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I’m in this list and I don’t like it


It’s a pretty shitty belief that “you’re permanently damaged.” Fuck that. Argue for your limitations and they’re yours. Sure, these things are not good for you, but to believe it’s going to permanently damage you. Nope.


I'd be more damaged or dead without antidepressants.


Facts. Even though I quit them a while ago, will never deny the help it did to me. SSRIs saved my life.


And there is nothing wrong with having help via them.


How are you doing now that you quit? I’m currently weaning off mine.


I don't feel bad. But can't say I'm enjoying life either. Just staying away from everything that can cause me to spiral. (Out drinking, dating, crushes,...) exercising and working myself to death. Being busy keeps me sane. Feels like skipping this part of my life. 23, in grad school. But nothing near before I started the meds. My life is a party compared to back then.


I am scared of long term effects, but man, I couldn't deny I needed them and they helped.


Same. 50mg of Zoloft has been a huge help for me! I no longer want to die everyday and feel more lively


If SSRIs are bad for you it can't be a tenth as harmful as living in constant emotional distress.


Exactly this!


Glad things have gotten better for you. Just living shouldn't be emotionally painful for anyone.


Yeah I'd be dead as well... I think SSRI's get a bad rap... and often deservedly so... that said they can be used along side a lot of other "things" to boost mental health, then slowly taper off. There needs to be more caution around them in a sense, but they do help many ppl.


People who haven't needed them take a moral stance against them. It's finally a failure of empathy — the inability to accept that not everyone has your wiring, genetics, tools, whatever. You see this same thing around the GLP-1 meds. I don't need those drugs but I understand that they've been a lifesaver for others.


Lifelong skinny people: fat people are weak, lazy and stupid. Rich people: poor people are weak, lazy and stupid. Etc.


Yeh I feel like they're actually holding my body together


I beg to differ. Went to a Motörhead concert aged 17 and my hearing has never fully recovered. That was 40 years ago.


Cipro permanently damaged my hearing. It’s 100% a thing.


So is the tendon rupture


Loud noise can 100% permanently damage your hearing, alcohol can give you permanent disease, and cigarettes can give you permanent COPD. Not simply a “belief” but actually real


Alcohol can also damage your ears. Nevermind your brain, organs, etc.


I mean none of it is permanent because eventually you will die


I get what you mean from a life/motivational stand point, but there is some biological damage that just simply can’t be undone. From the most obvious of something like losing a limb, to less obvious things like DNA damage some things just can’t be fixed. This shouldn’t be used to limit your mindset, but denying that permanent damage can occur is simply incorrect and disingenuous.


I’ve been permanently damaged by SSRI use 14 years ago There’s an entire sub dedicated to people suffering from long term and permanent side effects caused by SSRIs r slash PSSD And no, my problems are not caused by “depression” I never had any of these problems before taking an SSRI, and no, depression doesn’t cause your dick to go completely numb or cause completely muted orgasms. I didn’t have sleep apnea before taking an SSRI either.


Thank you very much for this, had no idea about that sub! Sadly I was put on SSRIs at age 12 and have been on various ones from then until age 22. It seems to me that they have greatly impaired my memory and overall cognitive abilities among other detrimental effects (and never have really helped with depression during those years, for that matter). Have never really talked about this with anyone before so thanks again for the info


Wow….that’ s risky. Were you suicidal over time since they put you on that? I tried it first at 38 - for severe debilitating 24/7 hell psysical condition. Saved my life. But I would neeeeeevvvvvveeeerr allow my 12 year old to try unless it was a matter of life or death with no other options. Young brains are a very different thing than from 25+.


SSRIs definitely can cause permanent damage. Ask me how I know.


Every anecdote I hear about anti depressants makes me more glad that I turned them down when I was 21.


Tell me please




I too have been living with PSSD for 14 years at this point SSRI’s permanently damaged me


Years of abusive forced work overtime with resulting chronic severe sleep deprivation damaged my body. It burned out my adrenals, gave me metabolic syndrome, and gave me brain damage with memory loss. I'm not joking. Think twice before allowing a company to make you do home office days in second shift unpaid evenings, and before allowing them to book business trips back to back hoping that you will do your home office work for free in the middle of the night forever. It won't give you brownie points, and it won't make them like you more. It isn't worth it. So just stick up for yourself and say no to these things.


I think I’ve had similar. I’m curious what your other symptoms are? I had years of a really chaotic unsafe work situation with sleep deprivation. To this day I experience depersonalization , memory issues, chronic tension headaches, blurry vision, nervous system issues, racing thoughts, and my head feels really heavy.


I can't believe no else has said concussions, TBI's, getting punched in the head, brain injuries of some kind, or even low level repeated concussive events from sports.


100% had my second one a few months ago and I can’t function and having mood swings daily.


I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you start to feel like yourself again soon. Try lots of sleep, no alcohol, avoid processed foods, lots of healthy fats from fish, low stress, plenty of water, long walks to stimulate production of BDNF.


Thank you! I’ve been doing all that (alcohol free since 2019), been having trouble with sleep and stress though. 😭 Can’t eat fish either due to allergy. What is BDNF? I walk about 5 miles a day so curious.


BDNF stands for Brain derived neurotropic factor. I just asked chat GPT and this is what it said: "BDNF stands for Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor. It's a protein that plays a crucial role in promoting the growth, development, and maintenance of neurons in the brain and nervous system. BDNF is involved in various processes such as synaptic plasticity, which is essential for learning, memory, and overall cognitive function. It also plays a role in regulating mood and emotions. Additionally, BDNF has been linked to neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain. Overall, BDNF is important for maintaining healthy brain function and has been implicated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders." "There are several natural ways to increase BDNF levels in your brain: 1. **Exercise:** Regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercise like jogging, swimming, or cycling, has been shown to significantly increase BDNF levels in the brain. 2. **Healthy Diet:** Consuming a diet rich in nutrients, particularly those found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon and nuts like walnuts), can support BDNF production. 3. **Adequate Sleep:** Prioritize getting enough quality sleep each night, as inadequate sleep can negatively affect BDNF levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. 4. **Stress Reduction:** Chronic stress can reduce BDNF levels, so practicing stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga may help maintain or increase BDNF levels. 5. **Intermittent Fasting:** Some research suggests that intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window), may increase BDNF levels. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen. 6. **Mental Stimulation:** Engage in intellectually stimulating activities like reading, puzzles, learning new skills, or socializing, as these activities can help increase BDNF levels. 7. **Sunlight Exposure:** Spending time outdoors in natural sunlight can boost BDNF production. Aim for at least 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure each day, being mindful of sunscreen use to prevent skin damage. Incorporating these lifestyle factors into your routine can help naturally increase BDNF levels and support overall brain health and function. However, it's essential to remember that individual responses may vary, and it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant lifestyle changes."


13. Overstressing about how I'm not perfectly optimizing my health


Stress is definitely a huge health risk. Especially stressing about things you already did to your body. Nothing to do.


This is the biggest one.


sitting too long is the new cigarettes


Chronic omega 3 deficiency has also been equated to smoking.


Study please?


trust me bro




Rhonda patrick was the first I've heard say it. Though few other doctors have echoed it. Not sure if this video is where she says that exactly, but has a few of the studies mentioned. https://youtu.be/r4TppE0LDxs


Toxic Mold exposure! Hidden in the walls. Almost killed me because it caused extreme sleep deprivation and breathing issues.


How did you resolve it?


How did you discover it?


Mindless eating (mukbang).




I'm surprised a sedentary lifestyle isn't included


I know. A sedentary lifestyle is way more harmful than over exercising since the average person doesn’t get enough exercise in a week. So it’s highly doubtful this would be an issue with most people on Reddit. Unless they’re exercising more than a pro-athlete, which I highly doubt.


This. Stop mentioning to your SO they gained a few pounds. Start mentioning you’re worried about their sedentary lifestyle.


To be honest the contraceptive pill it’s the best thing happened to me. Im feel better in my head and my body


You know what else may permanently damage ones body? Pregnancy and birth. OP isn’t looking at the bigger picture. Pills weren’t for me, I have an iud. But I will never give women a hard time for using bc pills. 


Omg the iud has been horrible but also a life-saver. The reality is that quite a large proportion of women have no other treatment options than hormonal BC. Exercise might help with feeling lethargic but it's not stopping the endometriosis


Right? You can tell OP is most likely a male or someone who is ignorant and dense


Me too. I have endometriosis. Birth control gave me my life back.


Agreed! PCOS is a nightmare without birth control. With it, I feel human again!


Same. I was off of BC a few different points in my life - the most emotionally unstable I've ever been. I didn't make the connection until after I had my children, nursing, and my husband got snipped. I couldn't understand why I was an emotional roller coaster, only feeling emotionally decent 7 days a month. It was severely affecting my life and relationships. I went on the lowest dose pill & BAM back to feeling completely in control again. Then I started to realize that the points in my life when my hormones were doing their natural thing I was a complete wreck, in addition to a solid week of heavy cramping and bleeding.


**Yeah, this is written by someone that clearly doesn't really know what they are talking about.** Birth Control is absolutely a need for some people, as are Antidepressants. Sunshine and organic vegetables are not going to cure any hormonal issues, or deficiencies with your brain being able to make the right happy chemicals. Some people NEED medication to help their body regulate.


I think the issue is some people work great on these, other people get absolutely screwed up. Doctors seem really bad at differentiating who will experience what so we get posts like these and then responses arguing. The concerning thing is people who don’t react well can have permanent effects at times.


Agreed. This is becoming dangerously close to pseudoscience. It's one thing to ask for a second opinion or advocate for yourself, but most of the people here are not doctors or scientists. Some people have been "permanently damaged" by a vaccine. It's incredible rare and I'm a huge proponent of vaccines, but if you're putting birth control on the list, it's a slippery slope. How many lives have antidepressants and cipro *saved*? How many have been killed or damaged by red meat or peanuts? Too much water has killed people. Many of the things on this list are great advice and also don't have upsides for anyone. Nobody is benefiting from cigarettes, processed food, chronic stress, sunburns, overly loud music, bad air quality, or sleep deprivation. The others, at best, should be "Potential caution: Talk to your doctor about the risk versus benefits. Consider asking for a second opinion."


Yeah, meds are not nearly as black and white like some people like to act. The alternative with not being on some meds can be more harmful than being on them.


Probably one of the, if not *the*, greatest invention of all times hands down


Same. Yaz has my PMDD in complete remission. OP doesn't know jack about gynecology.


Yeah, I feel like in the balance of all things birth control is way way way healthier the like 20 pregnancies.


Anti depressants too, like fuck me, I just function normally thanks to SSRIs and I don’t have daily panic attacks


Didn’t expect to see Cipro on this list but yes. Never in my life did I think that fluoroquinolones can cause so many life long issues to so many people.


Jiu Jitsu. It’s definitely done good for my cardiovascular and even confidence. But after 7 years of thousands of rounds, my back and hips ache a little all day. Cold plunges and resistance training helps but I definitely did a number on my spine haha




I wish I could have used PEDs, the recovery is no joke. I do a lot of decompression work now. Foam rolling and dead hangs from a pull up bar. Does seem to be helping a lot, at one point I was getting sciatica pain a few years ago. Added in the hanging for a minute 3x a day and it went away. Less sitting also


Have a look into healing peptides they definitely help with old injuries


I just hate the people in BJJ who try to force the "win" using their weight and muscle. Obviously there's less of them as you progress but if you're a smaller guy like myself (130 lbs, 5' 6"), some gyms just don't have anyone your size. And some gyms don't care about matching up body types at practice. You can have great partners for three weeks straight then you get partnered with one dude that weighs way more than you and just wants to "win" and they end up hurting you and now you're damaged for a few weeks.






Consumption of micro plastics, lead paint & mercury from seafood


Sadly this is unavoidable, you can only minimize your intake but microplastics are everywhere


How do birth control pills permanently damage your body? 🤔


They definitely gave me side effects but it all stopped when I stopped taking them…so yeah I think permanent damage is a bit excessive.


I know some girls that took those pills not because they were already in a sexual relationship but for some hormonal regulation. So it worked for them in an opposite way I guess.


I have endometriosis and have found that the progesterone-only pill has done wonders for managing my symptoms - and potentially the spread of the disease. I think birth control pills aren’t so cut and dry, individual health is complex.


Not a permanent thing hopefully but I have stopped bc for almost 5 years now and my period is still irregular , with low progesterone issues I didn't have before. Potential post pill pcos. I had the most predictable menstrual cycle before starting this garbage.


I would think childbirth would do a lot more damage than birth control, so I’m good with my decision to be on the pill lol


Mom of 2, can confirm.


I have permanently elevated SHBG since stopping BCP nearly 20 years ago


Likely a direct cause of hair loss and fibroid development for me while I popped the stuff for years. I haven’t taken BC in over 5 years, and these are still issues I deal with. Synthetic hormones are nothing to mess with. They cause a myriad of other hormone related issues for women taking it long-term.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this! Nobody fully understands how huge hormonal changes can affect a body longterm, and doctors seem to hand out birth control with no real warning! I think broader access to birth control is great, but there should be clear warnings on its potential impact on your body. I had heavy, inconsistent cycles with BC and stopped taking it after 6 months of trying it. I don't think it was a coincidence that I was seriously depressed and suicidal around the time I tried it. Now I'm just careful and use condoms and keep Plan B on hand for emergencies only.


Yeah. The past few times I went to the gyno to explain issues, I am presented with birth control. No blood tests nor physical exams.. Just, "Here you go!" I also heard that if you state that you want to get pregnant, they will take you more seriously and make sure your hormones levels are good. It's a weird cheat code.  It's just so strange for a doctor who was born a woman is so nonchalant about these issues towards other women. 


Yeah, strange that we have to advocate for things to be checked out. I think it'd be a great idea to have most people who want birth control to at least have bloodwork done to check if your hormones are normal or not when you start it.


Read the insert sheets. Side effects are terrible.


Blood clots and stroke.


How could they not? You're changing your entire hormone system, there's bound to be short and long term side effects. Our entire female society is just popping those bc pills as if the human body has dealt with it for hundreds of millions of years. I'm not sure on the specifics since every brand is different but I'm guessing that like SSRI's, everything is fine until it's not.


This is a reasonable outlook. But I think it should also be noted that having (and raising) a child is also is quite detrimental to your hormones and your body. As well as increasing your expenses, responsibility and generally your entire life. One could argue any side effects hormonal birth control may have would be worthwhile compared to having a child before you are ready for it. That being said it’s not a necessity and there are many options that may affect people quite differently as well as non hormonal options.


Also people are only looking at this in terms of pregnancy but birth control and its benefits are much more than that It can help regulate your hormones, make it so your periods aren't atrocious week long affairs (some women have easy and some have insanely difficult periods) There's also other disease interactions. Chronic diseases, even ADHD and focus ability is affected by hormones These can sometimes be very alleviated by using birth control I'm continuously surprised at how the conversation on birth control is so focused on kids. It can have numerous side benefits depending on the person Of course, it is so individualistic, just like with diet. Find what your body wants and needs and try to make the best decisions at the time based on that. Often times it's weighing one risk against another




Can confirm Cipro is poison. What does birth control and SSRI's do?




Repeated respiratory infections with hard coughing. Damages the pulmonary alveoli over time, thereby decreases lung volume and function and is irreversible.


Is it the coughing that does the damage?


That's no good to hear But surely something like cardio which has been shown to improve respiratory related issues, could help alleviate some of that... Now all I have to do is enjoy cardio ...


SSRIs fucked my body up so bad. My biggest regret.


Cipro really messed me up. I’ve got tinnitus from stuff I’ve done in the Mil, but had to take a round of Cipro for a bad case of salmonella. Didn’t know it would increase the tinnitus 3 fold. I used to enjoy being in the woods or out somewhere quiet. Can’t do that anymore.


poverty (which, i guess, is chronic stress)


The human body has an amazing ability to heal.


If you assume you are "ruined" then wish granted. Remember you're mind and body is listening.


SSRI's may change your body, but in most cases they don't permanently "damage" your body. With any medication or supplement for an actual disease like severe depression, there could be a danger. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take it if the benefits outweigh the risks


I still experience brain zaps, and it's been several years since I've taken Pristiq.


I’m on a SSRI that controls my IBS-D. If I wasn’t on it I’d be at a higher risk for colorectal cancer which I seriously don’t want in my 20-30’s.


Definitely. If you're getting on SSRI's for mild anxiety, especially when your lifestyle is shitty, then it's stupid. But for people like me with intense body dysmorphia, I would be immobilized with depression and low self-esteem without SSRI's. Same thing for ADHD. Meds that help with that are good for people who need them, but are detrimental for people without ADHD


'Scuse me, but my permanently damaged dick and brain would like a word "Most" is correct in that most people won't experience what I have, let alone to the same degree. Mind you even if it's not noticeable, nobody is the same after SSRI treatment. SSRIs are toxic (particularly to the reproductive system) and induce negative epigenetic changes, which I would classify as permanent damage. People can and should be able to take SSRIs for whatever reason they wish. But they should be given fully informed consent about the possibility of permanent, debilitating problems from taking them. Which just doesn't happen. I wish I had been able to make an informed decision 15 years ago, considering I wasn't actually even mentally ill when I was prescribed.


Same. I’ve had PSSD for 14 years And I was NEVER informed of the risks.


This sub is full of morons that demonize psychiatric meds, all while ignoring the absolute necessity for these medications


So are the people who published these studies also morons? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10122283/ “This work offers a first assessment of the **small but significant** risk of irreversible ED associated with the most commonly prescribed class of antidepressants which should enhance the process of receiving **adequate informed consent for therapy.**” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9503765/#:~:text=application%20%5B1%5D.-,Post%2DSSRI%20sexual%20dysfunction%20(PSSD)%20is%20a%20set%20of,%2Ddrug%20syndromes%20%5B2%5D. “In 2019, only PSSD gained an official recognition after the European Medical Agency concluded that PSSD is a medical condition that persists after discontinuation of SSRIs and SNRIs” “This clinical entity is characterized by a wide array of symptoms that may persist for variable periods or even indefinitely [5,6]. In particular, PSSD includes genital anesthesia, anorgasmia, delayed orgasms, ejaculatory dysfunctions and decreased libido that may arise when SSRIs are established and specifically continue when they have been ceased” Are those researchers who published those papers also morons?


I’ve been suffering from PSSD for 14 years SSRI’s caused permanent damage to my brain/body I have never been the same since, and am far worse off having ever taken that poison


In some cases cause they cause a condition known as pssd which encompasses long term sexual dysfunction, and mood blunting. It is permanent with no cure. I've had it for a decade. And there's plenty of studies on it in medical journals. So yes SSRIS can permanently damage your brain.


Key term "in some cases." Unless you have had severe depression, then SSRI's were not the right thing for you. PSSD is very rare and for people with intense problems, the benefits highly outweigh the risks


Sleep deprivation mentally and physically wrecked me




Just came off of SSRI’s and it’s like a breath of fresh air!


13) Reading this list




Pregnancy and childbirth


SSRI use permanently damaged my body, and then the years of sleep deprivation as a result afterwards did even more damage.


Saved mine, no doubt


i’d like to believe that my SSRI saved my life. Everyone’s mileage may vary. Overkill drug? maybe. Self-destructive? i don’t think so


Wait how did SSRIs damage your body?


Gave me permanent sexual dysfunction, emotional anhedonia, major sleep problems, among many others. All things I never experienced before taking SSRIs Feel free to google PSSD


Psych meds for me. Seroquel. Lost my sense of thirst, hunger, appetite, emotions, can’t feel hot or cold anything, completely numb. Only took for four days and had severe reaction and my brain was never the same two years ago.


"permanently" is an overstatement for many of these. Healthful living, healthful diet, fasting, proper sleep, etc., can reverse MANY of these.


I'm pretty sure I did something to my stomach when I drank from a water faucet that was hooked directly on the front of a refrigerator - it came with it - in a brand new apartment in seattle I moved into in 2006. LIke I was supposed to attach it to something that delivered water I think, instead of just using it blindly. I filled up a glass of water from this water delivery faucet, but there were chemicals in it or something. So since then, and to the present, when I drink a certain amount of liquid, there is a sudden abnormal fullness I feel that I never felt before that day.


i hate so much that i was forced on SSRIS and antipsychotics and stimulants at age 12. wish i could undo the damage they definitely caused


In some sense you can--neuroplasticity is lifelong and has far more potential than was ever before realized. Even if you can't exactly "undo" the damage in the sense of making things exactly like they were if it had never happened, you can almost certainly overcome it such that you become more functional than your baseline would otherwise have been.


I was also coerced to take that rat poison at the age of 12. It's just not healthy for a developing adolescent brain and it defintely caused permanent damage of some sort. That's why I'm into so-called "biohacking" in the first place. All I can do is live as healthy as I can, combined with a lot of meditation. Psychiatric medicine cocktails shouldn't be pushed on kids!


Basically everything damages your body. You might as well enjoy it until the wheels fall apart.


I swear I read this somewhere else. I would add staring at computers and devices up close for many years will damage your eyes. The amount of people who wear glasses now appears to have skyrocketed recently.


Huberman touches on this a bit. The other piece missing beyond just “staring at screens up close” is not training our eyes to see further distances because we don’t spend time outside where you just naturally happen to look at things far away. So if you do stare at screens all day, you can also counteract it by just going out for a walk and looking forward while you do. Your eye loses the ability to see far away because it never needs to.


I am a computer scientist. I look at screens all day. I have had the exact same eyeglass prescription since I was 6, before I ever used a computer. But hey don’t believe me, look at the research. Every study ever done has shown that screens do not cause any permanent damage to eyesight. https://www.nvisioncenters.com/education/screen-time-and-your-eyes/


I painted my walls black when I was teenager and sat in front of my pc all day. Safe to say I have myopia now.




20 years ago it was widely considered a "myth" that eyestrain causes nearsightedness. Now it's just painfully, sadly obvious, with the clinical data to back up what had been obvious to people for centuries. And now I see little kids staring at phones in shopping carts *while wearing glasses,* knowing how many lifelong ocular problems they're going to suffer because of that.


The human body can fully recover from all of those and more if given the right conditions




No this is a death cult being alive has caused us irreversible and chronic dying.


13. Worrying about things that permanently damage your body.


Body is extremely resilient and will bounce back after a lot of damage, most of what is listed here will not cause permanent damage and you can easily live a happy and healthy life as long as you have not been living like this for 50+ years, some may though. Also attitude and mental states determine long term health. There have been studies that show people to consider stressors as positive are less adversely affected. If you think because you’ve at any point in life done one of these you’re forever doomed, that’s not a good way to go about life and will only cause you to blame these others factors for your problems and failures. This only leads to more problem and failures. Like blaming a course of antibiotics because now as an adult you don’t have good gut health since you diet is full of shit


Here’s a biohack for you. Go outside in general can permanently damage your body. Working some jobs can permanently damage your body. Some of these things that can damage your body are necessary and some just aren’t completely true. Cigarette, air quality, long term sleep deprivation, alcohol and no earplugs at concerts for long periods yes we all know cause damage. Processed foods is a scare tactic, antidepressants is the same with any drugs, all have potential bad side effects and birth control is the same. Chronic stress is something you can’t help. People live your life the way you want to, but stay informed. Don’t go outside because you’ll get sunburned and it’ll potentially damage your body overtime. Don’t go outside because you don’t want to. You want to sit on your phone for hours? Do it!! Just keep in mind what the potential damages it can do to your body and learn proper habits. People with narcolepsy? You’re screwed. Can’t help you there 😋


Insomnia is a BITCH, if only it were easy to resolve


Sugar, overindulgence of anything


My ex wife


Heavy cocaine use.


Chronic stress has certainly twisted my body in the last two decades. I’m an endurance athlete and eat clean, but when chronic stress arises, my heart rate and blood pressure goes haywire. Made it worse by obtaining my first Covid this past year.


Not drinking enough water!


I tried to explain to someone that number 8 is harmful and they didn’t believe me at all, I got abused instead and down voted to hell being called a virgin and to stfu lol. Good to see people realize the harm it has done I’ve been guilty of #1, expecting doom 💀


Sleeping on my stomach ruined the curve of my back


Whew... I'm glad alcohol is not on the list.


13. Extreme Sports


25 M, recently discovered I have a mild case of scoliosis. Unfortunately scoliosis is one of those things you never really “cure” and you just kinda have to “maintain” it for the rest of your life. Most likely developed due to non stop contact sports (lacrosse, hockey, wrestling) from middle school all the way up through college with never any downtime to evaluate and/or treat injuries. Frustrating but hopeful that with some discipline I can maintain some functionality as I get older. Sports, movement, and proprioception bring me so much enjoyment and the thought of not being able to enjoy those for at least another 25 years brings me dread. Hoping I caught it early enough where It shouldn’t hold me back too much.


Running in wrong shoes kills your knees. Bad form while lifting heavy objects kills your back


Most of this sounds like enjoying your life lol - what’s the point of maintaining this strict regime and slipping on all these experiences in your peak age just to die all the same only without ever living? So what you do at 65 or 95 same shit pretty much. you can maintain a decent quality of life without foregoing all of its pleasures.




Sugar. Lifting heavy objects after injuries. Not stretching after working out. Inadequate earplugs. Child birth. Using a knife wrong in the kitchen. Genetics.


Lmao I'm so fucked.


I only got 8 out of 12. Pretty good right?


You didnt find this there, you posted it there. Yeah, some of these are reasonable, other are unqualified bullshit. Stuff like this is why I unsubscribed from this subreddit in the first place.


Living … I generally find it’s fatal in every case .


I am not pro or against but I am genuinely curious the damages of SSRI/SNRIs seems like so many are on them,I’ve found my myself researching ab them and antidepressants,if anyone else would like to give me their knowledge on them!


They can cause sexual side effects for some people that don’t go away. When I was on them (for about 6 months), I reached a point where I was no longer able to orgasm. Thankfully that went away once I went off of the SSRI. Apparently for some, the sexual side effects are long term even once they stop taking the meds. If you browse some subreddits for SSRIs (Lexapro is one), you can see all the side effects that people experience with sexual side effects being talked about frequently.


You should add the word *"might".*


1, 2 and 12 probs did some permanent damage but the rest can be fixed this is just dramatic and not really worth thinking about. Focus on being healthy going forward


Feels a little overkill because most food is processed especially cheaper food in low income areas. Those with mental issues could greatly benefit from medication management which might include ssri’s etc and telling women that birth control harms their body is dangerous. Potentially yes, definitely no, and preventing a pregnancy is definitely less harm than actually having an unwanted pregnancy. Nuance is so much more important than we chalk it up to be but it’s essential to navigating todays world




Mold in household Microplastic bpa Undetected bacterial infection like hpylori (aka gastric cancer) Undetected parasites Undetected sifo / sibo Heavy metals Craniocervical instability Undetected gene mutation (mtfhr,comt...)


Tootin H


Being alive.


Nothing is permament, your body is stronger than you think


Fuck SSRIs/SNRIs. Zombifying poison that can leave you with horrible withdrawal symptoms even if you taper off Raw dogging life and not being dependent on a substance >


Re #6. Data point. I used to sunburn all the time. After a t2 diabetes diagnosis, I went straight keto. Also avoid processed foods and seed oils. I spent 2 weeks in Florida last year, in August. Full sun. 0 sunscreen. Strangely, despite sitting out in the sun reading books in a bathing suit, I didn't burn at all. There is something to the notion that sunburn and inflammation are tied to diet.


Accutane, Finasteride, Spironolactone, etc.


SSRI’s are relatively new and they’re plenty of medications out there that can treat depression/anxiety that are less harmful to longevity. But due to the “War on drugs” it’s not an option for most people. I’d like to add that most mass shooters are/were on SSRI’s or some sort of anti-psychotic.


13) Aging


How did stooping over a computer permanently damage you? And SSRIs? I’m not skeptical I’m curious. What did they do to you and how do you know it’s permanent?


I think OP is referring to posture and hunching of the back / neck to the point you mess up your cervical vertebrae and damage your nerves. Just a guess.


Eye damage as well, though phone usage also causes that


I’ve been living with PSSD, Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction for 14 years And the symptoms are more than just sexual too There’s an entire sub dedicated to people suffering from PSSD


Sitting all day, usually at a computer, herniated my spinal disc. Spinal fusion helped, but we were not made to sit all day.


All things to avoid, but this is fear porn


What is Cipro?


Ciprofloxacin a very dangerous antibiotic which is still prescribed nowadays. Causes irreversible damage to the mitochondria and puts people on wheelchairs Dangerous stuff be careful


The worst! I had a really scary nervous system response after 3 pills and I swear I’ve never been the same. I tell every Dr. I’m allergic to it!


It absolutely fucked me up too. Gave me insane full body anxiety and paranoia and chronic stuck in fight/flight


Same! I ended up calling 911 I thought I was dying. My heart rate was above 200 just sitting on the couch. Scary times for sure. I reported the event to my Dr. but she brushed it off… I KNOW it was the Cipro. Sorry you had to experience it too.


1. Anti psychotics 2. Colon cancer 3. Adolescent Marijuana usage


While accutane cured my severe cystic acne, I wish I had done more research.


Oh good, cocaine didn’t make the list!