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They're obsessed with us. Fucking weirdos


Of course they are obsessed with us. To them, we are what defines their whiteness. Without us, they have nothing.


Well stated 💯


Now, wait a damn minute... I have never heard it put this way, and it is so perfect.


Can you explain what that statement means? Cause I don’t understand, thank you! (I’m genuinely asking)


So what I mean is that they define their own identity through what they believe is their opposite. Kinda like how the color white is seen as the polar opposite of black. Black defines white, like white defines black. Their white supremacy needs someone to be the ultimate subject of their supremacy. (For a historical example read about the British American colonies first legal Black slave, John Punch)


Yup. "Whiteness" is more ideology than biology. Whiteness is not defined by what it is but rather what it is _not_; namely Black White identity didn’t just spring to life full-blown and unchanging, which is what most people assume. Whiteness is severely under theorized, leaving millions unaware of a history whose constant characteristic is change. Whiteness has changed over time, over place, and in the myriad situations of human ranking. Let me say it again: Whiteness has a history whose meanings change. Neither scholars nor ordinary people have been able to agree upon the definition of white people — who is white and who is not — nor on the number of races that count as white. Disagreement reigns and has reigned since the modern scientific notion of [human races was invented in the 18th-century Enlightenment](https://www.britannica.com/topic/race-human/The-history-of-the-idea-of-race) No European called themselves "white" before they got to The New World (the Americas) and plagued Africa with its equally long....presence.


"Whiteness" is just existing outside of the systems of oppression used against everyone not in that group. It has no other coherent or cohesive meaning. Without other racial out-groups to define whiteness, it collapses because it has no actual identity otherwise.


It would just go back to how it was before, and we could go back to our roots and hate the Irish or Italians dudes in 1702 would be posting on Paddymania


>dudes in 1702 would be posting on Paddymania That's because in 1702, Catholics weren't considered white. You'd have to go back to pre-1492 to get to our REAL real roots AKA hating the people nearby who look/act similar but with enough cultural distinction to create mutual uncanny valley effects (as God intended)


They define themselves in the negative, as in "not black". This is because they lack substance or character to use to actually define themselves. They can't say "I am" this or that; they can only say, "I am not..."


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


These people would have to live with their own failure.


They hate us cause they ain’t us.


I wish it was that, I truly believe they hate us to love themselves. True loser vibes


And they barely love themselves. They were fighting amongst themselves until they realized that there are other groups besides themselves


Right. No single person I have ever met who was solid in who they were ever needed to make anyone else feel less than and absolutely never needed the delusion of feeling superior to another group of people to feel good about themselves.




But, they want to be “us”. Without black culture, where would that leave american culture. They play our music, they wear our fashion, hell, they even took our culinary culture, and make billions off of it. They get their lips injected, ass injected, perm their hair, etc. our culture is what drives culture around the world.


The way I see it, they want to wear a costume of us. They like us as a reference to what we do/make/are because they have never stopped seeing us as theirs. If they truly wanted to be us they would also empathize, but they don’t because that would mean killing the separation between white and Black.


We're their reason to hate, without us they'll have to go back to beefing with each other




If it weren't for black people they'd be going after each other for being too tan or not tan enough


And listen to the same marching band music they played during the civil war lol


Holy shit. I hope this opinion isn’t ill-received here, but as a white guy with some racist as hell (estranged) family, this hit the nail on the head in a way I have never comprehended before. I’m gonna screenshot and save this. Damn.


As a white person, fuck every last one of those sub-human CHUDs. I hope a hacker group doxes that entire forum and publishes it for the world to see.


Sunlight is the best disinfectant for racists. Somebody is going to get them now that we're seeing this.


OP: send info on this site to Anonymous. I’m sure they would be happy to hack it.


Er… I hate to break it to you about the hacker collectives that often go under the name, but they’re filled to the brim with “edgelord” racists too


Yeah, it’s a disparate group of thousands of activists with very different positions. But their political efforts have tended to be liberal.


Not really. At least not mostly. Better described as “chaos” than mostly, if you’re in their chat rooms like I used to be. Some individuals who do have liberal politics have tried to use said banner, but the major skilled collectives and groups of skiddies aren’t left wing at all. It’s why I left that scene years and years ago: I very much am, and they very much weren’t Only upside is some of the worst of them who flew under than banner got arrested.


I noticed it's anonymous and doesn't require email verification. Fucking cowards. Show us your face.


I feel like anybody with something to lose on there is probably using a VPN and some extra layers of protection, like that's wild for a lawyer to be confessing a mistrial online like that. But I'm sure most of the people stupid enough to be this gleefully racist are probably stupid enough to overestimate their anonymity.


As a Jew, I get the weird obsession. It sucks, but they hate us cause they ain’t us. Keep being awesome, all y’all.


i know that antisemitism is very much alive and well, but it really isn't the same :/ i understand and appreciate you empathizing, but i don't think it's really something you can 'get'. appreciate the support tho!


I don’t think I communicated well, I in no way wanted to say I understand the black experience, especially what racism is like. Just like non-Jews wouldn’t understand what anti-semtisim feels like. But in a broad sense I understand an outsides groups obsession with the group you identify with is really fucking weird. Again, in a broad sense.


Someone in that website has a sw@st1ka as their pfp… A SW*STIKA


The “mating” forum… whoa. How does this site even have a tech platform to support it


Hrmm good point. Depending on their registrar, and/or host it might be against their TOS. I'll take a look at their whois later.


LBJ's quote about how you can rob the dumbest white man if you say he's better than the best black man alive forever stands true. Othering demographics to make yourself feel better is an easy way to attract lonely pieces of shit.


Before I swiped, I honestly thought someone was just recalling their experience on Twitter, and I wasn't even surprised. My mouth fell open when I saw the next slide, though. What. The. Fuck.


This shit is so unbelievable that it almost looks like a parody. Unfortunately, it is real


It's like a less polite stormfront


That shit was already wild in 2004 internet, why does it still exist 20 years later jfc


It's not like they stopped being racist. They haven't felt this empowered since the 1800s


For real, the racists have done an extremely good job of figuring how to mainstream themselves by whipping up hysteria against CRT and DEI. 


Realistically, why wouldn't it? What has changed? Has Martin Luther Kings job been finished? More importantly, has _William Tecumseh Sherman's_ job been finished? Racist fucks have generally been left to be racist fucks unmolosted, despite what the oh-so-put-upon right would like to claim.




Yeah, I remember when reddit was basically lawless and we had subs dedicated to jailbait, and "sexy corpses" and shit, but I didn't know about greatapes. That's fucking disgusting, and I have no doubt these people are still around here.


If I was a comedy writer, and I was listing weird Reddit subs, I wouldn’t have a joke funnier than sexy corpses.


I admit, it sounds really stupid and ridiculous out of context, and I think the actual name was "female corpses" or something, and it was just a compilation of extremely graphic pictures of real murder, suicide, and accident victims, sourced from sites like Rotten, I'm assuming. And...then people would sexualize the victims. So, yeah, it was absolutely horrifying, and I only wandered in there once, lead astray by my morbid curiosity. I still have regrets over it.


Jailbait was the most subscribed to subreddit to the point that it made the news which is when reddit started cracking down on some of their more extreme subs


Yeah, I was not expecting that.


What gets me is the massive amount of energy it takes to hate like that. Anger and fear are exhausting. Of course all this is based in fear, pointed outward at their imagined bogeyman.


I didn't realize there was a second slide and now I wish I hadn't looked.


>Before I swiped, I honestly thought someone was just recalling their experience on Twitter, and I wasn't even surprised. Same. 😕


Me too. I thought this was a “this is what Twitter has become” post.


Lol I thought they were talking about Reddit


It shouldn't at this point, but this kind of thing makes my blood boil. Imagine being at your weakest, laid up in hospital and these fucks giggling about screwing you over when all you did was exist in their presence. Its fucking nuts.


It’s also illegal and against every code of healthcare ethics. It’s fucking disgusting and any healthcare professional who uses that site should be fired.


If they are actively harming patients I think you mean prison.


Record everything & read and amend anything requiring your consent and/or signature especially all medical providers & hospitals... it's not safe out here


There's a lawyer I watch on yt shorts and he said he records all his shit at the hospital because hospitals stories change all the time. Like didn't say this or do that. Dude is white so if he doesn't trust hospitals lol Edit My bad it was a buddy of his that took role call when people enter the room https://youtube.com/shorts/TFM8p9ShSZw?si=MfExhalRqhsVlAAV


The entire healthcare cartel I mean occupational licensing system was built by the guys who “measured” skulls


If it's any consolation, most of these stories are likley just 12 year olds and neck beards making shit up online


Marginally better, but then it just leaves the question, what are these peoples’ lives that this is what they want to go online to roleplay? Who the people that they’re going to find the opportunity to hurt?


I downloaded a random game I saw in an ad. The game has a chat because you can join alliances. Ninety percent of the chats are marked they’ve been translated, and those people are constantly saying the n word, woke, libs, etc. apparently just very invested in American right wing nonsense, and enough so to do it in a game chat


You'd be surprised, in healthcare and justice systems in US and Europe...well I can only speak for the UK, Black people constantly catch the shit end of the stick, with more deaths, worse care examples and harsher sentences, deaths in custody, bigger prison populations...list could go on. It wouldn't suprise me if a good portion of those stories are true.




As a white person these people are not people. Don’t call them that. They get ‘whites’ back from me LMAO


I think it’s important to remember that the ones who hate us the most aren’t some type of boogeymen. They are people and they’re real. It’s normal, everyday people that we encounter all the time that feel this way. Could be the mailman, the cashier, the preacher, doctor, nurse, teacher, restaurant cook, anyone.


The “normal Germans” perpetuated the evil of Nazi Germany.


Noam Chomsky once said “Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed 6M Jews. Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required.” Not fighting for the liberation, equality, and equity of BIPOC is an act of complicity. At the very least, even if you’re not contributing to the issue, you’re benefitting from it.


I vaguely recall some random black dude who used to have dreams about equality saying that moderates were a greater obstacle to progress than the klansman. Good thing we are past that and that will never be a problem anymore, eh?


You just reminded me of this quote by Malcolm! https://preview.redd.it/m7yzk1oi0g9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b035a0ae8f0acf395cc45f262fbf9645e5756db3


You have a point ngl


Why acknowledge that they are people if they don’t acknowledge that we are people too. They be real, but that doesn’t make them people. It makes them a creature filled with hate


Reducing people to subhuman is what got us in this mess. We don’t stoop to their level, we’re better than them.


I didn’t say subhuman. They are real humans. They are just filled with hate, viewing them in a way they do to me is my way of ignoring them


I disagree about stooping to their level. But they see us as non humans because it’s a projection of how they feel about themselves.


Do you think people can’t be evil or filled with hate? My point is, they’re not some boogeyman or creature of the night as if it’s a fairytale. Seeing them as creatures almost makes it seem like they’re not real or that they can’t be ordinary. They are real and they’re very very ordinary. Don’t think the person who hates you is a demon with fangs or claws, it could be a pale mf with blue eyes and blonde hair.


I remember being in my grandpa's mechanic shop in Miami as a kid, and the type of shit they'd say when they got a black customer. They'd smile and be friendly while the customer was there, then turn around and say just the most unimaginable shit once they left.  I'd go home and ask my mom what all the new words I'd learned meant, and she and my dad moved us to California pretty quick after a few of those instances.


Oh no, they’re people. They’re your mothers, brothers, cousins, uncles, and aunts.


Some of them are probably mine and it makes me fucking sick.


No, they're people. They're the worst of humanity, but they're still people. This is important to remember because people have choices. They are not animals following their biological programing, they are not demons who were born evil - they are people who are choosing to be evil. If we don't acknowledge that it is a choice, then there's no point in working towards a world where people make different choices. It's also important to not dehumanize them because if you do that, it changes who *you* are.


If you let your patient die bc they’re black you’re inhuman and need to be locked up forever like that UK nurse who was killing babies tbh


They are people though, and we often end up working for them or serving them on a daily basis. Their communities are also always close enough to ours to effect us even if they don’t participate. LMAO


I’m white and live in the country around a bunch of terrible rednecks. It is hell.


You know as black people we have every reason to harbor hate for some of these people, but from my experience, being on this Little Rock for 42 years we don’t sit around and obsess about them, we’re just trying to live our lives as best we can but they behave as if we’re the ones that enslaved their ancestors for decades and kept an oppressive thumb on them even after slavery was over. We just want to be left alone but they are obsessed with us even when we’ve done nothing to them, just our existing seems to be too much for them. Fuck man


Yes! They are extremely obsessive over us. We live in their minds rent free.


Well put! Such a stupid and weird thing to care about. So what if someone looks different from me, a white Jew, how in anyway shape or form does it affect me in my day to day life. Like who gives af what someone looks like, or what their culture is like. If they don’t go out of their way to bother you, who tf cares.


As long as someone or something doesn't commit evil, you are good. Sadly some people are ignorant, too many ignorants


Racists are scary ass little bitches. Always hiding.


GUARANTEED there is a thread on that forum for BBC/interracial porn too


Oh for sure it does. It says N****r mating somewhere on there. These people are sick.


I was gonna say. That's definitely where the weird interracial cuck kinks get posted. I shouldn't be surprised by this, but I feel like I'm worse off knowing this exists.


It’s a weird physiological phenomenon, but it’s the same reason some sexual assault victims are into weird kinks - they’re sexualizing their fears or trauma. It’s a way to interact with what you deeply fear in a controlled environment. You’re afraid of Black men deep down because you think we will rape and pillage your women and you’re physically inferior to stop it? You end up watching “BBC interracial” porn to confront that fear in a weird twisted way. That’s why it always gotta’ have some dumb shit in the title describing the Black dude as some type of feral beast that ravages their angelic White broad.


I didn’t need to know this existed


Same. Wish I didn't


Yeah definitely don't go to the website and click around. What an awful day to have eyes


Imma trust you. I can only take so much before nihilism kicks in big time. Fuck


In some ways you did. Remember to vote against them and their interests. I know everyone sick of hearing it but we are seeing them gain ground everyday. You know every person in that forum has a red cap with white letters. Those letters always meant something else.


**THIS.** It's why people need to under that, come November, if they vote for the Orange Grand Leader, or choose not to vote at all (same diff), this shit will instantly become more mainstream.


I came cross it years ago, like 2016. It used to be called "ChimpOut". Look that phrase up in Urban Dictionary. Also, don't join their website to attempt to troll them because back then, the site admins would leak your name/emails, etc. If you think that's obsession, I invite you all to go look into "Queen of Spades/QoS" and also "BlackBred". If you search the latter on Twitter you'll see a bunch of Interracial porn but years ago there was a group, likely private now, of white women showing off their pregnancies and hashtagging #Blackbred. We're sexual objects and entertainmen to them. Those that harbor hatred toward us in the form of racism are envious.


Welp, that's enough internet for me today 


I found that setting my Reddit screen time on my iPhone to 1:30 a day has been crazy helpful to my mental health. Just gotta stick to the prompts that say “you’re done” and redirect yourself


God, if there was a time to advocate for doxxing people. I would give anything to have these fuckers’ names, photos, and employment contact info.


In cases like this, I do believe in doxxing. You fuck over someone’s health and finances like that and then laugh about it, yeah you don’t deserve peace




Didn't Anonymous do this 10 years ago for Klan members? Anonymous... if you're listening.


Same as it ever was.


The ppl in the comments acting shocked and surprised are delusional lol


I’m only ever shocked when it’s other Black people surprised by how vile and racist these snow roaches are. Like do they not know our history or current events?


The fact that there is a contingent of society that regards us as subhuman is something most of us should be well aware of by the time we’re middle school aged. Like I’m wondering if they think slavery, jim crow, and lynchings happened by accident or something


Honestly, I think they desperately want to be accepted by white people so they delude themselves into thinking racism isn’t as widespread as it is. Then they get shocked by this disgusting behavior.


Reddit used to have subs like this back in like 2015


Jailbait was a thing for quite some time


Did they force them to shut down?


A lot of them got banned but there used to be a sub called /r/fuckblackpeople or something similar, honestly these types of subs are still around. Just hard to find, not as blatant and usually have super small numbers


>Not sure if hate sub or porn sub or both. ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


After a lot of pressure they shutdown the ones that got the most negative attention outside of Reddit. And even then it wasn’t all at once if I remember correctly


Nothing new. Just yt people, yt peopling.


Right. I’m more surprised people are surprised.


And there will still be ppl who insist that racism isn’t a big deal or doesn’t affect Black ppl anymore.


Or that you can unteach that level of hate. That shit is visceral.


Aye. It’s why I try and get black (mostly women)everything. Dentists, therapists, Doctors. I’m not leaving anything to chance. I knew a white dude who drunkenly confided, at some point in his timeline, that he’d purposefully fuck up brown and black peoples paperwork so that they couldn’t get loans. He had changed since then, of course… That and many other subsequent interactions helped to broaden my mistrust much further than just the police.


A white roommate told me she volunteered for FEMA after Hurricane Katrina. When people applied for aid, she and her team would inspect their houses and review their finances to ensure they were ‘poor’ and it wasn't fraud. She was high when she told me that if she were talking to a Latino person who couldn't speak English well, she would deny the application. She said she also ‘enjoyed’ denying ‘ratchet’ black families their applications too - then she caught herself and remembered that she was talking to a black person and suddenly she was quiet. I wonder how much racism white people ignore from their friends & family (doctors, lawyers, cops, congressmen, etc). They be sharing stories and laughing at our demise, that's for sure. People say there's been progress. I wonder if you had super-hearing and could hear every conversation in America if you still believe there was progress. So much is hidden out of plain sight. Then they tell us, there ain't no systemic racism, we’re all equal. Oh, and one of the friends of this roommate was angry during the George Floyd protests. She was in the living room with her little friends (also high) and screamed, ‘We gave them welfare.’ I had to get out of the room to tell them to shut the fuck up! She became mute as soon as I appeared.


I would’ve knocked her ass out on gp, what a disgusting person!


That shit be so surprising that it has the same effect of a bad accident. Time slows up and you wonder if you’re seeing what you think you’re seeing. It’s the awe’dacity (my favorite made up term) of it all.


I have known about this site and others I won't name for over a decade. And white folks on here and otherwise will swear up and down black Americans are the most racist on the planet.


Ain't it funny! The former slave class is now responsible for racism. Ta-da ✨ Truth is the guilt is killing them on the inside; they need to find a way to deflect. They are ghouls, and they know it: pure monstrosities walking on Earth pretending to be angels.


That’s why I call them parasites


1. Go undercover 2. Gain their trust 3. Expose Expose Expose 4. Ancestors’ blessings ![gif](giphy|FT5smenIlObQqZgBmu)


It's easy to gain their trust once they think you’re ‘one of the good ones,’ they can't help themselves. They enjoy being racist and bragging about it.


I’m originally from the Midwest and have that “phone voice” and vocabulary down. Phrases like “Listen here pal” and answering the phone with a solid “yell-o!” are in the repertoire. I’m the black David Attenborough for white folk, and we should expose them while the soundtrack to Planet Earth plays in the background. ![gif](giphy|mV9qg8vX48TnO)


Went to college in the Midwest, they are sooo fake nice. I was in a Pizza Hut with a friend and this couple came in with their kid. He pointed at my friend and asked, “Why is he black, mom?” They froze solid until we got our order and left 😂


This is why black folks always wonder if they’re getting screwed. Then we get gaslit and told we’re always worried about race. I KNOW there’s racist in all levels of society and they do what they can to make life tougher. Like banks charging us higher rates, to our homes being overpriced or undersold, to us being imprisoned at a disproportionate rate. But I’m sure there’s plenty of smaller things that happen all the time


And redditors will see a Country Club thread here and think it's the height of racism and we're the 'true racists'.


I’ve seen “blackpeopletwitter is real racism” and read “black people want segregation back” too many times. Oh well


Aint lied😂 They lost their minds when this was implemented 


Wait until you read what therapists do. Fucking demon system.


Since I’m not trying to be on the site, can you name some examples?


There are a lot of bad (and racist) therapists out there but a lot of good ones too, I’m a Latina therapist and I know a lot of anti-racist practitioners out here doing good work. Look for clinical social workers over other kinds of therapists — we study systemic issues as part of our training and our code of ethics is explicitly oriented around social justice. Better still if they are POC


Absolutely. My dad is a white male and I can attest that he is racist. He is dangerous in a different way: he not only thinks he’s not racist, he thinks he’s woke. He is a fucked up person in many other ways too and has no business being a therapist. I worry for his patients especially POC, queer people, etc.


Could you elaborate? I’ve had 3 therapists and all were awful.


When you go to therapy you’re trusting a professional with your mental health, both mentally (duh), and the way your body functions (prescriptions and shit). This is a lot of power to give someone. You visit this person regularly and give them your trust. A bad actor could do a lot with that power. They could restructure your ways from the inside out. I don’t even wanna imagine it, but I have no doubt there’s some sick minded racists doing all kinds of evil shit to patients in the mental health field. If you get even the slightest heebee-geebies from your therapist, leave. The same type of evil behind the Tuskegee experiments is still alive, be careful who medicates you


Ion wana wait, tell us now!


well know this, they may take lives like this but their lives will never be settled . they will forever be cursed keep that in mind and any harm that may befall unto you or your family from them will reach them ten fold. always curse your killer before leaving this planet.


imagine hating yourself (and your kind) so much, that your only recourse is to try your hardest to make a whole peoples seem inferior. these are the kind of dudes that will then pay black dudes money to watch them bang their wives.


The massive amount of threads and posts on that site is horrifying. These people are sick. Get a fucking life, bigots.


Not surprised AT ALL!!!


Somebody emailed the company i work for this week that we all should be taken into the street and executed because for our commercial the person with the highest credit score was a black person. Racism is very much alive


Remember back in 2013 when the whites were irate over that interracial Cheerios commercial? They were forced to end Jim Crow. This behavior is baseline for them.


I just want to say as a white person this website makes my blood boil for you guys and I'm so sorry you have to go through this regularly.


Jesus, there might be more hard Rs on that site than there are black people in this country


They like saying the N-word more than we do.


This takes me back to the scene in hidden figures where taraji was soaking wet cause she had to use the bathroom on the other side of campus cause she was black. I just know in my bones after she left that room in real life every single white man in that room would absolutely laugh at the fact she had to go thru that. That burns me tf up every time I see it.


That’s the rub, they inconvenience you to assert their authority. There is always a reminder - ‘this is a white man’s country’ and they will stop at nothing to keep hold of that power and privilege.


Honestly, it's in plain sight here on Reddit. I have one person completely tracked back to his job and I have documented all the evidence but I did not want to voluntarily involve myself into this. I'm not sure what to do with knowing someone is a blatant racist out there. Free speech I guess.  Edit: what would ya'll do? I am sometimes a vigalante in life, but as I get older I've kept to myself more of than not.


I'm not saying the should all be doxxed but I'm not not say it either


Black folk gotta learn and teach our children that these people will never do right by us and to exploit their racism for our financial gain whenever we can. Other than that, they win.


And white people want to cry racist if you say they don't use seasoning. Yet they got whole websites dedicated to their hate and devilish acts.


A majority of white Americans are racist, people need to realize that fact and stop acting like that isn’t the case. There’s a reason systemic white supremacy continues to thrive…because of the rampant amount of white supremacists in America today.


You kids are a bit too young to remember, but this was EXACTLY what the entire internet was like back in the late 90s and 00's. If you mentioned you were black (or hell, any minority really), you'd get flooded with people posting shit exactly like this. TBH it was like this even in the late 00's and early 2010's before social media was being tied to people's real names and photos.


I tell you if, we all left and lived on an island, little packs of them would start coming to see what we were doing. Then they'd come to work there, then live there, then their aggression would increase until they blow up the island, because this is what they do. They are utterly obsessed with what they hate. it is the weirdest crap. That is not normal behavior.




I see a whole lot of people looking to get fired today. Unfortunately I have no hacking expertise.


These people are so comically racist jfc. This shit makes me sick


It’s crazy how people can “hate” us and be obsessed with everything we do. I hate onions, you know what I talk about the least..


This needs to be hacked and exposed.


And these same types of mfs say we supposed to forgive and forget?


https://preview.redd.it/a0xwko1iye9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76443330cb99f7ef7893e9dd8b3badd2eecb82e0 These people are fucking SICK I TELL YOU!


Holy fucking shit


What is up with some people and like this obsession/addiction to our people?


Is that fucking porn I see on there????


You’d be hard pressed to find a congregation of racists without a little bit of interracial cucking homie.


Bro how tragically sad and miserable someone have to be for them to blame all their problems and shortcomings on us. Like dude why is your hate go THAT deep like holy shit


That site has been around for decades. I remember seeing it back in like 2008. It was a post about a woman buying crab legs with her EBT. The person was mad she was buying food with her EBT. I guess they felt crab legs were too much of a luxury for someone on EBT.


It feels like after a while you can only be but so mad. A site like this isn’t surprising. They’re obsessed, we know this. I will say if there was ever a time for a super hacker group to start doxing… this would be it. But they will get what’s coming to them.


They need to Ashely Madison this website and expose everyone


It’s not surprising at all. They do it here too but pretend to be black to bash black people or to manipulate black people to bash each other.


They use their hate for us as a way to ignore their awful loser existence.


This is America.


I have to say, that website is a huge compliment to me as a Black man. It's like they're trying so hard to make us hate ourselves because they're not like us. It's actually crazy, in the past, racism used to upset me but now, it's a compliment. It gives me confidence. I don't get offended anymore; I just feel like there's something about me that they envy.


It’s still dangerous though


Email registration not required at this time???? Uh... Does anyone else know python and want to do a full scale bot invasion?


Most Racists are losers; they have an inferiority complex. Just listen to them try to claim mahomes as white and disparage black QBs personally threatened because it highlights their own inferiority. And you can bet the "business owner" laying off people of color is a liar. I know these people: Unemployed , fake ass internet profile; never been kissed, complains black people or mexicans or whoever getting jobs is why hes a total failure. Why do u think trump makes them swoon? A confirmed idiot.


White people who frequent this subreddit, you should be openly calling out other white people for their racist behaviors and shit like this


You KNOW they won’t.


After looking through a bunch of the posts because I love reading shit like this. I can obviously confirm that these people are fucking terrified of black people. A white woman got confronted by a black neighbor who wanted to introduce herself because she just moved in. The white lady told her to never knock on her door again, slammed the door shut, and then looked through the peephole. Apparently, the black woman was trying to case the house in an attempt to rob her. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc) HUH!?!?


Lmao I remember when I found stormfront as a kid. I was shook, like “Mom look !!!😭”


These are legit crimes. Fuck being sad, can we get a plan of action? Federal hate crime bill anyone?


I'm reading the tweet like "Damn, this is crazy. Just sounds like some 4chan shit, though." I was not remotely or mentally prepared for that 2nd slide. https://preview.redd.it/ipdgx0n7vd9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94118d8fdeee1d9ed17caf0bd5c10d686095f051




Meanwhile we’re wayyyyy too accommodating and welcoming. But we’re fighting over hypothetical situations and scenarios. Websites like this should be enemy number 1. This shit is evil


Every non-Black person needs to see this. They swear we "make everything about race" like their peers aren't actually out to get us. And this is just one forum. There are plenty more.


Those the same type of people who will get angry at DEI or Affirmative Action for giving us an actual chance in society. They hate us not just cause of our skin but also because we are more than capable (or better) conpared to them




Far more common than you would think. We all know it