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White people want to be oppressed so bad while maintaining control


That's mostly the Republicans. 


Bingo. The only POCs the Republicans are nominating are brain damaged idiots like Herschel Walker and Mark Robinson. They want y’all to be represented like minstrel shows again, but that wouldn’t make as catchy an acronym.


Maaaan, don't forget about the biggest Uncle Whoever, Tim Scott. The boy so far in the sunken place he found Narnia


Clarence Thomas literally hangs out with a Nazi


His wife?


Fine. *Two* nazis.


This comment thread is gold 🤣🤣


Gold pressed latinum in this bitch


Welp, brb gotta watch Get Out again


His is probably homophobia from self-loathing


I've never been one to glom onto the "he's closeted" rhetoric because a lot of times it's harmful to the actual alphabet community (respectfully, I ain't keeping up with all the letters. I'm an ally, but yall come up with ONE unified abbreviation lol). But yeah, this cat might be on "the spectrum". I'm talking about Robert California's "spectrum".


Just say LGBTQ+ is what is most generally used from our experience. Though the term alphabet mafia is pretty good too in my opinion.


alphabet mafia is excellent


To be fair, the white people they are nominating are also fucking morons.


He wants to repeal the law that makes his marriage possible. I can’t decide if he hates his wife or if he doesn’t know he is black.


If the state of affairs wasn’t so awful, I’d say it’s just a cartoonish “yes.”


It's revitiligo!


As a black North Carolinian I despise that fat bastard looking Mark Robinson more than the others


I voted for Michael Morgan in the primary, but come November, it’s blue no matter who across the board.


Tbf I think all the white people in the gop also have brain damage


Dont forget the white liberals with their \*conditional pendantic allyship that does NOTHING to benefit anyone but themselves and those ensconced in whiteness ![gif](giphy|26FmPyVBSY3VbVpJK|downsized)


You’ve never been to Boston then…


Your average boston townie is absolutely republican


Boston is overwhelmingly a democrat city like every other big city in the us




Democrats can be racist too. It's just normally not part of their political ideology.


true, you might not like black people but you dont believe they should be back in chains or wish harm upon them


Or wish to perpetuate systematic issues that are less direct than that either.


MA votes blue, but bleeds red. In Cambridge I’m surrounded by white people who grew up here who make excuses for Trump. Leave the city and the iconography is down right scary. Hell, in Belmont I knew A person in HS whose family has a 10’ confederate flag hung on a wall.


doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly racist…just look at the Boston Celtics crowds.


In the words of Bill Burr, Boston is San Francisco with racists.


Massachusetts is NOT the liberal dream state people think it is.


I was born in Boston . THE WHITE PEOPLES and those POC who are Not Black that align themselves with white supremacy ARE RACIST AND OBNOXIOUS AS HELL regardless of their zip-code or financial situation . Will call you the N word to your face and act aggressively obtuse when confronted and will have the audacity to try to pull the " I'm *Irish / or " My Parents were ( still *white on paper 📑 ) Immigrants " card 🙌🏻🃏Orrrr that they have a black/poc partner or mixed race kids/grandchildren 🌚💯‼️


I never been to a city where you can feel the racism in the air. Shit is just uncomfortable.


feeling so validated in my hatred for Boston this morning 💅


Ah, I love the smell of politics in Dorchester


You really don't need to say that. That's, like, when people say, Not all (insert favorite cause) men.. Everyone knows it's not ALL.. It applies to those that are. You didn't need to defend yourself if you aren't that person. And for the love of all that is holy, please don't ever come to this r/ taking about not all white people.. That's just fucking embarrassing.


>That's, like, when people say, Not all (insert favorite cause) men.. This is such a great analogy and it personally helped me learn a very important lesson as a white person who spends time in many intersectional, feminist spaces: **If it doesn't apply to you, it's not about you.**


Nah, it’s the moderates, too.


Not just moderates, but white leftists, too. I remember them jumping down my throat for saying racism was just as much an American problem as classicism.


Man I'll firmly say it, these girls are jealous of Caitlin Clark and are hating but it has literally 0 to do with race. It's because she's getting alot of attention, it's crazy people have turned this into a black vs white thing.


you right, but it is slightly about race. "this lil white girl." if she were black there would more support than hate. I said *more* support, not ONLY support. some niggas would still be hating. but yeah..


100% it’s naive to think race plays no part.


Yup. Half the reason why Clark is getting the attention in the first place is because she's white.


she’s really like the female Larry Bird, part of it is being white, part is the talent/shit talking combination, part of it is staying at her Midwestern state’s college and taking them to the NCAA finals If she went to UConn, she wouldn’t be where she is


Part of it is also that she’s straight and photogenic. It’s the full combo.


Yeah I don’t know what some of these commenters are on lol. Some people need to get out of the house more fr


When Clark winds up and punches one of these players in the face the tables will turn real quick. Especially if it's a black player. Bet no one in here says the "racism" angle is silly then.


My only thing is that white players have already sat near the top of the WNBA for 10 years. I get it from media and people that weren't somewhat following the league, but Turasi, Breana Stewart, Kelsey Plum, and Elena Delle Donne have been the league's elite on the best teams for years. A white player being the best is nothing new. I can't imagine the players care much that she's white. It's more that she's crowned the Jordan or LeBron on the WNBA.


It’s the money. All about the endorsements.


Angel Reese is a living example of this literally being untrue, she gets nothing but hate which makes this whole thing hilarious. With Caitlyn it's idenfiable racism, with Angel she's a villain who deserves it.


Isn’t Reese known for her trash talk? Maybe I’m dumb but I haven’t heard the same for Clark. If you talk trash player’s will hate you


She got known for ‘trash talk’ when she did the exact same John Cena “You can’t see me” taunt to Clark in the championship game that Clark had been doing that whole season. It only became ‘problematic’ when Reese gave it back.


Not entirely true, in some people's eyes it became objectionable, when Reese carried on after the game following Clark around doing the gestures. Any trash talk is fair game during a contest obviously. But some people feel after the contest is over and the winner determined, you shake your opponent's hand and move on. Reese on that day seemed uninterested in celebrating with her teammates as much as following Clark around making sure to get the gesture on film which shot up her media/social media engagement. At some point, the contest is over and after that you're not "getting in their head". You're just showing your ass. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was raised different than that.


If she was black it wouldn't even be in the news. We would not be talking about it, she is it just some random black girl who's good at basketball. Nothing new there that's expected! But a white girl who's good that's just crazy. Now Imagine if she was attractive on top of that, the world would not know what to do with itself!


Same thing in the nba with doncic and jokic


If she was black and/or gay her treatment would be way different. It absolutely has to do with race more than 0% and you’re delulu to deny it.


Her rookie stats are still crazy!🤦🏻‍♂️ The whole wnba out to bust chops and she’s STiLL making a huge mark. “You gotta be grateful, you need haters, wtf is you complaining about?”


it's called race baiting. The elite keep us fighting amongst ourselves so they can continue to take money out of our back pockets.


It ain't the "elite" that I keep hearing say racist shit on every post




If you don’t think that’s not part of it idk what to tell you.


Bruh if she was a black lesbian getting these groundbreaking endorsements and perks they would be crowning her. Instead it's some white from Indiana that basically reminded them all that no one gives a shit about them or people like them




Gayle King interviewed Dawn Stanley after the tournament and the first thing she asked was something about Clark. South Carolina won 2 tournaments in 3 years and that was what she had to deal with. It's weird.


I’m not a follower of women’s basketball so I was shocked when I found out that South Carolina was undefeated but the big story was the white girl that could shoot?


Undefeated isn't that uncommon in NCAAW. "White girl that could shoot" crushing the all-time scoring record is objectively a bigger story. 




They can't control the questions that the media are asking and the narratives they're trying to create for views and clicks. For their part all of them have generally been very diplomatic about it. Staley gave CC her props for the records and the eyes and viewership she brought to the women's game. CC has accepted the praise they heap on her and usually turns the focus to all the other great players around her and before her. She tried to shut down the narrative about Reese being classless when the media/Twittersphere tried to make her a villain for hitting CC with the "can't see me" that CC always did.


Companies are in it for money. Caitlin brings the sport money and the fact we're even talking about the WNBA right now should show that she's marketable, and with more eyes on the league means more money for the other ladies in the league.






I'd compare Clark to how Deion and Colorado were treated at the beginning of last year. But you see once Deion kept losing they quit talking about him, if Clark just plays super terrible you won't see much of her anymore. But yeah I do agree there were other ladies who deserved the 28$ million shoe deal before her


But she's not super terrible, that one game where she had 9 ppg, they had like 3 defenders on her the whole game, and her teammates were missing open layups. Her team got the no 1 pick twice in a row so you know how bad they really are. She's the fastest WNBA player to hit 100 points in a season so it's not like she's playing terrible, she just got in. She has a lot of time to grow from what is already one of the best rookies of this class.




Show me what is fair in business. That’s not how it operates. They gave her $28 million. They are expecting a return on that investment bigger than the money they gave her. So for us, yes, we see the “they gave her $28 million”. That doesn’t mean it came with no strings attached and an expected return on investment based on merch, tickets, shoes sales. Black folks, we are 12% of the population. 60% are White and that’s not including White identifying. They see that purchasing power very simply. Who will young girls and parents of that young girl relate to? Angel Reese? In my opinion definitely deserving or CC? Where a portion of that 60% will dwarf 12% of us in purchasing power. That’s assuming all 12% of Black folks would buy merch, tickets, shoes to see Angel Reese.


It is racist what else you call it.


Or they’re butthurt because the face of the league is white… sort of like the nba with jokic and doncic


How do you get a thousand votes up so many lost souls


Don't say stupid shit like this. You're just fanning the flames of the fire the media started


Yes the white mans control of basketball has been our shining star??? Mfs just type white and forget to read the rest I stg 😭


Oh no! Veterans are treating the young upstart rookie like a young upstart rookie! Oh, my stars and garters! Whatever shall we do?


The real pressing question isn't the WNBA or Caitlin Clark. It's where the *fuck* are her teammates and coach?!


Number 1 pick for a reason lol. Just like the nba though, the front office eventually chooses the coach or player if they can’t win together. And obviously, with super talent, the player is always given priority. So expect changes next year if Caitlin is still putting up good stats but not winning. Coach gone. 


Hasn't the head coach already announced her retirement?


Anthony Bennett somewhere like “where was my support??”


Fr. It is bothering me so much that her teammates are just letting this shit happen.


jealousy is a bitch


Even lebron was treated with the stunk eye when he first joined the Cavs


LeBron being LeGM has to be rooted in the fact his early teammates sucked and didn't treat him as mentors should. Those early Cavs teams didn't like having a famous young superstar getting all the attention and gave him the cold shoulder.


Yeah, I would hate having a rookie come in averaging 21/6/6, adding 20 wins to the team /s


Jealousy is a thing though. What if the new rookie had a ton of hype and outperformed you, in a cutthroat industry that only has room for a few winners at the top? The average nba career is 4.5 years, and most guys don’t have much lined up after.


Dude, they hated the man! One time, in the 2007 playoffs, game 5 against Detroit, they all just stood around when the 4th quarter started and made him win the game by himself.


Ricky Davis said “one day young fella might learn a thing or two from me 😤”


There's a reason Jordan always had Charles Oakley or Bill Cartwright and Steph has Draymond. Caitlyn needs an enforcer.


Whoever it is in that clip of her getting shoved from her blindside is ironically the person she needs. If no changes are made and ratings start to drop I expect to see Draymond in a wig next season.


I feel in the heat of the game Draymond would have zero problems chucking women across the court who roughed up his teammates


Coach is yelling and speaking out from what I can see, she said she was constantly submitting video to the wnba. Teammates I agree. One needs to step up and get themselves ejected next time someone touches CC.


Coach needs to have some team introspection instead of looking for league help.


Team was drafting first overall for a reason


Twice in a row too


Agreed on that last point. And coach should be first in line. Coaches will occasionally get thrown out to make a point, this needs to be one of those times. Then players will rally around that and bring that energy on the court.


Idk it’s just a poor look for sportsmanship in general, if there was ever a reason for people to not be fans of sports. This is a good one. I don’t fuck with communities that harass new players, but I’ve never watched the WNBA to begin with so nothing changes for me.


Her teammates not having her back and just watching her get bullied is alarming. And the coach would have to be fired under me


Let’s be real here players weren’t hip checking rookie year Candace Parker or A’ja out of pettiness lmao All of the people whining about it on twitter tho are def republicans trolls, you can tell by all the blue checks lmao


Candace Parker literally was involved in a bench clearing brawl in her rookie season after being roughhoused by Plenette Pierson and other Detroit players. Let's be for real.


That was against Detroit tho, we know from the Pistons they’ll fight anyone /s But for real there was a lot more overall team tension in that one. That was when Ford and Parker were going at each other previously and even Rick Mahorn pushed Lisa Leslie in the scuffle lmao. That seems a little different than getting hip checked on an outta nowhere dead ball.


I'm going to concede a bit on that because you're right to draw the Pistons-Shock connection, especially since Bill Laimbeer was the coach.


Is that seriously how this goes? Is that WNBA specific or have I just been ignorant to this entire aspect of sports culture my entire life, which really wouldn't surprise me since I can count the number one sports games I've seen on one hand.


No. I am an avid sports fan and I’ve never seen a rookie get bullied by the whole league. It’s a weird situation where I agree, there is some kind of republican media push here, but it’s kinda… valid? The players are really being shitty, potentially racist or something adjacent. Maybe its just envy, or something to do with a white girl saving the wnba from obscurity. No one asked for that, frankly I never saw it coming. And now that we’re here its weird and uncomfortable but I can’t stop watching.


I’m a big fan of sports and no, this is not normal at all, I don’t know why so many people are acting like it is. It’s especially not normal for her teammates to not have her back at all. It’s one thing to pay your dues for your own team, but it’s extremely shameful to let other players bully your teammate and not do anything about it, you don’t let another team disrespect you like that. Especially when that player is responsible for a massive bump in viewership and is literally making all the players more money just from her being in the league. This is pretty wild to be honest.


Yeah this is typically how it goes with young superstars who come in with more fame/money than the vets across all sports. And usually it’s up to some old ass in the end of the bench to stand up for them. If this was football and someone knocked the rookie qb to the ground like that, 5 lineman would be on their ass immediately


Exactly this. All the greats who were thought to be the next big thing--from Magic Johnson to Michael Jordan to LeBron James--were treated roughly in their rookie seasons. Most rookies are roughed up--often by members of their own squads!


Yeah but it’s usually a “you can’t talk to them like that moment” I’m sure Kobe was giving Julius Randle shit 24/7 in the locker room, but called him a grown ass man in front of the camera loool


Putting rookies in their place is always a thing but its much worse for Clark because no one else in the WNBA could ever think of the deals and publicity she’s gotten, meanwhile in the NBA hype comes and goes and big deals are a regular thing


Single brain cell take lmao


do they really bump boobs when they argue?


It’s the equivalent to ending an argument by putting your dicks on the table


Wdym❓❗❓ Is that not the norm❓❗❓


Mfs don't want to argue anymore






A solid THUD while still soft


Accompanied with a very distinct and difficult to ignore wet flesh sound


Dicks out for Harambe


Men have breasts too ya know


If that’s the case, anybody wanna argue with me? I’ve got the table, what happens after that is up to us


LBJ taught us well


Just like men do except women have bigger chests. Usually.


It's their chest. Men do the same thing. Boobs being a thing is irrelevant.


They also kiss each other. There's a lot of tension that goes on in women's contact sports.


Who knew that Clark was the first white player in the WNBA


They’re saying it’s because she’s white and straight 😂


You’re going to deny that has made her popular/appealing to the masses? She’s a great player but to say that hasn’t helped her you’re delusional


That’s not what I’m talking about. WE KNOW that her race and sexual orientation has played a big part in her popularity. A’ja, who has given Clark her props, got hate for pointing out that race has played a role in this. But to assume that the players are jealous because straight white girl is the “face of the league” is wild. They’re creating a narrative that the gay and black players all hate her because of this. Even saying this about her own teammates.


It’s the evil black lesbians, taking sports away from all of us!!!! /s


where did they say that?


Has she said she’s straight?


Why does anyone even care?


Someone called her the Jackie Robinson of the wnba. I damn near died


They want her to be the great white hope so badly.


It was Jason Whitlock… a black man.


Honestly Clark should just say “fuck all y’all” and go play in Europe. Bet the rest of the league won’t be clapping when they’re back to flying commercial on Southwest. Also, the hate boner a lot of people on this sub have for her is strange.


I agree that other players are being harder on her than other rookies but it’s definitely just jealousy not racism.


David Dennis has written an excellent article about this alleged "hating" on Caitlin Clark: [https://andscape.com/features/who-are-we-protecting-caitlin-clark-from-exactly/](https://andscape.com/features/who-are-we-protecting-caitlin-clark-from-exactly/)


I don’t think this is it man. Most his links are to tweets and it seems like the article dances around those instead of what is actually happening on the court. And to use CC as the lightning rod because media is racist, which I do fuckin agree on, is shitty for her. Like… I can understand the frustration and there’s truth to if Clark was black, I doubt she’d be getting **AS** much attention. But to put that on Caitlyn and have other players punish her for it…. just feels goofy




“It is embarrassing, because if this was the men and you just watched a bunch of other dudes fawn over someone all the time … if that was men, you’d call them weak. That would be a soft move,” Duncan said. I don't really get this part because men already do this shit constantly in the NBA. It's getting more like WWE the way they coddle their stars. A lot of them are weak and soft.


Great articlr


I’m just dead at there being two top posts about her, one which is “why are people bitching about how she’s treated” and the other which is “damn they’re really going crazy about her bc shes white huh”


I mean the video of her being blatantly hip checked and knocked over and angel cheering from the sidelines is pretty damning. This article was written before that happened over the weekend and it has aged horribly in the last 24 hours. Watch that video from the game and this article goes from being excellent to being cringe


You can literally see Angel tease stand up and start clapping in the background of the clip but how is it not about hate/jealousy?


The WNBA players cannot comprehend the hype around Clark and the others from this draft, they’ve never seen someone this popular come into the league before and generate this much excitement. She has 2x more followers on IG than Plum and Taurasi combined. And they seem to be taking out their frustration in petty ways. I’m all for putting the rookies through the ringer but don’t act like anyone cared about the WNBA until this draft class showed up


I never saw this as a race thing, it’s weird how people make it that. It’s cause she brings a ton of hype to the game. These vets don’t seem to like that shit.


This feels like 10% race, 90% “welcome to the league rookie”


Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird are white


But they weren't this popular. If they were, they would be getting the business.


So what’s the goal ? Run her out the league along with the extra money and ratings?


It’s the most backwards shit I’ve ever seen stg


I’m just going to preface what I’m about to ask by saying that because I’m white I know that I may not have a good understanding of what everyone is going through but I still feel the need to ask: why are black people so obsessed with this white lady? The only people I hear talking about her are my black friends, black twitter and black sports figures. OPs tweet is a BET association account being commented on by a black man and a black woman. I mean, I get that the WNBA might mean more to the black community than to the white community but it still seems a bit much. I’m not even talking about the hazing. I’m talking about the talking about the talking about the talking about the hazing. It honestly looks like a circular firing squad of in-group self recrimination with a bit of misplaced anger thrown in for good measure but I think I might be being a bit reductive with that assessment. I’m genuinely asking if some can please help me understand why this particular person is causing so much chatter amongst black people? No judgements, just curiosity.


Because this is the first time this shit league has gotten a decent amount of publicity in its 20 years of existence, so all the various talking heads are all weighing in so they stay relevant.


I've noticed this too ngl, it's weird


It's probably the veterans more so , and I don't blame them. They paid dues and laid the groundwork, and then this unproven upstart waltzes into the league and all of a sudden she's the next Lady Jordan , well time to show and prove. But at least we are talking about the WNBA.


If they were smart they’d welcome her with open arms. This is the most coverage the WNBA has gotten… like ever. Is she the next lady Jordan? Probably not but why not go with this boost you’ve been given instead of trying to kill it? Jealousy is an ugly thing


It’s like when players hate on Lebron but Lebron got role players paid like stars now. But Lebron was also hated on by the vets. Hopefully this woman’s draft class works out and it does make wnba bigger.


Agreed, however I think the NBA was doing fine before Lebron gave them a huge boost. The WNBA however needs all the help it can get BADLY. It’s crazy the other girls jealous or contempt towards Clark doesn’t let them see that


Right. You ain’t gotta bow down to her but damn give the girl some respect lol. Shes got dudes watching the sport. This is a game changer for your game and you out here mugging her on the court cause you envious lmao.


I’d say more envy than jealousy. Being the one to humble the golden child comes with its own rewards though


In any other league sure but this girl is almost single handedly bringing the WNBA to the light and it’s crazy some people are trying to kill that momentum because it’s actively good for all of them that the league is finally being watched


If the momentum is purely based on Clark then the best course is to get in early and make a name for yourself in case she flops and the interest dies with her. In my circle at least, the increase in viewership has come from black women wanting to see pay equality for young black women athletes and the only way to do that is to watch.


>They paid dues and laid the groundwork Boo fucking hoo. Everything else aside, this "fuck you, I did my time and it sucked so you need to suffer too" attitude is fucking gross in any context.




Unproven? What a load of crap. She just had the best individual ncaa career for a woman in history, and within a few weeks is already a great player. Sounds like haterade to me


They mad she made more in college than they'd make in their careers


She might actually be that considering the fact that she’s already better than most players in that league


How the fuck is the #1 scorer in NCAA women's basketball "unproven" lol people are going crazy about this shit and keep pretending CC was hatched fully formed out of an egg 3 months ago, with no credence given to her years as the greatest NCAA player in women's basketball. Guess that don't count for shit.


What a soft take. If WNBA players had any brains, they’d figure out that Clark is bringing the league actual attention and coverage. You’re acting as if Clark runs her mouth and acts as if she’s owed everything. Get over yourself, bro


Dave Portnoy who owns barstool made three post calling the other WNBA players thugs(more specifically Angel Reese) and of course there were people with Donald Trump pfps calling them everything but the son of god. All they needed was a dog whistle.


This is how you know all these twitter accounts with black faces are just white people. Also, how very VERY very white NBA twitter is, and why they’re all suddenly ready to fall on their swords to white knight for CC, but not A gel Reese when she was basically assaulted last week


Or Ivans, they love stirring up that racial shit whenever possible.


It’s not racism, but jealousy is going to kill the Golden Goose, and I can’t take a league seriously that’s willing to do that.




Meanwhile Cameron Brink is becoming a low key sex icon


The media is trying to make it seem like she’s Jackie Robinson. They do know white players have been there the whole time right?


Caitlin Clark can still win MVP if Mike pence hs the courage to do the right thing.


I’m just here with popcorn to watch the deniers 🍿👀


I do think she’s getting targeted, but it’s for the attention she gets and is bringing. I do think some girls are jealous and mad at that Don’t think it has to do much with girls being racist to her for being white - there’s been dominant white girls in that league forever. Don’t think people gave Sue Bird, Ionescu, Breanna Stewart, etc this typa shit. Hell, Cameron Brink doesn’t seem to be catching this level of shade either, so I don’t think it’s a white girl thing




They want Caitlin Clark to be a conservative icon so bad. Leave her and the players alone!


I'm 100% not a conservative but I am a sports fan who has a soft spot for the under dog. The all time ncaa scorer comes into the league and brings with her tons of attention/eyes to a league that has been yearning for a star. She comes into the league and is the fastest player to 150 points and wnba ratings explode. During that run she's fouled harder than others and treated poorly by the old heads, more so than any other player. I'd it only because of her race? No. Is it only because of jealousy? No. But, imo, those things do play a factor, and of course conservatives are going to blow that out of proportion. But just because those assholes latch onto it doesn't mean it's not true. That being said it's still interesting to watch it play out.


Media and fans declare her the savior of a league of women that have been existing for years. Media and fans then wonder why current players have a target on her


Shit it’s not her fault lol seems kind of immature or petty


Sabrina Ionescu is white and she’s a WNBA darling


Not sure if its racism but these hoes are definitely targeting her