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Not by RAW. The characters where you can be creative are the "thinks they are" characters such as Drunk, Lunatic, and Marionette.


1. RAW? I'm not familiar 2. So those players could be shown that type of info? Interesting. Edit: I'm dumb. Rules As Written. Lol


As an example, you can tell a Lunatic anything that facilitates their belief that they are a Demon. Show them an extra Minion as if there was a Magician. Show them a Marionette. Tell them they have their own Lunatic. Tell them an Exorcist stopped them from waking. Offer them a Barber swap. Lots of examples.


"Tell them they have their own Lunatic" The problem with this is you would have to invent the Lunatic's Lunatic kills, which may influence the Lunatic kills, which may influence the demon kills. Could work with Leviathan tho.


I sometimes make the Amnesiac into the Lunatic's Lunatic. 😂


Or if the real demon is a Pukka and the Lunatic is something else. You could use the demon's choice from the day before as the Lunatic's choice.


This is actually a hilarious concept that could more or less lead to the storyteller themselves picking kills. Fun concept overall though, in my opinion. Wouldn’t be a bad way for a lunatic to be kind of strung along a bit more in a larger game with like a marionette on the script or something. One minion could be their “lunatic,” they think their neighbor is the marionette (this could give the ST incentive to point at the “marionette” as the kill, perhaps the lunatic would want to spare their “minion.”), the demon is their minion, etc.


Exorcist but yes.


Sorry, yes. Corrected.


Lunatic example doesn't work. You put Lunatic & Demon into the bag. Guy who draw Demon token is truly Lunatic and guy who draw Lunatic token is truly Demon. So if I drew Demon token and ST shows me some1 is Lunatic, then it's sus 🤨


Put two demon tokens in the bag. From the wiki: "You can make the Lunatic think they are a different Demon than the in-play Demon by instead putting two Demon tokens in the bag, then replacing one of them with the Lunatic token once they are in the Grimoire."


"Rules as Written"


Not dumb, I work in an industry FILLED with acronyms, it’s never a bad idea to ask for clarity. I didn’t know this one either right away.


This implies the drunk can get a false widow ping, which i assume is incorrect.


"Wake any good player. Show them the Widow character token. Put that good player to sleep." Drunk is a good character, so they could get a real Widow ping. Now giving a Marionette a false Widow ping is just brutal!


I was talking about a false widow ping, like giving the drunk the ping when one isn't in play or when someone else got the real one.


You can do this. The Drunk can receive either a real or fake Widow's ping. A fake one here could give away the Drunk fairly easily if there is a duplicate ping. You can give a Lunatic a real Widow's ping, but not a false one, because a Demon would not receive one. Also a "Yes, but don't," because it gives away that they are a Lunatic. You can give a a Marionette a false Widow's ping. You cannot give a Marionette a real Widow's ping because they are evil. A duplicate ping can also give away the Marionette fairly easily.


"The Drunk can receive either a real or fake Widow's ping." This is not correct; the Drunk does not give the ST arbitrary power to lie about game effects. The Drunk can't receive a fake Widow ping, for the same reason they can't get a fake Nightwatchman ping, be told a Cerenovus has made them mad if there is no Cerenovus in play, or be fake-publicly told a Leviathan is in play when it isn't. Essentially, because the Drunk is correctly aware of their alignment, you can't give a fake Widow ping because it's superfluous to the deception. The Marionette can receive a fake ping, because its ability is "you think you are a good player", so the ST is allowed to fake effects that can only happen to a good player, and a Widow ping is one of those effects. This is also why e.g. you can fake a Lunatic being picked by the Exorcist -- you can lie about the effect specifically because it's only mechanically possible for it to happen to the character being faked. (It would theoretically be possible for a Marionette who thinks they're the Drunk to receive a fake Widow ping, except that it's logically impossible for someone to think they're the Drunk in mechanical terms because giving them the Drunk token immediately gives the game away)


The reason you give for allowing the marionette to recieve a fake widows ping seems like it would apply to the drunk. Also do you have a source?


marionette learning it is consistent with how lunatic works: their ability is that think they are a good player. since good players recieve widow pings, that can be part of them thinking they are good. similar to lunatic learning anything that demons can learn due to their being the demon no part of the drunk's ability involves thinking they are good, just that they are a townsfolk (which happens to be good) - therefore a fake widow ping could not be part of this (at least, all of this is to my understanding)


I believe I understand the argument you are making, but I currently disagree. Sidenote: I believe you can't fake a public ST announcement effect like the Leviathan situation unless it's an Atheist game. Drunk fake info should all be private.


>A duplicate ping can also give away the Marionette fairly easily. It depends on your group meta. A non-Marionette Evil player can always bluff that they got the Widow ping. Sometimes there's no Widow in play and that works out fine. Even if there's a healthy (non-self-poisoned) Widow in play the "double ping" isn't the end of the world.


drunk/poison does not say "the storyteller can lie to you", it says "your ability malfunctions", for the sake of any role that gathers info this normally happens by lying but for the sake of things that have actual effects on the game, like preventing/causing death or, more relevantly, telling something to someone other than the drunk/poisoned player can not happen. Following this idea through, you wouldn't be able to give a false widow's call to a drunk player because that isn't their ability malfunctioning. The widow ping etc is not something you can simulate like that. As mentioned by others already, the only time this rule isn't true is with the "you think you are" roles, which you can tell anything you want as long as it supports what they think they are, regardless of if they are drunk/poisoned. (notably, a drunk or poisoned marionette/lunatic still can't send info to other players due to the ability malfunction, so it is possible for a demon to not learn them/their picks)


Broadly, a droisoned player's own ability does not work. So for example, the Widow Is In Play Ping is part of the Widow's ability, not the Droisoned Player. Additionally, while a character who wakes up should be fed arbitrary info, if a player doesn't have to wake up (IE: Goon), they shouldn't.


You can't do this according to RAW but if you try to do so using bootlegger, I'm not sure if people will play again or not. As giving this amount of random info will cause too much irregularities.


No you can not What you can however do is tell a player that is The Drunk or The Marionette that their Role has switched, to another role that still fulfills the criteria their Ability sets Though keep in mind, this is a very mean thing to do to inexperienced players and it should probably also be noted that you rule this as possible This for instance can be a fun way to play act that there is a Pit Hag in play to The Drunk, but should only be done with experienced play groups and established rulings


Short answer: No. Longer answer: A droisoned player's character ability does not work, but they think it does. Their *own* ability. Nothing you are using as examples is the droisoned player's own ability.


As a general rule, the only information you can give to a "you think you are X" role is information that backs up the belief that they are a different character. But, you can totally give a Drunk a Widow ping. The Drunk is good-aligned and therefore can be told that a Widow is in play.


The Widow Ping is part of the Widow's ability, not the "Good Players" role so they are totally a valid target to hear the call if it's the Widow doing it. You can't just make a Ravenskeeper hear the Widow's call because they're drunk and it would be funny. With exception to Atheist, I don't believe you can lie or mess with a player learning their alignments have changed. That information is sacred.


Not at all. RAW: droisoned = has no ability.* start from there as a baseline; it’s the golden rule. There are a bunch of nuances about droisoning because the player is rarely ever meant to know that they are in fact droisoned. So a droisoned washerwoman might learn false info because the ST *has* to wake them for their ability. Put another way, any false info given due to droisoning is a direct consequence of “has no ability” and “isn’t explicitly aware they are droisoned.” Note that this doesn’t always mean you are doing everything you can to prevent them from deducing their droisoned status. You just still wake them up when there is no other explanation for them to not wake up. A droisoned player has no ability and therefore cannot have any impact on the game state as a result of their ability. A droisoned goon cannot change alignments as per their ability, and learning the alignment change isn’t actually part of their ability. The base rule is that people always know their alignment. A droisoned slayer cannot actually slay. A droisoned monk does not actually protect. Droisoning only affects the droisoned player, and only in the (secret) removal of their ability. It’s not a blank check for you to arbitrarily tell them a bunch of fake things. You can ONLY feed them false info if their original ability would have them gaining info, and it must be exactly the kind of info they would normally get for their ability, just unreliable. Note that other players don’t get fed false info from a drunk player, at least not through your actions as ST. If a snitch was droisoned, minions wouldn’t learn false info from the snitch. They just wouldn’t learn anything. Another example is the Lunatic. The demon has no reason to wake if the lunatic is droisoned, because the lunatic has no ability. So then there’s the fine print. It’s weirdly written, but effectively some abilities, or some parts of abilities, are immune or resistant to droisoning. A droisoned and “dead” zombuul doesn’t immediately get outed as being alive, for instance. Basically, the more intricate the ability is, or if it belongs to the demon, or if the ability malfunctioning would just totally break the game, double check the write up for any fine print about what to do when the player is droisoned.