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Institutions countries and some of the wealthiest people alive are buying bitcoin at 68k. 3 years ago this wasn’t true but bitcoin was trading at 68k. I know several people who have been orange pilled this past year and It’s a good bet to say once you go orange you can’t go back to green. Bitcoin cannot die, the incentives are too great, and is stronger than ever. We’re very due for some of the most eye opening price discovery ever.


What will be the price in five years? What will be the price in 10 years? Decide USD, or BTC over that span. It’s obvious which economic unit will be worth more than the other because M2 will continue higher as usual. Don’t stick with the default units you are paid. You must convert to units people don’t print out of thin air and inflate on purpose. A variety of these will reduce risk and have similar results. Or You are choosing to trade Time for every unit. In the future you will need even more units to survive. Better to earn, convert, let Time devalue the default units, then spend in the future, as needed, your buying power preserved for the future. Preserved by holding assets that benefit from inflation into the future. Bonus Gains: A unit that earns or deflates and will continue to do so at an increasing future rate are the assets that do more than just keep up with inflation, they outpace inflation by making the unit more scarce into the future.


So the question is how much will the 1% push up bitcoin prices? And not all the 1% will participate. Bitcoin from here to $1 million is about a 15x. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Instead of looking at the population percentile, I think looking at the amount of $$$ they would(are) invest(ing) would be more representative of the "force" with which they can "push" the price.


I am 100% all in on bitcoin. Listening to Bitcoin podcast made me a full convert over the last two years.


Which podcast did you hear, if I may ask? Now im interested


Listen to the first 8 or so episodes of the what is money show, interviewing Michael Saylor. It's really good!


This will be an important part of history soon lol I'm convinced. It's so damn interesting and thought provoking


On youtube "We have laser eyes" Michael Saylor at BTCPrague 2023. Also, everything from Ioni Appleberg.


I show the BTC Prague saylor video to the people that ask me about bitcoin


Blocktime by Riot is my fav (<3 Pierre). But some other good ones are TFTC, stephan livera, WBD, etc.


Literally preaching to the choir


> 3 years ago this wasn’t true but bitcoin was trading at 68k. Sure was. For 20 minutes, no less. You sure institutions weren’t buying back then? I seem to remember someone buying a few billion worth of bitcoin and being very public about it, is there any way some others did the same and kept quiet about it?


Institutions weren’t buying with other people’s money. That’s the biggest difference.


Close all big exchanges and boom, they're not needed by anyone. It's pretty simple. But someone big wants Bitcoin to become popular in the mass, the USA mass.


dollar is weak, probably the end of its dominance. New currency probably coming. The trend is obvious.


I wouldn't count the dollar out. There is nothing thar can replace it as far as fiat goes. The short-bus kids at BRICS aren't going to replace the dollar. It's hard to make the fed look good, but BRICS manages to do it.


Ironically from support from bankers and investors. The very thing BTC was created to get us away from......


I didn't even finish OPs post and I came to the comments. Once you're truly orange pilled it's over.


Michael Saylor states that he will always be buying Bitcoin at the TOP. Why? Because today's top is tomorrow's bottom. If you cannot hodl Bitcoin for 10yrs, you shouldn't hold it ever. Well! Except you are a trader.


I think institutions are coming, no doubt, but I think people underestimate how long this can take to go through all the compliance and due diligence. Could be months or even years.


more for us


Wait a minute, who are you?




OP - Come back to your post here in 5 years.


I hope we will all have the bag we desire by then


1sat = 1 current USD is my goal. Lambos!!!


For 1 sat to be 1 usd, BTC would need to go to 100 million which would give it a fully diluted market cap of 2,100,000,000,000,000 or 2 quadrillion 100 trillion. That’s not happening unless all fiat currencies end up like the Zimbabwean dollar and I assume at that point the world will either be a wasteland or super advanced or just kinda the same but slightly different who knows. Edit: missing word


You should go look into debt spirals and what happens when a country exceeds 120% debt/gdp.


The end game of ₿ is $10,000,000+ each per coin in 2020 Dollars. By the time it reaches that point the dollar will be worth much less so I can see it happening TBH.


Impossible. Unless hyperinflation.


The way things are going,hyperinflation seems to be where we are headed.we might as well go ahead and mentally prepare to start counting up those 100 trillion dollar greenbacks now 😂


!remind me! 3 years


Do 30 at least


In 12 years 🤩


Lets get to a cent USD per sat first


!remind me! 5 years


With S curve adoption comes exponential growth until 50% adoption. Right now we’re at what, 4-5%?


Are we really at 4-5%? Where does this number come from? It seems more likely we're at \~1-1.5%


Both of you popping numbers out of nowhere


I see you’re a follower of PlanB. Most don’t comprehend what this means for the near future.


Based on what?


No, he's right. I saw it on a benadryl trip.




You are assuming 100% market penetration which is ridiculous. 1/3 of the world does not even have internet access.


^ this. 10% of the population earn less than $2.15 a day. That doesn't factor in things like age or poverty etc.


I turned 62.5 yrs in 2014, started taking early SS in April 2015, started putting my ss check every month into Bitcoin, first month my $1200. Check bought 4.1 BTC. Continued doing this evert month and worked until age 66. The best thing I had ever done, No IRA, 401k or anything can touch the ROI. Keep stacking Sats.😁




Dam you rich af now


Awesome job!


Absolute king shit lmao


Don’t they reduce your social security check by $1 for every $2 you earned over the yearly earnings limit (which was less than $20,000 in 2015)?


If you don’t sell then no


I’m not talking about selling Bitcoin. I’m talking about him earning money while collecting social security. There is an earnings test where they reduce your social security if you make too much (too much could cause one to lose their social security income).


Checks remain the same you just lose the exemption on taxes thus reducing take home. But let’s face it if you are still working and your plan involves ss for retirement you are already preparing poorly.


There will always be a few small fortrunners, but generally: institutions = next cycle countries = next to next cycle


"the moon" was 1k back in the day.


Not for anyone who knew better (actually understood the asset).


Yes it can. Bitcoin has no top, because fiat has no bottom.




Don't know if you came up with this, but it should be a mantra.


You must be new here, welcome :D


I'm not, and I've heard the point stated in different ways, I just think the original comment has worded it well.


Yea. The commenter worded it correctly and flawlessly. It should be a motto!!


Diminishing returns was valid until etfs. Now it can go exponential again


ETFs have a legal limit on what they can invest into bitcoin. But you can hope that ETF investment drives more personal interest in the money, and that has no cap.


Gold got its first ETF in 2004, inflows nearly every year since and market cap added +$10 trillion It’s about the long game for asset managers & preserving these institutions for centuries


What's the legal limit?


It's always hard to imagine a paradigm shift. But a change in history has to start somewhere.


Heard this argument time and time again. Bitcoin will keep doing what it does, crash, climb....and as long as people see they can take advantage of that for profit, and the more money they print, it will reach new moons.


Buying Bitcoin won't make companies the richest companies on earth, because nobody is buying up tens of hundreds of billions of dollars of bitcoin. Even Microstrategy, which has by far the most bitcoin for a company, would need bitcoin to like 100x to reach the richest companies on earth, not 10x. And yes some regular people who still have tons of bitcoin from the very early days will become billionaires. But that's not remotely world changing, except for those people, unless they then use the riches to make positive changes in the world. Saying "bitcoin is going to the moon" always just means "much higher than today". 8-10 years ago today's prices would definitely have been considered "the moon". 11-12 years ago the $20k reached in 2017 would have definitely been considered "the moon". People getting in today yeah will probably consider 10x "the moon". The moon keeps going up as time passes and people keep entering at higher and higher prices. But to answer your question yes it still can go up a ton. Bitcoin is without a doubt heading into the millions of dollars. But its not gonna be nearly as fast as it hit the moon multiple times over the past decade. 10x from here will probably take a dozen years. So "the moon" is no longer just a few years away. Diminishing returns is always at play. Bitcoin already grows muuuuuch more slowly than it did last decade. And next decade it'll grow much more slowly than this decade. And so on. But if your basic question is, will Bitcoin 10x from here, the answer is a very obvious yes, it'll just take some time because Bitcoin is no longer some get rich quick investment. Now its just the best long term savings account humanity has ever had.


Maybe you should check out the Bitcoin power law theory discovered by Giovanni.


Yes it will go to the moon. Infinity divided by 21 million!! 💎👋


The point of Bitcoin isn’t to get rich overnight. Some small cap cryptos are actually worth investing amd will go 1000x or more, good luck picking out which one has all the green flags of a blue chip crypto. Bitcoin is to stabilize the value of your money/net worth. It’s the miracle cure for a chronically ill global economic system that will have a biblical collapse without something to stop the inevitable societal decay that comes with hyperinflation and crony banking. Think of it as something that heals the patient. No, the patient (your wallet) won’t become superhuman and suddenly it able to fly and etc, but the patient will gain strength and become healthy and immune to disease (inflation).


Yes. In the minimum, Bitcoin goes to zero. In the maximum, Satoshis are the denominator for every transaction for the next few hundred years. So far, all the big money has been pricing it as if it is going to zero. As people slowly catch on that it isn't going to zero, the price will have to adjust upward to numbers that won't fit the models of anyone who is thinking of this as anything besides a global reserve money. Put another way: at 10k Bitcoin is an interesting speculative experiment. At 100k, its a national security risk for any nation that hasn't hedged against its potential success by owning some. If it _only_ goes up another 10x (over, lets say, the next decade), then its probably going to zero.


10x ? That will bring the price to close to 700k. Maybe one day, but not this year for sure. Rmb that 1 to 10 is 10x. That is 1 + 9. 10 to 100 is also 10x but is 10 + 90. 70k to 700k is also 10x but is 70k + 630k. Will take waaaaay lot more to 10x now compare to the last few bull run in terms of absolute numbers.


That’s what I’m saying, 10x seems very unlikely, but looking at the history of bitcoin, it doesn’t seem that implausible


If it got to the market cap of gold it would be in the $600 - $700K range. Thats my medium term price target. As boomers die off younger generations are going to look at BTC similar to Gold.


10x is 100% likely (or let's say 99.999% likely just to be accurate since we can't actually know the future for sure). It'll just take time. 10x is absolutely not happening this decade. But before next decade is out the price will very likely have hit $700k or at least close to it. And that's not even very far in the future. It's not like Bitcoin is going to stop existing in 10 years or 50 years. It's the best hard currency humanity has ever had, made for the digital age, and can't be shutdown. $700k will happen one day. $1 million will happen one day. Thanks to inflation $10 million USD and even $100 million USD will happen one day (assuming the dollar has fallen that much without simply being replaced). If we ignore inflation, so talking in 2024 USD, I'd say Bitcoin can probably reach a few million dollars before it reaches full maturity as the alternative currency for the world. If we say it is reaching that sort of level of global adoption in 50 years, where its maybe worth $3 million in 2024 dollars at that point (this would take 8% annual growth in real terms for the next 50 years meaning 42x from today's real value), with 3% annual inflation that means the price in USD would be $13 million, or 18x your "moon" of 10x, aka >180x from here. These sorts of prices will absolutely happen, whether it takes 50 years or 40 years or 60+ years I dunno, but they will happen. 10x from here is nothing in the long term. Bitcoin adoption is still very early. Imagine the kind of price its going to have when you can go into any store and spend bitcoin, when the largest companies in the world all hold billions of dollars in bitcoin and thousands of smaller companies hold millions of dollars of bitcoin because it'll be considered crazy to hold cash instead of bitcoin, when most people you know are putting away long term savings in bitcoin, when people traveling abroad don't even have to bother with money exchangers because you can access your bitcoin no matter where you are and spend it, when govts hold bitcoin reserves next to their gold reserves, when bitcoin is seen as a piece of any sensible investment portfolio, etc. When this sort of stuff is reality $700k is going to be the distant past.


I guess we concur? 👋😬


The last bull run peaked at 69k after the one before that peaked at 20k. So a 3.5x. Maybe that one got cut short because of major economic collapse, but maybe it is just decelerating in growth. There is such a minimal track record that it is incredibly hard to estimate the trajectory going forward. The initial gains were exponential, but lately, we haven't seen quite as insane gains. It'll probably still outperform all other asset classes, but you likely won't turn $10k into a retirement.


One day, when people start thinking in Sats instead of Bitcoin, one Sat will be worth one penny. That's a 14x jump from now (at $70k).


Then next 1 sat = $1


1 Sat = 1 Sat


Terrence Howard: 1 sat x 1 sat = 2 sats


Bitcoin could rise in the future. That said, the concept behind its creation is gradually failing. Crypto was created to create financial inclusion. If rich people buy up Proof Of Work coins such as Bitcoin, they are the ones that will become rich in the long term. In the same way, if they buy Proof of Stake coins, they'd have governance decisions going their way too. So Bitcoin will explode. But its explosion will benefit the rich all over again.


you are measuring the wealth (ie billionaires) in us dollars which is a fiat currency and can be printed out of thin air. What you should think about is the real production in the world. this can't be simply printed. Imagine a big pie. Everyone wants it and they can buy a piece with monopoly money. But printing more monopoly money won't make the pie bigger. It just takes more money to buy a piece. If the world agrees to use bitcoin in order to buy a piece of this pie, some people who couldn't afford crums in the past, may be able to buy 3 pieces now. Others with lots of monopoly money but no bitcoin have to go hungry. So if bitcoin becomes the standard, some poor people will become very wealthy and some wealthy or middle class people will become poor. It will be a redistribution of wealth, not wealth creation.


Does math still math?


Haha, this is what I struggle with. It seems almost obvious that bitcoin can only go further from here, but every other type of investing we’ve seen before hasn’t been able to do this. Everyone should be talking about bitcoin if it’s really the greatest investment in the world


It’s a completely different type of monetary system though so we don’t have to shackle to current money problems and trends. Its revolutionary nature is also what makes “everyone” not talk about it. Without motivation to understand it, people take a glance while driving by and think wow, what’s weird and silly thing.


But what are these other types of investments you are comparing it to? Stocks? Those are bound by a company's ability to sell things, and they have to compete against other companies all trying to outdo one another. Gold? Gold is 10x Bitcoin's market cap and far inferior to Bitcoin as a monetary asset in every single way by a long shot. Real estate? All the real estate got bought up a long long time ago. Bitcoin, meanwhile, is a brand new global currency in the early stages of its adoption. You can't compare Bitcoin to these other things because its a completely different thing and is much much earlier in adoption than anything else you would compare it to, which means it has much much more room to grow. Think about this: many people, probably most people, think bitcoin isn't useful. That is the level of adoption we are at right now. It's at $70k and the majority of people don't think its useful, and only 50-100 million people even own any amount of bitcoin, a lot of those people probably own a very small amount. So what happens when a billion or 2 billion people realize bitcoin is very useful, and they start holding 5%-80% of their wealth in it? But yeah it takes time to really understand how bit Bitcoin will grow. Back in 2017 I was thinking one day it might even hit $100k or $200k! haha. By 2019 I was like one day it's going to be over half a million and maybe even hit a million! lol. Since probably about 2020 I began to fully appreciate what Bitcoin is. People in the later part of this century won't even be able to comprehend that there was a time when bitcoin was priced as low as a million dollars.


Amen !


People think the same thing every cycle


It can go up or down but not 10x this cycle source trust me bro 


A lot of these people really don't know what money is


Something that was pennies 10 years ago is $68,000. It's *on* the moon.


Yes it can go a lot more especially if we experience a global hyper inflation and other central banks start adopting.


Can the dollar really go to zero?


It already did. It lost 99% of it l’s purchasing power over the last century 


Biggest rug in history


Gradually… then suddenly : https://unchained.com/blog/dollar-crisis-to-bitcoin/


hmmm... Bitcoin has no top because fiat has no bottom


Fiat currency isn’t going to stop trending toward zero so there’s really only one way for bitcoin go.


Diminishing returns of Bitcoin valued in a fiat currency apply to ones that are still holding onto some semblance of stability. But when that system inevitably fails and death spirals into hyperinflation, the value of a sound asset like Bitcoin will go parabolic. This has already happened with other countrys' currencies the past years. So don't think about the value of Bitcoin in terms of fiat currency. What you want to do is measure the value of Bitcoin according to its purchasing power. For instance, how much a house costs in Bitcoin, cars, energy, food, etc. These are the things that actually matter. If you are just looking for some future price prediction that you're looking to liquidate your Bitcoin wealth back into, a failing currency; you're doing it wrong.


Look at the entire BTC chart, set 3M candles, add vertical lines on the halving event dates. Then go pull up the M2 money supply of the USD. See that it’s going back up and trends up forever since the money supply must expand. It was shrinking and now it’s not. Your concern will melt away for the next 3-6 months. Assume the 4 year cycle will remain intact. Assume the stock to flow is at least 50% correct and position yourself accordingly. That’s the evidence you have. Use it. If you’re wrong using all the evidence you have then you will not feel bad. You will feel bad ignoring the evidence you have and being right.


!remind me! 5 years


Boomers bought homes at $30,000 and are now selling them for $5 to 6 00,000. BTC is at the $30,000 stage of the curve


If I was Elon musk, I would set up a satellite around the moon, and land a craft with a Bitcoin node on the moon. Then hook it up to the internet via satellite. And then officially Bitcoin has gone to the moon.


Global real estate: $380 trillion Global bond market: $130 trillion Global stock market: $95 trillion Gold: $12 trillion Global money market: $6.8 trillion ... Bitcoin: $1.37 trillion. Drop in the bucket sir.


feels that way but you're still early and yes these companies will be giants because of it


Short answer: yes, it can. Long answer: yes, it can.


Anytime you have an investment at greater than 200-300% gains, the only way you can conceive it can go higher is by submitting to bull market super cycle thesis’s I’m not saying a blow off top won’t happen bc I’ve seen many in my lifetime but let’s just say that if you’re expecting that you’re picking up pennies in front of a bulldozer. From a practical standpoint, whatever you put into bitcoin at these levels, you should be comfortable with your position size even if it gets cut in half. And yes, it may not seem like it because we’re in the middle of a raging bull market but that is totally a possibility One of the thesis that people formulate for bitcoin having a blowoff top is that fiat currency will get rekt. While that is an interesting thesis let me inform you that in the case that fiat goes to shit it would be a very very miserable time for all of us. You wouldn’t want bitcoin to double or triple again in that circumstance bc the cost of living would be absurd


Cost of living is already absurd. It's down right depressing actually. I'm 40 years old and what I've seen in the passed 20 years makes me mad. Incredible to me that shit really hasn't hit the fan. That dam will break soon though. People are completely disillusioned. Couple more final ingredients added to the mix and it's bedlam time


People who bought index stocks are pretty happy for last 20 years.


In this situation, I would assume that the Bitcoin runup will be fueled by people moving their assets from fiat to BTC directly and indirectly through their pension funds etc. in that sense, the impact on people's net worth need not be a huge risk. There is still the risk that wages will continue to be tied to fiat and misused by corps to suppress wages at a time when automation seems to be an imminent threat for knowledge workers. On that front, a transition of wealth to Bitcoin while wages remain in fiat would be a great threat to the promise of transitioning to fewer working hours and better working conditions.


These rich bitcoiners will ultimately sell. As Bitcoin approaches $1 Million and higher(?) there does come a time when current holders will sell despite the HODL mentality. Imagine a world where Bitcoin ownership approaches saturation. There will be no significant upside as there is today and capital will deploy to other places. Bitcoin will be today’s fiat/USD in our utopia. Are people hodling FIAT even if it was non inflationary? I don’t think so. They would still use to invest. Bitcoin will transition away from being an investment towards being even more of a currency.


I think the Bitcoin power law corridor is a conservative expectation. https://charts.bitbo.io/long-term-power-law/


It’s a long play man. It’ll hit 1M by 2030.


we're way past the moon.... over 1 trillion dollars is at least Mars 


Will probably 3x this cycle from here. Possibly 5x In 5 years from now BTC will really pick up steam.


Imo, the time to get "rich" off BTC is gone. I think it'll be a decent performing asset. A good hedge against inflation. But it's already so big with a market cap of 1.4 trillion. It's a 10x away from overtaking gold. I don't see BTC being bigger than gold for quite some time, if ever. And think of it this way, if you told us 10 years ago BTC would become as big as gold? That'd have been the trajectory of our dreams. So even if things go as good as they possibly can, you'd maybe 10x your money over the next 12 years? That's a nice chunk of change, but not really unprecedented.


Just remember how the vast majority of us thought at $1, $10, $100, $1000, $10000. This thing is probably still going to blow minds. Were most of the gains behind Apple in 1995?


If banks can’t kill something they buy it. It’s very apparent in 2014 banks found out they had to buy it. JP Morgan has been developing LIINK and ONYX since 2014 which are private blockchains between banks


As long as they are printing money like crazy bitcoin will rise against the fiat shit.


This is the Last Dance.


Bro, we are just getting started…


Diminishing returns is a mathematical certainty


As long as other currencies keep losing value, bitcoin will keep going up


You are bullish but you are asking these type of questions ..


Fiat is backed by the military and medical industrial complex’s. The currency will have to devalue to a certain extent but that will lead to a liquidity crisis.Dragflation is occurring so everything is on the table from our satanic controllers. They like blockchain tech for surveillance and full control dominance.


Once U.S. CBDC comes out it will crash. Hopefully that’s not going to happen anytime soon and it BTC will continue to gain traction.


Money printer goes brrrr soon. And the money system are already broken. What could replace it? 10 years from now.


This is just a beginning


They'll tell you 9X% of the population doesn't own it yet, without realizing that's true of basically everything else.


!remine me! 4 years


It's always going up like crazy then dropping a fraction of how much it went up.


68,000ish dollars are printed every 10 minutes. Someone is selling.


Saylor says it's going to 120 this cycle which I think is a pretty reasonable estimate. But of course, ya never know


I hope so i love bitcoin 😁


I’ve never bought into the spin of it hitting $1m in just a few years. I can totally see it becoming a $5tn asset tho by 2030.


I already landed on the moon and bought a house


Can it even moon anymore? My god


Just because we can’t go to the moon doesn’t mean Bitcoin can’t😜




Price can only go up since institutions are in the game now ...as available supply is bought up price gets sqeezed up


Bitcoin is scarce in a way that’s not like anything that came before. If demand increases the supply doesn’t increase to meet the demand. This can cause extreme movements in price, aka moon.


We haven’t even bottled up 50% of the asset managers hedge funds and institutions—- so much coming


If a bank or country said they’d start keeping some on hand the yes absolutely…


Bitcoin supply is running low on exchanges, current buying is about 10x the daily issuance. If you're curious on how the USD price rises just wait until all of the supply is exhausted. It'll be the first time in history that a provably scarce asset has real time price discovery and it's going to get wild. If buying simply stays the same this event will happen in about 9 months ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


YAAAAAS, just trust the process! What do you think is going to happen when the 8 billion people on earth figure out that there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. You are still early.


Good point, smart traders are leveraging the HK exchange


Yes people get so discouraged how much it’s gone up thinking it can’t go further but they have no idea how much excess capital is out there just looking for something to make $ on. Last I checked average P/E of stocks was like 30-40x, idk where you live but as an American that seems to be a really cracked out figure. We’re trying to squeeze juice out of a rock now as middle class disappears


Yes it will go to the moon.  It’ll hit 1M by 2035.


It most likely won’t 10x at this point. So far it seems that every bull run is smaller and less intense than the previous one. According to some technical analysts we are already near the market cycle top. Maybe if we’re lucky, we hit 100k, but nobody knows for sure.


You don’t need Bitcoin to go to the moon. You just need it to outperform traditional stocks and remain consistent in its 5/10 year returns


The great thing is that if anyone starts buying Bitcoin every month for 20yrs years, you can retire in style, starting today. Bitcoin is difficult for many people to understand, my wife has an MBA in business, with a double major, she does not understand it. My Father-in- Law, a PHD, he does not understand it. Go figure!😁


It is not going to go to 1 million. Mathematically it is all but certain if you lay out the correct assumptions, but valuation expectations need to be tempered when you combine the theory with the application in the real world. The price currently has a premium associated with it based on speculative positioning. We're in a bull cycle though so that always makes sense Trade it and treat it like any other asset class. Leverage it to increase your wealth when it makes sense to hold but hedge your bets by spreading your assets into different areas when it makes sense to take some profits off the table. Don't get married to the idea that it needs to do anything. That's how you lose money in markets even if you know what it *should* do. All that matters is what it *does* do.


It’s already there


it doesn't have to. it's apolitical permissionless purchasing power outside of the legacy financial system with a finite supply. it has already won.


According to SAYLOR, we haven't even started!!!


Yes, I do believe we see 1 million dollar BTC in the next 10 years.


It has too it’s simple mathematics. If the bitcoin wants to remain safe then miners must be profitable. The only way for them to stay in profit is if the price keeps going parabolic


Anyone can grow a retirement bag, buying a little bit of Bitcoin every month for 20yrs. Retire in style 😎


What will the price of Bitcoin be in 5yrs? Who cares. I'll be pushing the buy button every week until my finger bleeds or until I die.😀


Don't matter what I tell you. Bitcoin will Bitcoin.


bitcoin power law. also we arent even 1 percent of global asset markets


Funny thing is that bitcoin will always be exchanged for dollars in the end. Let that sink in..


Shit will get serious when countries start buying it, even a small amount to them as a hedge will make a huge impact. Do countries want to sit on the side lines with the potential upside. I mean if the US dumped 50billion would it really make much difference to them And if BTC did 10x from here, why couldn't it 20x or 100x


It sure can. It only just began. We are at the very beginning of Bitcoin. Just think of 100 years from now. Where do you think Bitcoin is going to be compared with the Dollar 💵! Just let that sink in for a moment 😎


I largely agree. The front running is over. The upside is diminished. But it’s about sound money not speculative gains. It’s worth doing to get off the stock market roller coaster and fiat theft. Whatever different in pricing powder that comes from insulation from that is how it will show as asset appreciation.


Bitcoin is going to beat inflation and that's all that really matters.


im looking for a man in finance. trust fund. 6'5. blue eyes


No, sell me your bag at 50k


There's no company or person that has that much bitcoin it will become the biggest company or richest person in the world because of bitcoin going x10.


You're right, even MicroStrategy's 14 billion growing to 140 billion wouldn't even get it close to the big boys like Microsoft who have market caps in the trillions


What is your concern? Blackrock and Vanguard, etc, are already the richest and already control governments, etc. If retail bitcoiners share some of the wealth, that's great.


Nope. All done after 15 years and a market cap of about $1.35 Trillion. I’m sure the other roughly $898.5 Trillion in total worldwide assets will stay where they are and none will move to Bitcoin. Sorry you missed it. Maybe next time!


Million dollar bitcoin in 10-15 years. Don’t fade it


Can sell some then and buy hundred dollar bread.


So are you extremely bullish or not? Sounds more like you ain’t sure… Also: it’s not going to 10x in the next 4 years at least. Maybe even 10 years. It’s also very likely we get a long bear winter before btc can actually moon. And till then it will just grow a bit.


I'm investing now because Bitcoin I believe that it isn't going to slowly level. You'll DCA and within a week (years from now) it will go from $200k value to $1million in the span of 2 days. Don't get caught flat-footed and DCA what you can now.




Don’t get stuck in the FUD


Can you explain how there being billionaires and large companies as a direct result of good investment factors into your valuation? Like, why is that so absurd?


I think we already past Earth's moon and Mars'


The big guys with the big holdings are going to want their btc to be valued at 1 trillion usd minimum. Jeff bezoz is only worth 177b ..lol “only” but what im saying is it takes so long for companies to make billions. Bitcoin is the only way to stretch their profits to the moon and they know it and they want it.


How many billions can those billionaires really spend?


The price of Bitcoin in fiat is only a number that reflects how bad the World economy really is. Nation-States' debts are now going into a perpetual exponential loop. They can't even pay back just the interests of the principals of the debts.


It’s not going to 10x in a short time frame, necessarily, but it also depends on what currency terms you’re discussing. If you’re talking Bitcoin in terms of a currency that is inflating at 100% a year? It’s going parabolic


I’m pretty sure the companies investing in bitcoin will be up bigly but won’t be the richest companies in the world, a bit dramatic no


I am more hyped about bitcoin mining companies like MARA or RIOT than actual bitcoin itself. I think once btc breaks above 74k in a meaningful way, we should be seeing the mining companies pick up and outpace btc in terms of percentage gain


Blackrock turning 10 billion into 100 billion isn’t as big of world changing as it sounds so these mega companies won’t change the world with 10x gains in btc. And a dozen new billionaires also don’t change the world as much as one would think. Especially if they truly just don’t have access to an old wallet lol. It’s only truly life changing for the individuals smart enough to get in at the right time