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sounds similar to game ending madness where they are incentivised to be greedy to give STs the uncomfortable choice of negating a players ability for the whole game or letting something OP go through. doing absolutely nothing at the STs discretion really isn't fun. The ST is not there to be bartered with


I propose a rule: The Barterer might die if they propose a new rule. There are a couple things wrong with this that I can see without even trying: * Game rules are known to all, otherwise it's not fair (and there is already a character that breaks every rule in the game) * If a ST actually put this in the bag, it puts them in the position of either letting the player potentially break the game, or completely negate that player's agency


I like the concept but not how you have it. Rules can't just be made up by players. "Once per game you may ask the ST to answer a question. The ST may chose to kill you". So, the player needs to balance how much info they want, knowing that if they ask for too much they are likely to be killed


With this wording couldn’t you just ask “who is the demon?” and you’d just get that information in exchange for your life day 1


Or do you mean “The ST may kill you instead”?


Yes that's what I meant Edit: I was trying to achieve the desired effect of balancing how much info you get