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You can easily replace the Butler with the Ogre and the Slayer with Alsaahir if you want to try the new characters


on that note, the drunk with the sweetheart. The first night roles you can put baloonist, nightwatchman, noble.


For what it’s worth, jumping from TB to either S&V or BMR isn’t as big a jump in difficulty as you might think. It’s easier than the jump from having not played Clocktower to playing TB, as new players have to learn all of the characters AND the rules of the game. Whereas going from TB to other Base 3 scripts they are just learning the new characters. And since everyone is learning the new characters together, there’s much less pressure! So of course you can do what you want, but I’d recommend jumping right into S&V or BMR after you and your group are comfortable/experienced with TB - those scripts will be way more balanced and tested than anything you might make by adding/swapping in characters in TB.


Good to know, I was worried just because I have a stronger understanding than my group I saw the gap as smaller so overcomplicated it on my mind lol. just curious is there one of the two you recommend over the other? I've been leaning to SnV but for no real reason just vibes.


Both are definitely fine. I’ve had a lot of success in jumping to S&V, as I also just vibe with that script more. But you could even read those fun script descriptions in the beginning of their respective almanacs to your players and have them pick whichever sounds the most fun to them!


I personally went with BMR because it doesn't have madness and so is less new stuff to learn


It depends on your group, as the two editions push different behaviors. You can still do either one but you should prime your group with how the script works before starting the first night. If your players are action driven and have no qualms about dying or pushing executions for info, they are ready for BMR and they should lean into those instincts. BMR gives very little in the way of “here is some simple info from the ST.” You gotta do the science yourself. Moreover as an ST you gotta keep the game moving. Due to all the protections BMR can drag on forever. If your players understand droisoning and share their info and piece it together decently, they are ready for S&V and should put their detective hats on. As an ST, encourage them to campaign while trading information because there is just too much info going around and it’s all tangled.


yeah I think this is where I need to run more TB so I can really understand how they like to play and what sorta moves they prefer to make, when I get there tho I think I'll explain the differences in the two scripts to get peoples preference in how they want to play too. thanks for explaining how they differ its one of those things I definitely didn't pick up just from watching lol so hearing it has helped!


I wouldn't say TB + Marionette (usually called Strings Pulling) is a good script, though there's another variant which, as well as adding Marionette, replaces Investigator and Undertaker with Noble and Cannibal. Replacing Butler with Ogre has recently become a popular choice.


Pies baking is a good choice. Switches some of the TB roles out for other similar ones. Alternatively a tried and tested script with a single demon like Extension Cord could be a good shout.


Changing the demon or adding another demon is a good "bridge the gap" step. I wouldn't use the Bad Moon Rising demons, as the BMR demons really need to be on the BMR script, but adding a Fang Gu or some of the experimental demons could be fun.


I have a beginner friendly script where I added lleech, replaced drunk with puzzle master, soldier with sailor, and washerwoman with village idiot. Works really well.


I always replace Chef with Fisherman, Butler with Ogre (this is very popular), and add a Marionette.


Gambler is great to add to really get people to be confident gaining information. Town Crier + Witch instead of Spy + Undertaker/Ravenkeeper to bring in some drama around nominations. Starting night roles like Noble and Clockmaker can be substituted for some of the other 4 Seamstress or Artist instead of Slayer


I swapped monk and soldier for magician and village idiot just for something fun and new.


I've heard that adding atheist to TB adds some spice.