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There was a bit too much Brittany for me.


It felt like they were forcing Brittany on us. Stop trying to make Brittany happen, she's not going to happen. If anything, this made her look worse. She and Jax are insufferable assholes who people hang out with to get a TV show and nothing more.


It was truly an in your face too much about a lot of things. I used to think the (I don't know the correct term not having read the books) people that were watching in Studio in the Hunger Games was far fetched, but we are pretty much there as a society. I will say that the woman who claimed to look good in orange was suprisingly likeable in my mind.


janet was easily the most interesting person on the show, i want to hear more about how she got the primary bedroom as a kid and how well she’d do in prison 😂


Literally any amount of Brittany is too much Brittany.


Or just don’t watch at all and let it die quickly due to no viewers and no buzz.


It’s my favorite!


I can't watch because his rage actually makes me uncomfortable. I'll be here for recaps though.


This is me! It’s not even fun trashy TV for me. His rage gives DV vibes.


Seriously. It's sad. I truly hope Brittany is actually getting Cruz out of that situation.


Sariahanibal streams on twitch every week


Ok...I'm old and stuff. I remember payphones, pagers and encyclopedias to look up something. .🙃 i don't know what twitch is? But talk us all through it I can't be the only one.


I am also old and stuff. But just go here at 8 p.m. Eastern on Tuesdays and it's happening https://m.twitch.tv/sariahannibal


And also thank you! 😀


I will definitely do so! So this is a video stream that sub members can join if they choose to and also discuss there or just view and switch to a live show discussion post thread here?


You don't have to join. Just go there at the right time and it's on. You can join and there's a live chat if you want.


Twitch is an app (or a website) where people watch tv shows together, or stream their DJ sets, or band’s shows, or anything really. People can watch their channel and chat with each other. It’s very user friendly.


This is where I watched as much as I could stomach of The Valley earlier.


The show was horrible. But by God, the things you all would have said about it would have been priceless!


It streams on Twitch. I'll post the link next week.


Thank you!!


Someone has to watch for those of us that boycott. You’re doing the Lawd’s work


I just want to buy Brittany an outfit that fits and supports the girls


I’m going to watch because I must hate myself.


I vote watch. So much snark material plus I'm a kristen fan.


I honestly don't know if I'm a fan or not, but I was pretty astounded by how Shitfuck is given the power by the women who misguidedly love him to destroy his wife and also her. She really thinks that Jax thinks of her as a long time friend, and he blatantly used her most personal sacred wish to be a mother as show fodder.


Oh he's no friend to her and Kristen has a terrible pattern of letting men treat her like absolute shit. But I love her authenticity and she has never wavered from who she is.


All I know that if I was anywhere near that kitchen and I heard someone like fucking Jax taking a woman apart like that about motherhood, I would have blessed him with an inny instead of his outy... Don't get me wrong, I don't think motherhood is an inherent right, there are women who are truly not suited to it, myself included, and should be a way more aware decision of how it will change your life that you have settled into by your 40's. But if someone was digging in anyone's most personal ouchies for fucking entertainment, and doesn't even notice that they're holding back tears.. it's just sad that Kristen has been painted with a crazy brush to the.point that even though all the other women there were disgusted but noone really fucking stood up.


Yeah I agree, who the fuck is he to tell a woman that she shouldn't be a mother. He's a digusting example of a parent himself and a vile human being exploiting Kristen's vulnerabilities. The other women there not supporting her was also super icky.


Yeah. That was actual hurt. And then it's followed by some woman crying over her husband being de-pantsed. Bizzaro world.


You do you boo. I’m going to watch. Hate watch entirely but watch nonetheless


See, my issue is that I can totally not watch alone. But chances are at some point I will watch and that's so much more fun with y'all to skewer with!


I'm here for the producer shade. Like when he called Kristen a little sister and then they rolled all the footage about them banging.


I couldn't get through the entire episode.  The only way I can describe it is that it was too noisy. 


I won't watch just because of the parenting stuff. I feel so bad for Cruz. I just don't understand how they as "good" parents can put him through all this. I mean seriously doing shots while he's in the hot tub??? That's just ridiculous!