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Ah, so. When men cheat it is because of their deficiencies, and when women cheat, it because of men’s deficiencies. I see.


Makes sense if you don’t think about it.


How could any guy see these tweets and not know she's going to cheat on them without a doubt?


it is a early warning siren but instead of a tornado its her.


She might be a homewrecker 🤷


Ngl, She had me in the first half (post) and then things just went SOUTH 💀 like I never understood the cheating cause they cheated, or blaming the victim for why you cheated?! It’s all you. NO. ONE. ELSE.


Hurricane Sydney


for real.






I don’t generalize her attitude, though. Sure, some people be like that, but I don’t expect it out of anyone. Sure, sometimes I’m disappointed, but not uniformly.


Is it okay if I brought my own Stoli and Simply Raspberry Lemonade? I wasn’t sure if you would have it.


"Love yourself fellas" This guy: ![gif](giphy|ebAfdhOr5mn0LG1mme) Joke aside, fuck that double standard bullshit. Love yourself ladies!




i noticed this double-standard as a kid. this way of viewing infidelity is not new


Its crazy to me that people still think this way. Men and women cheat at the same rate for the same reason - they're not getting something from their current relationship. Could be because they need validation. Could be a million other reasons. Makes no sense that a woman cheating is a man's fault and a man cheating is also a man's fault.


I see you've spent time on AITA


I know an explanation spoils a joke, but I don’t get it.


I think he's implying that women are never blamed on r/AITA. I don't visit shitty subs that tend to attract fake stories, so I wouldn't know, but seeing as how it's on reddit, I'd doubt it's true.


Thank you. I’m clearly not hip.


I think being an expert on reddit threads and humor is about as far from hip as you can get lmao. You're actually way too hip.


Thank you!! I feel vindicated.


Every since Eve, men have been the cause of every problem a woman will ever face.


Don't forget about Adam's first wife! Created his equal and he divorced her because she wanted equal rights. Then God took pity on Adam and made eve from his rib cage, so that she would be subservient. Later stories say that Adam saw his first wife on the shores of the red sea copulating with demons....that sounds like a bitter person wishing poorly on their ex. I would guess she was doing just fine.




Adam's 1st love: Lilith She is know as the "primordial she-demon" which is quite weird because that's exactly how I describe my ex.


This finally led to me looking up the story of Lilith, which I had been meaning to do and forgot. I'm a former christian and now atheist and think religion is completely silly.... But this story solidifies it more. Cause to my understanding, it was one of the books taken out of the torah and the bible. To read a story like this later as an adult (as opposed to having it force-fed as a child) reads more like a myth or fable rather than religious canon. But you can also see why they would've taken out a story of a woman who refused to be treated as second class (Lilith), in favor of a woman whose purpose was to be submissive and to serve Adam (Eve). Religion was just a bunch of fables used to keep the simpleminded folks of the day in line. It would be important to regulate how certain stories are told from this perspective - if a society decided to enforce patriarchy, for example. Thank you for sharing the story of Lilith - she was *definitely* doing just fine until Adam blew up her spot for not being on that subservient shit. [The Story of Lilith](https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Projects/Reln91/Power/lilith.htm#:~:text=One%20story%20tells%20that%20Lilith,Eden%20to%20gain%20her%20independence.)




This woman is completely wrong. She’s an idiot. But your statement is sadly true as we all have heard of “daddy issues” when it women have some issues but it’s rare to say that men have daddy issues. There are men and women who are idiots and blame the other gender for their shortcomings, and for women it can definitely be true at times…it’s women like this that affect the credibility of women


If she cheated he *drove* her to cheat, and he's a piece of shit. And if he cheated, obvs just a piece of shit.


Man bad. Woman good.


You just CANT win.




Damn u came up off the titty long enough to drop some truth 🫡


They are about a third insightful comments like this, a third titty and a third both.


And THIS is why he is the "Enthusiast".. ![gif](giphy|80yGyHZEOpnr2)




Titty of truth


Is "off the titty" a legit saying?


This is called The Fundamental Attribution Error/Bias/Fallacy


Yo Mama's called the fundamental attribution error/bias fallacy


But *my* mamma is correctly attributed in all her fundamentals!


Thanks for this!


I saw another version of this wisdom/expression a while back. We judge our own actions by our intentions, but we judge the actions of others by their consequences. It's always easier to see hypocrisy or failure in others, than ourselves. We all just kind of have to work on our own hypocrisy, and sort that shit our individually as we learn and grow. Some people just spend a lot more time talking and thinking about others then working on themselves. Easy thing to get stuck on, honestly.


I spent my last counseling session talking about something similar. Over time, I've learned to not be so boisterous about other people's shit because I got shit too. I.e I don't condone nonsense but I try to understand why you thought it was a good idea to engage in it. I don't fall over myself to criticize people any longer without some compassion.


A thief believes everybody steals.


We all know Tity Boi, meet Titty Man.


Do you have a pod cast yet? I don’t like pod casts but I always scroll to see your posts lol






You do, it's true




I've been around. Hope you're doing well.




It's worth it. Take your time, prioritize, and one thing at a time. You got this, even if it feels like you don't.




Sometimes it gets even more fucked up: you extend nuance to others because you don’t know their circumstances, but judge yourself harder because you ‘don’t make excuses’.


Pretty much. Just an unsolvable glitch in the human software.


I don't understand how. It's not hard for me to think of reasons why another person might act the way they do regardless of whether I like that person's actions or not. I can 100% not want to fuck with someone and still understand why that they have struggles or situations that molded them.


she's a fool for not recognizing it works both ways. However, she did actually make a point that people cheat for different reasons. Some need emotional validation, some like the rush of danger/thrill that cheating provides, some are just horn-dogs (male, female, or otherwise) that probably shouldn't be in monagamous relationships until they get it out of their systems. And of course, assholes. Lots of those.


YOU'RE making that point (and I agree with it). She accidentally said some shit while saying some other bullshit.




One thing that's consistent is they are all scum


for sure. There's zero excuse to cheat.




I always find it hilarious when people act like cheating is the worst thing a person can do.


I'm curious what you consider is worse than cheating? I think cheating is in the top 5 worst things you can do because it involves many more offenses than just having sex. You lie, deceive, put you and your partner at risk of disease and infection, waste time, and play games with someones mental health. But thats just me and my silly opinion...


She had no point. Be honest. If you don’t want to be tied down because you just love to bang own it. Just don’t expect everyone to have the same attitude or cheer you on for it.


Another problem is that a lot of us love sex but shame each other as players and hoes for loving sex.


You expect these women to admit fault so late in the year?!? Gotta finish strong. 😂 😂


Deadass over there acting like Christmas ain’t coming up in 2 months


And let's not forget Thanksgiving is the time for them to find out whether or lot dude really claiming them


![gif](giphy|l4FGAfrbAstQmgooM) Family be like "who dat?" Or worse " where what's-they-name at, you know they one from the 4rth of July cookout?"


Ain’t nobody having Christmas this year if the world keeps getting worse.


😂😂😂Sir!!! Leave us alone.


She really said some "their partner is lacking"


And her lacking ass chose their lacking partner. Half and half only makes a whole hoe my dear 💅🏽


Honestly nobody got time/energy to cheat if they’re having sex enough


I don't have remotely enough sex and I still can't find the energy to...ugh * *find* someone to cheat with * interact with them * worry about all the clues I'm leaving for my *fucking Sherlock Holmes wife* * etc


Sorry you're not having enough sex bro, hope it turns around for you.


It's not a big deal. She's a great partner who happens to have a low libido. The pros of the relationship far outweigh the cons. Also, I'll get to have the last laugh when my pecker stops working and she wants to get frisky.


As long as you're not sexually frustrated then I'm happy for you and your relationship 👍🏿




Not tryna be in your business but there was a post the other day that said women (and men) *want* to have sex but when they get older they lose energy AND time. So while you had energy when you’re younger to do the laundry, dishes, have sex, vacuum and mow the lawn, now you can do like 3/5. But if you took something off the main chore person’s plate then they’d have energy for something else ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I can’t cheat because that would require me to find someone to get into a relationship with and then find someone else to cheat with. That’s too much


Even if they aren’t who has the time and energy for all that? I can’t make up lies and excuses because I forget everything I can’t remember what I had for lunch by dinner time


Nah people cheat while in a great relationship all the time, not just ones with a dead bedroom


How about nobody cheat and if a relationship sucks you leave? That's what I did.


Everyone I know who has cheated did so out of boredom, but weren't bored enough to kick their partner to the curb. They are looking for that honeymoon phase novelty of someone that makes them feel butterflies again. It's a hobby for those people.


That sounds so exhausting. 😭


See my comment above, thank you


It is also an aspect of safety net, I reckon, they feel that they can always fall back on their "default".


Their safety net, you mean


Them types don't know how actually be in a relationship & probably shallow in terms of personality.


They are, to my knowledge, still in those relationships. I feel like those are the ones who don't get caught because they never really intended to leave in the first place, but aren't doing it just for a one night stand, either. It's a lot of calculated chaos that gets them into those positions and they tell themselves whatever they need to to make it a forgivable allowance and get back on with their long term lives.


I mean in the sense of putting effort into deepening the relationship you have with your partner. It's "boring" because they usually don't know shit else past the fun stuff & drama,which are both their own highs. I'm sure damn near everybody knows off a couple that in a constant cycle of arguing,cheating & then chilling. Definitely a controlled chaos thing..but still chaos. They can get married,buy a house, have kids & still only know each other just below the surface.


> I'm sure damn near everybody knows off a couple that in a constant cycle of arguing,cheating & then chilling. Definitely a controlled chaos thing..but still chaos. These people don't fit into that category. Like I said, they don't get caught.


Exactly that. People get "bored" like there aren't a million differences between random strange and committed love, like damn monogamy sex is its own kind of hot and intimate


“Not me tho” this girl 100% cheats


Twitter and TikTok have ruined an entire generation's perception on love, dating, and relationships. It's sad to see.


oh the whole “if he cheats, it’s his fault, if she cheats, it’s his fault” perspective was around long before social media. i think i first noticed it when i was about 8


Eh, it was always messed up. Just seemed less so when women couldn't get divorced & they spoke less on their experience. Now both sexes are free to point at each other as the sole problem in their romantic lives. Hook up culture definitely helped tho.


The biggest issue I see with dating is not social media or people who want to hook up, it's people feeling uncomfortable about their sexual and relationship preferences and lying to get anything instead of being honest with themselves. Our entire dating culture seems to be based off lying to each other just to feel intimacy for a little while before the relationship crashes and burns. Gender roles play a part by making people do things that don't fit them to begin with. Every man doesn't want to be a dominant pursuer and every woman doesn't want to be submissive but we still expect that out of everyone. Women also just aren't allowed to be themselves fully due to fear from men who act creepy and sometimes even kill women for making them feel slighted. When it comes to dating, people aren't really allowed to be who they really are just yet.


Honestly. You're more right than you think. Been looking and looking for that 10 times more likely to lie thing dude said. And have yet to find anything even remotely saying that about women. Just a heads up on what i looked at casually. Here ya go. ​ [https://www.healthtestingcenters.com/research-guides/admitting-cheating/](https://www.healthtestingcenters.com/research-guides/admitting-cheating/) ​ [https://hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/#Why\_do\_women\_cheat](https://hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/#Why_do_women_cheat) ​ [https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/infidelity-on-rise-among-older-men-younger-couples/379655/](https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/infidelity-on-rise-among-older-men-younger-couples/379655/) ​ So far. I haven't found anything confirming what he said.


This has always been around. It's just in the public now instead of being hush hush.


Men bad Women good 👍🏽 I’d delete twitter too (I actually have deleted it lol)


I’ve never had it. 😎


Same. I created an account once but I never logged back into it. That was…many years ago now lol


Actually, I’m lying I just remembered I had a twitter account when they first started and tweeted a few times. Lol


While there may be reasons as to why someone would cheat on the SO, those reasons no matter the situation don’t justify that person cheating on them. If you don’t think your partner is good enough or that they need validation from multiple different SO’s then just officially end your relationship with that person and then move on. It’ll save yourself from so much guilt and accountability.


But then how can I keep the partner I want and fuck other people from time to time?




But then they get to fuck other people too


Thems the rules


So i looked it up. Was curious if dude was correct because it sounded to me like he pulled that out the crack of his ass. And so far (after like 10-15 minutes of looking....i still haven't been able to confirm in any way shape or form his...women are 10 times less likely to admit to cheating. Men still cheat more than women. And women are catching up to men in the area of cheating. But i haven't seen shit about 10 times anything. These are the places i looked. Could be wrong. So i'mma post where i looked here. ​ [https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/infidelity-on-rise-among-older-men-younger-couples/379655/](https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/infidelity-on-rise-among-older-men-younger-couples/379655/) ​ [https://hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/#Why\_do\_women\_cheat](https://hackspirit.com/infidelity-statistics/#Why_do_women_cheat) ​ [https://www.healthtestingcenters.com/research-guides/admitting-cheating/](https://www.healthtestingcenters.com/research-guides/admitting-cheating/) ​ https://www.al.com/wire/2013/07/cheating\_wives\_more\_american\_w.html


Lmao did she just validate women cheating while saying men cheating isn’t something that could be valid in her eyes Broken mentality ass generation I swear lol


Gerrymandered brain




It's wild how everyone's skipping over that part lol


He probably did his own research, like many in the last few years.


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) Just imagine the bullets are made out of accountability…


Boom.. just like that, double standards.


Go ahead and delete it anyway, OP


No reason to get in a relationship then, just stay single, fuck who you want, and spare yourself the drama.


I’d love to know what she thinks about the woman that cheats with Her man. Is that woman going to get a pass too or will she be pissed at her?


That woman would be a homewrecker not a cheater. Unless screenshot woman is a lesbian she won't get cheated on by a woman. But regardless of that, anybody with half a brain can recognize blatant hypocrisy when it's done so obviously. Apparantly screenshot woman doesn't meet those requirements. She has no morals or standards, she just wants to get the right to do others dirty whilst looking down on those who do her dirty in the same exact way.


So either way it’s the man’s fault.


Yo, 100% without a doubt in my mind this girl cheats. People who don’t cheat don’t even think about this type of shit.


Just admitted my dad's infidelity to my therapist. Actually found out that men do it because they feel as though they have to have someone to listen to all of their problems and can't or don't want to find it in the marriage and feel comfortable with it outside. Though it does more damage. And they're usually the ones to want the relationship to continue through their infidelity. Cheating is cheating to me and you can pack all your things and get the fuck out my face if you can't be open to me in our own relationship, but can do it with someone else. There is no excuse for that. Cheating is a choice at the end of the day.


I've realized that women cheat because they lack self-worth. They need to have validation from multiple men to stroke their ego. Very sad. Love yourself ladies.


I did a paper on this once and I found that men were more likely to cheat just because they could whereas women cheated because they felt emotionally detached and/or they felt like something was lacking in their relationship. Yet, men were more open about cheating and women were not as willing to admit they’ve stepped out. I personally feel like why cheat instead of just being single and doing your own thing. 🧍🏽


This thread is going to go places.


This type of woman is usually on the phone telling her friends how she won’t date anyone who makes less than 350k a year…while pulling in to Popeyes to start her shift. Girl got red flags coming out her mouth like she doing a magic show…


Y’all ain’t tired of this bickering?


![gif](giphy|xTiTnDAP0RiCo9k85W|downsized) The mental gymnastics is crazy lmao, she said all that bullshit just to say she thinks a man is terrible when he cheats but a woman's a-okay when she does the same. Also "detachment phase" is some other shit to me. I've heard of women "emotionally leaving/grieving the relationship" but extreme circumstances aside, why can't you just leave?


It's a two-way street except they drive in the oncoming lanes


Detachment phase??


There's a cool down setting to the relationship. Can't just address the problem like an adult, you have to mentally slide into infidelity first.


Ahhh I see. Like bitches be too afraid to break up with someone, because then who they gonna treat like shit? Themselves? Hell nah, no self reflection here! They need an emotional punchbag!


This exchange has STRONG "I don't read, but I think a lot" energy.


these gender wars on Twitter makes me wanna get bullied by BTS fans..... Again


She’s spitting bullshit but I’d like to see his sources because I had read that men do cheat more. Maybe not that much more though, but there is a difference.


What study are you all looking at where people admit to be liars?


She had a point until she answered in the comments.


TIL. I always thought it was just cuz sex with many is more exciting than sex with one. I feel dumb.


My wife says it’s YOUR dog when he’s bad, but it’s our dog when he’s good Women hate men who cheat but it’s support when women cheat Best to nod your head , smirk , and move on.


> Women hate men who cheat but it’s support when women cheat I love dumbass generalizations about large groups of people. You could be a perfectly normal person and just shit on the woman on question, but no of course, let's not.


So it’s cool when they do it, A problem when I do it. Fuck ‘em


not really. most of us cheat because.. well.. we can.


[Fundamental attribution error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error)


I’m glad she tweeted this, now people knows which tactical nuke to dodge


What the fuck did I read 😂?


This is why the get a passport and find a wife elsewhere argument is getting stronger on the social media lol


In summary, "women are wonderful". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect


This phenomenon does not exist on Reddit.


She literally said the reasons why my ex said she fucked somebody else. Women are fucking nuts dude


Makes abt as much sense as when men say they cheat because it’s in their DNA 🧬


As a man I take pride in not being a cheater simply because I refuse to be weak. I’m not gonna sneak around and lie and hide my actions. If I want to sleep with someone else bad enough to end a relationship, that’s what I do, not scurry around like a mouse. People might not like you but they will respect strength and honesty


I think in a roundabout way, Sydney just revealed that she’s cheating.


So what I’m hearing isss you made me do it. Right?


I’d love to see these studies


Just delete the app fam. Don’t worry, you won’t miss out on all the best memes, they’ll get screenshot and put on Reddit anyways.


Let me guess. She's single?


Sounds like the same scene with different lighting.


That’s why I hate myself and actively make sure nobody wants me. Your move miss psychology major


Make it make sense. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


What's sad and what I've realized is that most women cannot take accountability. They will blame everything but themselves. There's always an excuse to why they do behave and act in a certain manner and none of those include looking in the mirror and being accountable. Women seem to judge themselves by their intentions but turn and judge men by their actions... ain't that something? 😏


Detachments phases and Entanglements--its a *girl thang!*


😂😭😂😭 bitch thought she made sense… I know her nigga cheats


Some people really be tweeting shit and not thinking.


Twitter psychologist


Zero accountability here


Where is the rest of this thread?


"Cheating for me, not for thee"


Ohh syd definitely creepin on her man


Sydney Lanae cheating for sure Lol


Am…am I crazy, or does it seem like she’s saying almost the same thing as if it’s different? “Men cheat because they lack self worth and need validation” -> Men cheat because there’s an emotional hole that another partner fills “Women cheat because their partner is lacking…she’s seeking emotional security elsewhere” -> Women cheat because there is an emotional hole that another partner fills. Now, she puts the responsibility on men in (the majority of) both instances (which is fucked up), which means she genuinely worked her way to “cheating happens when emotional needs aren’t met” both times, independently. She just thinks that men can meet their own emotional needs while women can’t? It’s weird.


I’d bet the house she’s cheated before


As a woman dealing with woman and dating them I learned we just definitely don't like hearing about ourselves. And if it's from someone we don't like, then we definitely don't wanna hear it from them, we'll straight up deny it.


“What men are really thinking” by: Some Lady


Women cheat because they go into a phase where they detatch from responsibility and morals? What kind of psychopathic nonsense


I hope his rebuttal to her was “Bitch shut up. I can see why the men in yo life cheated”


The amount of standards this woman has must be divisible by 2


OK cheater




This must be mentally exhausting


Show me you don’t understand double standards without telling me you don’t.








So, sis is cheating?


These are the type of people who cheat


siri what is a double standard?


Alternative POV: Sexual jealously and sexual possessiveness are not some sort of "natural" state. They are both social constructs that work fine for some people and not so well for others. Remember we evolved under circumstances where most people in a tribe of humans would've been closely or distantly related to each other, so there's much less genetic incentive to be possessive of mates, especially since everyone watches everyone else's kids. I'm getting this from a fantastic book that came out in 2010 called Sex at Dawn, btw. I know a lot of couples who are very happy with some degree of agreed-upon polyamory in their relationships. It only works if both partners are rockstar communicators who put the other person's needs first and don't play stupid games, though.


Or maybe people just want to nut in different people? I don't think it's that hard. Not everything has to be some kind of Freudian psych analysis.


"Detachment phase" is like step 3 of the narcissists playbook lmao

