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the biggest takeaway from this episode for me was the message "bojack kills" scrawled on the wall. obviously it's referring to the heroin (which foreshadows sarah lynn's death), but it also echoes what bojack thinks of himself, as well as how his actions affect others throughout the rest of the show. it's a quick, easy and effective image to convey the theme of bojack being "poison" to those around him (got kelsey fired, helped todd lose his rock opera, exacerbated marriage problems between diane and mr. pb, weighed down princess carolyn's career, choked gina, left penny with psychological damage, tried to break up charlotte's marriage, lured sarah lynn out of sobriety and waited those infamous seventeen minutes to call paramedics. .. the list goes on and on).


To add, if Bojack had let go of his past mistakes in s3, he would have never wound up showing up at Penny’s college on a bender with Sarah Lynn. If he let go of his ego, the fact that he was digitally replaced in Secretariat, the fact that he got Kelsey fired, they would have been at the awards. Sarah Lynn would have won an Oscar. Penny would have been able to continue healing, rather than feeling like she should talk to the press.


That is all also true if the Secretariat movie did not get butchered in the first place. Kelsey would not get fired, Bojack would get to finish the movie and not spiral, killing his relationship with Wanda, he never goes to NM in the first place. Can always select a decision and it undoes most of a shows problems.


As far as the episode goes, it's basically Bojack and Diane trying to solve an apparent murder mystery, only to end up being mostly nothing. No one is out to get Bojack, the death was an accident, Goober just called the heroin Bojack because it's a common name for a horse, and Cuddlywhiskers is still alive. It's basically them trying to search for meaning, only to find none


And Diane spends the whole episode not listening to PB. Despite how he is the one that "never listens"


Season 3's motif is described by running. Bojack is running towards an Oscar, he's running from his past of Horsin Around and the failed attempt of the Bojack Horseman Show, and he's running from his perception of himself being a failure. Even in the pilot of the season we see him in his NYC hotel room with a painting of running wild horses above his bed. Guess how the season ends? With him watching the same running wild horses scene but in real life after he runs away. Cuddlywhiskers ran away too. I agree with his philosophy of giving up attachments, but I don't always agree with how he acheived his philosophy. I don't think that it's possible for us to remain completely detached from the world and to run away from all of our problems. It's also a privileged thing to do. He is living in a cushiony secluded location with all of his needs met. We all imagine this would be a great life to live, and many philosophies state that in order to be happy you must get rid of attachment to things that cause suffering. However, it's not realistic for the vast majority of us. So we have to figure out other ways to give up everything in order to be happy. I agree that Diane's and Bojack's attachments to their vices make them unhappy. They're trying to run from their attachments but it ultimately leads them back to it. Diane can try to run away from her marriage problems and Bojack, but ultimately it's not Bojack that makes her unhappy this season. Bojack tries to run from his past, but it's not his past he can run away from, "it's you". I think this is an important episode for the season because Cuddlywhiskers is here to foil the main character's perception of themselves and what they're running from. Ultimately, each character did have to give up their attachments in the end of the series and it led to them being happier. That's my confusing two cents on this episode.


The cuddlywiskers thing was dumb. Just notify someone that is it. Douchebag move to just go incommunicado