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If you out yourself as the demon to me im spilling the news even if it kills me or another player. This ability has an intended effect of keeping one player from pushing on another, but has the major downside of making them even more suspicious of them when they do decide to speak up. edit: typos


I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but I'm going to address what I think you mean. 1 (The player chosen to be mad becomes suspicious of the player they're mad about): Great! This is what a Minion wants. 2 (The player chosen to be mad loses madness and reveals what they were doing previous nights): Fine, this is already how Harpy and Cerenovus work. Just pick the same people each time. 3 (Demons will out themselves to get a player executed): This will not work. (and besides, the point of the role isn't getting players executed)


My phone messed up my original message, it should be more clear now. > (The player chosen to be mad becomes suspicious of the player they're mad about): Great! This is what a Minion wants. Mind games are great, but I think you should really have a clear idea of what an ability is supposed to accomplish. The Harpy for example is there to cause some chaos by making one person push on another player. Mind games don't work well unless there is a clear assumption on how the evil team will usually act. But with the Vindicator it's unclear how the evil team should use this, they can use it to keep someone from pushing on one of their evil team mates, but that is sure to backfire eventually, meaning the best bet is to use it fairly arbitrarily and hope to get some extra kills. My worries is that with this ability good players will usually just ignore this effect pretty easily, unless they actually think one of them is evil, then they break madness and town sees someone die and makes the case against that player even stronger.


You have a good point! Something like the Devil's Advocate can be used it to protect evil players, or you could use it to throw suspicion onto good players (an institute member even confirmed that this is how the role should be player). The Vindicator accomplishes the same thing here. In my reply to the comment below, I reworked the ability a little bit so the punishment for breaking madness gives more incentive to keep it.


So, it's a reverse Harpy? If I'm picked as the first, I'm not going to be Mad about either target 'cause I don't want to die or cause a Good teammate to die either. I'd also out that I was selected and who the targets are. Which means this Minion does.... nothing. And how does this counter or enhance your player's bluff-check? The simplest way to check if you're the Lunatic is to ask one of your shown minions who they are. If you're the Lunatic, they won't know you either way, but if you're the actual Demon, they'll know who you are and be truthful. If you get shown no one yourself, it's a Poppygrower game.


Good point XD. I might reword it then to... Vindicator (Minion): Each night, choose 3 players. Tomorrow, the 1st is mad that the 2nd and 3rd are trustworthy, otherwise a good player might be executed. Does that work?


Weird, but ok. Though maybe "a good player might die" instead of executed. Unless you want it to end the day.


Don't see the point honestly. Also what a useless lunatic strategy - all you do to counter that as st is give the lunatic genuine bluffs.


I’ll sometimes give them the same bluffs as the demon, which is always a good time.