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The octopus wrestle - first parent to successfully change a baby who has recently discovered independent movement.


Omg this is me right now. The struggle is real.


Fastest person to bring baby, buggy _and_ shopping up a flight of stairs!


Relay race against the baby - we set up a course of dangerous objects and I have to get to each of them before he does 🫠😂


My baby is obsessed with finding electrical cables ...and then trying to eat them 🙈


The 'egg and double spoon load' race to be as fast as possible filling one spoon while she feeds herself with the other


Finding the wipes that you carelessly slung under the pushchair with one hand whilst the extremely poopy baby is tucked under the other arm. Bonus points if there’s old ladies judging you from the next table in the cafe.


The decathlon : fastest to complete a set of 10 every day tasks with a mobile baby with separation anxiety. e.g. Put on a load of laundry Use the bathroom Empty the washing machine & hang laundry Make a nutritious lunch for baby Empty the nappy bin outside Clean up after lunch (baby, high chair, floor, dishes) Pack for an afternoon out Change the sheets Make and drink a cup of tea Wash your hair Points penalty for any dangerous situation the baby gets themselves into or if left crying for more than a minute… current world record 3 days 17 hours…


I've been trying to put the washing away for 3 days now. Literally how do I do it


Sleep marathon -- for the parents. Who can sleep the longest


😂 I wish I could win the gold on this one I'm so tired lol


The witching hour relay. Parents take it in turns to walk a crying baby around a small track in the hopes of soothing them. Separate events for with strollers or with baby wearing. The latter gets fun with hand-overs!


Catch the dummy 😂 my little girl has perfected spitting her dummy into the dirtiest areas


My baby is now a walking toddler, and honestly herding him is definitely a sport!!