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Baron. Outside of catching a star pass or something, you have no obligations but be wild


Totally agree, with what your plan is. I got this last time we played, for the first time.. Had no idea how to play it. Others told me, I need to be crazy and wild. One thing would be to give away you are evil, but then attack your demon, to give off wipes, that he is not evil. And I could see that was so true. But people quickly found out, there was a baron in play and who the drunk was. So when the fortuneteller had snipe the demon very early, it was an instant loss. But really looking forward to try Baron again.


Pit hag and Cerenovus have to be some of the most fun for both sides in my opinion. Evil getting to mess with town's behavior by threatening execution or changing their characters, and town trying to figure out how to work around the obvious minion problem without letting them do too much damage makes for a fun balance.


Haha, I cerenovoused someone all game until they died, and could finally reveal their clockmaker information. And switched to cerenovousing someone else to the mutant to get him to shut up. Was great 🤣🤣


A character with little to no agency, like Baron, Fool and Tinker. These guys have little to no responsibility, and so can kind of cause chaos for both sides. Also special mention to a lot of travelers, as a lot of their abilities are passive, so same logic.


I love the Philosopher. Soooo many possibilities


Pit hag of course


I really enjoy Ogre and the gameplay it creates. It's fun to be and always back up one person. It's fun to try and catch out a hiding Ogre because they will have this particular playstyle of backing someone up. And it's very rare for the evil team to recruit an Ogre asap because of 'trust issues' so it's a very fair extra evil to play against.


Mutant. No contest. I LOVE lying on the side of good, outing other liars, and then dying unexpectedly at the hands of the storyteller. It’s WONDERFUL. I love damsel for the same reason, it’s a little more high stakes, but still very enjoyable.


Butler is the best character in clocktower.


Butler is the best character in clocktower


Butler is the best character in clocktower


Butler is the best character in clocktower


Butler is the best character in clocktower


Butler is the character


Butler is character


Butler is






Damsel, hands down, is my favorite to play. You're playing a secret game of hide and seek. You don't know who to trust, you're actively trying to get yourself killed without making it obvious that you're trying to get yourself killed, and the entire game can hinge on what you do.


To play with AND deal with, has to be the amnesiac. Its just "plus one special rule which we may find out later". It's the hardest role to metagame, which is good because I don't enjoy establishing metas, and it can invoke god only knows what. I think the ogre is really high up there too. There's just one guy who's a moron and doesn't know anything but they really want to be your friend


I really love the Pixie and it's probably my favourite Townsfolk. You can play it as either a Washerwoman or you can straight up doubleclaim someone in a way that's more confirmatory than evil (since Pixie is on the script). It's also a decent Vortox check in Pixie/Vortox scripts. There's also no deadly penalty for breaking madness unlike the other three released madness roles so it's relatively low stakes.


I would probably say Goon for the simple fact that my most fun game ever was playing as the Goon and being able to very openly mess with both teams. I was, for the most part, quite vocal about what team I was on and never really knew the evil team so just got everyone to argue if I should be executed or if they should go for others with much more sus on them. I had a blast just being a pain in the ass to everyone and eventually winning with Evil


I love being the Evil Twin. Get to play as a chaotic annoying sibling and waste the good team’s time and energy.


As a storyteller, my favorite character to put into my games is Fang Gu or Mez. Getting to tell someone at night their alignment changed and seeing their face is the best XD Esp when the confused outsider is told they’re the Demon, and then watching Evil Teal struggle the next day. So Fun.


Butler is one that's always an interesting challenge to play around. I often play close attention to voting patterns to speculate which of the players could potentially be a butler. I wouldn't say the butler's effect is game warping or overpowered, but it definitely deserves respect. I remember one game I actually pulled the butler token, I was so excited to be able put the ability to use. I hid my presence and evil never suspected it was a butler world. After the game, the demon just smiled and said "I'm just happy to have lasted as long as I did in a butler game." We all had a blast


I'll split this for play vs. play with and by what type Town: playing amne is fun due to the fact that my ability could be whatever. Play with would be alchemist Outsider: Politician is my favorite outsider. Chaos is fun. Play with is golem just absolutely killing someone is hilarious. Minion: psychopath, funny shenanigans as long as I am good with my axe. With would be goblin Demon: my answer is Al-had. Imo the best demon


I really enjoy being the Psychopath.


Favourite to play as: 5th) Riot 4th) Politician 3rd) Boomdandy 2nd) Baron 1st) Cerenovus Most fun to be in a game with: 3rd) Deviant 2nd) Al-Hadikhia 1st) Mezepheles


I will claim ravenkeeper if it's on the script every time.


For townsfolk I like Grandmother, you can have some really fun interactions having a 'fake' grandchild to protect really powerful info roles in a role-swap/info sharing capacity. Outsider I like playing Mutant. I have a lot of fun depending on the Group's Meta, as I often play it to try and work with Evil; knowing I am going to blow up their world's when I get executed/die and it's not game over. Minion: Baron. You just mess around. I also enjoy an Evil Twin game when there isn't actually a twin and we are just sharing a Demon Bluff. Demon: No Dashii. I have so much fun if I can get those poison tentacles out wide and really mess with info gathering roles.


Any of the Outsiders. I crave shenanigans, but I also want to solve the demon finding puzzle. Outsiders give the best chance of causing chaos while usually playing for the Good team.


I ran a S&V game with a Fang Gu (inexperienced player) and a Pit Hag (experienced player). The Fang Gu made themselves suspicious on Day 2 by claiming Seamstress and saying they used their ability both nights. They somehow managed to make it to the night phase and, having coordinated through whispers, the Pit Hag turned the Savant (another experienced player) into the Sweetheart and the Fang Gu jumped to them.


My pov as a ST - Vizier 1) Vizier in Atheist and snitch script. Randomly claim someone in town is the Vizier, they don't die if executed. If they nominate story teller, defend yourself and say the vizier have seen the snitch info that's why he is claiming to be another townsfolk in Atheist game. 2) Vizier, Recluse, Bounty Hunter and Evil pacifist. Announce to town both Vizier and Recluse are the Vizier, have them try nominating and killing themselves only to be blocked by pacifist. 3) Vizier and Alchemist in Legion script. Give the alchemist a Vizier role. Every Legion will try to frame the Alchemist while the Alchemist defend himself. Also optionally Legion can be register as Minion. I register a Legion halfway through the game as Vizier and announce to town suddenly one of them are the Vizier. (this helps to balance the game if evil is winning).