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i think this was a great criticism of Hollywood. lots of people are just relegated to the worst jobs on set and are told they are "giving up on their dream" if they quit so it just ends up being this endless spiral of wanting to be bigger but also hating the industry at the same time. leaving LA was by far one of the smartest things she did


cue the assistants who all hate the indignity of being an assistant but instantly cave when offered their own assistant


How could the assistants turn down the chance to be treated as recycling? It's right next to the garbage, but slightly better! :D


Don't forget Flips whole thing about "they'll see that a woman wrote on the show and go "huh, not sexist"" A lot of roles in Hollywood are psuedo roles that don't actually mean anything just to make whatever production se more important, or more influential, or more diverse. Plenty of people think they're getting their dream role or an "in" to their industry just to be a placeholder for people who have already made it.


and when she writes the submarine scene, he takes full credit.


This is a great point, and also a note on why she and Guy work out - because they collaborate together and agree on the work as partners!


This is so true! He listens to her and trusts her ideas. They have a good dialogue when he disagrees


And PB also didn't take Diane seriously many times, either.


I hate Flip so much when she writes the submarine scene for him.


Genuinely tysm for posting this take. I've seen (and participated in) a lot of discourse about how BoJack was treated more leniently than he deserved. Very few times have I seen people actually commenting on how his privilege has to come from somewhere- oppressing/passively supporting the oppression of people like Diane, who experiences discrimination at the intersection of her race AND gender. It always has felt like we're only discussing the half of the problem that concerns the oppressors, not the oppressed. I guess for myself, after a while that quiet half just turned into a feeling of unease, and I lost the connection to the real problem.


Because she doesn’t have that gregarious personality with the rapier’s wit that you generally see from the types of people who survive that meat grinding industry. Diane is easily bullied and allows herself to be treated that way. We learned this from the way her brothers and parents treated her.


INT SUB litteraly has flip saying "this is amazing how did you come up with it" to Diane


That was only to highlight that Diane had taken it from Bojack's tape recording, though. He never actually credits her for having written that.


Is she ever hired to be on set by anyone she isn't married to or friends with? She might deserve these gigs but she's not getting hired for these jobs based on merit.


PC is her agent and it's PC's job to find Diane's jobs.


When does PC become her agent?


When does PC become her agent?


She also almost died on a set in Viet Nam. She even gets disrespected by studio lights!