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I demand a tv show of this BS.


[This](https://fb.watch/sP332jCQPb/?mibextid=KsPBc6) is the source. Ad views might let her buy something other than a Trek.


thanks for koming.


Facebook in 2024 ?


TikTok is kids, Instagram is barebones and creepy, Twitter is now unavoidable pre op trans porn and political soapboxes so yes Facebook it is.


My algorithm shows me very different things


/uc you only get pre op trans porn if you’re searching for it on your IP address bud. Might want to ask some roommates what they’re googling hahahahaha


Roommates? I thought we were all adults here. Only thing i use Twitter for is when there’s someone running through the city centre with a knife and Facebook and Twitter can provide minute to minute updates of which roads to avoid.


Sorry - wife’s boyfriend


You’re the one working away from home half the year…


That link isn’t working. Do you have a name for her? She’s hilarious.


I have a Trek..I go very fast


reno 911 but for the freds


pfft exposed cables in 2024? don't call yourself a cyclist


Reflectors too. F\*cking Tr\*k.


My Felt IA came with reflectors and a bell lmao.


/uc In my area, there is a law that says all new bikes sold must be equipped with wheel, front, and rear reflectors. It may be the same in your area. It's funny you should mention Felt. I just purchased a Felt VR Advanced (Di2, here I come!). It's at the bike shop being built up. Guess what is the first thing I do when I get it home? Lol.


Rim brakes


I'll have you know my bice is made entirely from exposed cables, my team mechanic says it makes things easier


this counts right? Tourney [https://www.scott-sports.com/us/en/product/scott-speedster-50-bike](https://www.scott-sports.com/us/en/product/scott-speedster-50-bike)


Does it really matter what bike you have as long as youre enjoying yourself🤦‍♂️


Is she doin a new skit for GCN?


[Is Cycling Bad For Women’s Sexual Health?](https://youtu.be/NP-yiAc3tzA?si=T5Mp9J6SSzkKdhmt&t=89)


Today I learned to not click BCJ links when you’re in a crowded room.


Sorry i thought we were all OBGYNs here.


I do quite a bit of freelance


Hobbyists, but yes.


Thanks m8 I'm at work lol


That's some excellent timestamp work.


The harder the cycle the bigger the spray, yes ma'am. I KOM hard


......and I'm in love.


With a Tr\*k? Are you pour, Fred?


I can fix her 🙏🥺


This hygienist is out of control


Bit thirsty this one.




I have never felt more seen.


JFC Doris, the fucking helmet visor. How am I supposed to take you seriously?


could any eurotrash please enlighten me as to what exact accent this is?


Sounds like a Yorkshire lass to me


always wonder how the fuck you can tell. like tennessee and georgia both just sound "southern" outside of hearing a specific local "phrase" or something.


I’m originally from Yorkshire. It’s a really distinct accent. It’s kinda the same in the US. North Carolina and Louisiana are both southern but they sound very different and I can pick out a Texas or Virginia accent anywhere.


the US examples you mentioned are true, but we are talking HUGE distances in those comparisons. you guys have like 4 kilometers of island total (idk wtf is a kilometer). its wild how different cities seem to have their entire own shit going on with accents.


Ok, so the UK uses miles. I know right…wait till you hear how they measure weight. Europe uses km and I have no idea how that even works. I hear what you’re sayin but the north and south of England is culturally different. So it’s 4 hours drive from where I’m originally from to London and the accents are completely different. Now, I live in Albuquerque and 4 hours drive is Amarillo and they definitely have a different accent than us. (I’ve lived here a long time and consider myself part of the abq we). Not too dissimilar. What’s crazy though, is I can tell the difference between accents in certain town areas in Yorkshire. That’s like hearing a difference between Dallas and Abilene accents.


>That’s like hearing a difference between Dallas and Abilene accents thats kind of what i was touching on. its like you guys just hear a dude and youre like "fuck that dude hes from portsmouth". i can tell a north redcoat from a london redcoat, but i cant do it by city like the locals seem to be able to do. even with your examples of US places, those are some pretty specific accents. i would guess maybe a dallas 6th generation person could tell about that abilene accent youre talking about, but americans by and large cant. your whole little empire can basically nail a person to their postcode (pretty sure thats what you guys do) just with a sentence.


closest example would in the US would probably be NYC about 70-100 years ago. Each borough had their own accents, and a Brooklyn accent was distinctly different than a Bronx accent, especially as new waves of immigrants would filter into the neighborhoods where their fellow countrymen lived


this holds up until you remember the boroughs were heavily racially and culturally segregated at the time. when we talking about the little islands, the differences arent so pronounced.


yeah that's a good point


Yeah you’re right. I’m actually out of practice. I haven’t lived there in a looong time. My wife is from the US south though and she can hear a lot of differences in southern accents. It’s pretty cool to hear her break down the different vowel pronunciations of NC vs Alabama or Georgia. Fascinating stuff. Safe rides Fred. Nice chatting with ya


Don’t speak for all of us. I’m from Corpus and can tell slight differences between North, South, and East Texas. I can also tell NOLA accents from swamp rats. Also I can distinguish most southern states from each other based on their drawl to twang ratio. I might not be right all the time but I’m pretty close. Now northern states are different. I can really only distinguish like 4 accents: Midwestern, Canadian Border, NY, and Boston.


Yeah but 4 hours drive in the US gets you over 300 miles. 4 hours in the UK gets you what? 80? 😆


Realistically London is 200 miles from my town and Amarillo is 289 from where I live now. So, not THAT much difference for 4 hours driving. Now let’s talk about petrol price and doing 80 in my Tahoe vs the little ford I rent when I visit home.


In europe dialects are much more pronounced over small distances. It's really the US that's the odd one - since you were colonized like last week, you all have roughly the same history. Here in the old country we proudly have small villages that haven't had an outsider join in the last 800 years, and as a result were able to cultivate a distinct dialect from those bumblefucks 3 miles over. As all good things, this is destroyed by pesky modern technology - e.g. the homogenized High German was spread after the invention of the printing press


If you think of it instead of in terms of distance but in terms of travel time and the fact that for the majority of the time these communities have existed the fastest way to travel was by horse and for most it would be on foot it makes a bit more sense. 40 miles by car is nothing but if the next nearest city is a 2 day walk odds are you aren't getting about much.


Accents vary far more slowly across the landscape in new world countries where settlers were immediately more mobile, compared to the old world where accents evolved over centuries of people rarely travelling more than a day’s walk. Experts can pinpoint British accents down to a town or village.


I attended dental school in Georgia. There a like 3 or 4 different accents just within that state.


arguable as fuck


You can tell because it sounds like she's from Yorkshire


She's actually Cumbrian, Barrow-in-Furness specifically.


It’s like if Jeremy Clarkson was young female and a solid 6 or 9


Who is she and how can I propose?


This is why I ride with the bear.


She's like Philomena Cunk's sportier sister.


Manon’s evil twin is actually pretty funny


Cyclists are exposed!!!


She is gorgeous and funny!!! Marriage material !


Goes home to her knitting hobby and love island. She deserves to be cut off by my see-through bib shorts.


I have the sudden urge to rip my pns off for the aero


Oi yew got a loicense fer dat BOIKE?


This dame needs a bit more than a bice fit, but it's definitely on the list.




That cyclist NPC from GTA 5


She is n it a cyclist everyone know cyclist have tiny calves - it’s the quads that are massive. And £27k pfff only as an antique.


big singleton energy.


Cars think they would rather overtake two cyclists in single file than two cyclists side-by-side. Because they are stupid.


Christopher Hitchens was right.


As a man, I guess I am biking wrong. I do none of this.


"These cheeks... perfect". She's gonna make me KOM


Not very /bcj of me, but she's brilliant. Hilarious.


American accents change far more slowly across areas. A linguistics expert can pin down a British accent to a single village


She’s actually hilarious, could also watch a season of this


"What's the deeaaal with cyclists who ride in the road? I'm like...get a car amirite?"


This is straight cringe


This is a terrible representation of the cool women that are out there.


People make fun of cyclists getting upset when nearly killed, but have you seen how the average car driver acts when someone nearly puts a small scratch on their car or mildly inconveniences them?


I'm not sure about this one. Could be a Karen, so don't get on the wrong side of her.


She sounds like the stalker from baby reindeer and it’s giving me weird feelings inside


Holdup, does the jerking hold true on both side of the pond?


Straps over glasses


Wait I misread this, this is a what *not* to do??


Joke that probably no one understood. Earlier in the week there was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BicyclingCirclejerk/s/IiuATGzjpo) post on here. It was a share of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/s/JGFA9gG3BR) from r/cycling. Was a woman in her forties complaining about men negging or just being too nice when she’s out cycling. Post was quite angsty. She’s even started learning jiu jitsu because of it and weirdly finished the post with a Guardian article that wasn’t about cycling. Remember Seinfeld’s show about nothing? This was an article about nothing. A prominent Scottish male mountaineer had written in a hiking journal guidelines for how a man should behave when encountering a woman on the mountain trail. This post of hers went kind of viral. Over a thousand comments. Arguments breaking out. Lots of men virtue signalling. Lots of men virtue signalling and getting it wrong. The woman in her forties emboldened by the support picking fights with men in the comments and further trauma dumping to women. Was going to tag her in this post. Didn’t as there’s not enough hours in the day to be poking a menopausal bee’s nest. Though kind of regretting not doing so now as as she would have been furious that her post got 700 likes in a week on a far bigger subreddit whereas my post has got over 800 likes in under 24 hours. Quick side note some of the comments on here that have been immediately deleted but that i’ve seen because i get email notifications have been wild. So that’s why the title doesn’t entirely fit this post. It’s also why it’s grammatically incorrect because i don’t edit women.


she makes a good point that cyclists should get the fuck out of the way


I mostly just try to pass women and not draft off them


Anyone know what helmet she is wearing please ?


Very Cringe, not very funny


OP Can we get a name or working source link?


[Here](https://www.wikifeet.com/Sophie_Craig) i got you covered us 88’s got to stick together ✊🏻


Haha. I don’t think that 88 means the same to me as it does to you. It’s the size of my Harley’s engine.


Made me cringe no hate but ewww


Some women can make me laugh and this is one of them


You put too much makeup for cycling


Is this supposed to be funny or just annoying




I get the feeling she doesn’t actually ride at all


Given that 90% of the schtick is "cyclists get in the way of cars" I think it's safe to assume--cyclist or not--she's a douchebag.


what, you mean she's a cyclist with a bike 3 sizes too big for her, random tights and long sleeve t shirt?


She's annoying. 


That’s kinda the point though isn’t it




I almost edited my own post but couldn’t be bothered 😅