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I bet you the truly wealthy people who are health conscious just spend a ton of money on concierge health services each year. So they pay 200k (or whatever the number is) to have a team of professionals monitoring them, scheduling bloodwork, optimizing their supplements, access to the best doctors 24/7 etc.


They might do that, but its probably a waste of money. I lurk on like r/fatfire and r/whitecoatinvestors and concierge medicine has come up a couple times. It seems to be their opinion that exercise, not drinking a ton of alcohol or eat tons of unhealthy food is 99% of the battle and people paying an expensive doctor to tell them that so they can ignore it are no better off than the people not paying an expensive doctor and also not doing those things. Not cramming those potato chips in your mouth, going on a bike ride and limiting alcohol consumption will do a lot more for you than a team of people monitoring you ignoring their advice.


I feel like people who overconsume alcohol and junk food already know it's bad for their health. Saying "they should just stop doing that" isn't helpful.


That's my point. Paying someone to tell you to stop doing a thing you already know is bad isn't very useful.


Have you ever heard of a personal trainer? It can be very effective.


That isn't what doctors do though.


I have heard from many doctors that a common struggle is patients not following their advice.


That’s a common struggle with humans in general mate


r/whitecoatinvestors is a dead link


Looks like it's r/whitecoatinvestor


Yea I'm too lazy to verify my links.


Agreed but would argue more important than anything you listed is a personal chef.


There was an article in Boston magazine or some other publication about Tom Brady’s chef. Owned a restaurant in town and made $200k a year to show up at their house and prepare meals.


Pay me 200k a year and I'll make you whatever you want. Cocaine and milkshakes for breakfast. Done. Human burgers. Done. I have no morals or ethics of any kind. I will exist to serve you and your insatiable hunger.




A family I used to work for in Charleston has concierge doctors who make house calls and for more serious things got them in the nice wings of the hospital, they never waited for anything. They also had a driver on staff


I just did 3 months with one of those concierge health services. It was very interesting and made a big difference in my before and after diagnostics. Nothing you cannot do yourself, but it would take a lot of time to figure it all out on your own. Usually when you make lots of money it's actually cheaper just to pay somebody.


Can you give some examples of what they did for you that would’ve been harder to figure out for yourself? I’m glad you had good results!


Nutritionists gave great personalised feedback on my old eating habits and on how to improve. For example, I don't like cooking everyday so they found restaurants and meals I can order from UberEats which are healthy and that I like. Same with restaurants near my office. I shared my calendar and they booked in all my diagnostics for me so all I had to do was show up. Things like blood work, VO2 Max, Dexa scan, physio. Everything that could be done virtually was done that way to save me time as well. They packaged up a bunch of different supplements based on my blood work, prescription medication, healthy snacks, protein, etc and sent it to my house each month. Told them what excerise I hate and like, what gear I have in my home gym and they personalised workout plans based on that. Had a group chat with like 6 different professionals, so any questions I had were answered extremely quickly by the SME. Saves me researching it myself online or booking a professional, waiting etc I managed to improve my VO2 Max by 18%, lost 10kg of fat and blood work massively improved in 3 months, so guess it worked. Keep in mind I was coming from a complete beginner, so if you're already in the top 5% like some of their other clients, it would be a different experience. Cost 1k USD / month, not that bad tbh considering the cost of buying everything individually.


How did you find this service?


I work in a similar industry so it was shared for competitor research (just a Dev, no conflict of interest), looked intriguing and decided I wanted to try. Will probably do it every few years for 3 months.


Could you please share the name of the service?




I would like it as well




Thanks so much for the reply. That really sounds worth it!


You are just describing [Bryan Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/@BryanJohnson) except beyond living forever he seems to be intent on monetizing his findings. To be fair, the majority of what the rich pay to do (like [what Dana White did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob7aNSFB2BE)) [can be done on a budget](https://protocol.bryanjohnson.com/#blueprint-starter-guide). But having money certainly helps.


I agree with Mike Israetel’s take on Dana White’s transformation [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lqh-oo_5WwY&t=1s&pp=ygUYTWlsZSBpc2FyZXRlbCBkYW5hIHdoaXRl) 99% of his health gains were from cleaning up his diet, quitting alcohol and starting a routine of regular resistance training. A lot of the more expensive stuff might be nice to have if you’ve got tons of time and money to spend ig. Also telling people to never trust doctors when it comes to health is silly


When I saw some blueprint products before he plugged them in his vids, I was for sure certain that it was some kind of scam. Was genuinely surprised, when he started going full on marketing them and selling his stuff. Like, dude, you are almost a billionaire and you are doing this interesting longevity experiment, but no, you have to turn even this into a business venture (but maybe it was from the start).


I worked in a primary care office that had one “concierge doctor.” He was contracted with a local hospital to reserve a certain number of full body scans per year for his wealthy anxious patients who could pay cash for one.


Meanwhile, I just spent the last two months watching my dad go downhill, waiting weeks for scan appointments and a cancer diagnosis only to be denied treatment at a prestigious, well-known cancer center because he has poor people's insurance. I usually make do and tolerate being lower class, but this sucks.


My condolences Prayers peace!


I’m so sorry 😔


I’m so sorry. It makes you want to burn it all down


Thank you, it really does. How many countless others are in similar/even worse situations? I'm beginning to understand how awful the system is.


Stem cells.


Urine contains stem cells


Exactly this. They have access to a more bespoke level medical care and dietary/fitness curation, and a lot more personal biometric data than most of us ever will.


Literally what Bryan Johnson unironically does. He just puts a lot of effort into translating it into a product other people can follow or imitate. But I get Bezos vibes everytime he’s talking about the staff and how many doctors he personally hires out and the lab equipment he personally owns.


They have doctors who aren't on the 6 patients an hour schedule and will actually take time to look into patient complaints, that's a very big deal.


My guess is that they simply can access things more consistently and/or more conveniently than the average person. A registered dietician can craft ideal diets for their particular needs, rather than you having to spend your own (limited) time researching & planning. A private chef can prepare these meals, unlike regular people who may need to take shortcuts due to lack of time. And high-quality ingredients like pasture-raised meats or premium-grown vegetables aren't an "occasional" purchase, they're every day fare. Same thing for fitness - they can afford personal trainers. They don't need to decide between the local gym that has the best strength training equipment or the best pool or the best yoga. They can have memberships at all of them, if they don't have top of the line stuff at home. Sleep - hey, first of all they might have time to get a good night's sleep every night! But they can also afford great mattresses, pillows, linens, and housekeeping to keep it fresh. Stress - They can arrange therapy whenever needed and spend money pursuing hobbies/interests that help with relaxation. Extend these concepts to all areas of life and stack those little advantages on top of each other and I assume they have access to longevity & higher quality of life than most people.


I’m so glad that Canadian woman’s replies were taken down. So out of touch lol.


What did she say?


Also wondering




Read the first sentence of the comment above. It’s not that these are some crazy novel things, it’s just that most people can’t afford them all of the time.


You sound very unaware of the amount of poverty there is when in first would countries. Your first sentence comes across so privileged especially because you seem to truly believe it.


Of course they're available to everyone. But I don't have hundreds of dollars per week to spend on assorted dieticians, trainers, chefs, etc.


I chipped a tooth on Friday night, sent a text and the next morning was met with coffee and got chauffered to the practice out in the country in a luxury BMW driven by the dentist himself. (Saturday's are reserved there for private patients paying a premium). Got everything fixed with a whitening thrown in. It only cost me a box of chocolates for the dental nurse and two hours of sunbathing in the park nearby waiting for my lift back home. This is because the dentist is my relative. Did feel kinda bad listening to a guy moan about the cost and wait for the dentist in the steam room at the gym later. The extremely wealthy would likely have this service but likely within an hour. Although likely driven there by a real chauffeur and not the literal dentist.


Ha! I did a double take thinking “it does seem kind of strange for the dentist to be the driver. I’m not rich though” and then I got to the end. Nice delivery.


Oh forgot to mention, I got told off a lot too. By the dentist and the nurse and so I won't be chomping down on aniseed balls again without waiting for them to soften. The wealthy wouldn't have to put up with that bs!


Celebrities like Bella hadid and her mom pay for special treatments for their Lyme disease that no poor person with Lyme could ever afford. I’m pretty sure Justin Bieber has had it done too because he claimed to have chronic Epstein barr virus infection. I think it’s around 30k-50k, they pay to have their blood taken out and put through uv light treatments and then put it back in their bodies. It kills viruses and bacteria like Lyme and Epstein barr and purifies your blood. I wish I could afford that treatment.


Also stem cell treatment.


I had UV light blood treatment for a blood infection and it didn't cost anywhere near this... it was like a few hundred bucks a session. Everything's gonna after like 6 sessions.


Sounds like you had a disease the medical community believes in. If you have chronic Lyme, ebv and I’m sure others I haven’t heard of, you’ll pay lots and lots of money if you want to feel better because mainstream medicine/insurance will not help you.


Actually I had to pay complete out of pocket at a doctor that doesn't take insurance (this doctor is for rich people in Calabasas)


I found a clinic near me, thanks! I had looked into it a long time ago and had no idea it’s gotten so much more prevalent and cost effective!


I wish I could afford this treatment as well 😢


Donald Trump proposed a cheap solution to this back in 2020 The lightbulb butt plug never caught on


a lightbulb what now...?


They don’t have Lyme disease and are in fact getting scammed by quacks. This is in fact a good example that shows rich people can in fact get worse medical treatment than average folks since they’re the target of these kinds of medical scams.




The difference is that MS is a real condition with well-defined diagnostic criteria. You were mistreated by doctors, and I’m sorry for that. It happens too often. But chronic Lyme is not real, and the “”””diagnostic”””” tests used by Lyme quacks are non-replicable and non-scientific. I’m not saying they’re not sick, but doing multi year courses of IV antibiotics to treat an infection that they don’t have is harmful and clear malpractice.




“A 2004 article in the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal on the prevalence of inaccurate online information about Lyme disease cited the ILADS website as a source of such inaccurate material. False chronic Lyme disease diagnoses are frequently justified due to non-specific symptoms. However, a questionnaire of non-specific symptoms based on an ILADS symptom checklist was found to be not useful for distinguishing patients with post-Lyme symptoms from those with other conditions. ILADS has also promoted Morgellons, another condition unrecognized by medical science. Morgellons—which is generally considered a form of delusional parasitosis by mainstream doctors—involves a belief that fibers are being produced by the skin. Among the top promoters of Morgellons is former ILADS president Raphael Stricker, who claims that chronic Lyme disease is causing the fibers to grow. In 2015, The Atlantic reported that Stricker treats people who believe they have Morgellons with long-term antibiotics.”


Yeah this is all bs. Chronic Lyme is not real, no infectious disease body in any country recognizes it as a real illness. Morons Google symptoms and think they know better than the best infectious disease specialists in the world. Then get scammed by doctors selling them a "cure" for 10k a pop. It's sad.


kill yourself


Project more you big baby


That seems like a mild over reaction


Of course. Take the idea that getting an iv of a young person's plasma will help your body age slower. 8,000 bucks per liter. Well outside the range of what a middle-class person could afford on a regular basis. Or stem cell injections. Etc.


Isn’t plasma full of nano plastics? I heard it’s better to actually give plasma to detox the body from that stuff.


Perhaps, but there are ways to remove it if that is a concern, or to use other substances to mitigate the impact. Also note, nanoplastics come in a large variety of different substances, so one may have an impact in humans, while another may not. See link below. **Melatonin and probiotics ameliorate nanoplastics-induced hematopoietic injury by modulating the gut microbiota-metabolism** [**https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10193254/**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10193254/)


Probably I base this on the fact that it's "easy" to get *known* but *gate kept* things if you have money and cultural capital. Adderall, for example. People without ADHD want it and seek it out because they understand it gives you energy, wakefulness and focus on task. You can get it, even without ADHD, if you have the money and know how.


I bet it's the same way with every single drug in the pharmacopeia.


Its incredible what is avaliable to someone who is grounded in reality, capable of gaining academic understanding of concepts on their own accord, and brave enough to apply that knowledge in practice. Money is just a resource.


America consumes 80% of the ADHD medication in the world despite having only 5% of the population. Do the math - most people taking these medications do not have ADHD. It isn't hard to get Adderall. I'm a psychiatrist, and I get multiple calls per week from those seeking it by name, and other stimulant drugs as well. In America, not getting what you want in terms of academia and career is seen as a disease, they believe they are "sick" and need to see a doctor because they aren't meeting performance expectations. Plenty of people also see these medications as weight loss drugs.


Funnily enough, I was thinking Adderall isn’t hard to get after reading that comment too. In fact, it’s concerning considering how much the negatives outweigh any temporary benefits (tolerance wise) it provides. With that said, I suppose you and most Americas could just stop “want[ing]” to work so much and quit? You don’t *need* to work 40hrs+ a week, right? Probably not as much as a malpractice lawsuit, but choosing to meet performance expectations seems like a lot of stress. So, why do it if you don’t need to?


Absolutely! Every wealthy person I know has a TEAM of specialized doctors they can call whenever they want. Forging these connections makes a difference in care. If you’re acquainted with doctors on boards you can leverage those connections to see the best of the best same day when other people have to wait


Gyms, lap pools, saunas, ice baths and a full body red light setup are on my wish list to have in my home. I suppose the wealthy have access to these whenever they want. The real question is do they have the discipline to use them on a regular basis. PS throw in a sensory deprivation tank while you're at it.


Steve Jobs (Founder of Apple) was a fruitarian. When he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he purchased a house in each US state to get onto each state’s transplant list.


Did he get that kind of cancer cause he was a fruitarian? Honest question lol


And he still couldn’t get a damn pancreas?? That’s crazy. I thought he died because the cancer spread so even a new organ wouldn’t have saved him, sadly.




Gene therapy and stem cells - half a million dollars gets you some serious life extension...


Yes. I landed a national sales director job for a publicly traded company and had to fly on the corporate jet with the C-Suite: Did you know the wealthy have a different airport than the rest of us? There’s zero security. The plane left at 8am daily and I could get to the airport at 7:57 and would still have time to grab coffee before boarding the plane with those assholes.


Makes you wonder how much we're cooking ourselves going through standard security


Haha love that and my bad, I skimmed your question. I just love telling people about that part of the airport these resource hoarders use. I did have great bagels in the elite airport? It’s time for a revolution dang it. Fuck those people and their delicious foods, private everything, and most of all, their god damn exclusive, no-security free everything airport wing. The bastards dont even fill out any rental car paperwork; the pretty ladies literally just hand you keys as you walk out. It’s disgusting


Where was this airport. I did hear that LAX has something like this. Is there any data on all the private airports?


It’s every single airport in the US. They enter on the opposite side of the airport than you; I think they’re called FBO’s. It shocked me they lived so different. Bastards


Holy Moly, thanks for sharing this. This is good to know.


If I had more money, I would spend on regular massages, a home sauna and cold plunge. These things aren’t totally out of reach, but I do think they feel like luxury items.


Move to Finland, most homes have a sauna and cold plunge is free in the nature (possible for maybe 5-7 months a year).


Massage’s can be somewhat affordable if not at a fancy spa. I pay $48 for a one hour full body. Ends up more after tip but still might be something you could do once or twice a month. Also many affordable gyms also have saunas. I use to be a member at the YMCA ($45 a month ) and they had sauna. Lastly a cold plunge? Can’t you just take a cold bath? Sorry if plunge is fancier but I’m not into anything cold so not sure the details. Anyway the point is you don’t have to be super wealthy for the things you mentioned but I guess you do need a little disposable money each month. Hope you find a way to enjoy all the above semi-regularly.


Yes, I agree. These things are not out of reach, just something I would do more regularly if I were rich. I use the gym sauna, but a home sauna would be nice. Usually cold plunge is pretty cold, but it’s possible to do with a bathtub and ice cubes. I wish I could find massages that cheap, but I haven’t been able to so far.


If you have a massage school around you those aren’t the best but they need practice and are very affordable. But guess if you had a school around you you would know and already be enjoying those cheap massages :)


People here would be surprised by the truth. I know a few really rich people who get horrible “health” advice from con artists. They’re completely conned by snake oil salesmen and fall for the grift hook, line, and sinker. Think along the lines of Dana White and Gary Brecka. Or even think along the lines of Bryan Johnson. Where the real difference lies is when really rich people have an actual medical problem. Then they get front of the line white glove service at the best treatment centers, while the rest of us get practiced on by med school trainees after waiting a year and a half.


I just want to know what's inside the Vatican and how much does that change what we know of our history....


If you haven't seen it already, watch Vatican Girl on netflix


Why does the public allow them to keep secrets?


They probably have dirt on powerful people, just like everyone else. Blackmail is a currency to the powers that be.


Oh they definitely do. All the major power players do. I often wonder if that's what our "top secrets" are. Just dirt on the most powerful people.


Besides money?


Yes and no. They can afford stuff that isn’t mainstream to mixed results, and to pay cash for a traditional treatment immediately but even so they can only access the technology or treatments that have been invented. Lots of wealthy people get all the treatments available and still pass away from the same issues that plague everyone else. However most celebrities have dietitians to craft the healthiest daily nutrition for them…if they follow it. We all know what is good for us, but it’s actually doing it that’s the challenge.


I heard Dick Cheney had four fake hearts before they were even on the market


Ya, if I wasnt a chef, I'd probably never would have tried a lot of the stuff I've cooked


yes young blood plasma, follistatin gene therapy, bioviva gene therapy etc, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, expensive supplements even


No shit they have better access to absolutely everything However, the ultimate biohack that is widely available and not yet common knowledge is psychedelics for mental health. If you can source them and use them wisely, they can grant you the wisdom to improve many aspects of your life. It's an edge many rich people probably DON'T have.


Just follow Bryan Johnson and see what he does as he open sources everything


I find this guy super weird. He looks like both the healthiest person yet sickest person at the same time. I'd rather die a bit younger than live a life of eating brown lentils and cauliflower every day and then going to bed at 9pm.


Who said he is going to die though?


True, will probably get himself injected with a mixture of olive oil and his own blended children and then live until he's 10001 years old.


Likely will transplant his brain. Why do you think he started a group with a few people? To find the perfect host! lmao


Just googled and he looks more like the sickest than the healthiest. Good luck to him on his mission to live a long healthy life but his appearance is very off putting.


He looks like death. He's the last person to emulate.  Good enthusiasm/obsession has gotten him nowhere. He looks totally advanced in age. It's comical.


Basically this


Not quite open sourcing when he is prepackaging and selling it himself….


Access as in some bs adrenochrome conspiracy? No. Access in that they can afford better products and medical care than the average person? yes.


Don’t you have a hyperbaric chamber in your summer home as well?


Nope, most wealthy people look fucking terrible


Of course they do. They also have enough money and power to keep their exclusive treatments hidden from public knowledge too. We really have no clue what they're up to.


No. Look at the bodybuilding forums. They use every compound before it even hits the market. They were decades ahead of endocrinologists because they just themselves as human guinea pigs. There's nothing magical that's only accessible to "the elite".


...and then they die before 50 due to strokes and heart attacks. Not elite, not advanced.


No, not all of them. And I didn't say to emulate them at all. You can still learn from what others are doing too, especially when they're stepping on the gas pedal and doing things which aren't able to be studied.


Peptides, not steroids. They are surprisingly cheap for the benefits they confer if you're willing to put in the time and effort to understand. You can go to a peptide specialist but it will cost thousands and thousands of dollars




Donatella Versace is pretty homely too


Suzy? She doesn’t look 102. The expectations on women are ridiculous. She’s into healthy living so I’d guess she’s just aging naturally, something that no one seems to remember anymore.. people also don’t seem to comprehend people age differently depending on so many factors. Also, she’s thin; which usually will show age a little quicker than someone with more fat to fill out their face/body.


Absolutely! More than you can imagine.


Yeah. For $5 my grandma will suck rattlesnake venom out of anything above the nipple.


I mean look at Brian Johnson. Last post of his I saw he was doing something with stem cells for his joints. I don't even know how I would go about doing that. Doesn't matter whether it works or not, I just wouldn't know where to start. I mean, I'd feel shy even asking my doctor about it.


No, if that was true the ultra rich would have been immune to illness and death which definitely is not the case


I’ve been a nurse for 25 years and it’s absolutely true!! And will worsen over the years once US is on a national healthcare system


Sorry I completely disagree. Steve Jobs took the none conventional way for his pancreatic cancer a sooner died. Rush Limbaugh having tens of millions was no better off than anyone else with lung cancer. Since this is a biohack forum, Netflix hack your gut documentary has them going to dirt farmers for answers.  


yes it's not a conspiracy theory ultra rich get blood transfusions from younger people. How else you think 80 year old rolling stones can do all their tours


My understanding is Oprah rubs an oil on her face, made from the foreskin of circumcised babies.


I came here looking for this magic potion.


Privileged information..? Abso’fuckin’lutely. Initially at least which sometimes lasts years aside from being priced so only the extremely wealthy can afford it


Not really, your average person on Medicaid has access to million dollar cancer treatments.


Medicaid covers treatment but my friend was just pulled off a cancer treatment (immunotherapy drug) that was going well because Medicaid would no longer cover it. I pray the new drug works as well but would have been nice to be able to stick with the drug that’s working and not need to change because of lack of money to pay for it. I did wonder if her oncologist could have overridden that and put in some kind of paperwork to continue on it but she was stressed out so I didn’t want to bother her asking her details. Point is it’s not as easy to get access to it without jumping thru hoops (her dr putting in an override if that’s even possible). This wastes precious time waiting for that override while someone with money would simply pay for it and have no interruption in treatment.


Oh yes !!!


Blood transfusions with virgins.


Of course this is true. There's no doubt in my mind




I had a heard of a Cancer Drug that goes for $3000 a pill


Yes, mainly healthcare tho




I think they have basically get better info than us. Better doctors, too, actually (and that's huge). As to the former, people get some health and wellness info filtering in from around them, from the communities they're a part of. Some communities just don't have a lot of good info, I think, so people tend to hear less about vitamins, healthy food, supplements, exercise, etc. Some communities have more of a dialog going on with this. It's not quite as simple as that, but it's often how it works. So, by extension, while I'm a reasonably middle class guy with an education and I know a bit about health, the super wealthy would have the chance to get in on new trends, ideas, and so on even before me. As to the latter, I've been living in a place with spotty health care, and getting Medicaid until very recently. I've had some good doctors and nurses, but also some really bad ones, and people often seem really rushed. Rich people probably don't have doctors rushing them through with the most basic service. Little inconveniences, like not being able to get a prescription or as much as you'd like, ie 3 months' worth, are probably rare among the rich. I got by with a local clinic, and found a great doctor there. But most of them were so so or bad, one seemed to be tweaking out when I saw her, and there is turnover, so less consistency, less chance to figure things out together with the doctor.


I'm convinced they have rows of giant tubes with clones of themselves to harvest organs from in underground bases. /s


Yes. Without a doubt




Yes 10000% First thing that comes to mind is me wanting to buy some Near-infrared/red light therapy panels like this https://amzn.to/4bjYvUQ Bryan Johnson (Blueprint) comes to mind. He spends millions of dollars on his health every year and he is reversing his biological age


I bet someone knows what dolphin placenta tastes like, I do not.


Sure money can buy them a few extra years. However, everyone can control what’s on the end of your fork.


No, it takes a level of income to eat well.


The billionaire I worked for Bought a $6 million USD boat for an afternoon, had technology invented by his r&d team because available stuff wasn't good enough, the boat I was driving was considered disposable at $1 million. That's only the stuff I saw working for him for 1 month. They absolutely have access to things we don't even realise we're missing out on.


They absolutely do. If getting a ticket is a burden for the average citizen but it’s an inconvenience for the wealthy, think how that applies to other aspects of life. 20 years ago, a flat screen TV was expensive and a 1080p TV was like $7,000. Now you can get a 65” 4k flat screen at Walmart for under $500. So they currently have access to things we do not have, but as basic economics states, someone will continue to improve the manufacture/cultivation of that so they can optimize profit, this in turn will lead to an increase in supply, a reduction in cost, and more customers willing to pay the new reduced price. Things that are popular now, the wealthy were doing 10-15 years ago, the things they are doing now, we will have access to in due time.


If there are not already gene therapy clinics, I bet there will be soon.


The stories about transfusions of young blood seem pretty true to me.




Yes, for instance barometric Chambers.


There isn’t much yet. Much more important is what you do consistently. Most people with a lot of money I know do not live that healthy.


Yes, but most do not seem to fare better than the average human lifespan, so although they have access, they do not necessarily have access to superior/secret technologies of life/health extension. That is, unless there are secret immortals out there who used to be rich/famous people who just faked their deaths and changed their names so that we wouldn't know. It's a big relief to me to know that, at least for now, the extremely wealthy are subject to death just like everyone else. It is the great equalizer. The idea of billionaires living forever or even twice as long is a nightmare. The cycle of death/birth is how humanity renews itself and has new opportunities.


Totally believe it. Rich folk got access to all sorts of exclusive stuff.


Yes. If you have enough I'm sure you could get a team together like with crispr and design god only knows what.


From orbital flights to underground bunkers.




Obviously. They go to the Mayo Clinic, not a free clinic. But both groups get ripped off by grifters who claim that their new treatment is what people need. Anyone heard of Dave Asprey?


Penicillin is the exception that proves the rule. The wealthy have always had first access to any quality of life improver before the public at large. Has to do with how things can be funded, economies of scale, tech adoption rates, infrastructure, logistics, wealth inequality, markets, etc. If you can afford a plane ticket you could get cutting edge hair transplants and plastic surgery. It’s a smaller more common example, but even a plane ticket is a huge barrier to entry for most of the planet.


Yes. They have all the access they want. Resources to all kinds of food, supplements, prescriptions, doctors and equipment. Which is all good but don't expect me to be impressed when you have all those advantages.


Yes! I believe soo! Better doctors, better services and not to mention quicker too!


Yes. Look at all of the "experimental" treatments not covered by insurance. Extremely wealthy can do those on repeat without worry of cost at all. PRP/HBOT/stem cells/full body photobiomodulation, peptide therapies as nauseum, personal chefs constructing perfect meals to fit their diets, etc.


I had prp/prf treatments done four times and the results are amazing, cost me around 5k. You can inject prp/prf anywhere on your body. Wealthy people can afford to do unlimited treatments like that. If I want to try peptides for example I have to research, find a reputable supplier, and use some trial and error until I get everything right. With unlimited resources I would just go to a peptide specialist and have everything done for me. Financial resources make it so you can automate your life so you can free up your time.


I would argue the most value is derived from very high quality consistent services. Have a chef cook you perfectly healthy and balanced meals that are designed with a nutritionist all day every day. Same for  trainers, therapist, massages.  No stressing out in a 9-5 where you have to sit in front of computer 8h a day + commuting.  And in fringe cases you get access to experimental therapies which are not affordable to 99% of people for rare diseases. 


If you're referring to the ultra rich bathing in infant blood or something like that, probably not. What they have access to is free time and quality food. Anyone with those two things will be infinitely better off long-term than people working themselves to death and eating McDonald's because it's all they can afford.


In some way of course, in others it doesn’t matter how much money you have we all die eventually


Most definitely. I remember reading years ago that Martha Stewart and Simon Cowell started their days off with vitamin injections. They have access to information, people, and other resources far outside the grasp of the common individual or family.


15 years ago at a very world reknowned organisation i meet a health broker who worked with boutique health centres in China doing things not allowed in the west.


Yes, of course. An example being that they are very rarely held accountable, for anything.


Of course. The medication I want to try for dysautonomia is $10 000 a month.


Sort of. They have the money for stuff like travel to places that have stem cell treatment for $50k. They can pay researchers to find information that we may not be educated enough to figure out. Most people with HIV would not live as long as Magic Johnson did. So, yes. That doesn’t mean that these therapies will never be available. Brian Johnson had Follistatin therapy recently. The travel and therapy likely cost around $25-$30k. We may see that available on the United States in 10-15 years. Edit: The gap is closing with products like NOVOS and BluePrint, but be aware, there are plenty unmeasured products. Make sure you know the quantities in the products you buy. You can use the quantities in these products to build your own to suit your needs.


Of course. Everything has a price. But wealth is not enough. It requires wealth and trust. Some people create a closed system of power in their life.  When a closed system of power comes up against a vulnerable population, atrocities happen. Most people want only to grow and build, but some want to conquer and destroy. The ones who conquer and destroy are the ones who should not have a closed system of power. Unfortunately, a system of growth and creation is usually vulnerable to a system of conquering and destruction. Trust, verification, and vitality keeps our systems from falling into the hands of destroyers. Light and dark. As we blur the lines of morality destruction comes for us. 


Yes certain peptides and stem cells and biohacking modalities like expensive pemf hyperbaric oxygen etc for cancer Speaking of biohacking here's my peptide haul for today


[peptide haul](https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/8oaxamGjjFQW)


There are special equity deals for people with $5M net worth to invest from certain investment companies. I was a prospect for them based on my job title, not my actual net worth by a longshot.


I mean, healthcare?


You've misunderstood I also didn't word it the best but I'm talking about things that we don't even know about.


Oh definitely.


Who gave you permission to be on here


My dad’s gf had a husband who died of cancer. The doc told her he knew of a way to cure her husband, but said if he would tell her, he’d lose his license to practice medicine.


Can rich people afford healthy things that I cannot? Is this a serious question?