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These are some of the most unhinged Amnesiac abilities I've ever seen hahaha I love most of them but some I'd fear are too difficult to guess before they become kind of out of the Amnesiac's control.


I just read the first one and thought “well that’s impossible to guess” and I suspect that will be a theme here.


A lot of these are super OP passive abilities in general, even if you never guess the ability


But I don’t think it’s any fun for the amnesiac to have a powerful but unguessable ability, especially if it’s passive. They’re just be guessing wildly, probably get “cold” all game, and not feel like they’ve had any impact until the grim reveal.


It’s worth noting that the Djinn is specifically for jinxes, not house rules. To use those you should use the Bootlegger.


What ability are you referring to?


i’m saying about the “djinn rule” that the amne gets 2 guesses — the djinn is for jinxes, not your own homebrew rules


Ah, gotcha. Ty for letting me know :)


I skimmed these. The ones i skimmed are uniformly terrible. They all fit into the "The Amnesiac has no real agency and nothing they'll ever guess within the same zip code of if given 100 tries.". Amnesiac abilities need to be useful to the good team, stronger than a typical townsfolk, have repeatable data of some kind so the Amne can refine their guess work, and be realistically guessable in 2 to 5 shots


I played my 1st ever Amnesiac last night. The ST told me specifically that it was a 'harder' ability as we were in a Leviathan game (custom script) so I had potentially 5 attempts at guessing it. I was woken each night and told to pick 2 people, then I was given a number. By Day 4 I'd been given; 0, 1, 3, 4. I had asked; \- "Is it to do with people waking up? (cold) \- Is it to do with finding evil players? (luke warm) \- Is it to do with steps away from chosen players? (cold) (i can't remember my last question, but it was also cold) We ended up winning to an accurate Slayer shot on Day 4, and I had made no progress on guessing my ability. It turned out to be: "You learn the cumulative number of Townsfolk that you have chosen" I don't know where that sits on the Dificulty scale, but was certainly and experience and I'm very keen to try Amnesiac again.


That's a really cool ability for a leviathon script.


That's sweet! I would write it as this: ***Each Night; Pick 2 Players. You learn the cumulative number of Unique Townsfolk that you have chosen throughout the game.*** That way if they pick the same people again it doesn't break the count. Which sounds like how it was ruled for you.


Yeah mine kept adding if I chose the same Townies again.


Ok. On a deep dive, I only count a single worthwhile one here. "The outsider count is 0, even if it otherwise would not be." Is actually pretty good and would be something guessable based on observation.


The only other one that is half decent is the one that absorbs poison from neighbours. On the right script it could be interesting


“Choose a player and learn a random role that doesn’t relate to them” is so fucking mean to the poor Amne lol


You know the group you ST for. For the right group, this is fun. Whilst I agree with the idea that the Amnesiacs ability should be guessable. This 100% has its place. I could use these with my group, but would need to say 'chaos amnesiacs today'.


I love this one in particular, even if it is really strong! "You start by being shown the 'These are your Minions' token, and then two players who are good."


That's one of the one's I've actually run in a game. It was so funny :) They actually ended up guessing the ability, too, which was awesome.


I recently played one game where I give the Amnesiac ability as Soul Swapping Each night, the amnesiac chooses someone, the amnesiac will swap token, alignment, character and status with the chosen player. Both will not learn about this. The amnesiac is immune to execution, demon kills and any abilities. At anytime, the St can kill amnesiac and announce the ability to everyone. There is a widow in play in the same game. Tbh I think amnesiac ability should learned what their ability is when they died, it does not make sense that they have to guess their ability especially if the ability is super hard to guess.


There's no rule that says you can't do that. Just amend the ability "learn your ability when you die".  There are some powers I run where I tell the player the entire ability. They can still ask clarifying questions. The question and answer part of the power is not required. You can make it part of that ability that they know their power. Especially useful when the amnesiac has a devastating side effect.