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These articles just use dumb af clickbait headlines. We already know that 300gb is for downloading EVERYTHING on CoD HQ. Next, we'll get articles about how much you need to download every game on Battlenet and people will rage about it for some weird af reason.


I can assure you that many people saw the 300GB headline and thought that just this game would be 300GB.


Yes this show how stupid people are


That’s only because both the journalists and the general public had the initial word of the announcement info to go on. If Activision were actually clear about this individual game’s download size from the moment it was revealed, then they wouldn’t be here trying to clarify their own words for us. Also, no mention in the article about the required internet connection even for the single player story mode, so whatever the dedicated install size for Black Ops 6, it likely still won’t be worth it.


But can you download the individual game without installing COD HQ? I mean even without it the games likely to be 150-200 which is insane


COD HQ is like 90gb, then you choose what part of the games you want I stalled


Why tf is a hub menu so big?


Because it's game's engine that all the other gamemodes use. I wouldn't be surprised if guns and other models are in the core package as well


that makes no sense lol, why would a client require a game engine? it's like if steam required you to download cs to play other games. more than likely it's 90gb because the warzone download is mandatory. which is also stupid af


Warzone download isn't mandatory. That base 90gb is literally just files that are shared between 2 or more modes. So audio files for guns shooting, gun textures, map textures that appear in multiple modes (like urzikstan in MWZ and WZ), character models. Then you download the additional files, which contains things like coding for the modes, unique maps exclusive to that mode, that mode's menu, etc.


ok let's say that's true (and it probably is), why though? like for what reason? isn't that genuinely just absurd to you as well?


On the one hand, I agree that it is quite insane and I wish we could tone it down a bit more for smaller base, bigger add-ons but I already see that being an issue on console with the same data being loaded twice, increasing the size slightly. If you only play one mode, this would probably be the best option but for multiple modes players, it will be worse. As it stands, I can't complain too much. The add on packs are decently small and I get to save a good chunk of space. Especially since I usually play more than one mode. I also don't like that ZM and MP are one pack in MW3, especially since that gives them even less reason not to port hordepoint maps into zm as content.


On steam each game download is an entirely separate entity. They share no files. The COHQ isn't really a client, that's what battle.net is. COD HQ serves to bridge the games such that they can share the game engine files (and apparently other shared files). Having shared game engine files makes sense because they will be pretty much 100% utilized by each game. This means if you have downloaded every COD game you could effectively be saving 90GB of storage per title (probably not that efficient but that's the idea).


Boy does Garry have news for you


Assets/Textures/Audio files I imagine. I’m sure there’s a more definitive answer out there that isn’t being relayed in these comment sections.


because it’s a renamed MW2 and these games are now just full price DLC pack add ons.


You're not even exaggerating either, which is the part that infuriates me. They refuse to optimize or compress a single fucking file because they want CoD to be the only game on your damn hard drive. Bunch of fuckwads.


Don’t tell them that they won’t like it


Most modern AAA games are though? Baldurs Gate is 150gb, Starfield is 125gb, FF7 is 100gb, Helldivers doesn’t even have a SP and it’s 100gb. Most AAA modern games have been around the same amount so idk why people act like CoD is the outlier? We all know it’ll be around 130gb, that’s completely normal for this gen. Now if it was like a huge outlier I would understand but it’s not really at all. People just love to hate because “CoD BAD! Upvote!”. “Can you believe it’s near 150gb!” Can I believe that a modern game is near 150gb with a single player campaign, a zombie mode and has a massive multiplayer? Yeah, I can believe it because I don’t live under a rock and play a ton of other games around the same exact install size.


Helldivers 2 is like 30gb on ps5?


And only like 70gigs on PC


I was going off of their recommended specs for the game. The recommended storage to have is 100gb for HD2.


Holy shit the cope is crazy


What cope is there here? If you can't afford more storage and you think 130gb is crazy, GET A JOB. You can buy 1tb for $50 now my god.


Yeah that guys talking a lot of bs


Being loud and wrong fr


It’s news for casuals 🤷‍♂️?


So basically a person who never played cod has to download a 300gb file for one game then? lol either way




CoD HQ alone shows 153 gb file size for me in steam without any plus


CoD HQ is a luncher bro. Why would someone who wants to play BO6 download MW2, MW3 and WZ? 300gb is for every game within CoD HQ. I really do not understand how people are this confused about it.


We’ll see once it comes out lol.


The article linked literally says the massive size is not needed to play black ops 6 lol, that size is for everything installed all at once. Maybe go read the article before commenting


If that’s the case why not clarify by actually saying what the true file size will be? Why can’t they? I bet it’s because it’s all ingrained that even they have no clue what the true file size will end up being. So it will probably not be 300 GB but maybe around 200. Either way crazy.


They are still working on the game lol, no doubt until the game goes gold there won't be a definitive file size, the game only just got revealed so just wait lol


Its gonna be a 200gig install which is INSANE. Completing the campaign will prob bring it down to like 170


I just downloaded CoD BO CW on PS5 with only the zombies packs included, and the final install size is ~185 GB


CW was really bloated on ps5 though, there was even a 1TB update at some point. On ps4 with mp and zm, it is around 120gb for me. It's probably the HD textures pack because that is huge on pc as well, and I assume it's on ps5/series x by default. On pc, removing it can save you like 40gb I think. Can't recall the exact size.


>that’s the case why not clarify by actually saying what the true file size will be? Seems like it is clarified and reading the article reiterates the info >Why can’t they? They can, read the article.


Why would I read when I can just say “nope wrong!”?


You can see now. You can download it without installing the rest.


CoD on HDDs everywhere ![gif](giphy|3u1bKI2ve3G3S)


Anything over 150gigs is on the skip list.


GTA 6?


It was on my skip list before the game even released. I'm not going to pretend I'm into GTA after the last several games couldn't hold my interest more than a few hours. Add to that a possibly massive download, and that's a huge pass. Not all games resonate, and for some, file size is a big enough factor to not even bother. Doesn't mean the game won't be good, it just makes the barrier of entry larger.


Hot take. Lol


It is a bit but I do see his perspective. If he was already mostly uninterested in this game, the inconvenience of a large download and having to have the free space may just be enough to kill any mild curiosity he may have had for the game. Exceptionally large install sizes are an additional barrier to entry, even if only a small barrier in the grand scheme, to some people it can be the final straw to make them not bother buying the game


This is a great point, it does in fact stop me from even trying it out due to the size. My harddrvies are full of crappy games I have tried though if they are less than like 30gigs.


*it’s on MY skip list While it’s annoying that some games are getting larger, I’m not going to skip a game simply because of its file size. There are more important factors to consider for me, like gameplay, story, music, even price.


Those reason are exactly why I skip it, game assets are not worthy.


We know you’re getting GTA 6


Maybe, but after playing GTA 5 on PC and seeing nothing but mod menu script kiddies everywhere rockstar fails at online protections.


Ok then you don’t say anything at 150gb is on your skip list…


Generally speaking everything ive seen so far is on the skip list automatically due to the size, my biggest installed game is 120ish (halo masterchief collection), I didn’t download a 150gig video game and highly doubt I will soon. Funny how these web entities are so bothered by my download preferences. It gets under their skin that others do not also cheer for the same thing as them, to sum it up another boring COD game, hasn’t been good since modern warfare 2 and the massive size eliminates it even being tried out.


I get what you’re saying but nobody is bothered by what you said. If you say the sky is green, people will say it’s not. Simple as that. In this case you said anything is on your skip list but we all know GTA 6 won’t be


I highly doubt Ill install GTA 6, the cheater haven in GTA 5 online really soured the entire series for me. I bought the game Red dead 2 and haven’t even played it yet due to its 100gig size yet.


Do you still live in the technology era of 10 years ago? 150GB is nothing. Go buy a 10TB HDD for $100 and never worry again


Internet limits on my end, plus most of my favorite games average 50-60 gigs and really has nothing to do with anything. The size creep of games is getting worse every year, been playing since the pong console in the 70s. I was complaining when games were on dvd and 4+ gigs too. Basically you are downloading ‘pretty game assets’ all graphical, I can care less as most games look good already to me.


fully skipping a game because you think its content should take up less space just tells me how much you don't know about digital memory or electronics in general. they aren't taking up extra space as some conspiracy to get other games deleted, if it could be smaller it would be


Has nothing to do with any of your conspiracy opinions, use mobile internet and my hotspot is limited to 150gig smart human.


so 120 gb is worth it to use your entire limit on but not the extra 30? surely there's plenty of avenues to download said game onto a device that isn't your default network, i can think of a couple. saying anything over 150gbs is on the "skip list" with no context would lead one to assume exactly as i did, that your in someway disappointed with the company for it being that high. so excuse me for responding accordingly


Why does my skip list bother you? Most of the larger games over 150 gigs do not even interest me in the first place or even compel me to hookup to another line to download them , have over 10 terabytes on a few hardrives for PC and other with Xbox games loaded. Why does your reddit name have the same structure as many others do on this site, AnotherNameAlike ?


Fr. If *Elden Ring* is under 50gbs, there’s zero excuse for almost anything else


Fortnite is like 40gb


Downloading all the assets Is 80 additional GBs


There's a 100% chance you don't understand how file sizes work


What have been the last 3 cod download sizes been? Aren’t they around 200-250 gigs?


I didn't play MW3, but MW2 was like 125gb for me, that's everything installed, I obviously deleted the campaign when I was done, and the Coop, so it was down to like 88gb, Vanguard was probably smaller? Idk though


Cold war on xbox was like 200 with all the stuff including raytracing packs


I just want to know why the campaign is online only


Streaming textures so that the game isnt 300gb but instead 78gb as opposed to the click bait article.


I dont care, online only is the issue


Your face when you ask a question and it gets answered >:O


Well you’re online now, so it’s kinda like that, before I replied to you your comment it was a “one player” experience. So it’s kinda like that. All jokes aside, unless you’re off the grid this is a non issue. Otherwise we can pretend our internet goes out a lot and yell at the sky.


It is definitely an issue if you can think long term about game preservation. It always baffles me how many people struggle to see such obvious problems Then again the hardcore COD fanbase is never going to be the brightest bunch


It does for some people, lol, here in Australia the internet can be really screwy and slow to a snails pace at random times


It's definitely weird that it would exist, I wonder If they have added a system that's dependent on it?


No shit


You say that but everyone has been saying "300gb+ is way too much"


Cuz it is...


Well yes, but they aren't look at why its 300gb+, its not that crazy for three games


3 games? Better be bo6, bo7, and bo8


Lmao, I wish! But no, it's MW2/3 and Warzone


I'm glad people in this SR aren't completely rotted of the braincells.


Lmao, we try 🙏


I will not buy this oversized trash anyway