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I would recommend you begin reading in the Gospel of John. That book was written to unbelievers to show them how they can know they have eternal life (John 20:31). If you read just one chapter a day of John's Gospel, you will get through the entire book in three weeks since there are 21 chapters. I personally recommend reading from the King James Bible since it's the most accurate translation. Hinduism denies the truth that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior. You need to get away from Hinduism and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who died on the cross to pay your sin debt in FULL, was buried, and came back from the dead (1 Cor. 15:3-4). Those who die without trusting in the payment that Christ made on their behalf will have to pay for their own sins in a literal hell that lasts forever. However, the moment you trust in Christ alone as your Savior, ALL of your sins (past, present, and future) are completely forgiven and you are guaranteed to go to heaven when you die! "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph. 2:8-9). "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 6:23).


King James is more accurate than NRSV or ESV? 


Yes, that would be my view. I do not approve of translations that are based on the CT (which was compiled by Westcott & Hort). Do some research on Westcott & Hort, and you will quickly learn that they were not even Bible-believing Christians. I certainly do not condemn others for using another translation; nor do I argue that people can only get saved or grow as a Christian from reading the KJV as opposed to other translations. However, I have personally decided to stick to the KJV for a number of reasons. This link nicely sums up many of the other reasons I have: https://expreacherman.com/2011/10/28/why-i-use-the-king-james-version/


I actually did not say that I would leave my religion. Actually arya samaji actually worship one god through agnihotra. I think that jesus might be a good saint for me. We don't believe in prophets or avatars.


Jesus cannot just be a saint to you. Jesus is the one true living God revealed in the flesh. The God you worship in your religion will not save you, and as the original commenter said, if you don’t accept the gift of Christ’s sacrifice, you will have to pay for your sins on your own. I don’t want to “fear-monger” or anything, but I am serious when I say Jesus is the ONLY WAY to eternal life.


Yeah, I know. You believe in him as the son of God. I just want to read the scripture for my research


If you want to read, then get a copy of the Bible and read. But please do not come to this community preaching other religions. As He said, you’d be better off hanging a millstone around your neck and casting yourself into the sea than leading people away from Christ. The Wrath of God is real, but so is the Love. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He came to bring Peace, Joy, and to preach Forgiveness and Mercy. I do encourage you to read into the life and messages of Jesus Christ, but try and do so from a nonbiased view. Peace be with you, and with your spirit.


No, no. I am not leading you away. My guru also says that leading people away from their path is wrong.


Read the Bible with an open heart.. To understand God and not to judge Him using our faulty standards. I hope one day God will make you understand the true magnificence of our one true God who created you.


Yes you should. In fact, find a good online verse by verse study to help Gary Hamrick is a great one to start with. Look him up. Every time that God laid His wrath upon people, there is a very unique thing everyone seems to miss. His mercy comes first! How is that a blood thirsty God? Do not listen to people who do not study the word!


I don't think it's a good idea to base ones beliefs off of the opinions on one man.. unless that man is God. I have studied Hinduism and other religions as a Christian. I recommend you do as well. You may find that there are more similarities than you expect.


Yeah, bro I have find many beliefs but my beliefs are different from Hinduism, the Vedic Monotheism. If I find, many things are different too. You believe in heaven/hell, day of judgement, angels etc.


Alot of the differences are just cultural and/or language differences rather than actual differences. We are all trying to define something that can't be defined (God). So each culture fills in the gaps with what it knows.. it's mythologies, legends, stories, and philosophies (thus theology is born). Thus, I think all religions that teach of a benevolent God that is Love, or loves (which is unanimous across the board for all the major religions), are in a way correct. Each person is called into their own spiritual path, and usually one that suits their personality and background. It's rare to see people that give consideration to other traditions, or even study them. Many Christians would say that Hinduism have questionable things about it, but in my studies, I've actually found that it has alot of strange similarities to Catholicism/Orthodoxy.


How do you reconcile the idea of all religions leading to the same destination with the fact that religions occasionally persecute and kill each other because of their religion? I'll have to disagree with you that all major religions teach a benevolent God that is Love or who loves. Islam does not, as evidenced by their treatment of their own people and others around them. This is evident in testimonies of people who have converted to Christianity from Islam, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzfVAb4q8ZU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlLpuBxEP9A


>How do you reconcile the idea of all religions leading to the same destination I didn't say that or claim this. I can elaborate about how each of the major religions have love as its central philosophy. You are also incorrect, Islam does teach God is Love, but not all Muslims practice that.. Christianity is no different, with burning crosses in the southern U.S., etc. Radicals on both sides there. Yes, Islam teaches that God is love, or Al-Wadūd, which means "The Most Loving". This idea is derived from the Qur'an, which refers to Allah by this name in verses 11:90 and 85:14. The name Al-Wadūd emphasizes that love is an active expression, not just an emotion. It is shown through Allah's actions, such as blessings, trials, and protection.


Yes just read the Bible for yourself it wouldn't hurt you even if you don't change your religion but I bet you you will...


Let's see, but I will keep my religion.


God's word does not come back void so be careful what you read then... So you have been warned Jesus did come here to save all mankind and he loves all of us whether we love him or not... Don't be surprised if you have the chance to change and you take that chance and find out that your life is so much better and that you can relate to your life because you understand it better even though we will never understand the mind of God this side of Glory... Go with God then...


If it were possible, I would follow both or just my religion, that which came before religions came


Nothing came before Jesus... Remember, Jesus is God


Good luck in your quest. I commend you for looking for the truth yourself and not just take someone’s word for it.


Christianity signifies the belief in Jesus Christ, which signifies The New Testament. The New Testament is basically about an ongoing war between good and evil. God was and is attempting to remove evil from the earth. The other side wants evil to reign. Read The New Testament, then read the book Judgement of the Nephilim. It will all make much more sense.


I mean I guess you could call the Christian God violent and bloodthirsty depending on how you define the words. You could say the same of a mother who shoots and kills a criminal that attempted to break into her house and kidnap her children, but I think most of us would call that person "brave" or "defensive". The latter is what God says of Himself in Exodus 20: > Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: **for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God**, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. > > (Exodus 20:4-6) In the same way an animal defends their offspring from an enemy that comes to kill them, God defends us from the evil that comes to kill us. Sometimes that requires killing the source of danger, and out of love for His children God was willing to take things that far in order to make things like child sacrifice stop. (Deuteronomy 9:4-6) It didn't *work* because God's children decided to not actually finish the job God sent them to, but that wasn't God's fault. (Judges 2:1-4) So yes, the Christian God can and will kill to defend those who are His. Any reasonable parent would. To answer your other question, I personally get a lot more out of just reading the Bible plain, without study notes. Study bibles with their multitude of pictures, notes, commentary, etc. can be distracting from the rest of the text, and while sometimes the info in the notes can be useful, it's not the primary thing. I'd go with a plain, no-notes Bible using an easy-to-understand translation in your native language (the NLT is a good one if your native language is English, this one on Amazon seems pretty good: https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Bible-New-Living-Translation/dp/1414309473). Try to ignore the "section headings" - many Bibles (including the one I linked to) insert quick summaries of sections of Scripture into the text. These summaries aren't part of the original Biblical text, and too often I've found them to be wrong or misleading, so I skip over them.


(It is worth pointing out that the bit about "visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children" does not say that God punishes children for their fathers' sins. It's the reverse - if the "father" of a sin (the person who commits sin) sins against someone else, and that in turn leads that someone else to commit sin, the "father" is ultimately responsible for the "child's" sin, and God will take that into account ("visit" it) when judging them. Ezekiel 18 helps clear some of this up.)


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Jehovah is a loving GOD, He is love. Try reading the gospels, get to know His Son Jesus Christ and that will give you everything you need to know about Him.


Anyone that doesn’t understand will say that. It seems that way at first, but God is just. My point is that when people do evil to others, shouldn’t there be a recompense? Like for r*ping, m*urdering, destroying families, deceiving His people, using them, oppressing them, and enslaving them with brutal practices? These are the types of things that Jehovah judged very severely to the point of Him “shortening their days.” He hates evil, especially towards His people and when someone does very bad things to folks, it will be answered with a similar severity outside of the context of them repenting and trying to or having a heart to right their wrongs for God. However, it also says “ God is not mocked, for what one does in the flesh, he will also reap,” (Galatians 6:7) meaning that God can’t be fooled. Sometimes He does turn a situation around and then other times, a person will get back the evil (or good) of what they did. God is not impulsive with judgment. People often just fear they will get back what they did to folks or (with all due respect) they’re just speaking from their ignorance of the scriptures.


Many people sat when starting to read the Bible, start with the book ofJohn. Tnis will give you a real good idea what Christianity and Jusus is really about


Hindu Gods attack one another and have sex with one another, sometimes non consensually. why does he have a problem with YHWH?


He doesn't believe in the 'Hindu' Gods. We believe in one god and worship him through agnihotra. He probably wrote negative because of conversions happening in india during the 1800's


What qualifies someone as “Hindu” then? I know there are devotees, but to not believe in the “gods”?


It would differ for different people. But for me, it would be people who are worshipping the god of Vedas through daily agnihotra


Who is the “god” of the Vedas?


He has many names in Vedas, but the most supreme like name is Om


What do you think of the other “gods” Hindus believe in


They say that they are forms of that one god. Heck, I even worshipped Shiva before coming into Vedic religion. My interest from childhood was to read or learn Vedas. But I think these gods and idol worship came from Jainism and Buddhism


Doesn’t Hinduism predate buddism and Jainism?


Yeah, the Vedic religion predates every religion. But the 'Hinduism' we have today was probably developed around the times of these religions. And since then, Vedic religion has been getting less followers. Arya samaj brought the Vedic religion back. I think myself as a Vedic follower. One thing I don't like about him is talking bad about Sikhism, as their gurus have protected our land too


If God doesn’t act to stop evil, then the spin is that He is uncaring or powerless, but if He does act to stop evil, then the spin is that He is bloodthirsty and violent.


I like reading the bible for fun. So i highly recommend to start at on the new testament, the book of Matthew, Mark,Luke or John. I actually read all four in order. And just followed till the end of the new testament. Than started the old testament. I recommend the NIV(new international version) or (NLT) new living translation. They easy to understand. If you wanna get fancy you can go to KJV( King james version) its old English so its hard for me to understand. A study bible helps a lot. Usually audio bible helps and just go to the study bible for context and questions. Lots of free bible apps. Also churches usually offer free bibles.(christian) At the Catholic church i work at they only sell them 😞.


There are plenty of regular bibles available online for free. Read for yourself and see what God is really like. Start from the New Testament then work your way back into the Old.


Ok thanks


No, not bloodthirsty. Jehovah is a God of both uncompromising justice and inexhaustible mercy. He destroyed many decadent dystopias, but forgave penitent people like Paul and Alma. Jesus Christ was Jehovah in mortal form. He showed wrath in cleansing Jerusalem's temple. And He didn't sugarcoat His condemnations of hypocrites. But He traveled from town to town, doing miraculous acts of service for people. And He reached out to societal outcasts. Jesus's compassionate, merciful side is shown in paintings by Del Parson, Liz Lemon Swindle, Simon Dewey, and Greg Olsen.


I don't believe in avatars or prophets but it is another thing