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You can do whatever you want in an athiest game, but you probably shouldn't add any evils because they'll be at a big disadvantage and your end goal is to be executed on final 3.


1. In an atheist game the st can break the rules so a bh doesn’t necessarily add an evil. 2. If there is an evil player(which I believe there can be but might be wrong) they win when there are only 2 players alive, if they are alive or not, and lose if the st is executed. 3. A bh doesn’t necessarily learn the evil player as once again the st can break the rules and show them the wrong person


That makes sense. Thanks!




Also - the story teller can just add an evil player without having a bounty hunter in play. Or put in a bounty hunter, make no one evil, and point them at an arbitrary player.




That is false. In the rulebook it states that the evil win con is for there to be only 2 players left. No demon requirement. However good wins on(most) ties so when you kill the demon on final three both teams win and so good wins. Additionally if only twins live evil wins they don’t need the good twin to be executed. And yea that means if final three is the twins and the demon good has already lost


Technically if they didn't execute anyone and if the demon could multi kill (say the po) and for some reason chose the evil twin and then themselves and them a random dead player, would good win or would the story teller interrupt the demon mid kills to announce the game is over and evil won?


Evil would win because the evil twin would die first leaving only 2 players alive the game ends immediately once only 2 players are left so the other kills wouldn’t happen. A shab however could lose here as if a player is regurgitated then they kill the evil/good twin and themselves good would win


The evil townsfolk doesn't win with the good team and wins if the good team doesn't execute the ST. You can introduce some other win conditions in an Atheist game if you wish. It's likely to be pretty unfun for everyone involved so if you're putting a Bounty Hunter in your Atheist game, just break the rules and don't add an evil townsfolk. I've seen some experienced groups play games with a BH-turned evil Atheist with their own secret objectives, but you need to know your players well enough to know if they will find it fun and not frustrating.


Ok. Thanks!


Or, you know, make them evil anyway, but by the power of \_rule breaking\_ make them win with good anyway?


If Atheist is in play, the Storyteller can do anything. If the question starts with “Can the Storyteller…” followed by anything game-related, the answer is yes. That being said, just because they can doesn’t mean they should. Having one evil player in an Atheist game just feels bad because they won’t know why some random player is claiming Atheist when there shouldn’t be one. You technically can add an evil player, but just don’t. Break the rules and show the BH a good player. If the Atheist is drunk, break the rules and stop it. Show the Noble 3 good players. Give the sober Empath a 2. Your goal is to have fun above all else Tl;dr: have fun, and break rules to do it.


Thank you!


Love how the '#1' in the title implies we'll be getting a sequel.


Whoa, the Pandemonium Institute themselves, how’ve you been?   I’m thinking about asking more questions to the world if I come across a scenario that I can’t wrap my head around, and don’t feel like coming up with a original title every-time (feel like that would be difficult after awhile) so it’ll be what if #1 #2 etc.    Keep in mind that I’m not very experienced, practically my only experience is watching No Rolls Barred play it, (hopefully I’ll get my hands on it soon) so don’t expect me to be a genius.    Also, I have already deleted some stupid homebrew ideas, lol.  Damn, I’m getting off topic Btw, what do you think about my question?   Have a good day


You'll definitely have more (we all will) and I look forward to whatever your next one will be. The answer to every 'in an Atheist game can/how do you do this thing?' is always yes. You can do anything because you can break the rules. The better question is 'should I do this?' All of this is explained in more detail in the pinned FAQ (at the top of this subreddit). I'd recommend giving it a quick search for future questions as, chances are, it'll be addressed there. This particular question is one we get about once a week on this sub, but it's far from the only one and they're all addressed in the FAQ. Have fun!


You'll definitely have more (we all will) and I look forward to whatever your next one will be. The answer to every 'in an Atheist game can you do this thing?' is always yes. You can do anything because you can break the rules. The better question is 'should I do this?' All of this is explained in more detail in the pinned FAQ (at the top of this subreddit). I'd recommend giving it a quick search for future questions as, chances are, it'll be addressed there. This particular question is one we get about once a week on this sub, but it's far from the only one and they're all addressed in the FAQ. Have fun!


Just gave it a look, and it cleared up some things, thanks!


by nature of the atheist, there are no evil players. the bounty hunter would learn a good player


There are no evil characters in an atheist game. A townsfolk is a good character, not an evil one. They can *technically* become evil, but it's just not very good storytelling to do so, because it puts that players at a big disadvantage. EDIT: I might actually be completely wrong because the Bounty Hunter happens during setup. A townsfolk can become evil in an atheist game after the game has begun.


The atheist has \[No evil characters\], not \[No Demon\]. However, the Bounty Hunter making a Townsfolk - a good character - have the evil alignment is technically possible, but not very good storytelling (because it'd be tremendously difficult for the evil player to win). I would show the Bounty Hunter a player, but not actually make them evil. I'd pick a player that would be bluffing anyway, like a Mutant.


Important to note that Atheist reads “no evil players”. And no “no demons” But in an Atheist game the ST can do whatever, but the point of an atheist game is to give the players a puzzle to solve that leads to your execution.


If the Atheist is in play, there are no rules other than the town must be aware of the possibility of the Atheist being in play. Meaning, you can't secretly make it an Atheist game despite it not being on the script. Other than that though, go nuts. If you want to make 1 evil townsfolk whose job it is to help the storyteller and the ST/Townsfolk win as a duo? You can. If you want to ignore the \[One Townsfolk is Evil\], you can do that too.


Clearly the Bounty Hunter should turn the Atheist evil. 😈😈😈


As an ST it could work quite well. If you want to help out evil then put a marionette on the script or point to a recluse. If you want to clue in good that something's not quite right then point to more probably good characters like the grandmother or the virgin.


I believe the interaction goes perfectly fine, as the atheist states "[No evil characters]", which (iirc) means "no minions or demons in setup". The Bountyhunter does not create an evil character, it turns a good character evil. And executing the evil townsfolk would not result in the game ending, because killing an evil townsfolk is not a win condition. Theoretically, you could just hand the win to the Good team when they do this because you find it fun/narratively satisfying/whatever, but that's just Atheist shenanigans Edit: nevermind, wrong on the first paragraph appearantly. Dunno why, but I trust internet strangers more than myself so. yeah




The Bounty Hunter creates an evil townsfolk during setup, which is in direct conflict with Atheist’s setup.


It is? fuck nevermind