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There's no way in hell this is real. Edit: Since a lot of you have decided to be disrespectful and there's way too many comments to reply to, I'll put my responses here. *Just rude*: If you're on Reddit calling all of us idiots (you know who you are) because of our food preparation preferences, just stop. It's our preference, and some of us have never, ever seen this. Check your attitude and come back when you've got some respect in your tone. You're missing a chance to educate by becoming hostile. *Bacteria*: For those of you saying we don't understand microbiology, if you don't have a degree or a couple of years of background studying it, neither do you. Stop trying to belittle people because you perceive their knowledge on the subject as less than yours. *Bleach*: I don't want bleach with my chicken. Not to mention all the other cleaning chemicals that may or may not be getting into your food. I'm not doing it, regardless of whether or not it will cook off. Do what you want, just don't serve it to someone else who may disagree with your methods. Consent and communication are key. *Professional kitchen*: The people claiming none of us who find this disgusting have ever been in a professional kitchen or restaurant... How do you know? I've worked in plenty of restaurants, and I've never once seen someone put bare, raw meat directly onto the sink. If they are doing this in Michelin Star restaurants, this is a different case completely as their entire staff is professionally trained in food handling and sanitation. There's no comparison. For some of you, food may be your passion. Cleaning may be the passion of others. Maybe it's both? While I fully understand passion in conversations, I can't stand attacks on people's intelligence because their passion doesn't match yours in a given field of knowledge. I did not come with hostility. I was genuinely shocked at the picture and acted as I would in real life. Would you talk the same way to your friend or family, barring some light or moderate jokes, if you found out they prepared food this way? No, you wouldn't. You would take into account their point of view or their opinion. You would listen and try to understand. As someone else in the comments said... I read what you're saying, I'm processing what you're saying, and I respect your opinion. However, I will never do this because it makes me uncomfortable and creates unnecessary risks.


No no lol. People actually do this. All the Ajax & bleach could never make me feel this comfy though. That's usually their defence. "I keep it clean". ![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized)


Those are the types of people that start COVID.


This is how my family cooked growing up and not once have any of us got sick, I didn’t get the flu until I was 30 and I only had food poisoning once snd that was at 28 from a Thai restaurant. My nieces and nephews rarely get sick either and thankfully none of us has gotten COVID. My family are crazy clean freaks and growing up and I mean after cleaning the house, they will inspect. So we had to make sure everything is scrubbed and dried. Nothing but hot water was for cleaning and sanitizing and we all clean like that now. My family is lucky to not have a major health issues or diabetes or anything related to how we eat. We are country folks too who still season in the sink, so that doesn’t check


I’m here for you. The salmonella in the chicken is worse than anything in any average kitchen sink; ESPECIALLY a sink that is used everyday cuz cooking


literally my first thought was that this was worse for the sink than the chicken. You can get a kitchen sink clean enough I'd be ok eating meat from it. Especially if you're gonna cook it afterwards. We already cook chicken enough to kill basically all the bacteria that would possibly present issues for humans.  And we do that cause raw chicken is is not safe. That's why (good) professional kitchens take their cross contamination of meats so seriously.  I've noticed from watching cleantok - people cleaning on tiktok, that quite a lot of clean freaks don't understand bacteria. They're often trying to achieve what they feel is clean but which sometimes is totally ineffective (mixing baking soda and vinegar for a cleaning solution) and sometimes actively making things worse (sponges being the most common one.)   so if anyone is getting stuck from this photo, it's not from the chicken. Its the salmonella sponge or wash rag they smeared all over their kitchen 


I’ve worked in the food industry for 13+ years in every position u can think. You’re 100% right. Side note: Safe Commercial Food Handling says that this pic is a no-no. Which is smart, in a commercial setting; but at you’re own home, you’ll be fine


I agree with everything here aside from that mixing vinegar and baking soda is ineffective. It creates the antibacterial sodium acetate. Definitely does the job and is more food safe than most chemicals. It's not as intense as some others, but it works. I'm no neat freak but I've worked in multiple labs (bio-physics, oral biology, and food sciences) so I have some experience. I brew now, and mainly clean all stainless steel, food grade plastic, and other brewing vessels I have with StarSan (food grade phosphoric acid) or straight iodine. That lends to most of my sinks and surrounding areas being literally clean enough to eat out of. I still wouldn't season my shit in a sink, *but* it's not going to kill you. (Side note, don't use any of that shit on stone or wood counter tops unless you *really* want to remodel it)


Yes! I worked in food service for a long time. Cross contamination is real and you have to be aware of it. Drives me nuts when people don’t pay attention to that and THAT is the real reason you really can’t eat at everybody’s house. Both my momma and my mil (sending heavenly kisses to y’all ) put bleach in the dishwater, taught me to only use wash clothes in the sink - no sponges - and to change that cloth out as often as needed. I have two drawers full in my kitchen and it’s not uncommon for me to use as many as half a dozen when cooking a big meal. I have a special bowl only used for seasoning meat and that gets scrubbed and bleached after each use, then stored. Those women did NOT play in the kitchen and taught me well. Never got sick from food in the house though I got hella sick from a pot luck at work. I just have a can of soda now at those events.


What can I be using instead of a sponge?


There's a bunch of sustainable sponges you can use, most of which you can throw into a microwave for a bit to kill most, if not all, harmful bacteria. The scent does linger though. Bamboo scrub brushes have also been a game changer for me.


I don’t think we ever had to think about it due to us cleaning everyday and since I came from a big family, left overs were a thing so it wasn’t as if we was cooking chicken nightly. That could be another reasoning for us


It’s honestly such a gift that your family taught you and other in your family how to properly clean. I’m STILL learning how dirty things really are and so disappointed I can’t do it more efficiently or faster. Someday, I’ll figure it out. Good for you, and amazing that you have a healthy family!


I was still learning how dirty things and little habits were during COVID so good on you for recognizing it and trying to do better for yourself. I really believed growing up, they were all insane how detailed they wanted us to be (I mean, you getting in trouble if they don’t see steam coming from the dish water. It had to be as hot as you could withstand and they would check). It’s easier as you think, like the Clorox surface spray & the bleach wet towels has made it so much easier. If it has a smooth surface, it will get wiped.


Nah, people get too caught up and “hive mind” in things we aren’t familiar with..


I think so because I feel like all of this is common knowledge. Like nobody put a little bleach in their dish water when cleaning, nobody knows how to handle hot water and towels? Cause I know all of my family can wash and clean with water temps in hell. I got a big ass container of Clorox under my sink now, if I run out of a cleaning supplies ever, I know bleach gon be there.


My people!!


The salmonella is in the sink now


I feel a majority here do not know how to properly sanitize their kitchen & that scares me because it is common sense for us but I feel like I’m learning it’s not for others. There is also a reason the sink is stainless steel as well and that’s because it can take high temperature water without damage. Salmonella won’t be in your sink if you know how to sanitize correctly. https://preview.redd.it/yvktxz4g3g6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15b2bf9c454f29fb64699a379be57a17c999c0c


Ajax, bleach, dawn antibacterial soap…there are all good individual solutions. you say “salmonella in the sink” like that’s not fixable… You wash your hands (I fucking hope) after handling the chicken right? Just sayin… Dawn and a quick wipe


I grew up this way also… I didn’t realize it was a faux pas. Generally the sink is cleaned thoroughly before and after.


Okay but why? Why not just use a bowl or a cutting board?


Most of us did. We used a lot of bleach and Comet to clean.


People just be saying shit. You good


Oh I never second guessed it since we have been doing it since I could remember but I’m more shocked to see that a lot don’t know how to properly clean. That’s the real shock I’m getting out of this thread. Starting to make me grateful how hard ass the adults were growing up about cleaning.


Was there ever a reason why y’all used the sink rather than a large bowl? I guess you can just wash out the sink and not worry about dishes?


Yeah, my fam and a lot of other people have cooked this way from what I've seen personally. It's very common


I’m more worried about a lot of people telling on themselves that they don’t know how to properly clean and sanitize their kitchen.


Yeah if you drink that water from the nasty stream all your life, you be fine. Mexicans can drink their water and not get Montazooma's Revenge. But you come from holy ground and try that shit, you in trouble...


Idk, food borne illnesses is worse IMO, but all you have to do is treat raw chicken like it's toxic until its cooked.


I got eczema in my hands because I can't bake chicken without washing my hands like 6 times.


Like...yall don't have funds and room for a big ass bowl? Large freezer bags? Only option was the sink????


Right 😂 The bowl/container should be mandatory. Straight to sink ain't right.


Bleached it 10 minutes before tossing the chicken in. With enough seasoning, you'll never taste the munchausen


A sink is a place where my OCD ass could *NEVER!* IDGAF how much cleaner you use on that thing, just the thought alone of dirty dishes is enough to turn me off! Meme reaction from new one I made today sums this up🤣 https://preview.redd.it/b3ub0ynycg6d1.png?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538e9999ec9d861274d78a0385a40aa12fea3e72


This ! 😂🤣 I can't even leave dishes in the sink i clean on site. My OCD could never allow for it.


Guess you’ve never seen people cleaning chitlins in the bathtub.




I clean my toilets too but I’m not about to cook up a fuckin stew in them


Mfs don’t have a colander


I wish you were right. My niece brought a boyfriend over and they were going to cook for us. That muthafucka put chicken directly into the sink and then handled a bunch of my spice bottles with Raw Chickenhands, which is now his nickname. I gave them free access to the kitchen and didn't catch it until the very end of him rubbing spices into the meat. I was none too happy that an unknown percentage of my kitchen was contaminated with raw chicken. This same story is buried in my comments from 2020.


I would never allow them back in my house. What a username... Absolute genius.


Not the Raw Chickenhands


One million percent this is engagement bait


I’m not sure anymore. It’s 8 billion people out here. Some have to be lunatics.


No. People do this on a normal basis.


Well. I ain’t eating their plates if I know. 


Yeah ain’t no way I want sink chicken knowingly.


And to those people we politely but firmly ask them to leave


People that sell food out of their house do it, holds a lot of space


Sometimes I get pissed that the rules exist. I’d like to sell some plates out of my place, make a little side money, it would do well. Then I remember the rules are for these people who don’t know wtf they doing and tryna kill off half the neighborhood


I have seen many people do this..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It definitely is lol. This same topic gets talked about every 10 days.


I’ve seen people do this. I don’t eat anything they have.


I got into an argument with my wife's cousin about this. She was washing the chicken in the sink I said WTF are you doing?! "You always gotta wash the chicken you didn't know that?" Lady look, you just spreading around raw chicken germs and we both know you're not sanitizing the whole kitchen after. Wtf do you think you're washing off the chicken?


Just rubbin all that salmonella all over the sink for no reason


Wait til you find out that the overlap between the people who do this shit because “I keep my sink clean” and the people who will lecture you online for not washing your chicken with vinegar and will look down on you for practicing bad food safety is STRONG. Makin a goddamn salmonella sink and will shamelessly tell YOU they they won’t eat food out of your kitchen lmao


It is. _why_ it is, I never got an answer on. Like these are people who own bowls. They own pots. They own pans. They own baking trays. They own cutting boards.


>why it is, I never got an answer on. Why clean bowl then sink when can just clean sink. That's their thought process. Washing dishes in the sink transfers the dirty part of the dishes to the sink, so just cut out the middle man. Those people cross contaminate everything while trying to reduce cleanup time.


My big ass plastic cutting board with a little groove on the outside to catch any liquid nonsense has been my favorite kitchen tool. Cut on it, season on it, whatever - then wash the shit out of it. When it’s gotten knife marks and intentions I’ve even sanded it down like they do in restaurants - well worth the $30 or whatever it cost me.


There's an episode of Hard Knocks on HBO when one of the players does this exact thing on camera before feeding his teammates who came over after.




People are cleaning their meat dude. And not the normal hoo boy I just pleased myself way.






Yall are hilarious


✂️ Here’s some scissors to crop your fucking memes.


Walking up in the kitchen like... https://i.redd.it/2mz8brxdnf6d1.gif


This gif will never not be funny to me


So versatile


what is this from? i keep seeing it online


Its gregs best friend rowley


Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules


Accurate AF


Please remind me where this gif is from kind stranger.


Diary of a wimpy kid https://youtu.be/1eJOJPbYPw0?si=jjoS2ue3KcnxJeRF






why is niggas asking why to jesus


Ain't no dead nigga with holy hands supposed to be knocking on my door.


Even then, how do you know that’s THE Jesus and not the Jesus from around the corner who I owe money to?


Nailed it.


Crucifixion or not, why you banging on my door like you pay rent?


Must be Mormon Jesus ain't no body got time for that


If he knocking I aint letting him in 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


“This nigga can walk on water but he can’t let himself in?”


https://preview.redd.it/7xynj1jwmg6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b4a6f37a3aaadbee411c9cdd703a26a0e8e2ce 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


This whole exchange 😂


I've unfortunately seen people do this and I've learned not to eat when they cook. It's the same thing with the whole "washing meat" thing that I've seen some of my cousins do where they use water and salt to "wash" their meat even when it comes straight out of the pack. Some people should be nowhere near a kitchen or food.


Soaking meat in brine is something lots of cooks do. As a matter of fact if you don’t soak your chicken in a bowl with vinegar, lime, and saltwater, many Caribbean people wouldn’t eat from you. The sink thing is nasty.


Yeah but we're not talking about brining. I've had people straight up say they would only eat their chicken if it's been washed in soap and water or even bleach water first.


Salt is not bleach or soap though.


I know silly goose I'm saying most people that "wash" their chicken aren't taking about salt or brine, they're talking about washing off bacteria, and for some that means using soap or bleach too


Y'all are just making this shit up lmao


I met one person that washes their chicken with dawn, that’s absolutely 1 too many in this world.


Man believe me I really wish I was. People are nuts




Soap, bleach, vinegar, lemon, limes…. And ish like that


And you're not even supposed to wash chicken at all because it sprays chicken cooties everywhere.


Anyone cooking with bleach I'm gonna stay far away from


The only reason I'm coming closer is because I can't kick their ass without coming closer


https://preview.redd.it/lewufrsblg6d1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e05697e5d0e49ba5dcba83cf14f6e60df3242c I got just the thing


Good idea bc if someone is feeding you bleach food they do not want you on this earth lmao


Bro who out here washing chicken with soap? The fuck?


More than you would think. My old roommate would wash hers with a cap full of bleach in the kitchen sink full of water


Bro what the fuck?! Bleach?? That cant be safe also what the fuck is the point of washing it if they put it in that dirty ass sink. Man you all are giving me trust issues


Straight up. And it wasn't just chicken. She did that with all the meat she bought


She tried to kill y’all 😂


Yuck. No, never heard of that apart from that rich kook on the Real Housewives.


But brining chicken isn't to clean it. It's to make it jucier and more tender. The act of cooking is what sanitizes it


Chicken has what we call a “rishy” smell and taste that the brine helps to take away in addition to some of the slime. Caribbean cooking technique calls for the meat to be “cleansed” in this way prior to cooking. Eating meat straight out the pack is considered to be nasty.


"Rishy"...where are you/your family from? I haven't heard anyone use that word outside the Caribbean.


I’m a small islander I’ll say that😉


Me too 😊


I was just about to say I woke my meat but in like vinegar and salt and you are right it is the way of us lol


I mean washing with salt isn’t really a bad thing though. For instance, Hainanese chicken calls for washing the chicken with salt in order to make the skin glossy and smooth once the dish is complete.


My aunt taught me to soak in salt to clean it easier, and it works.


That’s just called a brine


My family still does this shit and some of them have higher educations than me! The fuck are we doing!


I’ve only done this to wash the blood out of the turkey for thanksgiving. There’s really no other way to do it. And you better believe I sanitized the sink before and after. And the faucets. And the counter. And me.


I didn't know salt rinse was bad, I wash my chicken with salt, lemon, and water. Especially when I get it from a butcher and I know it's been hanging out in the open air with other meats for a minute.


It isn't. People equating salt/lime/vinegar with bleach aren't playing with a full deck.


Washing meat makes no sense to me. That’s what cooking is for.


Well we did when I was younger, of course you sanitize it before and after but this was normal growing up. It could have been because we were such a large family (house of 8) but in Louisiana & Texas, nobody would blink seeing someone do this. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I agree. Social media has people tripping. It’s your house, your food, and your traditions. And they VARY all over the world. Washing collards greens, chicken, and other food in your cleaned kitchen sink is normal. But social media is full of young folks who never cooked for a family in their life. And people love to post these pictures like they don’t eat at nasty unsanitary restaurants where the cooks don’t even wash their hands and the dishwater hasn’t been changed in 12 hours. I hate what social media has done to us. 😩


This. My granny always washed greens in the sink.


Greens don’t have salmonella.  Unless you’re chipotle, then it’s e.colettuce


I don't understand, you're afraid of getting salmonella in the sink?


Set plate in sink after dinner. Then pick up plate later to put in dishwater. You now have salmonella on your hands.


Oh nah, that sink gets cleaned immediately after seasoning, so you aren't getting germs on anything else. We generally clean while we cook. So you would prep the chicken, put it in the oven, then clean the sink again and do the dishes while the chicken is cooking, so that by the time the chicken is done, you just go straight to eating, rinse the plates after dinner and put them directly in the dishwasher and seal away leftovers.


My mom Still does this! New Orleans, most people here cook like this and y’all be running front and center here to get this cooking. F what they talking about


I think so too, since the hygiene Olympics started, it’s like people are throwing in anything without a single thought. The sink is in the kitchen for a reason, the only time anybody would ever give the side eye is if the sink and it’s surround us nasty or you didn’t bleach and scrub it down before and after use.


Yall are resting your meat in your sink? I mean you’re not supposed to wash meat in the first place but there’s no real harm if you do (FDA says you shouldn’t cause the juices splatter around but whatever) but like, you’re just raw dogging your meat at the bottom of your kitchen sink?


Washing vegetables ≠ washing chicken. Vegetables tend to have dirt on them, which could alter the taste and introduce contaminants into your meal, so washing them is the smart thing to do. Washing chicken doesn’t have any benefits like that, and tends to spread salmonella and other bacteria around your sink and kitchen, meaning it’s actually more dangerous. So, no point in doing so if your goal is to “clean” the chicken.


Ya, people have used poor sanitary practices for ages, but that doesn't make it good practice. You aren't sanitizing the drain pipe. And the crosscontamination from the raw chicken is a big deal. Take an online food safety course and learn why survivor's bias is bullshit. There have been studies done specifically on splashing water on your salmonella-covered sink, and that shit ends up all over your kitchen. This isn't a social media problem. It's progress. People want 0 salmonella risk, not whatever didn't manage to kill your grandma.


We most definitely still do blink at seeing people do this. It’s nasty and should not be done. Sincerely someone from Texas with family roots in Louisiana and Mississippi.


Right. Just because you do it doesn’t mean it should be done. This is gross. It’s a sink with pipes that run to sewage. Why not go to your bathtub drain and see what kind of filth is there and go lay some chicken over it while we’re at it. Not enough Clorox and Draino in the world to make me eat this. I’m from the South and my family does not do this.


I think that people think it us nasty because so many people have garbage disposals in the sink, and they are imagining putting meat over the garbage disposal. Yeah, growing up, you everyone seasoned their meat in the sink. I feel like that people that have never seen it ot think it's nasty have white moms and / or mom's that can't cook for shit. This thread is full of kids and new blacks.


If that’s what they are thinking then it mean they lacking common sense and comprehension to not think there is not a whole stopper you put in before putting the chicken in a sanitized sink. Like looking at the photo that sink looked like it had a good scrubbing and dried, not a single water spot seen. Lmao@new blacks.


Same I’m from Louisiana and all my family does this lol Edit: my family is from the bayou/rural areas. Maybe that has something to do with it🤷🏽‍♀️


From a rural area as well so maybe so but ain’t no shame over here, this is a weak hygiene debate


As someone with roots in both Louisiana and Texas, we definitely do this. I stopped out of laziness alone lmao. Idk what the problem is if you clean it before and after.


I'm from Louisiana. We definitely do this


So bowls don’t exist in their house, huh?


Save your bowels, use some bowls!


Man… I was hoping this debate didn’t end up here. 🤦🏾‍♂️ I know the picture is about seasoning but people do this with “washing.” I’ll be the first to tell you, I’ve NEVER “washed” my chicken before hand. I know island people (other black people and some Latinos) love to use vinegar and lime or whatever but it’s truly not necessary. It really isn’t and to do it in your sink nonetheless is egregious. I guess we can start the fight now… I’m black and don’t wash chicken. There…. EDIT: Genuine question for the meat washers… do you order said meat at a restaurant or take out?? Be honest… ![gif](giphy|6KLHb8j9J3CcNIXKvp)


I just want to know what germs and other types of itis people think they can kill with soap and water that won’t die when heated to 165 degrees.


Yeah… idk goes through peoples head 🤦🏾‍♂️


Please don't tell me people are soaping their god damn food....


Ive been seeing too many ppl defend this with "my family did this it's not a big deal". Like yeah, mine did too and everytime the chicken tasted like the sink it came out of!


I agree with the whole “washing” thing I researched and talk to a few black chefs even graduated with someone who went on to become a chef. and they have said the same thing after being trained in culinary arts this was a no-no especially because of the workstations being used for multiple things and you don’t do that because it would cause cross contamination Now it’s a “tradition” thing but it’s something that you don’t have to do. They insisted using a brine or paper towel Pat drying using gloves to season then new set to cook


All of that makes sense. And I honestly love this debate because it definitely gets people hot but it’s not so serious like religion or some shit. But when you look at the science, heat to xyz temp to kill bacteria… boom it’s there. I don’t know what people think soap, vinegar and citrus will do. Same with boiling water. You can take undrinkable water and boil it, then filter it or whatever and have drinkable water. But it starts with heating to a certain temperature. At the end of the day, people can do whatever they want but the washer community needs to get off their high horse especially because most still eat out lol.


Yeah that’s my only “combative” point to the washers. When you go out to eat don’t matter if it’s a McDonald’s or Ruth Chris do you ask the cashier/ waiter did y’all wash the meat before you cooked it today. If not then leave it alone. Fire/heat is the killer of all germs and bacteria found in meat. When the washers say use some vinegar and citrus they not really “washing” the meat but making a quick brine. My dad who did the majority of the cooking in my life I have never seen him take a pack of chicken or meat and ran it under the water. What I seen him is do a quick brine with salt, apple cider vinegar, and some spices Or a cold “wash”with ice in a bowl that was for a certain recipe. He even worked and was in charge in his church kitchen before he got too old to keep up with everything. So like I said to each is own. I’m not gonna shame someone who does or doesn’t wash their meat. Is the food good? Can you cook a meal. Can you make a steak taste good. Can you make a turkey burger taste like a hamburger. That’s what I care about


I got you. https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Should-I-wash-meat-or-poultry-before-I-cook-it-Should-I-wash-fruits-and-vegetables-before-eating#:~:text=Should%20I%20wash%20meat%20or,be%20scrubbed%20with%20a%20brush.


People gotta see the light of patting dry with paper towels. Gets the slimy moisture off along with any germs, and makes for better cook & texture.


I can assure you a paper towel pat does not remove germs lmao


What’s the difference between the sink and a stainless steel bowl? I’ve been a certified food handler more than once, the only thing that matters is that the surface, whether that’s a bowl or the sink, is sanitized. And stainless steel, like the sink in the picture, is easy to sanitize as it’s is non porous. So long as the sink is sanitized before and after the food (the same as you would sanitize a bowl before and after using it), it’s fine. The sink itself is not some sort of germ/nastiness magnet. And a bowl is not some sort of anti-germ/nastiness repellant. The sink is a great place to prep food if sanitized before and after.


Most people would clean the sink(maybe) but not actually sanitize.


Most people clean bowls, but not sanitize them


You mean the bowl that probably came out of a dishwasher reaching sanitizing temp vs a sink someone cleaned and likely didn't take complete measures to sanitize? Not saying it can't be done to both, but given one is easier than the other(in a home kitchen). I'm not sure what your point is here.


Most people dont use their bowls like sinks tho


The bowl usually sits in the sink getting the exact same treatment as the sink though? If I'm finished using a bowl, it's going to sit in the sink until I transition to cleaning the dishes. The sink and bowl get all the same treatment


Is your bowl connected directly to the sewer via an open hole in the bottom?


My grandma seasoned her food in the sink like this. What’s the problem with it? You just clean the sink before and after.


The problem is half the people judging can’t actually cook


Exactly. Typical Reddit activity it’s a shame to see honestly but hey I am on Reddit hahaha


Learning they don’t know how to properly clean the kitchen either.


The key is sanitizing the sink, not washing the sink. There are misconceptions that washing your sink and sanitizing you sink are the same thing.


Don’t pay it any attention. It’s just the monthly cleanliness war that some folks are required to participate in.


Meanwhile in real life people barely wash themselves, adults I'm here arguing while showering three times a week


Must be a lot of northern folks or millennials here My grandma and mother did this We also washed the sink clean.... I'm talking about clean clean or pick a switch Do you know how clean something must be to avoid the switch..... We didn't either so we did extra extra just to make sure Any way... Can I get a drumstick


I’m a young millennial from California, grandparents from Louisiana and this was 100% a common occurrence in my household growing up. I’ve done it myself when making large batches of fried chicken. It gives you more surface area to make sure every piece of meat is coated with seasoning.


Millennials are 28 years old and older. You must mean gen z?


I prepare my meals in the bathtub like a normal person. *Processing img 9mj8n4f0rf6d1...*


Oh trust me, this shit is super real. Idk where that shit started but I've seen multiple people do it. What's crazy to me is that they'd rather do that than just season it in a pan or bowl. You have to clean the sink first so why not just clean the pan or bowl instead?


Bold of you to assume they're actually cleaning the sink, not just rinsing it and calling it a day.


Eat? I wouldn’t wash my hands in that house. You know they be touching every god damn thing with those slimey chicken fingers


It's alright people, settle down. This is redeemable. You're gonna want to just let those marinate in the garbage can for a while, preferably soon to pick-up day






How y’all clean greens tho? I scrub my sink before soaking/washing but now I’m second guessing myself


Under running water in a big colander.


this is grandma preppin fried chicken in the 80s to me.


I've seen people do this, unfortunately. Don't eat their food or you will have the bubble guts.


Might as well wash your feet in the toilet.


What’s the big deal? Its gonna end up cooked, which means that anything bad will be burned off


Washing in a sink inherently adds more risk of contamination for next to 0 benefit, it’s not about the food but the entire workstation and kitchen around you.




So nobody else keeps big bowls for seasoning chicken?


Y’all remember the lady that made NyQuil chicken ?😭💀


You have got to be fucking kidding me right now with this shit




This chicken bussink!


Why tf is the sink backward, or why are they behind it? In what house is the kitchen sink not against a wall?


Lots of northerners here. Most people from the south do this.


To each is own. I seen people clean and sanitize the sink entirely and clog it to do it. Seen People use a steel bowl. I preferably use a bowl to try keep germs to a minimum and throw the meat into the air fryer or on the grill


What in the salmonella…?!




I’ve seen it done where someone scrubs the sink down 1st and clean/sanitize it then do the sink seasoning. But to keep it a buck I done ate booty fresh off a dance floor (it helps build your immune system) so who am I to complain about a lil sink juices 🤷


Yes, this is done. However, I’m cleaning the sink with disinfectant BEFORE and AFTER using the sink basin as a KITCHEN implement, as it’s intended. The kitchen sink isn’t JUST for cleaning dishes. It’s used while cooking, as well.