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Listen, for every adult that thinks your hobby is cool there are going to be ten more who act like thinking dolls are creepy is top comedy or a personality trait. I don’t know any doll collectors in real life. I have told a few people, but I don’t lead with it. I really don’t care to hear “Aren’t you afraid they’re going to come to life when you go to sleep?” ever again in my life. That said, yes my entire family of in-laws know about my dolls.


Oh gosh yes, the few people that know I love Blythes always say “What if they murder you in your sleep?” like it is the funniest thing ever. Ugh! I am fortunate that my SIL loves dolls too, so at least I have one in law on my side.


tbh I think Blythes are the perfect doll for people who worry about that. They’re way too top-heavy to sneak around and murder you without falling over and making a bunch of noise.


That’s such a good point omg Imagine being some evil entity trapped in a Blythe doll and all you can do without falling over is maybe move your arms and blink menacingly


i could never imagine blythes to be the type of doll to murder someone in their sleep haha - blythes are just so elegant and delicate! i imagine if blythes came to life and did anything it would be something sweet and simple like brushing their hair or having tea parties or something


Also, when people say dolls would come alive and harm people, I wonder how they treat their dolls (or past toys as a child)? I treat my Blythes like princesses so I can’t imagine them wanting to harm anyone.👸🏻


hahaha i love dolls very dearly but i've gotta be honest i can see where they're coming from - i had an american girl doll that i ADORED as a kid, would dress up in matching outfits, tuck her into her doll bed next to mine, etc until one day i watched a goosebumps episode where an evil american girl-style doll came to life and it immediately terrified me and i've been afraid of american girls ever since even though i know it's silly/irrational 😅 however, blythes imo have always been delicate, pretty, gentle etc dolls and the people who collect them are all very dedicated to them and treat them well, so i can't see a blythe being harmful either!! they're just so tiny and cute 🥺


Oh gosh, don’t even get me started on the Goosebumps episodes on dolls and toys! The one about the puppet scarred me in particular. But my Blythe girls definitely seem delicate and sweet too. I think some people look at big eyes on a doll and immediately think that is creepy.


>Aren't you afraid they're going to come to life when you go to sleep? ... no? That's so dumb the thought would never even cross my mind.


I try to remind myself that it's like "How's the weather down there?" to short people or like "So when are you having kids?" at family reunions. These are just uncomfortable extroverted people trying to make small talk or jokes with 0 material to go on. But yeah, as an autistic person, saying anything this trite would make me want to skin myself alive. Which is its own brand of awkward and uncomfortable.


Omg I would have never said something like that when I was younger. My masking constantly filters a lot of me, but learning to let the mask slip to be snarky when appropriate is something I've fortunately developed a bit. The weather down here? Kinda shit being so near your ass.


I have the perfect story for you. It's totally off topic, but you will love it. I used to work at this place with a big big break room that had a bunch of high-tech vending machines, tables to eat lunch at, coffee machines, etc. Anyway, any time someone would use the coin machine to convert their dollars to quarters, the coins would hit the metal tray and someone eating lunch, WITHOUT FAIL, would say "Jackpot!" So one day I exchanged $10 for quarters, and Alex was sitting at the table having lunch, and the coins hit the tray, and he said "JACKPOT!" And I scooped up my coins, and I said to him, "You know what? If I had a quarter for every time I heard that joke, I WOULDN'T NEED THIS COIN MACHINE!!! https://preview.redd.it/pl9bz9xn0s7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16fe0a0b57b77c6fd2b1029eb1f4b42996a4d28d


Omg. 😂 And the picture! That's quick wit honestly. Love it. LOVE IT! Was Alex embarrassed or amused?


I don't know, but I got my quarters from the bank after that.


i think it's easier to tell people about if you do something crafty or have a business related to them, like making and selling clothes or miniatures. they seem to be more open to it if you're making money off of it.


It is so funny you say that, because apparently my in laws first comment was “Wow, she could probably start selling those!” They are always business minded I guess😅


That’s what my family keep asking. My aunt wants a price list, because she is sure she knows people who would buy them. I really struggle with self confidence (late diagnosis of ADHD), so I keep making excuses that they are not ready to sell. I have done a couple for friends as cost price, because I said I am still practising.


I totally get this, I am new to customizing and feel like I would have to customize for years before I felt I could sell them! Plus, I am hesitant to monetize the hobby because I can’t imagine parting with any of my girls😭


I also see some of the dodgiest customs for sale at ridiculous prices, that really cheapens the craft & is disrespectful to true artists. My strongest skill is probably making the clothes, as I’m a costume designer and seamstress, so I might just customise a lot of dolls to use as models, until I feel like I have really nailed the face carving. I am hoping this will be a side hustle when I retire in a few years. ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/ga11f3sv408d1.png?width=2047&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3389841a6db317069ed77663e3379f8d99517be


Wow, that is awesome!!! Custom Blythe clothes are definitely big on Etsy, I really admire the skill it takes to make such tiny beautiful garments


I will say that I like it when my cat and I “play dollies” so I do not keep it secret from her, she is complicit in my collecting hobby. She loves it when we get a new shipment from AliExpress because there’s crinkly paper and itty-bitty items of clothing to bat around. She also likes one of the doll’s hair.


I have three cats, and they are all too mischievous to be around my precious custom dolls. I should start letting them play with all the AlieExpress boxes though, LOL!


I’m pretty open about the things I’m into. I love dolls. If someone thinks that’s weird then we probably wouldn’t get along 🤷‍♀️ I’d rather be honest about who I am, life is too short to care!


I usually am like this, but in laws are scary!!!😂


I'm 28, and so far only my partner (same age) and my mom know about my dolls. Both of them think my dolls are very cute and like to hold them! Before I started collecting dolls, I already had extensive plushie and figurine collections which both my parents, my partner, and my in-laws have seen and no one has judged me for. In fact, my dad and my partner still contribute to my plushie collection! I have not yet encountered a social situation where my dolls in particular were in question. If that time comes, I will not be hiding them away! I am confident in myself and my hobbies outside of work. Hobbies are personal. They are something we choose to do for ourselves and our happiness instead of something we must do like work. I'm not worried about impressing others with my hobbies as those are just for me. If someone has something negative to say about my dolls or anything else I enjoy as a hobby, I would tell them to find a hobby for themselves!


I like your attitude, that hobbies are personal. No one has judged me so far for liking the dolls, but I can tell some people do find it a bit odd. But we all have our own sort of weird, right?🤣


Exactly! I'm sure it is surprising to some to be interested in dolls as an adult, and to them I would ask what hobby is one expected to have instead? How is it any different from collecting something like pieces of art or designer accessories and decor? There are so many things and activities out there to learn about and engage in, it is more weird to not like anything at all!


We all need to have a creative outlet. It keeps us young💗


Agreed 😌


I don’t tell anyone.


I told a guy I was newly seeing and his eyes got wide, but then I showed him some before and afters, and he was like “damn, that’s actually badass as fuck”


Haha yes, my partner thinks it is the coolest thing, which is why he has been sharing my Blythe love with everyone despite my shyness😂


I’m open about it. My Facebook/insta profile pic has been one of my dolls for years, and I also post about them. I stopped caring what people think a long time ago, I don’t have time to feel embarrassed about things that bring me joy 😊


Usually I don’t get too embarrassed, but when it comes to my in laws, I feel like everything embarrasses me!🫣 But my partner did remind me that my in laws have an extensive collection of nutcrackers, so I guess that isn’t too different from dolls LOL


Yes, I’m open about my Blythe and miniature collection. I’m proud of it! If men can be proud of their train/lego/action figure/toy collection, then I can be too!


Good point! My partner gets to show off his DND minis each week at a game store, so who is to say my custom dolls aren’t deserving of the same spotlight?


Exactly!! If guys can show off their wall of big-head big-eyed Funko pops, I can show off my big-head big-eyed dolls.


The “aren’t you scared they’ll come to life?” comments are so funny to me because as a kid I frequently had very vivid horrific dreams about a porcelain doll I had, and customized blythes actually got rid of that phobia. For some reason, I just trust them. I look into their creepy big eyes and know there is not an ounce of malice in their little plastic hearts and I now sleep soundly with one on my nightstand who stares at me while I sleep. Wishing that kind of character development for all the unsupportive friends and rude family members out there ❤️


I trust them too! They have sweet and curious eyes, that are creepy in the most beautiful endearing way. Like little doll guardian angels🩷


Exactly! Being creepy is part of their charm. I want to spoil and protect those little weirdos.


I am glad someone else loves the creepy cute😂🩷


I keep it a secret. I find most ppl have negative reactions or at the very least it taints the way people see you as they will unconsciously label you as being strange. I know ppl say “just be yourself, who cares what others say!” But I do find that ppl knowing makes social interactions a bit more difficult and diffrent. Just for ease of life it’s easier for me to not bring it up. As much as Blythe has been part of my life for 2 decades, I am also more than my hobby. So I just talk about other things with ppl.


I totally get this! Some people can be so opinionated, it can just make sense to not divulge our Blythe hobbies 😅


I'm not even an adult and i still hid it. Teenagers ars judgy😭


I don’t but I’ve also done well at establishing myself as a creative odd person and I do not care about what people think about my hobbies. But I completely understand peoples fears about sharing a hobby. But I’m blessed to be surrounded by artists, doll enthusiasts, and creative types who understand.


Well, sorta. Currently the Blythe gang is sitting on my fireplace mantle so the next time someone comes to visit I guess they will see the Blythes.


My Blythes (and other figurines) are hiding in my office, so they are easily locked away🤫


It’s okay for me. Even my co-workers know! I don’t care really, it’s my money, and it’s my doll!


My personal philosophy is the expression “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”, if someone has a problem with one of my hobbies they’re not for me hehe 😉


I love that! Never heard that expression before but I am glad I did :)


No, they’re on display. Plus I think they’re super cool, so I can’t see any reason to be embarrassed. I’m living the dream lol


Haha, they are definitely expensive enough to be considered priceless art on display 😂


I try not to openly talk about it in certain circles because it has happened several times that some people sexualize it??? Like, I've been asked if I'm a little?? Or if I enjoy changing my doll's panties??? Disgusting.


OMG, ew! So gross that people do that. That is one of my fears - that “childish” hobbies will have people think I am trying to seem like a kid for some weird reason. I just like dolls though🤷🏻‍♀️


This type of thing has happened to me too. My dolls are completely asexual, even the ones in romantic relationships are not getting the Team America treatment, who is the weirdo now? It's just beyond.


I’ll tell anyone I am a doll collector/customizer and will talk at length to strangers about my dolls if they are curious and want to engage. I don’t worry about or care about what other people think… it’s a waste of energy.


Nope, people in my life already know. The only person who’s openly rude about it is my sister but she’s a judgmental person as it is and no one really likes her. I’m sure there are other friends and family who think my hobby is strange but I couldn’t care less.


I don't mention it in a job interview, but that is kind of the only exception 😂 I'm actually fine telling anyone. If I expect people to not understand I usually say "I know it's a bit weird but I enjoy it, so yeah."


I don't keep it a secret but I also don't talk about it to very many people. I'm so excited that this subreddit is getting more traffic!


Adult collectors buy about 25% of all toys [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/19/kidults-biggest-sales-driver-toy-industry.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/19/kidults-biggest-sales-driver-toy-industry.html) Adults buy more toys for themselves than any age group of kids [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html) There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Adult toy collecting is common.


Woah, what a cool stat! I did not know the percentage was THAT high😳 glad to see I am not alone then :)


It really is! So, I've been taking dolls out and around with me for 20 years. I have never had a bad interaction with total strangers, and while my family can tease me lightly for my weirdness, I mean, that's what family does. I think the thing that works for me is I never act like I'm doing something shady w/ my dolls. I act like I'm having a blast and don't care who sees me having a blast. I've had lots of people come up and ask me about my dolls because they like them. Zero issues. I've done a LOT of weird stuff with my dolls. I've brought a doll into the Smithstonian with a tiny crowbar and mallet and the security guard that had to search my bag and had a lot of questions but the last one was where can he get one for his granddaughter.


https://preview.redd.it/ujxc75mxir7d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa7b9babb1a374e6687567b9ee59c598610b6ec This is from a photoshoot I did at the gem museum staging it like my dolls were trying to rob the place. The thing in the display is the Hope Diamond.


I love this!!! I have been seeing bags with a clear front for showing off your Blythe, I’d love to get one once I feel comfortable being more open about my dolls. Id love to take my dolls out in the world more!!!


If a conversation leads to it being relevant to mention, I don't have any shame mentioning it. Which is interesting, because I'm a pretty reserved person. I don't reveal a lot about myself irl. Maybe it's because I have a very diverse, in-person friend group that have no shame in it. And I wouldn't know how to sew or do embroidery if it weren't for dolls. Useful skills right there. Another thing is taking dolls out in public for photos. Most people don't even pay attention. The ones that do notice barely even pay attention. And the ones that do remark are actually pretty positive. The ones who act all freaked out get a weird look from me because chill. It's a doll. Plus, they think I'm weird so I imagine it might feel a little insulting for them to be judged by me lol.


I’d love to work up to the confidence level of taking my dolls out for photos. I love seeing all the outdoor Blythes on this reddit!


I think having a partner that's encouraging of the hobby is a great start! Finding a quiet, low traffic area is the next step to help get you out there. I had a friend die 2 years ago. Hearing that her mail carrier will miss the doll setups in the window gave a different perspective. Life is short and it can end suddenly, so why not take the doll out for 10 minutes and snap some pictures while you can?


I am so sorry for your loss! I definitely think I will try to get some outside pictures with my next custom (once I finally have time to finish her).


My family and close friends know. When I was younger, I wanted to hide it from everyone, but now it's not a secret anymore. It just doesn't come up often!


Right, I was confused what sort of conversation was being had where my partner could mention dolls to my in laws😂 I can’t imagine someone would just randomly mention Blythes outside of this forum!


Only my husband and my mom support my hobby. And that's enough for me. My non-dolly friends and relatives find it weird or childish 🤭. I don't care 🤷🏻‍♀️