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Make sure your room is cold


Might get one of those temp mattresses, this could be it tho


And fresh air. I wake up and sleep less good when co2 levels are higher than 1500ppm




Facts! Get a portable AC and set it 69 degrees Fahrenheit


I just purchased a weighted blanket. Not sure if it’s helping yet (I wasn’t having too many issues prior) but a lot of people swear by it. My personal tip is exercise (get physically tired in the PM) and no food 1-2 hours prior to bedtime. I also dim the lights and close the shades as soon as I decide I’m not going back outside so my brain starts producing Melatonin sooner. As for supplements, I take magnesium daily and l-triptophan when I know I didn’t eat enough protein.


You know what i did get rid of weighted blanket mine recently that could be it! Lmaoo


completely different note, i don't think i've ever liked someone's username as much as i like yours LOL


L-tryptophan is the only amino acid that is directly carcinogenic. You really don't need to supplement it, I'd stick with l-theanine and 1mg of melatonin (more than that gets reverse-fed into serotonin). Valerian root works too but can give a kind of hangover effect.


Thanks for the info!


38bpm?? Edit ok I saw someone else point this out, glad it's because you're fit and not hypothyroid or something! Maybe exercise less? IIRC too much exercise can make sleep difficult. I'd also get an eye mask and ear plugs. There's a few techniques for falling asleep that work well one is going through the alphabet thinking of unassociated items for each letter. Apparently the random nature of e.g armour and banana mimics certain brain waves that occur when you transition to sleep. It works for me, I don't get to Z often but when I do I don't think I've got to Z again.


Yeah thats been my resting for about the last year. 33 is my pr


Jesus. I’m same age and pretty fit as well but my sleeping is 45 bpm


I have good genes 🧬


What kind of cardio conditioning do you do?


Biking, hiking, running


Also, is your bedtime routine identical to when you were working the other shift?


Of course not, 9am vs 10pm is very different


Oh, sorry maybe I wasn't clear, I didn't explain myself I meant how you wind down (do you want a certain TV show?) and the order you wash your face and brush your teeth etc? Our subconscious is weird and being super detailed about bed routine can massively help, so it knows it's time for bed even if it's not the usual time of day etc


Yeah no its totally different that could be why i guess


Give it time for your circadian rhythm to catch up, go out in the sunlight each morning as soon as you wake up, drink plenty of water early in the day, and try and keep your bed and wake times roughly the same each day. On a separate note, what kind of sleep tracker is that?




Some things I haven’t seen in the comments. Avoid food hours before bed. Avoid caffeine past 12 pm, limit water before bed to reduce nite waking due to urinating.


I never wake up to pee! Been doing kegels for years lmao


Are you aware you’re waking up when it happens each time? The normal sequence of sleep stages throughout the night will make you wake up several times throughout the night at the end of each sleep cycle (though you aren’t aware of it normally) so you may be seeing that data.


Yes ive been feeling restless in my sleep? I guess, i remember waking up a good portion of the


Half a little blue Unisom works for me, no grogginess or weird dreams like melatonin


If you do intermittent fasting, it could have an impact. I did IF for 6 years and had sleep trouble for probably the past 4. I read into this possibly being the issue and switched back to a regular dietary schedule and it helped my sleep a lot. I wake up a lot less and get more REM and Deep Sleep.


Try all of these things, and if still issues, go to a doctor and look into a sleep study: 1. 68 degrees room 2. Eye mask/blackout curtains 3. Consistent sleep schedule 4. Magnesium Glycinate 5. 1mg melatonin 6. No phone/Blue light 1 hr before bed (Reading is ok) 7. No big meals 2 hr before bed 8. Hot bath before bed


No caffeine after noon might be causing you to withdrawal in your sleep. Could try stopping caffeine. Second answer, Propofol. 


Ill stick to giving patients prop for now lol


Your circadian rhythm just needs to adjust. Get some more sunlight


I have done the night shift (11pm - 7am) and it sucked butts! Got depressed, fat, and list goes on. Sometimes takes years to re-adjust your sleep after the night shift.. You seem to be doing most of the things right, to add to your routine I would say no blue light (I bought a few bulbs for 25 bucks), exercise only up to 4 hours before bed, don't take hot showers (only lukewarm), meditate for 10-15 min 1 hour before bed... One other thing that I would suggest is to play around w Melatonin. I saw a great increase in sleep quality after reducing my melatonin from 5 mg to 0.5 mg.


Why no hot showers?


Heat activates the SNS which is Norepinephrine and not your sleep friend.


Try time release melatonin or phosphtydilcholine.


At 34 my dr said 44 was too low. 38 seems really low


Ekg is good no symptoms


Just let your doc know that you have a low heart rate if they ever wanna put you on blood thinners.


Some options: *A solid exercise plan earlier in the day. * Chilling 1-2 hours before bed. Meditation, relaxation techniques. YOGA NIDRA FOR SLEEP. No screens, no tv. * A bath or hot/cool shower. * I take 1/3 of a serving/dose of Om Sleep and 50mg of trazodone and caps of Tart cherry. The traz gets me to sleep, and the Om keeps me asleep. * Lying on an accupressure mat for 20 minutes or so does wonders. * No cats, no dogs, no partner. We had to give up co-sleeping. We hate it, but I'm a better person and partner with sleep. * For deep sleep, I listen to [528 Hz Pure Tone](https://open.spotify.com/album/7EU0b9aRp7Y1xLHhUGYY6h?si=8J_8wGB9QHWFjjqFfqZ4Yw) for 20-30 mins before bed. * Bedroom super cool, ideally below 60 degrees. Very dark, no charger/computer lights, etc. * Keep it routine. My partner has been using the Apollo device, and it's worked wonders for her sleep. I have yet to try it.


Thanks alot. I exercise everyday pretty much. I think i need to get back into meditation again and stay off my phone maybe pick up another book.! Have an acupressure mat otw haha


Right on. I noted you get plenty of exercise, it's a copy pasta menu that's meant to be used as a take what works and leave the rest kinda deal. Have you found your garmin to be accurate for sleep? Mines been spot on.


Idk really, def not when i worked night shift


What is Om sleep?


It's a supplement [Om Sleep Mushroom Capsules ](https://ommushrooms.com/products/sleep?variant=37479394607262&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21005285440&utm_term=&utm_content=690112002618&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwm_SzBhAsEiwAXE2Cv6uc8T8qLTY9MWpj8USkCjYQS10tWG4bVWzm8z6goqVgrQkq2XMoORoCHkAQAvD_BwE)


Maybe organic holy basil before bed, or Valerian Root. Too much could cause grogginess the next morning but just depends. CBD pill 💊 also could help


I smoke a lot of weed that could be it but i did that before as well lol


Oh, yeah, when I used to smoke 10 years ago I hadn’t remembered a dream in 3 years. It definitely can negatively affect sleep


I dont plan on stopping but it has generally never been bad for my sleep personally and my performance is great


What performance?


Athletically, intelligently, the bed room etc


Try GLY-NAC. Also, you should be shooting for around 2.5 hours of REM and 2.5 hours of deep in an 8 hour period. You may think you are doing bad, but it’s not terrible. What is your body battery after awakening?


You should be shooting? I don't think we get to pick... is there a DLC? lol


lol. OP is at 1.5 and 1.25. If he can increase that by going to sleep at the same time and adding a few more tweaks, he will likely start feeling pretty good.


I have 1.5 hours of deep sleep as well, and I get a score of 90 something in the Oura app.. most of the days I feel ok. I think it will depend largely depending on the person, and for some of us is hard to increase that


I gotcha. You may be right. I did give him a suggestion on how to make an improvement on that. I didn’t just say to make it happen.


So you are already on melatonin, this usually makes me sleep faster. What gets me deeper into the sleeping cycle is 5HTP, have a try!


Underrated option: sleeping frequencies help a lot. I use a sleeping mask with headphones and find some good theta frequency videos that run for 8-9 hours and they really have helped me. Just look it up on YouTube, the channel “The Power of you” is personally the best to me.


You're probably still adjusting to sleeping at night because of your shift change. Night shift work seriously fucks up your circadian rhythm and some people NEVER adjust back to sleeping properly at night (I don't think that will be the case with you as you say you are very healthy and young, those things are in your favour.).


I am wondering if your bp falling so low is waking you up. I had this before I had an embolism (super fit, always had low BP but when it fell below 40 at night my body was jumping awake like shock). I recently got told I have hyperthyroidism-lose loads of weight, very hungry, mood swings, tired but also sudden bursts of energy. Hyperthyroidism can make you more prone to clot - I knew none of this until recently, but my sleep patterns looked similar, and I thought I was super fit. If you have any chest or leg pains, be vigilant and don't rule out just because you're not obese. Hope it isn't, and something else works but just in case I thought I should post as it is so similar.


No food before bed time, and try to avoid alcohol


I have tried magnesium and cherry tart?


Have you..


Yes. The Glutamate activity of Mag did nothing and the Melatonin activity of Cherry did nothing.


Are you taking melatonin? Have a tried GABA? How much melatonin mg are you taking. Melatonin did not help me stay asleep and screwed with my circadian rhythm


GABA for me doesn’t seem to pass the blood brain barrier. My benzodiazepines hit just as hard with or without. But granted some more GABA in the gut isn’t a bad thing.


Alright do not take GABA with benzos. You could put yourself into a coma is what I’ve heard. Get a pair of those glasses and give your body time. I wish you luck.


Ah yes I see you are. IMO stop the melatonin and get some swanick night time glasses and put them on 2 hours before bed. They are blue light glasses on steroids. Should help your body create melatonin but depending how much you take and how long. I would taper off slowly.


Dude try taking some CBG. Look for a CBG tincture and take 50-100 mg an hour or so before bed. Seemed to work for me when I needed the extra help


Better score than me. .. Try ether


Exercise, consistency in sleep schedule.


Does it check your pulse ox?


True valerian root, tea og tablet. Best thing inThe work


Is this from the aura ring?




Rock on, thank you


If any female gonna read this post - perimenopause can mess up sleep big time! It can be pretty silent or with unusual symptoms, without typical hot flashes, start in early 40-ies for some, last for 10 years until actual menopause. The solution is bioidentical HRT. It's safe. Doctors don't have proper education about it. Lots of misinformation on internet. You can look up Mary Claire Haver about perimenopause. No affiliation.


Do you have deviated septum? Could be not getting enough air during part of the nasal cycle, also possible sleep apnea? Any of those possible?


I dont snore, never had problems until this shift back to day shift


Might just be your body adjusting to changing schedule then. I’d just give it more time and see


I just started taking 1 gram of amanita muscaria mushroom in the evening and it has done wonders for my sleep so far. The next best for me is magnesium glycinate.


Heroin should work, you’ll sleep great but then everything else in your life will crumble before your very drowsy eyes


Let’s leave the CNS alone and work the ANS with DPH.


You've got sleep apnea, get a CPAP machine.


Use ativan


Thats an insane recommendation. Im a nurse. Benzos are bad


I was joking. Try to do exercise and get tired from it. Drink a lot of water for stay asleep and have a balanced diet


I already do all that, but thanks


You've got 38bpm rhr that's insane, how much do you exercise?


At least 4 days a week for the last ten years probably


So. Dont worry bout your sleep man :), believe me i would do everything for just get 8 hours of sleep


It looks like you may be overtraining or under fuelling. That was me years ago. I ate more, rested more resting HR improved as did my sleep