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The show is over and everything is worse now... even to understand that reference from season 5 is hella worth it! Yes, it's bittersweet that it ends, but you can always rewatch it - that's what I'm currently doing after some years since the finale. You will be better for it I promise you. Bojack saved my life many times over and the last season is sooooo beautiful.


Ironically when they understand that reference's context, they'll understand that it doesn't have the same meaning when you use it for something you *love* being over.


It's over whether you finish it or not, so why not just see where the journey takes you?


this is a very good perspective.


As somebody who recently did, do it, you won't regret it in the slightest.


There’s always more show until there isn’t


Nothing's certain but the curtain.


definitely. season 5 and 6 r hella impactful, would rlly recommend


Do it.


This is also the type of show you can rewatch and still be completely transfixed tbh (me on my 9th watch through 💀)


Don’t let others scare you from finishing such a great series


The show stopper is probably my 2nd favorite episode, right under the view from halfway down.


If you need a happy ending to enjoy a show then stop now. If you like stories that teach you something and make you appreciate your own life more, then finish.


“Everything feels so much worse” That would depend on you. For me it was super comforting knowing I wasn’t the only one who’s childhood has impact to this day. Feeling I wasn’t the only one was a big step in the process of reaching out for mental help But if you watch it as a funny adult cartoon then yeah it’s just pain


i rewatched it and still do, im on like rewatch 8 now


It's so worth it


It’s okay if you take a bit to finish it


I don't think I've heard anyone say they've regret seeing it to the end. Some people don't like the show but those don't see it through to the end as far as I've heard.


I implore you to finish it because although there is little resolution for Bojack, there is plenty for almost every other character. You will see exponential growth in Diane, PC, Mr. Peanutbutter, and Todd. They will change for the better and their lives will turn around. Although Bojack's own ending will be unresolved and open to interpretation, you will still get the opportunity to at least watch the other characters prosper. I will warn you though that it will get much darker. As the seasons progress it might take a mental toll on you and make you feel drained. However there is plenty of meaning behind every episode and if you are able to, try to watch it objectively and view the show as an art piece that draws from real life. Appreciate the creativity, realism, and comedy as you would do with a sad poem, or a song about grief. The final few episodes will be the darkest of the entire show. I urge you to watch the second last episode "The View From Halfway Down" with caution since many fans have expressed either experiencing some form of positive awakening or being triggered into a downward spiral after the episode. Please take as many mental health breaks between heavy episodes and make sure you are well and sound when watching especially the final season. I know it may seem like its not worth continuing the show, but I think the resolution it offers at the end is essential for anyone who has advanced into the seasons as long as you have. It may not be satisfying, but it will provide good closure for you, since you are fairly deep into the show. My opinions are just mine though, and if you feel you are not reacting well to the show, leave it behind and come back to it in the future when your mental state and your physical life is in a comfortable place, when you can no longer relate so deeply to the characters, you are able to watch it as an artistic form of entertainment without drawing too much correlation between yourself and the characters.


This show is amazing. At least watch season 5, it's great.


Absolutely. Season 4 and 6 are my favourite parts of the show. Free churro and the showstopper are also really good episodes you shouldn’t miss. watched the show first when the part B of the finale first came out, and the worst part was that it ended. You could always rewatch the show once you’re finished and each time I still notice something new


I love that we're both in the bojack horseman subreddit, and the walking dead by telltale subredit. I keep running into your comments in both subreddits, for a while now. I just thought that was cool.


Ayy that’s neat, I’m glad you have good taste in media


Right back at u




yes, definitely, my state, personally, hasn't decreased as i finished watching the show, there was a little hollow inside, tho, i think that was because i always get attached to what i'm watching, especially in case if a show is a long-term one


my first watch of this show was when season 1 released, and faithfully every season after. i think this is how a lot of people saw bojack, and that feeling comes from growing with something that eventually has, and does, end.


Not if you want to like Bojack


It’s one of the best shows and it has an amazing climax. Worth it!


Keep going!


I won't tell you what to do but im glad i finished it. i loved this series and it comforted me in lots of ways where i felt lonely and unseen within myself and my life experiences. It let me know i was not unique and therefore not alone. I rewatch the series about once a year.


Definitely finish it while you're still interested, the pay off is huge


I say finish it. It's gold, and I personally don't feel like my life is worse for having watched it, if anything my life is better.


No matter how brutal it may be it's totally worth it.


U can still watch it I watch it everynight


If you're enjoying it now, continue to watch it. If you're not, you don't have to watch it. Come to your own conclusion instead of relying on what others think, as there's a lot of positives to be said about the show, especially those last few seasons. They really experiment with storytelling and character development in creative ways and it's worth a watch, personally.


I personally felt like it made my life better. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I don’t think I would’ve gotten my shit together without it.


That's silly.


I watched the entire series front to back like 3x now I think. (What’s wrong with me you might ask? Lots of things !) In short , I’m really glad to exist with a show like this out there, it’s just that good. Finish those seasons , cheers 🍻


It ends exactly how it should, and I say that as someone who is also sad it ended exactly how it did. >!I am a middle-aged man and that Mister Blue ending will never ever not make me tear up.!<


Please finish this show. To stop on season 3 would be a tragedy


Finish the show, and then rewatch it in reverse order with the colors of your screen inverted. (Or find other dumbass ways of having fun)


It’s a show that gets better with rewatches, lucky for those of us that binge 


you can't even ask this here without getting a resounding yes, buddy. strap in and go finish it.


What good is a show if you don't watch it? It's like saying, "It's a beautiful day outside today, I better stay inside because once I'm too hot, I'll have to go inside anyway,"


I wouldn't. I stopped halfway though season 5.