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FYI - there is a fairly (in)famous script called Storyteller's Nightmare that's been around for a bit. I don't know if it's been updated with recent character releases, though.


Oh well my bad for being a copycat in that case haha, I'm still pretty new to the community


No worries at all! I didn't mean that to be a criticism, sorry for it coming across that way. Just wanted to direct your attention to it, as I didn't have much meaningful to say otherwise. You could very well be on the way to making the sequel to Storyteller's Nightmare!


No offence taken so don't worry, I appreciate it!


Add the Fibbin, Revolutionary, etc, so that there's even more to remember :D


The only reason I didn't include the Fibbin is so ST can't use it to cover a mistake, but Revolutionary probably should be in, that's a good shout


Ahh, smart thinking.


Ahh, smart thinking


Tbh, I think this is actually viable atheist script with some modification because ST has so much to track that he will mess up his info and give away atheist in play. I would probably put in a drunk and add in one more demon. Then you just try to ST with the athiest character. My thought process when I design an athiest script is how can I mess up my ST info to let the good players know this is an athiest game, and of course try to defend yourself when the nominate you. :)


Doomsayer is the single hardest Fabled to run IMHO