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But they complain when a female character doesn't look good.


Exactly. Even fictional and animated women are expected to cater to their beauty standards. Abby from The Last of Us and Aloy from Horizon spring immediately to mind.


Absolutely this. Aloy being called everything under the sun, from WOKE, feminazi, bearded, ugly, masculine to Mary Sue transwoman. So many butt hurt, mysogynist, bigot fanboys of other games trashing on the Horizon series... According to them, a game is WOKE if a female protagonist is "fully clothed"!


They were absolutely DOGGING Tanya/Sindel when Mortal Kombat 1 came out


Yep especially with the recent fables game and aloy from horizon zero dawn. Why cant we just have a mundane looking female character for once without being so fanservicy for the stupid male gaze just to pander to idiotic milly males. I cant stand forced fanservice i just want to appreciate female character for their well written personality and character arc. as a guy i want female characters to be more relatable than the male character i find them to have more potential than the boring overrated male lead so yeah as a boy i want to relate to female characters more than the stupid male characters instead.


One: this isn't a thing that happens. Two: If the issue is that one can be sexualized and the other cannot, that is a non-starter as both character designs can be sexualized with ease, should that be the intent. Hell, an IKEA desk with no features can be sexualized if that's what you intend to do, for fuck's sake. Three: If female characters are expected to conform to certain standards determined by the audience, which they aren't but for the sake of "argument" let's say, then it follows that male characters, too, will be expected to conform to certain standards determined by the audience. Four: Per common perception, shirtless men are not considered a sexual display where scantily-clad women are. This double standard has little to do with degeneracy and everything to do with skewed expectations... perpetuated primarily by men. Five: The fuck do you mean there is no - fascism is all about creating a conservative, or, more accurately, rabidly anti-progressive system and then *conserving it* by viciously eliminating anyone who does not conform. Six: Porn is *not* that simple ass formula. Neither is progressive that. Dolts. Seven: The oversexualization of everything and the subsequent dependence on that sexualization for marketing purposes because it is expected, IKEA desks included, is the problem in itself. Eight: Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


No.4 yes exactly I was going to say it’s about the male gaze


>Five: The fuck do you mean there is no - fascism is all about creating a conservative, or, more accurately, rabidly anti-progressive system and then conserving it by viciously eliminating anyone who does not conform. When the Nazis took power they first groups they went after were homosexuals and anti-fascists.


Yup. That famous picture of them burning books that everyone has seen is them burning the research and accumulated knowledge of a clinic that specialized in treating trans people. But they named themselves socialists, so of course, all socialism must be evil. 🙄


The right likes to pretend that trans people have only started existing in the last 10 years, or whatever. With how fond they are of Nazis you'd think they'd have heard about that clinic by now.


What they mean when they say “fascism is a leftist ideology” is “I’m conservative and fascism is bad, therefore I can’t be fascist. But I do want to force everyone to be the same, punish “degeneracy”, scapegoat specific religious groups that I am afraid of, spread propaganda, have a “strong“ leader that acts with impunity and authority over all parts of my life, (etc, all the other fascist things Yutolia can’t think of right now). But fascism is bad so we’ll just call what I want something else and then it will be ok because the only thing that matters is labels.” Its also a sneaky way to try to get other, non-fascist conservatives on board with something they may not otherwise agree with - by constantly saying “you’re left wing if you believe x, we’ll think you’re left wing and take away your business if we catch you supporting y“, etc…


The difference is that the guy still isn't sexualize in this frame (even when his chest is naked) unlike most female caracter in games (sometimes them even breathing will be sexualize), he may be good looking but he is still treated like a person with thought and emotions something a lot a female caracters don't get.


Exactly this. Astarion is his own person, if you treat him badly he will leave the party. As will all the other BG3 characters.


They like to say, "but all the men are tall and muscular" but fail to realize in a lot of cases, the male characters in games and stuff are pretty varied in body type. The thing people have a problem with is how many games have all the female characters being of one body type and all sexualized.


Also a lot of male characters are created by men not women. It is a power fantasy not a sexual one…


Guys like this only want sexualized female characters because that's been the norm for so long. Also, these guys have complete ignorance of what "fascism" means.


Its hilarious talking about height with Astarion as he isn't tall. Also, he isn't gay. He is pansexual. And he is as good looking as all the characters. I love his character arc tbh.


Astarion isn't sexualized, people just find him sexy, there's a huge difference, I may elaborate later


But those guys have always been shirtless and it's not women being catered to with the muscles.  That's a *male* power fantasy. The men AND women are created for the male gaze, and women are just tired of it.  I almost get why they do this, because it's close enough to confuse people who don't actually get it into thinking this is the same argument but it isn't. 


Srsly, besides Astarion, are any of the male characters they showed widely sexualised by women? And he's a romancable character alongside a bunch of hot women, so crying about double standards makes 0 sense. They're not shirtless for the women.


But Shadowheart is also sexy and can be put into sexy outfits in the game (she's from the same game as the guy on the left). However, no one cares because unlike other games, Shadowheart is a well-written female character and you can tell they spent a lot of time to develop her as a character. Trust me, I love sexy characters but if their only trait is "sexy" then I'm sorry but it's just not a good character.


I don't know who the female character is but why did they use her of all female characters? She isn't even scantily clad. I doubt that anybody would've complained about her being sexualised. r/thatneverhappened I mean, I don't have anything against sexualisation of pixels but at least sexualise all genders. I'm a gamer and I want the characters to be catered to me, too. Women are customers, too. They always were. They spend money on video games, preferably if the male characters are beautiful and if there are powerful female main characters they can identify with. Thankfully, video game companies have realised that recently and at least try to be more inclusive.


I fail to see how the men in slid 4 are sexualized, while the women in the pic most certainly are. What some people don't understand is that a guy can be shirtless without it being sexual, otherwise men wouldn't be allowed to walk around shirtless as it would be seen as indecent in the same way it is considered indecent for women to walk around shirtless.


I don't think these guys realize there's a mod to remove Astarion's abs. However, there's a mod for the same game to make the women's breasts bigger.


Are we crazy, or were men responsible for both genders being sexualized?


20 years ago you'd be a social pariah for admitting that you jerk off to video game characters. Now we have this. We need to bully gamers again. It doesn't matter if you're a gamer too. Just grab that toxic nerd, steal his lunch money, and stuff him in a locker.


Of all those shirtless men, only Johnny Cage is depicted as the hot and "slutty" male character. Shao Khan and Kotal Khan are fucking ugly, who the hell will salivate seeing them shirtless?


Men have extreme meltdowns over any male genshin character with some skin exposed. Like sending shit to the company angry and threatening. I find it funny when they complain about this specific thing cause recently I have seen men do this worse. Also they throw hissy fits about any female character that does not fit their taste sexually.


They do know shirtless men in video games is usually also for the male gaze, right? Do they?? I got no issues with sexy characters tbh, but to put it as bluntly as "Women hate when women are hot but love shirtless men" when the shirtless men are also there for men. It's hilarious.


I play video games, there are SO MANY more examples than sexualizing women characters than male. In fact, usually, when those male characters look like that, it's not for the women playing the game. It's for the men.