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IMO BoJack is not more responsible for that than herself and her mother who forced her into show career Edit: I’m meant not becoming an architect. He’s quite responsible for ruining her life overall though, even though it’s still her fault


He literally left her after she OD’ed instead of calling an ambulance.


They had a toxic relationship only (former) drug addicts can understand. Yes, if Bojack called an ambulance she would have survived the planetarium. But she’d live to overdose another day Bojack is the Franz Ferdinand of Sarah-Lynn’s ruin. It was just the coupe de grace but denying the influence of the underlying factors is straight stupid


Happy Cake Day!


I meant exactly her not becoming an architect btw. But I get it, I should’ve specified


BoJack isn't responsible for ruining Sarah Lynn's life. He certainly falls below the step farther that abused her, the mother that effectively pimped her out and the woman herself for taking zero responsibility for her own actions. I'll be honest, I struggle to get sad over the "I want to be an architect thing". She died at 31 having taken zero positives steps towards becoming an architect. It was a pipe dream. You may as well get sad over me never becoming an astronaut or a racing driver.


I always took it as more “I should have been an architect” Sarah Lynn had a lot of issues taking responsibility for her own life, but also, her early life was essentially put on rails by her mom to profit off her talent. She didn’t get to explore her own interests. She was in love with the idea of being an architect, but she could never live a normal life because she’s so incredibly famous. Imagine if Taylor Swift was in your intro to biology class. I think the whole thing is just a fantasy about having had normal person autonomy. She wanted it (in theory), but knew it would never actually work. Personally, I always related somewhat to Sarah Lynn somewhat, in the sense that I feel like my parents groomed me for my career (medicine) for their own benefit. Diverting from a path when you’re already so financially successful and people are invested, is seen as wasting potential. I imagine this is 100x worse for celebrities in their social circles.


>You may as well get sad over me never becoming an astronaut or a racing driver. Well I wouldn't say I'm sad about it... just disappointed


Bojack didn't ruin Sarah Lynn's life, her mother did. Her life was already shit when she got cast on Horsin Around, well before Bojack was her co-star or had a real impact on her. Absolutely nothing anyone she met later in life could have done would change things for her. When she was a child it was her mother's fault, but when she grew up she needed to take control of her life (not judging her btw, she had no idea how by that point!). Every single person around her enabled her, not just Bojack. He couldn't have been the role model she needed, and it's not his fault that they were BOTH broken people whose parents destroyed their chances at a normal life. He couldn't have been the sole influence who led her to being an architect, that would have been something only SHE could give herself.


[Reminder to support the artist.](https://www.instagram.com/marigrin.art/)


Yeah, did they really need to use someone's art for this without crediting them?


This happens all the time on this sub and it's almost always Sarah Lynn art for some reason. That one VHS-quality pic of adult Sarah Lynn seeing her younger self has probably been posted here like twenty times. I wish the mods took care of stuff like that.




Yeah he definitely didn’t help but he didn’t kill her by any means, nor was he RESPONSIBLE for her. Sarah Lynn was in her 30’s and was emotionally stunted, she didn’t respect Bojack, herself, or anyone else for that matter. She had a lot of work to do and with abusive parents raising a narcissist. You can’t really throw the entire weight of the death and unfulfilled potential on Bojack.


george costanza????


>!Bojack is responsible for killing her.!< He is responsible for not being a good role model and disrespecting her overall health. She is responsible for her actions. As a recovering addict you have to fight the battle every day regardless of the temptations around you. >!Her mother is responsible for pushing her past her breaking point and neglecting her wishes. Sarah Lynn is responsible for not pushing back and making the decisions she ultimately made. Bojack is responsible for being her devil on her shoulder and ultimately leaving her to die.!<


Bojack apologist bait ass post.