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I’d recommend the updated version of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSVue). The NRSV is the standard English translation used for academic Biblical study. Also ignore the KJV only folks that jump on posts like these. They’ve made a translation equal to God and only want to keep you from reading modern and more accurate Bible translations.


You said u want the purist version not changed by man.  A lot of people on here say contrary  but the kjv id the closest to the original Hebrew and Greek writing.   It is easily understood especially by praying and asking for God to give you spiritual understanding 


I use the NASB95, it's what is required in a lot of Christian universities and it's a very literal translation. If you want one that is slightly more readable, the ESV is also good. I still prefer NASB95 and don't have any trouble reading it. If you want to go really in depth, get both and compare them, thats what I'll do sometimes. If you don't want to spend money, I highly recommend LOGOS bible software. The web version has a free copy of both the NASB95 and the ESV Bible.


I prefer the (95) NASB because it's a literal (word for word from original languages) translation, capitalizes the pronouns of God, and all caps Old Testament quotations. Also, below is a 30-second biblical gospel presentation you can check out friend .. https://gospel30.com


Firstly, I commend you for wanting to read the Word! In all honesty, I’d recommend either purchasing a multi version Bible, or downloading a Bible app, which allows you to read it in various versions. As you begin to read, you may find yourself enjoying one over the others, and then could continue with the one you prefer. It will also give you an idea of the differences in the versions. I personally use the NIV, but I have a KJV, as well as an Amplified version, which is pretty basic, and straightforward. But, most apps will allow you to have at least 2 of your preferred versions on a single page so you can compare. I Also, one of the best ways that I have found to read the Bible, is to read the Old Testament alongside the New Testament simultaneously, verses reading from front cover to back cover. I’d recommend an app called, Bible in one year, which does that. There’s three sections of reading daily: wisdom, which will be your Psalms and Proverbs, Old Testament, and New Testament, also commentary and a prayer. I used that app my first year, and read my actual Bible to supplement, but did not read in any order. I highly recommend it!




Two things: New King James version and Context, Context, Context.


> I want to read the bible, but in the purest, least altered form This desire is probably way more complicated than you realize. There's no "original" manuscripts of any Biblical texts, and there is quite a bit of variation amongst the oldest texts that we do have. The most academically rigorous translations (like NSRV) use composite texts that try and pull together the various oldest sources that we do have to make a base text for translation. But you should enter into this reading project with the understanding that there almost certainly doesn't actually exist an "original" version. If you really want to go deep down the rabbit hole on this one, you can learn about the differences between the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Masoretic Text, the Septuagint, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.... and that's just the Hebrew Bible! > I favor objectivity This is also impossible in translation. All translation is interpretation and all interpretation has bias. Consider how NIV translates Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 1:3 (the first three verses of the Bible): > In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Now compare that to how NSRV translates those same three verses: > When God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth was complete chaos, and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. There are two pretty huge differences here: * In the NIV, there is *creation ex nihilo* - but in NRSV, God creates the world from a chaotic mess! * In the NIV, it's the "Spirit of God" (capitalized!) that hovers over the waters, while in NRSV it's a "wind from God." NIV capitalizes "Spirit" because the translators believe it is a reference to the Trinity. Ultimately, both translations are entirely accurate! But the actual words used for the translation are dramatically different due to the subjective opinions of the translator.


NLT or CSB. Probably CSB. Anything but the KJV or any other translation that’s centuries old. It’s not beginner friendly. It uses outdated English. I use both NLT and CSB.


King James bible ! While we can learn things about God in every book of the bible, in order to understand which books of the bible are direct instruction TO us we need to rightly divide the word of God - 2Timothy 2:15 . Once you rightly divide the word of God by simply understanding who God was speaking to in each book it removes any conflicting scriptures , difficult verses and unlocks the beauty, freedom, and peace of God’s amazing love and grace and eternal life/salvation in paradise made available freely to us ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ) by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus , without the need for religion or doing good works (cleaning up your life) BEFORE you can be saved. Simply believe/trust the gospel Jesus gave Paul for the church / body of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ) for salvation in this time of the dispensation of grace that will end without notice with the rapture. When you do, you have full assurance of salvation and are sealed until the rapture.  Then study Paul’s epistles Romans through Philemon to learn and grow in your new exciting identity and hope of a future you cannot fathom how great it will be.  We were created by God to live with Him in harmony and in PARADISE. He intends to restore that for those who accept His free and gracious offer of reconciliation through the death burial and resurrection of His son.  Trust that and NOTHING else. Because that is the only thing that saves you and keeps you saved. What Jesus did. NOT what you do. Not your church, your pastor, your good works, your heart, your feelings, you perceiving yourself to be a good enough person on your own , going to mass, and whatever other man made religious attempts to earn your own righteousness that you can never achieve.  Salvation is by what Jesus did not what you do. In the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John , Jesus himself said He was speaking to Israel under their program.  You are not Israel.    That program with Israel was put on hold due to their rejection of Jesus   ( Romans 9-11) But God had a plan , a mystery hidden from the prophets. (Ephesians 3:8-10) while Jesus converted and revealed this mystery of the dispensation of the grace of God to the Apostle Paul (Acts 9) ,  part of which is the new creature, the church, the body of Christ, a program distinct from Israel's program in the Old testament and Matthew Mark Luke and John, which were to Israel.   Paul is our Apostle for the church today in this age of grace JUST as Moses was to Israel with the law …..and the 12 apostles Jesus converted during his earthly ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel - NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST - you see clearly that ISRAEL’s program and the church/body of Christ program are two different messages/ gospels.  Everyone wants to make Jesus words in Matthew Mark Luke John the new law even though they do NOT actually obey a fraction of it.  Jesus himself said He was talking to Israel. YOU ARE NOT ISRAEL.  Acts 15 and Galatians 1-2 clearly show that Peter had the gospel to the circumcision Israel and Paul had the gospel of a different program to the gentiles or the uncircumcision….. Paul is our apostle for the church commissioned by Jesus.  Genesis through Mid book of Acts (Paul’s conversion) is about Israel's program with God before it was put on hold with Israel's rejection of Jesus.   Now we can learn from those books however Romans through Philemon are our direct and only instruction given by Jesus to the gentiles for the church age of grace until the rapture (which will occur next and without notice).   After the rapture, Israel's program will RESUME ( Romans 9-11) and the books of Hebrews through Revelation will be instruction for all during the tribulation, which will be the most difficult, UNCOMFORTABLE 7 years the earth has ever seen.  ( Revelations 9:6  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.)   God's desire for you now is to be reconciled to HIM and to receive His forgiveness right now for your past, present, and future sins, and to spend eternity with Him in love and paradise as this world was originally intended to be !! No sin, sorrow, or pain !!!   Believe/Trust in the gospel that saves today !! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is the gospel that saves today in the dispensation of grace !! Lastly if you ask why this has not been taught by mainstream so called Christian religions/denominations/churches in buildings…….. when it is right in the Bible….well here is why : 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Trust/believe in the gospel that saves today - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Then study Romans through Philemons to grow in God’s grace !! Grace and peace !!!


NRSV is well regarded for accuracy. In general most modern bibles are pretty good. You'll probably get people suggesting King James Version because of which subreddit you asked this in.


NLT - New Living Translation for Beginners I also like KJVS, ESV, NKJV, NASBS 2020 [https://youtu.be/wR_Kgx6M4HA?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/wR_Kgx6M4HA?feature=shared) [https://youtu.be/wnJDwPbN8-g?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/wnJDwPbN8-g?feature=shared)


+1 for NLT or NKJV


W take. This is what I would’ve said


Pretty much any major modern translation. Not the KJV. Not the NWT. The NASB is accurate but a little hard to read sometimes. The ESV, CSB, NRSV, NIV are all good. The NLT is very easy to read.


I like the Complete Jewish Bible


Brick Testament.


The Bible Podcast in a Year is also a great listen.


NKJV all the way in every way the best version ever


Bibles have concordances at the bottom of their pages and you’ll notice notation sometimes in the text itself which points out variations or things about our manuscripts. Basically anything thats a study bible will do. Also use biblehub.com for further searching out the meaning of verses as it contains commentary from many scholars over history. The last resource you should consider is a good guide or teacher per say. This can be someone on YouTube or a podcast, whatever. You don’t have to “buy in” to whatever they say, but if they are a real teacher they will break down alot of good stuff. I personally like the thru the bible program (TTB app) with Vernon Mcgree. It was recorded over 5 years and in like 50 languages.


I recommend you the New King James Version, it has a very simple language and therefore is easy to read and understand.


The most accurate and literal translations are the ESV, LSB, and LEB. The LEB is an online-only translation, and the LSB is a direct update of the NASB95. :)


I agree with the folks that say to keep it simple. It’s very hard reading since it’s ancient Jewish literature. I’d find a translation you can understand more than anything.


The CSB is my favorite, it strikes a great balance with readability and accuracy. [This](https://youtu.be/9wau55AD25E?si=IG-LlE4FS4zML4t2) video made me aware of it.


I'd ignore anyone who says not to read the King James Bible as much as someone who tells you it's the only Bible translation you should read. But the KJV doesn't really fit what you're looking for, due to the fact it uses an older register of English. I'd imagine you're going to want to read NASB or NRSV. Both are very commonly used in academic settings iirc. NRSV is the most common Bible translation used in mainline seminaries. NASB is the most literal Bible translation out there. As far as it goes, I'd recommend using a website like Bible Gateway to see which version is most enjoyable to read for you. That way you can make an informed decision before buying a physical copy.




Purest, least altered form is absolutely kjv


NLT or you won't understand it. It's like learning another language


If I may.. It does require your level of interest that you may want an interlinear version such as the Hebrew-Greek English coded with Strongs concordance numbers from Green and then I would pair it with the ancient Hebrew lexicon of the Bible by Jeff A. Benner and plausible the restoration study Bible fourth edition.. But if I am just reading i use the HalleluYah Scripture version where the names are restored and no foot notes.. The difficulty is they are all still versions of a translation in a language that doesn't allow for the accuracy of words. Take the word חסיד Ḥasīd it doesn't necessarily translate because it is a concept ( they will say it means pious or godly) You will find Paul trying to explain it in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. You may find those that would encourage you to start in the renewed Covenant. However much man-made doctrine is founded upon this. The simple questions are: would you start a story towards the end without any understanding of the characters or culture and concepts? My suggestion is to always start at the beginning and watch the story unfold see the threads throughout. Build your foundation; read what it says cover to cover and you will not be swayed by the doctrines of man.


Whatever one looks good to you, they all more or less get the point across. 


> What version should I use? I recommend the NRSVUE. It's a modern translation that uses fairly straight-forward English (or Espanol, I believe), and is based on some of the most up-to-date scholarship and access to more recently discovered manuscripts. It's also the translation most often used in academia.


Just start with the NIV And when you begin to grow in the Lord and start to study seriously, move to the king James and then maybe the Hebrew, Greek, and English interlinear study Bible. Look up the “Bible hub” app.


Why is the KJV what you consider for a person studying “seriously” when we had far more manuscripts to go on when translating more modern versions?


No I just use the king James to read through. I study using a few different manuscripts. Normally I’ll use that Bible hub app because it gives me the options of using the Hebrew and Greek the interlinear, the lexicon, Strongs, and a few others. I use them so together referencing back and forth through them all.


I recommend NLT, it's easy to understand compared to other versions with deeper English


Any Catholic Bible so you gqt the deuterocanon.




Whatever version you use, I recommend reading the New Testament first. It's easier to understand, and is more applicable to us. Either way, here's a playlist of LDS-made videos that help the reading come alive: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYUrOP_ytD4bO48FtadegioYUWNISTq2C&si=W8-mJZ1nRYh0LJDh


Christianity isn’t a religion brotha Issa relationship with God which is the only way to heaven


I like the King James Bible...it's not watered down.


KJV. Modern English translations make weird changes and omissions to verses such as calling Joseph Jesus's father. Don't take my word for it, do your own due diligence and look it up. The changes overwhelmingly attack the divinity of Jesus. - Luke 2:33 (KJV) And Joseph and his mother marvelled at those things which were spoken of him.


The CEV (Contemporary english Version) is the Bible that you want. It reads well and is in line with the KJV. It is a free download for your computer or phone.


ESV updated version is great


I recommend Robert Alter's translation of the Jewish Bible. He brings out the literary qualities of the Bible.


Keep in mind that the NRSVue comes from a more ecumenical (that is, progressive mainline Protestant) perspective, rather than a theologically conservative evangelical perspective (that is, in the classic historic sense). For newcomers, I will always recommend both the NLT and the ESV. The NLT reads in a "contemporary" way, whereas the ESV is finding its way into the standard academic text for thoughtful evangelicals. The ESV Student Study Bible (https://www.crossway.org/bibles/esv-student-study-bible-case/) could be very helpful here for a study edition.


I like the NLT version and I'm also a beginner. I'm not religious, but I use it for spiritual guidance.


NIV is easy to read. If you want a true word to word Hebrew and Greek translation. NASB 95 edition is the best you can get.


I can recommend this Audio Bible (KJV) narrator has a very good voice. Lay down and listen to it. Begin from Genesis and work your way through to Revelation, and start over. Always pray for guidance and understanding: [https://www.youtube.com/@kjvaudiobible7511](https://www.youtube.com/@kjvaudiobible7511)


King James Version ! While we can learn things about God in every book of the bible, in order to understand which books of the bible are direct instruction TO us we need to rightly divide the word of God - 2Timothy 2:15 . Once you rightly divide the word of God by simply understanding who God was speaking to in each book it removes any conflicting scriptures , difficult verses and unlocks the beauty, freedom, and peace of God’s amazing love and grace and eternal life/salvation in paradise made available freely to us ( Ephesians 2:8-9 ) by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus , without the need for religion or doing good works (cleaning up your life) BEFORE you can be saved. Simply believe/trust the gospel Jesus gave Paul for the church / body of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ) for salvation in this time of the dispensation of grace that will end without notice with the rapture. When you do, you have full assurance of salvation and are sealed until the rapture.  Then study Paul’s epistles Romans through Philemon to learn and grow in your new exciting identity and hope of a future you cannot fathom how great it will be.  We were created by God to live with Him in harmony and in PARADISE. He intends to restore that for those who accept His free and gracious offer of reconciliation through the death burial and resurrection of His son.  Trust that and NOTHING else. Because that is the only thing that saves you and keeps you saved. What Jesus did. NOT what you do. Not your church, your pastor, your good works, your heart, your feelings, you perceiving yourself to be a good enough person on your own , going to mass, and whatever other man made religious attempts to earn your own righteousness that you can never achieve.  Salvation is by what Jesus did not what you do. ​ In the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John , Jesus himself said He was speaking to Israel under their program.  You are not Israel.    That program with Israel was put on hold due to their rejection of Jesus   ( Romans 9-11) But God had a plan , a mystery hidden from the prophets. (Ephesians 3:8-10) while Jesus converted and revealed this mystery of the dispensation of the grace of God to the Apostle Paul (Acts 9) ,  part of which is the new creature, the church, the body of Christ, a program distinct from Israel's program in the Old testament and Matthew Mark Luke and John, which were to Israel.   Paul is our Apostle for the church today in this age of grace JUST as Moses was to Israel with the law …..and the 12 apostles Jesus converted during his earthly ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel - NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST - you see clearly that ISRAEL’s program and the church/body of Christ program are two different messages/ gospels.  Everyone wants to make Jesus words in Matthew Mark Luke John the new law even though they do NOT actually obey a fraction of it.  Jesus himself said He was talking to Israel. YOU ARE NOT ISRAEL.  Acts 15 and Galatians 1-2 clearly show that Peter had the gospel to the circumcision Israel and Paul had the gospel of a different program to the gentiles or the uncircumcision….. Paul is our apostle for the church commissioned by Jesus.  Genesis through Mid book of Acts (Paul’s conversion) is about Israel's program with God before it was put on hold with Israel's rejection of Jesus.   Now we can learn from those books however Romans through Philemon are our direct and only instruction given by Jesus to the gentiles for the church age of grace until the rapture (which will occur next and without notice).   After the rapture, Israel's program will RESUME ( Romans 9-11) and the books of Hebrews through Revelation will be instruction for all during the tribulation, which will be the most difficult, UNCOMFORTABLE 7 years the earth has ever seen.  ( Revelations 9:6  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.)   God's desire for you now is to be reconciled to HIM and to receive His forgiveness right now for your past, present, and future sins, and to spend eternity with Him in love and paradise as this world was originally intended to be !! No sin, sorrow, or pain !!!   Believe/Trust in the gospel that saves today !! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is the gospel that saves today in the dispensation of grace !! ​ Lastly if you ask why this has not been taught by mainstream so called Christian religions/denominations/churches in buildings…….. when it is right in the Bible….well here is why : ​ 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 **3** But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: **4** In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. ​ **2 Corinthians 11:13-15** **13** For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. **14** And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. **15** Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. ​ Trust/believe in the gospel that saves today - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Then study Romans through Philemons to grow in God’s grace !! ​ Grace and peace !!!


What difference does it make, as truth only comes by hearing, not by reading.