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It's so cool to see how comfortable Lisa is "living" in France. In a few months she will already be fluent in French ![img](emote|t5_3f8po|718)


She seems to love the city and I wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to move there.


She already spends a lot of time there and probably already have her own place. She can move between countries (Korea, Thailand and France) without any problems.


She’s been in France for a few months because of the walking dead shooting, plus some of her family. But I can see her wanting to live there, she seems to love the culture.


Walking Dead? She’s in The Walking Dead? When did that happen?


It’s a rumor


Her family lives there?


She has a niece and nephew there (yeah don’t ask me to explain how an only child has a niece and nephew because I’m as in the dark about that as you are)


Oh I get that lol, my cousins kids are my nephews and nieces (but also one of my parents is a lot younger then their siblings so on that side my cousins kids are also just called my cousins bc they’re closer to age one of my uncles used to joke their grand kids are older then their nieces/nephews loool) and I know a lot of people who call their close friends’ kids that and I think it’s cute. It Is funny to be very publicly an only child and not explain that but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t occur to her that would sound odd to people who don’t know her family/friends but also people are weird enough about her colleagues/friends/family pretending they know her I get keeping people on their toes and not explaining everything. Not to assume but it wouldn’t surprise me if she has any Swiss family via her dad in France since almost a quarter of Swiss people speak French Ty!!


[k](https://x.com/manobansot/status/1741986024895680552?s=12&t=zgiv1Y0rf0ENUWS9hLszIw) >lisa went to watch crazy horse show ==== Came to watch her girlfriends and possibly do another show? ![img](emote|t5_3f8po|708)


i almost passed out i thought her performance was leaked lol


Oh joy, time to just avoid Twitter for awhile since her visiting a show is going to be blown way out of proportion again… toxic KPop fans inbound.


It's awesome not being a toxic fan because I don't see any of this shit on twitter lmao. What kinda feeds are you guys getting into 😂


Usually it’s the dumb ‘recommend’ shite. I follow literally nothing of KPop on my main Twitter but it still some how finds a way onto my feed.


yup exactly, twitter is so. toxic i hate it


🤣I don’t have twitter, but I’ve seen some things. and my friends who don’t even follow K-pop things, tell me K-pop Stan’s are just unhinged on twitter. It’s good you’re choosing to put your sanity first because the bits that I’ve seen…😳.


Twitter is essentially the hell of the internet. Platforms like that for normal people to have such a big voice just feels beyond wrong some times.

