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You know what's the greatest thing in this panel. Noel literally makes the same comment he did for Isagi to Kaiser in 261


And I love that small moment soo much cuz it shows Noa actually does care even though most of the time it definitely doesn't seem like it.


I wonder if that will serve to create a juxtaposition between Isagi and Kaiser's characters, making us able to see all the more clearly what Isagi does right in the face of adversity, and what Kaiser does wrong, leading him to the path he's been on this entire arc. It could also just be setting up a parallel for Kaiser to overcome this adversity immediately this match. Personally I think that would be way more boring, especially because it would just be a rehash of the second selection Barou moment. Think it would be way more interesting if Kaiser truly had everything taken away from him in this match, but have a slight glimmer of hope, something that would help him understand why he has failed and what led him to the state he is in now, so he can come back all the stronger in the u20 World Cup. Still, I'll make my full judgements once the match has settled


> Think it would be way more interesting if Kaiser truly had everything taken away from him in this match, but have a slight glimmer of hope, something that would help him understand why he has failed and what led him to the state he is in now, so he can come back all the stronger in the u20 World Cup. Here's my issue with the path this manga is going to take, if it goes this route. He'll still lose to Isagi in the U20 cup, despite having "rebounded" in a more impactful way. I don't see the manga allowing Isagi to lose, so that Kaiser can properly become a rival, through proper evolution.


Group stage Germany beats Japan, takes 1st place, only for them to meet in semis/finals? It also makes Japan's road difficult, potentially setting up a rematch with Lorenzo, Charles and the likes.


Maybe. Albeit, my issue stems from shounen itself. The protag winning every *high stakes* battle with no legitimate losses that set them back. Something I fear will happen with this manga as well. My hope would be that Isagi at some point in the U-20 cup, or maybe even later (Champions League/Actual world cup, if the author decides to go that way) gets too careless, or otherwise too egotistical. This causing him to be the main reason whatever team he plays for/Japan ends up losing. Either that, or similar to Mbappe in the WC finals, he scores plenty, but it still isn't enough to beat the other team, far into a tournament. At least then, I would be able to see his victories as more legitimate, because then, just like some of the best football players to grace the sport, he will have experienced loss on a scale that isn't a 1 on 1 rivalry/psychological battle.


Ehh I disagree Blue Lock has had shocking defeats before. I also think Isagi getting to egotistical is outta character maybe it could be done well but i’d need set up. I would just prefer it to be he just loses no big reason because that’s the nature of life. I could see the reality of Japan making it to the finals losing to geremany than win it later but that depends on how long Blue Lock is gonna go on for.


I don't think the protagonist winning every single high stakes confrontation is inherently an issue. It just has to feel *earned* and *rewarding* and all of that relies on prior setup and developments in the story up until that point. So far, that's exactly what I really like about Isagi as a protagonist. He's far from being my favorite character, but one thing this character gets right, is his *progression* throughout the story. It almost always feels incredibly earned and well setup, there's no development that doesn't have some kind of prior setup or reasoning behind it.


I mean if he loses he'll still fullfill his ego by making the impossible possible, that being the magnus shot. Isagi would also fulfill his ego that match by becoming the protag and devouring him to win once more. But I think what would work best, is them getting beat in the group stage to then beat them in the finals or something. Just ranting at this point lol


I think that's a bit of a rigid interpretation of how things are gona go. So far we don't even know if the u20 world cup will be the last arc of the Manga, or if a rebuilt and stronger Kaiser with the German national team will be the last hurdle for Japan to overcome, we just don't know. People could argue its for sure gona be France because Loki is 17 and he can play there, but if the u20 arc doesn't end up being the last arc of the Manga, it's reasonable that he wouldn't play with the u20 France national team considering he's already one of the best players in the world, u20 division or not. I think there's still plenty of routes the story can take, all things considered


I wonder if that will serve to create a juxtaposition between Isagi and Kaiser's characters, making us able to see all the more clearly what Isagi does right in the face of adversity, and what Kaiser does wrong, leading him to the path he's been on this entire arc. It could also just be setting up a parallel for Kaiser to overcome this adversity immediately this match. Personally I think that would be way more boring, especially because it would just be a rehash of the second selection Barou moment. Think it would be way more interesting if Kaiser truly had everything taken away from him in this match, but have a slight glimmer of hope, something that would help him understand why he has failed and what led him to the state he is in now, so he can come back all the stronger in the u20 World Cup. Still, I'll make my full judgements once the match has settled


Someone commented that Kaiser would allow ness to be creative and they can almost have a true chemical reaction but Isagi intercepted it and scored. Personally I'd prefer if Ness instinctively gave the pass to Isagi because Isagi was in a better position than Kaiser and it makes Kaiser truly lose everything even the dog that was supposed to be loyal to him no matter what. This goes back to the glimmer of hope that you were talking about and would make Kaiser have to improve on a whole different level in preparation for the U-20WC .


My personal view I want, is I want Ness to have his ego re-ignite, and to make his best play while having full faith Kaiser will be there...only for Isagi to be there. So basically Ness x Isagi chemical reaction, but specifically with Kaiser failing to live up to Ness's best play, while Isagi does. To Kaiser it will be a betrayal. To Ness, it will also be a betrayal in showing that not only does he not need kaiser - but Kaiser can't match to *his* best so it's not him that's the problem in their team up.


This is perfect, you described my vision for how it would play out better than me.


To be very fair, it’s not like Isagi was trying to get in the way of Kaiser. He only decided to intervene because Rin was about to steal it


The other parallel was Isagi telling Kaiser to prostrate himself, after Kaiser's "Auf die knie, Blue Lock" a.k.a, "bend the knee", when he first appeared just to shoot down Isagi in his first formal appearance


I KNOW like i’m surprised more people aren’t talking abt this one cause this parallel was the best one for me


Can't wait for this game to end so I can read again the whole NEL arc, those parallels are really great, even Noa's comment is similar




All here for the Kaiser fall. Decimate his whole psyche, Isagi.


I don’t believe Kaiser is gonna score at all with Isagi being fully aware of everything.


Is isagi aware of it ?


Based on Chapter 262, hell yes…was kind of obvious that he was in 261 as well.


Kaiser is right now the only relevant rival for the u-20 match. If he completely fails here, there is no character for the reader to fear or hype up during the arc. He's gonna score unless the author reaches Araki levels of writing.


Kaiser is broken and needs to rebuild himself as the God Chosen Emperor. Sure, he’s the best rival for Isagi outside of Blue Lock as both are chasing Noa’s spot. However, idealistically Isagi should fulfill the naked emperor prophecy and give Kaiser the Kira treatment with a hat-trick to the face leaving Kaiser powerless. After that, true defeat would either crush the fragile Kaiser or give him a better foundation ego-wise. A true God Chosen Emperor is better than a fraud…cuz c’mon he’s lukewarm The following arcs won’t be any less exciting as we still have half the New Gen 11 and possibly New Gen 11 caliber players. Kaiser post-absolute defeat to his absolute regime would be more frightening…given time to evolve and harness his adversity to Isagi Imagine a Kaiser who allows his team to be creative after his acknowledges he can’t do it alone. That he isn’t truly a God…that he’s chosen yet not God himself…imagine a German U-20 with a Kaiser that pushes his team to the limits… think dude


Disagree. Its kinda weird that Kaiser is the only character you think will be a rival in the u-20. Plenty of time between end of nel to u-20 to introduce an enemy or two.




I see Kunigami scoring the last goal as he would completed his revenge against kaiser


Kunigami has nothing to do with Kaiser tho.. even so just no.


I meant was Shidou not kaiser actually.


wrong again. Scoring isn’t the way to defeat Shidou as if he does score Shidou would not despair and instead rejoice if Kunigami scored a super goal. The only way to get revenge against Shidou is by ruining his explosions, making Shidou incapable of scoring super goals, shutting him down, and downright man marking him as much as possible. The only way for Kunigami to defeat Shidou is by containing Shidou…but that alone would probably cause Shidou to awaken which would be scarier.




I think this overall was a pretty cool move, after this u can see both options of Kaiser scoring or not in this match being plausible and people won't be upset with either of the outcome


I wholeheartedly believe that Kaiser is going to have a Barou level evolution


Blue lock and the best manga there is


Seeing Isagi not swearing is weird for some reason


its honestly crazy 😹😹😹 karma is real


Make him have a mental breakdown and cause him to hurt himself again Isagi!


Isagi quadrupled his physical abilities in few days which is something almost impossible irl Edit: That is a praise for himsagi I never cared about physics in blue lock


Mfs will allow characters to break physics laws with their trapping, but will draw the line at a guy who started seeing progress in his physical abilities after 40 days of training.


I clearly wrote almost. I m not hating him. I am actually praising him for achieving this level in just few days


When did he break the laws of physics? It's just that his plays require really good skill and flexibility. They never broke the physics of the world.


That is just really really flexible body, I understand that. Maybe that is why they are players and we aren't...


Exactly. A lot of talented players like Ronaldinho, Bergkamp and Zidane were able to do stuff like nagi does.




I don't get it why would I cope? I don't care about soccer now... my days are gone


Replied to the wrong comment 😭


Phewww.... I thought i hurt your sentiment somehow, which I don't want to without any reason


That’s not only applied to isagi it’s dumb for all the charcters including isagi but they had to buff them to make up for how op they made the ng11s seem


Well they all worked really hard to get that level... but Isagi had done the most, you can see the contrast btw Barcha and now PXG


Not really no, they all worked just as hard if not harder, isagi didn’t improve physically the most he just has more talent as well, he’s a combination of talent and effort, there are other guys who work just as hard but they just don’t have the natural iq.


Yea that could be the case too. 


Himsagi at it again, we might see another Barou 2.0 moment awakening from Kaiser. I’m still praying Isagi gets his first hat trick though🙏


The difference is that Barou scoring in that game had no negative consequences. Here Kaiser scoring could have huge consequences. It could decide the bidding and the bidding could change everything. The U-20 Japan team will probably be built around whoever is number 1. So if Rin is number 1, players like Hiori wont be starters and Isagi won't get to play as a striker again.


>we might see another Barou 2.0 moment awakening from Kaiser I hope not. Kaiser's issues seem to run deeper than just his flawed approach towards the game. And even if fixes those issues, I dont see how that'd help him perfect his new shot. Not an Isagi hattrick believer btw. Just want to see a believable development for Kaiser.


Many athletes explained that a strong mindset and believing in their abilities are the biggest strengh to play at their full potential, so it's not that weird that by changing his behaviour he could score, even more when Kaiser is the extreme case of talent and no mental