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Continuity issues have plagued this entire series. I'm a sucker for romance (*ducks from tomatoes*) and to me the biggest offender are their relationships: you're going to tell me that Holden and Willa supposedly develop this deep connection from YEARS of being together, then suddenly Holden runs off and loses her virginity to Charlie? Then to add insult-to-injury, he runs back to Willa and sleeps with her too like it's no big deal   Then there's the whole Holden was a child when he first slipped into his coma, yet he and Willa are somehow represented as adults in the Realm.   I'm sure there are even bigger continuity errors in the show, but I think it's clear that they didn't take enough care to ensure the show would be a well-contained story that makes sense: to me, it seems like they had a cool idea, decided to run with it, and never really figured out what to do with it, and are just pumping out ideas as they come up with them.


The thing with Willa, Holden, and Charlie isn't a continuity error. It's just relationship drama. Holden and Willa meet in the realm, a world where every second they had to fight for their lives. They were the only two humans in the realm at the time besides Arthur. And so they grew dependant on each other to surive and they confused that dependency for love because at the time when they met, they were teenagers. And then when they got out of the realm, they realized they had absolutely nothing in common BESIDES the realm therefore when Holden met Charlie it made him really start to think about his relationship with Willa and that caused all of the cheating and stuff that went on between Willa and Holden and Charlie. and the thing about them looking like adults in the realm was explained so it isn't a continuity error. It is explained that in the realm you are shown as your current self. So Everytime Holden would visit the realm or remember the realm he would be shown as his current self and same for Willa.