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Oh and let’s not miss the part at the end where a 2yo is in a hot tub with floaters on his own!


I can’t watch it. I’ll have such rage. Hot tubs and two year olds should not mix for SO many reasons!


It was legit distressing to watch!


I absolutely believe it. I’m stressed just hearing about it! I like to think I’m not an over protective parent- but one thing my kid absolutely did not do was get in a hot tub at the tender age of 2. Little bodies aren’t able to regulate temperature well! And can you imagine how disorienting it would be with a kid bobbing around alone with hot tub jets on?! Ugh


AND the fact that it’s in the middle of a hot summer day? It’s - to quote Katie - unfathomable


I agree with you 1000%


Yup, children in hot tubs can be very dangerous for so many reasons - there’s been kids as old as 11 or 12 who have drowned horrifically in hot tubs.


Omfg this is legitimate negligence. I am beyond shocked that they can be *this* bad


I see why she was worried about being judged for her parenting….


Right? So in line with how she handles all criticism lol shows everyone something she’s embarrassed about and then cries about how mean everyone is!


You hit the nail on the rotten head!


I had an old coworker/friend who’s 2 year old drown in a hot tub. She’s now an amazing educator for swim safety and floaties suuuuuckk


Agreed! Floaties are actually highly discouraged by water safety professionals bc they give parents and children a false sense of security. These people piss me off so much!


The gasp I gasped as a former lifeguard and responsible human


Me too! Not even just a pool but a bloody hot tub! Pretty sure 2yo shouldn’t be in a hot tub at all


No way a toddler should be in a hot tub. I’m a longtime vpr watcher but new to this sub, and not sure my anxiety can handle this show if a near drowning is on camera. And that’s just a preview!


Yep and not to mention the heat! They shouldn’t be in one at all, let alone left alone and unsupervised


As an Australian where water safety is drilled into us from an early age, where every pool has to have a fence that is reviewed by council, this makes me feel so sick!! This is the laziest parenting. Not one child should be in that pool without parents in there too. Vile. Plus a spa is not a toddler pool.


Haha I just said something similar! We are rabid about water safety here.


If this is really the case and there is not an adult in the tub out of view of this shot…🤬 How are the viewers / the internet going to react to this? They are going to get skewered.


Wtf is going on there. Why is a child that young in pool by himself. As an Australian that freaks me out (we are wild about water safety here).


I simply cannot handle it. These fucking morons


Is there any way to convert and repost this in a format that can be played and paused without the giant white arrow in the middle of the screen? I swear to God, there's a couple moments where Cruz's head is completely submerged... and I'd like to look at it closer. I'm not an app subscriber.


Yep l can record it.


That would be great! Thank you so much! I am beyond disturbed.


I couldn’t post it in the comments so made a new post for you


You are the best. I really appreciate it! I will Eagle Eye it as soon as I get home!


Oh joy, Jax screaming and swearing at a party with a bunch of kids and alcohol. Poor Cruz bobbing around alone in a hot tub while the adults are on the other side of a fence😢


That was scary to watch 😢 Brittany probably hammered drunk and her poor son bobbing in the pool


Brittany sounded wasted. It was terrifying to see Cruz like that.


I am continually amazed at Kristen’s persistence to be friends with Jax when he constantly treats her like dog shit. Also, I have to have faith that someone was in the water with Cruz, right???


If this airs and no one is in that tub with him, the world is going to come for them with pitch forks. You can do a lot of things but putting a baby in floaties in a body of water by himself?!


Nope didn't see anyone, he was in the hot tub or kid pool w floatys on


Just standing staring at him 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/6rk65hb0xfpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec34f7f01e61f161f6f966196a707a80afe63ab


Everyone remember how Kristen was JUST defending Jax and the cheating rumors? “I’m with Jax and Brittany all the time…”, like girl, why do you keep people around who treat you like this??  Damn, the worst of the worst men just keep getting these platforms. Jax has always been awful and misogynistic, and clearly hasn’t changed one bit.


First of all, Kristin is a 40 year old grown ass woman. She quit smoking years ago in preparation to have a baby. Clearly she’s been wanting this for a while. Second of all, who the fuck does Jax think he is telling Kristin she’s not ready to have a kid? Have you looked in the mirror, Jax? You’re a fucking unstable lunatic but yet you have a kid. I can’t ✋🏻


I mean…maybe she will be a better parent and…I dunno…stay within arms length of her child while they are in a body of water.


The joke is - Jax was CERTAINLY not mentally ready to have a baby when Cruz came along and he still isnt!!! Cruz looking like he's bobbing around in the pool by himself makes me want to cry. Hopefully there was a responsible adult in there with him and was just out of shot.


WHY in the heck is Kristen friends with Jax??? He’s a jerk and he really doesn’t have any room to question people’s parenting decisions. And don’t get me started on that poor baby in the hot tub!!! This cemented my decision not to watch this steaming pile of garbage. My blood pressure can’t take it.


Why are ANY of the VPR people friends with this psycho?! He is an awful person who is awful to all of them.


I think Kristen and Jax still sleep together. Probably hate fuck each other.


Oh my GOOOOODDD!!! I really did this he was going to try to hide how awful he is for at least a few episodes! Imagine your husband telling a mutual friend “you told your ex boyfriend to cum inside you!!” For fucks sake!!!




Aw no, he doesn’t look happy


They way he's in there alone is so dangerous. There is no excise for someone not to be right beside him.


He's sitting there asking Kristen if she's mentally ready to have a baby while his 2 year old is floating in a hot tub BY HIMSELF?!?!?!?!!? 🤬🤬🤬


Lmao 🤣


This show seems so boring and Jax is insufferable. What adult needs to defend their desire to procreate against a raging coke moron? These people are in their 40s. Kids and breeding stories are not good reality TV.


Wow I really hate him. This is hard to watch.


I wouldn’t leave a hermit crab with old jax fuck face! Corncob shouldn’t have procreated with this Cosplay version of a human. And he thinks anyone will take his stupid advice seriously?!


Oh. My. God. 😳 Nothing quite like a group of "amped up" adults arguing about being ready for parenthood with drinks in their hands. Also, I knew that any footage of the Cauchis "parenting" was going to be a hard watch, but even I didn't think that I would be scared for Cruz's very survival. Holy shit.


I went to the comment section on instagram to see if people were talking about poor Cruz bobbing around in the hot tub and instead there’s just several unhinged people pissed about Doute’s Trump comment 🥴 not surprised that’s the demographic enjoying this show


I’m sorry but the network allows this? How can you work on set and not do a fucking thing about Cruz in that hot tub


I'm a single mom to an 8 month old boy. I - whew... Cruz is just a kid - surrounded by selfishness, arrogance, disregard, and gross immaturity. I just want to scoop him up out of the POOL with his FLOATIES and make sure he's ok. Literally sick to my stomach - and if they argue that it's misrepresented or edited, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE ON A REALITY SHOW THAT MAKES IT LOOK LIKE YOU'RE A HORRIFICALLY NEGLIGENT, INATTENTIVE PARENT *IN REALITY*.


My god, I will absolutely not be watching Jax on my TV again 🤮


I am probably in the minority here but I think Kristen would be a good mom. Please don’t come for me lol She has always been there for friends in their time of need and she has a lot of care and love inside her. I also think she’d grow the fuck up and give her all to raising her kid


Oh l think she’d be a lot better than Jax and Brittany!


This show feel ick and dark now kids are involved. Idiot kfc laughing while Cruz is bobbing around in a hot tub?! Jax is actually right here I would be terrified of Kristin as a mother


Jax really has no room to talk since he never should have procreated and did anyway.


She would be a lot better than those 2!


Agreed, her stalker tendencies might come in handy. Like for example she might be curious as to where her child is, and if that child could possibly be bobbing around in a hot tub by himself


I think that too


The bar is incredibly low but Kristen would definitely clear it ☠️


💀low bar Kristen


God, I don’t know if I can handle seeing these people again. Just viewing that clip, I feel a bit nauseous and my eye is twitching. It’s like the same energy before they were fired, fast forward 4 years. I don’t like it.


So Jax and Kristen are still doing it right ??


Bravo giving Jax another show is disgusting to me. He is disgraceful.


Bravo giving Jax another show is disgusting to me. He is disgraceful.


Bravo giving Jax another show is disgusting to me. He is disgraceful.


Bravo giving Jax another show is disgusting to me. He is disgraceful.