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"Gods are more flawed than we are" - Seraphim.


Everyone was horrible…..that’s the point


Nah. Zeus was the reason why there was order not chaos in the show. Yes Zeus was a horrible father and horrible husband and also sibling but zeus also kepted order around and defended the gods from typhon. Zeus is the reason why the gods are free from Cronos and the reason why the gods won titanomachy and the gigantomachy. Tho yes at times Zeus was horrible but at the end of the day Zeus was important for keeping things in check and defended the gods from threats and so on even tho he had his flaws, he wasnt really much of a horrible guy cuz he also did some good stuff. So it wouldnt be wise to call him all horrible.


Plus he was trying to be a good father to Heron. He was alright despite having that much power, both physically and influentially.


So fuck all his other kids then huh.. I guess Heron is Zeus’s only child 


thats what made my mom and I crack up when watching the series. Zeus doesn't seem to give two fucks about his immortal kids when you compare his behavior towards Heron. Even after his death he is like: *You know... you might be mortal, disliked by a lot of the gods, have little talent, and have no idea about leadership or the godly world, but I think you should have the all-powerful stone and lead Olympus. You, not my goldy kids who are clearly the better choice and has helped me against my wife for a thousand years.* I felt so sorry for all of Zeus´s other kids who sees this random demigod walk into their home and get all of their fathers attention, love, and then throne.


The only one with lightning


thats what made my mom and I crack up when watching the series. Zeus doesn't seem to give two fucks about his immortal kids when you compare his behavior towards Heron. Even after his death he is like: *You know... you might be mortal, disliked by a lot of the gods, have little talent, and have no idea about leadership or the godly world, but I think you should have the all-powerful stone and lead Olympus. You, not my goldy kids who are clearly the better choice and has helped me against my wife for a thousand years.* I felt so sorry for all of Zeus´s other kids who sees this random demigod walk into their home and get all of their fathers attention, love, and then throne.


Zeus literally went “Bye Felicia” to Heron’s dead mom lmfao.


Except Zeus never followed his own rules and it’s clear that he couldn’t keep order because of Hera.


Every god is flawed some more than others, zeus was a terrble family member but an amazing warrior, leader, charismatic as fuck and fearless the only god who went to typhon the second he appeared. All their wars were won because of him. He shouldnt have married quite frankly that would have save him alot of trouble


Zues was a horrible farther and husband, but an essential leader to keep the peace


“Everything that happened on Earth was my fault. The demon, the war. None of it wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for me.” -Zeus 


Yep. & in the same breath the world wouldnt BE the world if it wasnt for him either


Yes thank you finally. He was the antagonist of the whole series. He started all the conflicts and embitterment with his family and never does anything to improve things or atone for with his family. All the while his family (mainly his illegitimate children) always either sweep aside his sh@tty behaviors or actively help him do them. Even after he dies his sentencing gets railroaded by emotionally loaded moral appeals that white wash his sins. The whole episode is just a metaphor for the rich elite of society getting better treatment from birth to death all the while the poor literally don’t even get judged because if they can’t afford to pay cheron then they get stuck in tortuous limbo forever by default regardless of their lives. What really rubs me the wrong way was how all of Olympus used deceit and backstabbing to gain power yet at the end of the second season Gaia only gets involved when Hades the only noble god who played fair up until that point finally does it too to win but now it’s “too far” for Gaia? Despite the fact that Gaia was helping Zeus and his chosen child win the throne and therefore absolve and pardon zeus from Tartarus. Its system inequality at its root


I didn't think anyone was defending him. But then again, they all wanted his power so they weren't going to call him on his terrible actions.


Nah, it is pretty accurate to how things are in real like. Zeus was charismatic and likeable. Because of that, people were able to overlook his flaws.


Redditors when a fictional character is actually complex.


People were rude to Hera because she unleashed horrible monstrosities and used them to march against Mount Olympus, intent on death and destruction. Zeus died when such horrible monstrosities escaped her control. She has since repented, but it’s understandable that some of Zeus’s relatives hold a grudge.


The issue is that they don’t hold Zeus accountable for anything 


Zeus was literally judged in the afterlife and sent to the worst possible place he could have gone. What else did you want?


Hades was the only one calling him out. Hera literally embarrassed herself again trying to defend him.


He sacrificed himself to save her, even after she betrayed him and the other Olympians by releasing monsters, then losing control of such monsters. Defending him is obvious for her character.


That doesn’t excuse his flaws that they all ignored in favor of defending him. Again, hades is the only one who was calling out Zeus’s faults. Not even the judges was doing that, which is why Hades had to even step in, in the first  m place. If it wasn’t for hades, Zeus would have been shown favorably, because his flaws were being dismissed as not that serious 


It wasn’t ignored. He was literally sent to Tartarus precisely for those flaws. We’re going in circles. EDIT: I see you are editing your comment above quite substantially based on this response. I’ll provide a new response to your added content while keeping the original response above. Look, Hades played a role in the prosecution of Zeus, while Hera spoke in his defense. The Olympians, all of whom are Zeus’s family, obviously hoped for a good outcome in the trial. The show itself, however, goes to great lengths to recognize Zeus’s failings, including the final sentence — in which the judges send him to Tartarus, where monsters and Titans suffer eternally. I don’t know what you wanted, but Zeus literally could not have been punished more sternly. Nonetheless, the thread is about Hera, and wrap discussion on Zeus here.


To your edit: if it wasn’t for HADES then Zeus would have never been sent because he was being looked at FAVORABLY. It was HADES that Tipped things.  The facg that your argument is that the Olympian’s don’t want to hold Zeus accountable because he’s their family makes no sense.  So the Olympian’s are okay with Zeus’s actions because he’s family?  What about Hera? They’re her family too, but they still hold her responsible for what she did and not once do they defend her. Why is it that they’ll do that for Zeus and not for Hera?? Why are they fine when Zeus makes a mistake, but for some reason they draw the line at Hera


Hades was the one who had to call them out, because everyone was ignoring them. We are going in circles, because you’re not understand that HADES called out those flaws, while EVERYONE ELSE was defending him 


Exactly!! That’s my point


She didn’t do anything Zeus himself didn’t at one time. Zeus repelled against his father’s reign and started a destructive war, then also allied with giants to defeat the other giants. Why does anyone assume anything done in Zeus name is automatically “good” while anything done against him is “bad”. Why, because it’s from the perspective of the establishment that demonizes any kind of changed to their system of power. Zeus is to main instigator in almost every conflict so it’s just logical ti remove him to fix it.


Every member of the Greek pantheon is a massive dick in some capacity. *Apollo* purposefully guided Paris' arrow into the only vulnerable spot of Greece's greatest warrior, Akhilles, who the Pythia stated Greece would lose the Trojan War without. By all accounts, Akhilles was immortal, and Apollo essentially doomed Greece to lose to the Trojans because he felt like it, I guess. Which is befitting of a god who curses people for rejecting him and skins musicians who are better than he is. *Zeus* was a terrible father and woman beater who sired so many children that it's not even funny. He tricked his first wife into having sex with him to avoid a prophecy that foretold his death, after which he murdered her. He was extremely quick tempered and was feared because he was known to destroy the earth in fits of anger. *Hades* presides over the Greek underworld, Tartarus, which obviously entails everything terrible that comes with "managing" the damned souls who died in Greece. He's basically Satan. He also kidnapped Persephone because he thought she was nice looking. *Aphrodite* made people lust after their parents, siblings, and children. She also turned people into serial rapists. She also started the Trojan War, meaning she indirectly killed Akhilles as well. Poor Akhilles, man. The gods just really have it out for Greece's greatest warrior. *Dionysus* drove a father so mad that he murdered his entire family. *Ares* is the god of war. Self explanatory. *Hermes* is a woman beater. *Poseidon* is also a woman beater. The list goes on, and on, and *on.* I don't think that's even half of them. The Greek pantheon is FULL of vain, hot headed, degenerate assholes.


The gods really were a bunch of children in S2 and the “Heron favoritism” was MEH for me.


Yep agree. While Zeus was a good warrior, he caused so much harm with his infedilities (Seraphim was just one of many people)


People (and gods with human personality traits) like stability, Zeus was a strong ruler able to keep the status quo


like yea Zeus kept order in realm and protected everyone but lets be real he was a shitty husband and father


I got annoyed by a lot of the exposition flashback heavy scenes