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I care about both things. I especially care that *one* of those fossils, if elected, will further harm those same children just rescued through his racist policies, and emboldening people like those pictured.


I read this on the MSM, it was everwhere


You should care about both, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Twitter, they’re like this with every issue


What the fuck is wrong with everyone who thinks the clown show we saw on TV yesterday was something serious? The world is burning, a felon is running for his SECOND TERM of presidency, and the supposed best chance we have to stop him is an ELDERLY MAN who hardly seems present in his own mind half the time? Keep capping in America, Captain America


A Presidency is not an individual position. I trust Biden to create the right cabinet. I trust Biden to appoint the right positions. I trust Biden to pick judges over Trump. He could fall into a coma tomorrow and I'd still vote for him because Trump will literally destroy this country. You're acting like it's a lifetime position. It's 4 years. I can live with Biden for 4 years even though I'm not a fan of his, because 4 more years of Trump would be a disaster. It's not a hard thought process.


Dude listen to yourself. Read what you just wrote out loud and look in the mirror. You just said you'd vote for a man in a coma like you don't trust anyone in the cabinet he ALREADY PICKED to continue his policies. You're delusional, and I'm no longer taking you seriously. People like you will lead the country into the shitter way faster than any president


Because people wouldn't vote for someone from his cabinet? I think you are seriously not understanding how important name recognition is, all your policies and qualities don't matter if you don't exist in the public consciousness. I don't like it, but popularity and clout win elections. You have to be *someone*. There is no one in his cabinet who has the advantage of being an *incumbent President*. Seriously, give me a name of someone you think has an actual chance at beating Trump. Who would you pick?


We should all care because this is the kind of shit one side hopes to normalize.


You need to care about who runs your country as well as care about atrocities like this. If you cannot do both, maybe don't publicise the fact.


You can't tell me Trump is informed enough to be the one actually making decisions, and you can't tell me Biden is considering his mental condition. Whoever is running the country is not one of the two men who debated on that stage


How has Biden shown himself mentally unfit? I don't disagree that the president isn't as important as which party dominates the chambers, but still important.


I'm sorry, did you not see the debate? Him trailing off mid sentence, forgetting the points he was making, or saying "we finally beat medicare"? I've actually worked with elderly people, that man is slowly losing his grip on things and it's sad that we're trying to pretend he is still as mentally fit for the job as he was in 2009 or something. Can you honestly say there's no one within the democratic party who can do the job? Not even his VP, who could become the president at any moment, considering Biden's age? (That's not to say he's physically unwell by any means, but he could literally go by natural causes any day now, not counting the stresses of the oval office) Just the fact that Trump has made it as far as he has is already a bad look on the country as a whole, but the fact that we are pretending an elderly man who is clearly in his sunset years is the great hope for the future is an even worse look in my opinion.


They’re still coping, it’s insane


I'm convinced they're bots at this point. Folks looking crazy out here


Brother, we *saw* the debate. With our eyes. The damage control party lines aren’t working anymore, it’s okay though, we’re discussing replacements now. Whitmer has a great chance and she’ll bring a swing state with her.


I would love to see someone other than an old white guy, but I watched the same debate and Biden was head and shoulders ahead of Trump.


I’m sorry man I would love to agree here but Biden *looked* horrible. It’s not about who said the most true statements, it’s about who looked worse. He lost his train of thought multiple times, completely shit the bed on his lay up question (abortion) and then argued about golf and *he didn’t even make a good case for himself* on that tangent. Put the copium mask down. Acknowledging that Biden is completely unequipped for the job is not a vote for Trump. Let go of the binary and realize there are other options.


In this case, there are no other options tho? Like, I never said Biden was amazing. If you look at my post history I basically find him to be just another establishment white guy. However, when the options are the establishment or an unhinged racist, the choice is overwhelmingly easy.


Wait so you’re not even conceptually entertaining replacing him as the candidate [even though democratic leadership and donors are already discussing doing just that?](https://fortune.com/2024/06/28/democrats-replacing-biden-2024-election-how-work-hurdles/) We, you and I, could be discussing replacement candidates to help hit the ground running before the August nomination deadline but you’re just repeating the “there’s only 2 choices” line again? Enough of the sunk cost fallacy, Biden’s cooked, let’s move on from him so we can actually beat Trump.


The dems considering replacing Biden is news to me. I think replacing the candidate this late in the game, especially after a debate, will not end well. You might as well be giving Trump the presidency outright. The only way to move on is to wait another four years, unfortunately. In concept it's possible to replace Biden, but in the real world it's not going to work out. If replacing Biden were important to the Democrat party they should have done so, but that's a crazy move. Like, I get it, Biden is a stuffy old white guy, nobody wants him. However, it's not a good look for the dems to be changing candidates, especially one that's already served as president and two terms as VP. That sends a powerful message, even if in reality another candidate could do a better job. Replacing Biden this late would split the Democrats and guarantee a victory for Trump.


I understand your hesitance because this is basically uncharted territory, but on your point about a replacement splitting the party you’re simply misinformed. [Biden’s age is probably the most unifying issue](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/poll-americans-on-biden-age/story?id=107126589) for voters this cycle, both democrat and republican. People want an alternative, but the DNC took away the primaries because that’s really really good for democracy /s. So what happens if we get an alternative? [This article from November](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/11/06/an-ominous-poll-democrats-what-it-says-about-biden-alternative/) details how Biden (and Trump) both lose roundly to a “generic democrat” in the polls. [This article](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/michigan-poll-trump-biden-whitmer-00134672) supports that idea specifically in the case of Gretchen Whitmer: in Detroit, Biden loses to Trump but Gretchen beats both of them easily. Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzker, and even our current VP are more than generic enough to get the job done. The data more than supports this.


Obviously. Because the President has never been the singular person running the country. Their cabinet and party officials pull a lot of weight. One of the candidates who spoke last night is a shitbag, but still generally believes we should be able to vote and have some human rights. The other called people like the ones you posted about "very fine people." You should care about which of those teams is running the country. It's all connected.


If the blue team were taking this seriously, there are literal TONS of candidates who could run against Trump. I am NOT a right winger or Trump supporter, but I can't take the Dems seriously under these conditions. God forbid anything happens to Biden before November, because we'll be eating shit anyway if they have no one else to run against Trump


All of that is true and still doesn't mean you should tune out. As stupid as this whole process continues to be, the stakes are too high for marginalized folks to tune out.


Prison and throw away the key. In fact you can send them to a North Korean labor camp for all I care.


The chair …


I have no words.


Lock them in a shed and make them work non stop. No electricity, no plumbing. Nothing.


For more context you can read [This CNN article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/us/west-virginia-adopted-black-children-slaves-reaj/index.html) or watch [THIS video breakdown](https://youtu.be/AQ7OLhWV0O4?si=ycIMdiTDLAGmmhiY) of the couples' history of doing this


We saw a whole bunch of white people run up on the government of USA but illegal immigrants is the big issue. Y'all got object permanent issues


An outrage to who? Folks seem to be pretty quiet/accepting of it.