is a mean girl and just can't contain her disgusting self inside. She doesn't have a strategy, her inner shit is just spilling.


Her sister is insecure and feels like OP gets attention because she was SA'ed. So she feels the need to "put her in her place" so she can get the attention she feels she deserves. 


Honestly I kind of wonder if the friend or the sister wanted to get with one of the guys who assaulted OOP, either back then or more recently, and they blame OOP for making them 'unavailable.'


She was at the party. I’m guessing she actually feels partly to blame for her sister’s attack or thinks people will blame her for letting her sister leave. So she’s put the blame on her sister because she thinks it makes her look better. OOP is taking her sister way too much at face value. This lady is saying and doing anything that she thinks will deflect blame off her.


Well as i understood it, sister might have been at the Party and maybe it's a Freak reaction to her Sisters trauma.  Maybe blaming her sister, downplaying her Trauma and what happened to her, might make it easier for herself, and makes her feel less guilty, that sehe didn't intervene etc. If justified or Not mostly doesn't matter.  But that ist highly speculative in my part 


Wtf is it with “news” outlets trawling ordinary people’s social media for their content? It’s one thing when it has a genuine public interest aspect, or raises awareness constructively or is uplifting (like pets doing silly things or something) - but publishing this in the “Celebrity Weddings” section of People magazine? Nope. And yes. **Celebrity Weddings** They literally “reported” a post about a SA survivor’s disgusting sister, and her nasty MOH, as “Celebrity Wedding News.”


It's so completely bizarre. Why do people & Newsweek take posts from reddit and then pretend that summarizing posts is a story? And why do people on IG & you tube do the same thing? Reddit is public for everyone, you can easily click on the actual source material, y'know?


Buzzfeed takes people's stories and rank them years ago. When I realized most of their content came from reddit, I dropped Buzzfeed and joined reddit. Much much better.


To Buzzfeed's credit, they've been doing more of, "We asked Buzzfeed readers this thing, and here's how they responded." I think they've recognized that maybe it's a bad idea to encourage folks to leave their site.


Because they are greedy and would rather steal content from the internet than hire writers


I watch some of the YouTube channels that repost content from reddit. They pick the juicier stuff for you. In fact, I discovered this sub from YouTube.


Would be nice if all these YouTubers who makes money on their channels would share that money with the people who's stories they're practically stealing to use as their content 🤷‍♀️


If it's under 'celebrity wedding news', this could explain why op didn't want to mention BIL again


But People magazine would have had no additional information to what's in the original post. I doubt they would have done some sleuthing and discovered a hidden celebrity, because the whole point of trawling Reddit for content in the first place is to avoid having to do any kind of journalism work. 


I hate whoever does this so much. It ruins people private lives, it ruins the media and it ruins the journalist for all time


I don’t think the point was that anyone on oops family was a celebrity, but more than a trash celebrity magazine added drama on their “celebrity wedding news” section by adding a tragic story about sexual assault of a minor as if it were in any way relevant or necessary Like the celebrity here is oop because her post got popular enough for vultures to try to make a quick buck out of her trauma, so not speaking of BIL is more about avoiding the possibility of more sleuthing from others


I'm assuming he's divorcing her/getting an annulment. At least, I hope that's why the OOP was being vague.


It's free ~~real estate~~ content for them 🤷


Ahh Victim Blaming, it never goes out of style with assholes.


Can't be helped. it's the one of the few ways they can look at themselves in the mirror and feel like an actual human being worth something. Anything to cover up the gaping abyss of emptiness that they really are. Other methods include: gaslighting, DARVO, etc etc.


a few months after sis gets the (foreseeable) divorce, OOP should tell sis to “get over it, it was a long time ago, how else can anyone else still remember what happened”


Flair checks out


CalTrans is working on the high road.


They're replacing it with a tunnel, i.e., a much lower road. I approve.


OMG truer words


What's your flair from? Because I too, embrace the low road.


I think it's from here (on the latter uodated) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cmvfzx/aitah\_for\_telling\_a\_friend\_that\_my\_husband\_cant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1cmvfzx/aitah_for_telling_a_friend_that_my_husband_cant/)


> Scorched earth, no prisoners, blood for the blood god. I like this woman.


I'm not even married, and that whole segment lit me up!


And what is *yours* from?


I can't remember the exact post, but it was neighbours hanging around outside their houses, doing random flapping, trying to look busy while trying to listen in/watch whatever was unfolding


[Vacuuming the trees](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/H22JfAozDe)!


Still the best euphemism for “being a harmless busybody” that I’ve ever heard


I’d forgotten about that story but my gods is the last paragraph of her OP just *chef’s kiss*


You just want to see the world burn, so you're choosing violence? I respect that.


I want “so you’ choosing violence? I respect that.” As my flair


Yes--be the righteous petty you want to see in the world.


Nah, as satisfying as that would be, oop should never speak to her sister again.




>Evidently her sister was there as well and says that some of it was OOP's fault. Throw the whole sister away.


I did. NC with my sister, she still to this day blames me and protects my abuser.


I'm sorry for your loss, but good for you.


As a rape survivor, I can honestly say that comments like this are the worst for me in terms of dealing with trauma. I can handle being called slutty or "damaged goods" or stupid or whatever, but for some reason being directly told I brought it on myself is always the worst. I think it's because it causes victims to second guess themselves in a way that makes them re-experience the trauma. Like if someone says it's my fault, my brain will jump to inventorying all the decisions and actions of that night to think about what I might have done wrong. I know that's not rational, but shit like that isn't ever going to be rational when you have PTSD. And then that leads my brain into remembering all the vivid memories and visceral feelings and then I'm basically back in the moment, reliving it. And so it's the worst thing to hear, because it always means that my brain goes to rehashing the details I wish I could forget.


I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that. No matter what anyone says, it was never your fault.


A friend of mine always framed it in the following terms: By arguing that the victim is to blame, people are also denying the perpetrator the agency that all humans of sound mind and body have. The perpetrator made a series of choices that, unless there was a gun to their head, were all made of their own volition, and of their own free will. We shouldn’t remove the agency or free will of *any* human being unless there is a legitimate cause such as mental infirmity. Perpetrators should be held solely responsible for their actions, because no matter what the circumstances were, ultimately they made a series of choices that no other person on earth is capable of forcing them to make.


On a sense, it erases your own mind. Your interpretation of events is annulled and replaced with what someone else says. That's why it's bad whenever people tell you what you're thinking or feeling and refuse to let you say it for yourself, even for more mundane matters. You are silenced. You are forbidden to have a voice. Reality is now whatever this other malicious person says.


Fr. All the way the fuck outta here


Into space!


Into the sun!


Bag it, zip it, tie bricks to it, toss it in a river; that’s how we deal here with God’s sick humour.


People magazine is reposting reddit threads to instagram now? What the fuck are any of us doing here


I don’t read people magazine and had no idea people had become the new Buzzfeed.


always has been.


I follow them on IG and about 15% of their content directly comes from AITA. It's insane.


Providing free content to People magazine, apparently.


Not just on Instagram. I've seen them as of this week in my Google feed


People Magazine's instagram? That's a new one. Normally other parties saw original post from Tiktok.


It's so bad. Just a cursory scroll through their page reveals some of the most callous reporting I've seen in a while. Has People always been like this? Treating even things like a random child dying like it's hot gossip?


Yeah, 'human interest stories '


Yeah, fuck People Magazine for profiting off people’s misery. And fuck TikTok in general. 


I see AITA posts on People's instagram all the time and I don't even follow their page.


Some people are monsters. And then there’s this psycho


Can someone explain the comment about not mention anything about the sister’s new husband? Was him or his friends doing the SA? That would explain a lot but that part was super confusing


I think it's just that with the post going viral and the AHs finding it, OOP doesn't want to say anything in her update that'll bring the flying monkeys down on her even harder. My guess is new hubby isn't happy with the sister, and OOP knows she's crazy so why provoke her.


I believe what she means is that she doesn’t want to mention the BIL any further (or his feelings towards this whole situation) to protect his privacy once the story was picked up by People Magazine’s Instagram account. Even if he’s not identifiable, he didn’t choose to make the story public.


That’s because OP is a classy lady!


Apparently, OP's post was published by People Magazine, and she's kept quiet about BIL to keep him out of the spotlight.


That sister and her bestie were just absolute garbage for this, the more info we hear about her the more I hate them.


>Commenter: (downvoted) OP had reality pointed out to her, and she couldn't handle it because she is embarassed over her own actions. I have zero sympathy for OP. And then there's this asshole.


Incels gonna incel unfortunately. Such sad little people.


I don't even get what it means.


I took it as victim blaming up to 11.


I've been S.abused as a kid. My older sister as well. Different people etc. I would never do something like this to her or her to me. My sister knows im uncomfortable with people standing against my back and touching me without warning, she doesn't like discussing certain things and we both respect each other's boundaries. OP's sister is an asshole, through and through. Mental illness is funny until you can't glorify it or romanticize it. It's disgusting that someone would say and do that and to a family member no less. Letting your friends be assholes to your family is a red flag through and through.


Not all sisters are worth having in your life. I have absolutely horrible sisters and my life has improved so much since going no contact. Sometimes relatives are trash and should be dealt with accordingly. OOP's sister is an absolute garbage person and OOP is better off without someone who supports abusers and blames victims. There are few things as loathsome as women who attack, humiliate, and try to shame survivors of SA.


It’s a very sad way to find out one’s sister dislikes them. The sister liked that her bestie insulted her sister because she felt the same way, and the bestie only felt that comfortable saying what she said because the sister said a bunch of bad stuff, that included, to her about OOP. 


When will some people realize that no matter how long something traumatic happens, one little thing can bring it all back.


Sister thinks it was at least partly OP’s fault, apparently. What a piece of work.


I'm not sure if someone pointed this out but the only reason the MoH was even ABLE to make such a speech is **if the sister TOLD her**. MoH and OP weren't talking.


I’m so confused by the edit and OOP’s comment about the edit. Did BIL try something? I know we won’t know for a while, if ever, but I just don’t understand what could have happened.


I could be wrong but I read it as he found out from People, and the sister probably had lied to him and he's upset with her but OP doesn't want to publicize his marital issues


Oh, I can absolutely see that. I hate when there’s a mystery I want to investigate but know I have no right to investigate. 😛 I’ll just wait for the updates.


Isn't the universe cruel


BIL said he was upset by the MOH speech. OOP doesn’t want to involve him in what happened since then, or at least, doesn’t want to mention him in the update, possibly out of fear of including enough personal info that he’s identifiable


Does it mean  BIL does not know about the assault,  so they're keeping him out of the loop on all of this?


Based on how he responded in the initial OP (her reply to the comment in reference to the edit and why she was vague) and then something happening recently around the time her post went viral, as perhaps things hitting the fan between sister and BIL because he didn’t know about OP’s SA. It seemed like the sister and her MOH just focused upon OP having “mental health issues” and likely never shared with BIL that those issues weren’t random, but the result of a traumatic event that OP had no fault in. So I wonder if this going viral gave him a much broader picture of what occurred and made him question his marriage and confront the sister? I hope she updates and if that is what happened - I’m glad! BIL seemed kind and bothered by the wedding speech. So I doubt he was fully aware of all his new wife had been up to.


That could be it. I’m not rereading the whole post again to try and figure out if BIL knows the full story or not but I think you’re on to something. Maybe BIL doesn’t know how truly shitty his wife is. Maybe he bought into the “OOP is lazy and a good-for-nothing” rhetoric.


As far as I know the two events aren't linked. I'll edit to make that clearer. OOP just doesn't want to share more since it could be identifiable


That’s interesting. I wonder what about BIL makes him so identifiable. I keep getting curiouser and curiouser. Edit: Also, thank you for all you do here on BoRU and keeping us in stories! ♥️


Best to respect privacy, curious, but better to let them have their space.


Kinda depressing we have more respect for OOPs privacy and healing than her own sister


Someone has to with that kind of sister


Also it's not that hard to be better.


Oh yeah. I’m not going and looking for information. I’ll read the updates if/when OOP posts them but I’m not playing detective with someone’s real life.


Yeah me too! Or maybe he just mentioned that he didn't want it public, who knows. And awwww thank YOU! 💜


Apparently, according to a comment above, it was in the **Celebrity Wedding** section of People magazine... so maybe he's a minor celebrity, so it would make it super easy to dox them all if clues give away who BIL is specifically?


That section/tag is bloated with random Reddit stories about weddings, all poached from AITA, Wedding Shaming and similar so I don't think it has anything to do with BIL. Like, he could be but I think it's more about trying to preserve his privacy out of respect since he isn't really central to the sister's actions regarding OOP, than about him being a minor celeb that could be doxxed.


What is with all the commenters agreeing with the sister? Fucking redditors, man...


God I hate OOP's sister - she is cruel and disgusting so is the best friend, they are mean girls that never grew up.


Sister and her friend hiding in the comments huh?


While it's understandable she didn't want to mention the assault in the first two posts, it provides context as to how awful her sister and friend actually are. Joking about someone's mental issues is bad, but when the mental issues are due to a sexual assault and they know about it, it's insane...


And sis was there when it happened and said it was OP's fault/not even a big deal  What a cool big sister


Reading between the lines it's pretty clear I would have thought.


Yeah, if something is so bad you can’t mention it in a post it’s usually sexual assault. People will at least allude to physical abuse more directly. 


The friend, the mom, that commenter and especially sister is full of shit, pathetic and should be ashamed by everyone around them, And that commenter saying "OP had reality pointed out to her, and she couldn't handle it because she is embarassed over her own actions. I have zero sympathy for OP." I'm happy their behind got downvoted and roasted, sa is sa ahole and op or anyone is not to blame for it, nobody should be saing anyone under any circumstances in the first place, so you're comment shows you enable/ok with r@pists and even shows how sus you are, because again even if the victim is drunk or not nobody should be saing nobody period, If op's father & brother and total strangers are disgusted with what you did/excuse you shit like this are 100% in the wrong and always will be. :edit: words.


Whoever wrote that comment about reality and op being embarrassed over her own actions needs lava poured into their asshole


Op shld let her BIL know he married a pos.


I think Ops sister already showed BIL he married a POS.


If I found out my new bride had *deliberately tried to trigger* ***her own sister*** after *making fun of her sexual assault*, the ink wouldn't even be dry on the marriage cert before I was getting it annulled. Sister and her friend are the *worst* kinds of shitheels.


The SA happened 11 years ago, so OP was what, 15-16? Jesus. I'd love to see the update about sister's inevitable divorce, but on the other hand I hope OP and her family will find peace in no contact.


OP is going no contact. Family supports her decision. I didn't see where the family is also going no contact.


I'm hoping the next update will be both parents and brother have gone NC with OOPs sister.


And that BIL is mulling over divorce.


I’ve known people like Sister. Just unkind. Often from families of otherwise good people. It really shows that nature wins over nurture.


>Even though I never asked him to and he never told me but I know he still goes through each movie/series before we watch it together to make sure there aren't any scenes that could make me uncomfortable. When I put something on. he finds a way to distract me for a few minutes to check it before we watch. He has never made me feel like a screw up. He makes me feel like I still deserve to be loved. Oop's sorry excuse for an elder sister has some notes to take on how to support loved ones from Oop's bf.  I teared up reading that, it's a small thing to do for someone but really shows just how much you care about them. Absolutely Oop still deserves all the love in the world and I'm horrified she's had to endure being around two people who think the crime that was done to her is her fault and think it is ANY WAY AT ALL funny. Atrocious people, can't blame Oop for wishing her sister got some perspective.


Oh look, stealing Reddit content for profit makes everything worse, **AGAIN**.


I bet the down voted comment in the post above is from sister or best friend.


Bets on how long the BIL stays married to that monster of a sister?


My only explanation is that sister is ashamed of the SA of OP by her friends and is too entitled to admit she us in the wrong.


I wanted to throw up when Mom tried to excuse the neck grab as maybe it was “to make you accept her apology.” That isn’t an ok thing to do to anyone, let alone someone with trauma. I’m glad Mom pulled her head out of her ass in the end.


The sister is victim blaming and shaming and she’s trying to trigger her sister. Not sure what she thinks she’s gaining out of this she just lost her sister I can’t imagine her brother or mom or dad are too thrilled with her right now. Hope her husband sees this or they tell him what she’s really like. He deserves to know what he married if he doesn’t already


OOP's partner sounds like an absolute gem. I'm so glad she found them. And that her parents and other (better) siblings are supportive.


So basically sounds like OOP was SAed in the hard R word kind of way Yeah her sister is a POS and she hangs with the same kind of trash. No surprise and a reason why the saying “you are who surround yourself with” exists




Oh, do you remember if he was just confused about what happened?


He seemed to have been a bit blindsighted and horrified by what happened and after reading the OPs post said that was all he really needed to know.


Ugh. I hope he got an annulment. Thanks for the tea, though. ☕


I hope so too. He came across as a decent guy.


Grabbing someone by the back of the neck is a move I only see abusive people do. It's perfect for abusers because it feels intrusive and violating while being plausibly deniable as something serious, so it's something abusers love and non abusers would usually never do. The sister is lying about doing that move innocently, it was intentional. That move is only done accidentally if you mistook someone else for the person you intended to victimize.


I bet the down voted comments are the sister and MOH.


OOP' sister is so....disgusting??. Idk how else to say it


>OP had reality pointed out to her, and she couldn't handle it because she is embarassed over her own actions I'm confused by this comment. What "reality" was pointed out to her?


if the sister suck as a relative i doubts as a future mom or aunt she is any better betting BIL is disgusted and will be horrified if his in law lay the facts to him


OP's sister is trash and I really wish she would change, she honestly doesn't deserve forgiveness from even God.


People magazine scrolls Reddit so that they can steal people stories and publish them?? That's crazy and feels icky


Shoutout to good partners. My hubs still mutes tough scenes for me, so I don't have to hear them and I can look away. Good partners are everything!


I am also a "screw-up" sister, only the origins of my trauma differ. The people who think mental illness is personal failing need to educate themselves. It will get better.


> My dad told me later that her best friend's younger sister read about it in 'People' magazine. it was posted on their Instagram.  The fuck...