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Bojack walking in on Hollyhock flipping the TV channels as fast as she can and sorting change she found in the couch was supposed to be the sign that Hollyhock is on something.


yes!!! i noticed this after multiple rewatches. on my first watch i thought it was supposed to point to her being overly anxious about miles not texting her and trying to distract herself, but rewatching later made it click.


I definitely think it was supposed to be a little bit of both, but when I rewatched it for like the third time while knowing she was taking the amphetamines, it made a lot of sense.


Yeah I thought she was developing an eating disorder and was distracting herself from food.


Same here! I really liked that I originally thought it was the more mundane stuff making her nervous (miles, possibly meeting her mother, etc.). I'm not sure if it was intentional or coincidental, but this happens so often in real life as well, when people are dealing with serious pressing matters (like addiction) and when you look back all the signs were there, but you wrote them off as symptoms of more normal problems.


That's a really good catch. I think I missed this little tidbit when I watched it. 


It hurts so much on rewatch, because in retrospect you CAN see the signs. It feels a little cheap that it comes out of nowhere, but in reality the signs were subtle. They always are.


Doesn't she also say something about counting her teeth? I feel like on rewatch, they left a few hints like that, but before you know they can be conflated with nervous teenaged girl.


I forgot about the teeth! It's been a while since my last rewatch, there are probably more that I missed. They're definitely framed as just Hollyhock being weird, especially with the way Bojack brushes it all off.


You can also see her slowly getting a bit smaller.


When she stands up before she passes out in BJ's bathroom, she has to hold her jeans up cos they don't fit anymore.


Yes! She also refuses to get dinner w him a few times like when he asks to get pizza, that’s the first time i noticed it upon a rewatch.


i never noticed that!!


god the whole philbert arc was a fucking masterpiece, with how bj was forgetting what was scripted and what wasn’t because of his addiction to the pills…one of my favorite pieces of the whole series.


There are signs that Hollyhock is being drugged, and upon rewatching she is obviously losing weight while staying in LA. The coffee's prominence becomes painfully obvious too.


agreed. something was subtly off, which made it more so realistic.


it's also referenced in that season's opening credits scene, where bojack takes a sip from a mug and the background blows up into a kaleidoscope. you think nothing of it until after the overdose is explained, and then it clicks.


i never noticed that, and i’ve lost count of how many times i’ve watched this show at this point. well now i have to go check out season 4’s opening theme right this second edit: it’s so crazy that in every other season before s6, after bojack sips from the mug it just transitions into his day-to-day life at the time, but in season 4 there’s that kaleidoscope sequence. i never picked up on what it means before, but it’s such a subtle hint at hollyhock’s coffee being drugged… the whole time i thought it was just there to show that bojack’s an addict, but if that were the case it would’ve been there in every other season. damn!!


The TV and counting coins, too. Brush off on first watch, “OH!” on rewatch!


hollyhock's drugging was super subtle, I feel like they wanted it to be as much of a shock to us as it was to bojack. if you pay close attention, you can see her jeans and shirt start to loosen, and she grabs them when she stands up before she passes out.


I think Judahs affection for PC was so beautiful on rewatch. I love that he was so respectful yet very obviously going above and beyond to make her life easier, and even accepted when she let him go. She's surrounded by people who use her and make her to things she doesn't necessarily want to do. But Judah was happy to be the PC for PC and their ending made for a range of emotions during some of the hardest episodes.


Maybe because I was already aware of the coffee, all the signs were obvious for Hollyhock. However, I did not notice BoJack pill popping until his mom’s funeral.


I thought his pill addiction started after he fell off the roof trying to Eddie to fly in Michigan.


No Eddie just tried to kill him then he saved Eddie from drowning and left the house. No pills


But he hurt his back from falling on the gazebo. That was the beginning of his pill use for his back pain. It was addressing the opioid crisis.


Pretty sure it started when he drove the motorcycle off the roof, rewatching the show rn and that’s when it starts


Their choice to have the initial accident and prescription happen through phone calls to PC from Diane, Todd, and Bojack while she's trying to get to know Sadie in NC really drives this home. We're physically distanced from it and it becomes a background bit. This is such an incredible show!!


Into what?


Into []


What does that little emoticon mean?


It doesn’t have a meaning, it was there to avoid spoiler (acting like a censorship) Looking back on it, I should have just used three dots (…). It was 2 am and I was really tired (and a bit tipsy) I also am now realising that the title doesn’t exactly mean what I meant, oh well. Nothing I can do now.


All good. I’m picking up what you’re putting down.


Nice, have a great day!