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[Ark Nova $46.06](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09L6FCP9S/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_d_p0_e0_qd2_KVst9cCkahJbnTkZBs4b) [Meadow $23.99](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093QHC8RR/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_d_p0_e0_qd4_Yd4D0xC6XDFn9fKnZ0GJ) [King's Dilemma $34.99](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V5THHK6/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_d_p0_e0_qd7_hG8gQC0ksgY7TbxjYiJN) [Concordia $34.53](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFDSQP6/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_d_p0_e0_qd8_hMpwk695sctaWDRcsLCp)


Concordia for $34 is amazing! Been waiting for ages to scoop it up


What gets Concordia to your table over other games? (I have seen the title for years, but never had the chance to play it)


If your group likes euros with a lot of interactivity and a race element, you'd likely enjoy it. It's rules light but strategy heavy, and plays relatively quickly. My group loved it back when we played more euros. The only part I am not a huge fan of is the point-salad scoring. Every card bought will give end-game points based on some criteria, often where your houses have been established on the board or the goods they produce. It's not too horrible as buying cards that fit your strategy is a big part of the game, it's just that point-salads like this makes scoring not as clear-cut as other games. But I still love the title enough I built it a foamcore insert and blinged it out with upgraded goods and metal coins.


FWIW, that's the part I like. If you're going for, say, a Saturn-heavy strategy, and someone grabs the Saturn card that you *really* wanted to snap up because you were sure it would put you over the top, I find it adds a lot of tension. The fact that the cards you need to do actions are the same ones that get you your points are such a cool notion.


It's just a classic euro game. I love the action selection with cards. It's got almost a race type feel for building cities and selling resources. Just a lot of fun for me.


Ark nova is a steal at that price


How heavy is ark nova?


On the heavier side, you definitely need a few games to fully understand the strategy. But if you've played something like Teraforming Mars i don't think its much heavier. I just checked bgg and had ark nova at 3.7ish weight and TM at 3.2ish


I hate the art...but at that price I'm finding it so hard to resist!!!


The art is very meh, but it's my favorite heavy game.


😨 i can't get past the art.


The art, if you can call it that, is indeed horrible. The box art is laughably bad and the graphic design on the cards is god awful and the stock photos of humans are embarrassing. And the game is so good, I'm able to look past it!


Your tastes are obviously valid, but can you explain what's wrong with it? For a game like Terraforming Mars, I get it because the cards all have mismatched art that they were pulled out of cheap textbooks. But the cards in ark nova literally just have pictures of animals. I guess you could call that lazy, but i don't see how it's "ugly".


Just feels like I'm looking at a hunch of stock photos...I hate it!!!. There is nothing about the art that feels unique to this game. I wouldn't call it ugly or anything actually.


I see. Ok that makes sense. For what it's worth I like the cards because they remind me of those old zoobooks that i would always see as a kid, but i can see why that wouldn't resonate with everyone.


Ah, I see. Yeah I never saw those so they don't evoke nostalgia in me.


Heads up, Meadow is up to $26.39, Concordia deal is dead and Ark Nova is out of stock


Ark nova isn't being listed anymore. Wamp wamp.




Horizons of Spirit Island is $17! I have been wanting a co-op medium weight game for the girlfriend and I. Perfect!


whats the difference between horizons and the regular game?


Seems like it's the same game, but it has new and easier spirits to use. It also doesn't allow you to increase the difficulty so you're going to eventually find it too easy. You can use the spirits with the base game though. It's basically a more streamlined approach to Spirit Island that is great for beginners.


>Seems like it's the same game, but it has new and easier spirits to use. Yeah. Horizons uses the same rules as the base game. The main difference is quality of game components (everything in Horizons is cardboard chits vs. the wooden Dahan pieces and plastic Invader/Blight pieces in the base game), and the Spirits/Adversaries provided. Horizons doesn't have any Adversaries, but has 5 low-complexity Spirits which are unique to Horizons - in my opinion, it's worth picking up even if you already have the base game for these Spirits. You can also just use the Adversaries in the base game with Horizons to increase the difficulty if you'd like. You can find the information on those Adversaries on [the wiki](https://spiritislandwiki.com/index.php?title=List_of_Adversaries). Technically, Horizons provides a way to increase difficulty in the rulebook. It's a modified version of how [Brandenburg-Prussia](https://spiritislandwiki.com/index.php?title=Brandenburg-Prussia) operates in the base game.


Less spirits to play and lower player count, and my biggest gripe, the cardboard tokens instead of the plastic pieces. The cardboard is a little too big for the map and can get hard to read/fit.


It uses cardboard tokens in place of a lot of the wooden/plastic figurines from Spirit Island. The game play works exactly the same though.


The board is also a two-side flip board, and there's a few other component downgrades. Still pretty good quality, just not the same as the base box. Spirits are simpler and aimed at new players, but are fully compatible with the base game and vice versa.The board in Horizons is also aimed at 2-3 players, IIRC, but there's rules for a solo board.


I just purchased Spirit Island. I've been wanting co-op game for my wife and I to play. Do you recommend I pick this one up as well? Edit: Picked it up because I read a review that it is way easier to teach them the Horizon game first. My group doesn't do too well with complex rules, so starting with an easier ruleset will make it much nicer.


Greater Than Games also sells upgraded spirit boards with a thicker stock, if you want to upgrade those. Aside from that, I recommend playing Horizons with the components from the original Spirit Island.


I don't think the review you read was accurate. Aside from the adversaries (an optional module), the rules of Spirit Island are the same. Horizons just cuts down on the production value in order to make a more financially accessible version that can be sold in Target.


It's basically what Jaws of The Lion is for Gloomhaven. A Target-Exclusive (for a whole) version of the game that is aimed at helping people know if they want the full game. The nice thing is you could just take all the spirits from it and add it to the OG, and it technically has a few new map pieces, but they aren't' separate, it is a double-sided board.


Absolutely hideous box art, for one


The downvotes are as wrong as the box art ✊


Grabbed beyond the sun for 44.49!


Expansion also on sale for the first time at $25!


I picked up Mansions of Madness for $57


Thanks for pointing this out! It's been on my list for at least a couple of years and at an all time low(?) this is a no-brainer for me.


I got this and an extra set of dice for 5 bucks(read somewhere that it’s super worth it to have extra)


So did I. I was on the fence about picking it up from Miniature Market who has it for $66 right now. Can't get much lower than $57.


Literally just got a used copy for $39 on Poshmark 2 days ago, it came to $50 after tax and shipping. Joked to my gf that it will probably be on sale for half off on prime day. RIP.


I bought it for $75 during the boardlandia sale on Sunday. FML


You know, I had it in my cart when my wife went to check. She said it was at $80. I looked at the cart and found that it was still $57 there but no longer $57 on the website — bought it immediately lol.


Got it used the other day too but a lot diff than playing the other FFG stuff I’m afraid the iPad might kill the vibe


Nah, the app is proper thematic, with music and spooky ambient noises. I didn't mind it.


This is back to normal price now?


PSA: https://boardgameoracle.com track price history across many OLGS. And of course camelcamelcamel.com tracks Amazon's price history.


Also, there is Keepa (that I think does a better job than camelcamelcamel)




Can you explain why?


Looks better, has more functionality, sends notifications to wherever you want it to, in my experience has less of a lag. Really can’t come up with a reason as to why anyone would think CCC is better - would be curious to hear if you have one


I actually never heard of Keepa so was just curious to why i should jump over there. Thanks for the explanations


This is the first I've heard of Keepa. So far it's nice that it has an app, and it looks like it has a bit more tweakability, though evidently you have to pay a subscription for some of that. CamelCamelCamel is a little old school but entirely free. What will mainly keep me using it though, from what I've seen so far, is its Chrome extension is \_super\_ convenient -- you just click it to see the price history on an Amazon page as a popup, without having to leave the page.


I picked up Wingspan Asia for $30


Along those lines, I just bought the Oceania expansion for $19.37. Been eyeing that one up for a while.


oh man wingspan is so much better with oceania imo.. have fun!


Honestly, just being able to have a parakeet as a bird option to play is the selling point for me. The fact that everything else is so good is just an added bonus. Yes, I am a very simple individual.


Same. Insta buy.


Arkham Horror the Card Game Revised Core set is $38. If you’re new to that game, the Revised Core is the first product to get.


I am so tempted but man I don't want to get sucked in knowing that it's a great game and I already play Marvel Champions.


You will get sucked in, RIP to your wallet, but you'll be in love the whole time. I play both and like both for different reasons. I play both at true solo, and while AH is more of a time commitment, it's dripping with theme. Highly recommend it.


Any idea how the true solo experience is compared to MC?


I'd say its not as good for true solo as MC, as true solo demands very specific investigators and decks that can handle all situations, but its great in two-handed solo where you can have a clue getter and a fighter. That said, I like Arkham a lot more than MC.


Can you explain why? Marvel Champions is one of my favorite games to play solo. I just like to hear the comparisons between them.


Arkham Horror LCG is just an incredibly immersive, thematic solo experience. It’s honestly amazing what they can accomplish, both mechanically and story-wise, with just a deck of cards. I tried Marvel Champions but it was just too dry for me to get into. Arkham Horror will feel similar to play mechanically but with an additional layer of really rich storytelling and lasting consequences for your investigator as you progress through a campaign - and the campaigns just keep throwing new twists and surprises at you, which is a lot of fun to discover. (I haven’t played Marvel much so this comparison is just based on first impressions.)


Thanks for the tip. Or no thanks, depending on how you look at it -- now I'm in for the Revised Core Set, and the Dunwich Legacy Campaign ($56) and Investigator ($38) expansions. I've known for quite a while I was going to get into this, I'd just successfully delayed myself... until now.


Is it worth it for the core alone or will I need to spend another $300 to have fun?


The second one


I suggest getting at least one campaign expansion to get the full experience ($50-$70) of the game. Dunwich Legacy campaign expansion, Path to Carcosa campaign expansion, or Edge of the Earth campaign expansion would be good options for a new player.


Iirc I got revised core for $28, after that at least 1 campaign expansion, in terms of investigator expansions I thiiiink dunwich and edge of earth are the "minimum"?


A lot of people mention Dunwich Campaign as a good starting point, because it's pretty straightforward and still fun. That's why I got it. Lot of different opinions there though, such as halforange suggesting Path to Carcosa (which seems to be universally liked) or Edge of the Earth as a starting campaign. I'm planning on Path to Carcosa being my next campaign. A lot of folks also bring up the Dunwich Investigator Expansion as giving a very useful foundation.


Yup. Getting almost everything will run ~$1,000 but fun probably means Revised Core Set, Dunwich Investigator expansion, Carcosa campaign expansion, + 1-2 more campaign expansions which means another $300


Man, ya'll are doing this game a disservice. You do not need all of that to have fun. Base game is good, but I would say one campaign expansion is essential. Me and my gf are really enjoying Dunwich with just the base campaign cards.


Pretty sure it's illegal to just buy the base. You sign a contract in blood when you buy it to acquire more than you'll ever play before you finally get it tabled.


Ticket to Ride for$27 is a pretty good deal, for how popular and widespread that game is it doesn't seem to get cheaper too often.


Don't wanna brag, but Amazon Canada has Crocodile Dentist for 47% off. Or maybe you'd prefer Uno H2O Splash for 45% off.


They're just helping you save your beaver pelts for the long, cold winter that will last the next ten months.


Uno H2O splash was my favorite version of uno ngl haha


Dominion Allies $24.98 and Dominion Plunder $26.49!!


I was mostly going to be good and not order anything...but I had to jump on those.


Rallyman GT $20


And rallyman dirt for $25


Royal Visit $11 That's a steal for a really good 2 player game [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LVR3758/ref=cm\_gf\_adat\_iaaa\_d\_p0\_e0\_qd7\_l8s4DOAm3zQlVuE3huqg](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LVR3758/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_d_p0_e0_qd7_l8s4DOAm3zQlVuE3huqg)




Hows the depth and replay ability?


Replayability is high I'd say. It's like 85% tactile vs 15% strategic. You need to work within the confines of your hand while balancing it vs the board state. You get a set hand limit and can only get new cards by spending them. You can only spend 1 suit per turn, which translates to moving one of the visitors per turn. The decision space is often "How many of this suit do I spend to move this piece?" assuming you have 2+ of the suit. Sometimes it's best to save some as a counter vs spending them all. "What is highest priority to move?" assuming you have multiple suits you can move. Sometimes you may *want* to move the Jester, but it may be more important to move the guard first. and a few others. I haven't played in a bit since I played it a bunch with an ex I dated 8 months ago. We played a decent amount. It's a quick set-up and play. It feels a little like poker in a way, where I'm trying to make a move, to get my opponent to make a move that plays into my hand.


Red Rising $11. Such a freaking steal!! I kind of want to buy it again and put the cards in sleeves this time lol.


Grabbed it, thanks for the heads up! I just started reading the books a few weeks ago, finished Golden Son yesterday. Looking forward to playing this


Awesome! I'm currently on Iron Gold! I freaking love it! The board game itself is dripping with flavor in terms of 'hey, I remember that character! OH MY GOD! It makes so much sense that their ability is xyz!' It's also nice to give faces to the names!


Awesome, can't wait to try it! Morning Star off to a cool start too


I was just about to say that!! Really fun game for me cause I’m currently reading it, but my wife who has never come close to the books still enjoys the game for what it is!


Aaannnndddd it’s gone. Showing 20 for me now.


It’s a waste of money at any price. Wouldn’t even take it free.


Damn bro, why the hate? What did you not like about this game? My friends and family love it!


Because it’s a bad game that also has nothing to do with Red rising beyond the artwork.


What are you talking about?? LOL. The characters themselves make so much sense with their abilities. Maybe the extra bonus points don't make terribly much sense, but it adds nice gameplay and I think it is flavorful.


Just as you’re entitled to enjoy the game, I am entitled to dislike it.


But you said it has nothing to do with red rising. The flavor is completely there. If you have read even the first book or two, I'm not sure how you cannot see this.


I’ve read all the books and I couldn’t disagree more.


Endless Winter $43.99 Flamecraft $26.99 Rear Window $13.99 Nemesis: Lockdown $119.99 The Search for Planet X $23.99 Viticulture: Tuscany EE $15.99


Flamecraft is cheaper at Target rn though


Price dropped for flamecraft on Amazon


[The Mind $6.59](https://www.amazon.com/Pandasaurus-Games-201809PAN-Mind-Card/dp/B07C4F3KLF/ref=sr_1_1?th=1)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Pandasaurus Games The Mind Game Night Card Games'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Pandasaurus Games**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Players find the game challenging yet rewarding (backed by 2 comments) * The game fosters bonding between players (backed by 3 comments) * The game is simple to learn but difficult to master (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Game lacks replayability (backed by 3 comments) * Product arrived damaged (backed by 6 comments) * Game requires specific group dynamic (backed by 3 comments) According to Reddit, people had mixed feelings about **Pandasaurus Games**. Its most popular types of products are: * Card Games (#6 of 12 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot


Finally picked up Spirit Island. Thanks for the heads up. :)


Yeah! Hope you enjoy it! I think it’s a lot of fun


So mad I bought it a couple months ago :')


Grabbed silver and gold for $6.49


great little game!


I agree, it might be my favorite pocket-sized game! Probably top 3 roll and writes too.


Under Falling Skies is great for those looking for solo games. It’s around $20 and IMO well worth it.


So good, just dusted this one off after not playing it for a year. Really great game.


Copped spirit island, too bad B&C isn’t on sale too!


According to Camelcamelcamel, it looks like B&C hasn't gone for a lower price since early 2021, on Amazon at least. You can find it for 20$ on boardlandia but I'm not sure what their free shipping policy is. I will say that's the one expansion I never play without now.


Boardlandia ships free at $90+


Mansion is a crazy deal right now. Even Catan, Ticket and Azul. So if you are wanting to get into gaming or know some people that wanna dabble, those deals for those games are ridiculously low.


Help, I can't stop buying games O-O!


You asking the help from the wrong person my brother. I just picked up Beyond the Sun (missed it last years Nerdzday) and tokay do expansions.


Deluxe Paint the Roses is 60 bucks. That's a nice deal.


I posted in another thread, but posting here for more visibility...they have many of the Unmatched expansions on sale, including: \- [Buffy the Vampire Slayer for $28.97](https://www.amazon.com/Mondo-Games-Unmatched-Vampire-Slayer/dp/B08K3ZD7W2/ref=sr_1_2?crid=190GV69Z0IBSU&keywords=unmatched+buffy&qid=1696957118&sprefix=unmatched+buffy%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-2) \- stock is slowly drying up, as the license to produce these expired at the end of 2022. \- Most of the Marvel expansions (e.g. [Brains and Brawn for $29.97](https://www.amazon.com/Restoration-Games-Unmatched-Marvel-Brains/dp/B0C9V3LV69/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CGWCODUKTKC9&keywords=unmatched+brains+and+brawn&qid=1696957170&sprefix=unmatched+brains%2Caps%2C136&sr=8-1)) - these are easy enough to get now, but the license to produce these supposedly expires at the end of 2023. If you are on the fence about getting any of these, now seems as good a time as any to get them...


Aw man, Brains and Brawn back up to $43.00.


Mansions of madness was only $57 been waiting for that one!


Mansions of Madness expansions on sale also. Twilight is $16.99 I think? and Path of Serpent is $41


Thanks, everyone! I picked up Sheriff of Nottingham, Pandemic Iberia, Wingspan Asia, and Viticulture Tuscany with savings of 33-50%! Edit: and picked up Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game from Target for $18.


Grabbed [Pendulum for 12.99.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089GZZLMR?psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&ref_=chk_typ_quicklook_seeDetailsToDp) And grabbed [Railroad Ink Yellow for my friend for 9.49](https://www.amazon.com/Railroad-Ink-Challenge-Shining-Yellow/dp/B08KTW8TWQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2QLI7E8E6V71Q&keywords=railroad+ink+yellow&qid=1696985761&sprefix=railroad+ink%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-3)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Stonemaier Games Pendulum Board Game'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Game keeps players engaged (backed by 1 comment) * Art and gameplay praised (backed by 2 comments) * Unique and chaotic experience (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Gameplay is overly complicated and confusing (backed by 3 comments) * Game is unbalanced and not rewarding (backed by 2 comments) * Game requires significant time investment to learn rules (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot!


Great deal on Villainous expansions. Edit: *Some.* Despicable Plots is only $10.


yeah, got bigger and badder, been waiting for that one.


Lost Cities 15.99 lightning deal Zoo King 16.99 deal Both come highly recommended


Roll Player $33.99


Had to pick this up, never seen it anywhere near this low.


Azul on Amazon is $19.19, which seems like a really great deal.


Looking for other versions like Summer Pavillion or Queen's Garden


those are on sale too


Good deal on Raiders of the North Sea - Viking Edition. Same game just some of the components are punchboard instead of premium materials. Worth it at 15.99


Got that


Is there a way to filter by "Prime Big Deals"?




You're the best!


Dark souls tomb of giants is on sale for almost half price and I was thinking about getting it, but according to Amazon the minimum age recommendation is 168 so I'm not old enough. :( At least I'm old enough for rallyman GT for $19! I've had that game on my wishlist for ages and can't pass it up for that price.


The Hunger is $24.99


Call me when Inis goes on sale


Put it in the "save later" bucket. When it goes on sale, you get nagged frequently.


Will do!


Got a BGG link with possible trade offers? It fell flat w/ my group as two people didn't like the combat (too fighty). I'm most likely hanging on to it in the hopes that I find other people who want that style of game, but I'd entertain a good offer!


Not OP but I'd happily send you a collection link if they aren't interested in trading. Heard a lot of good things about Inis


yeah sure, give me your bgg info I'll take a look!


King of Tokyo Monster Box: $38.99 King of Monster Island: $38.19 Silver & Gold: $6.49 Potion Explosion 2e: $28.56 Inside Job: $12.69 Jekyll & Hyde: $11.99


King of Tokyo Wickedness Gauge for $10. It's the best expansion they've made for KoT.


Oh wow, I wasn't even aware of that one -- thanks!


If you are looking to chill and chat while you play a low key game, Tokaido is great. The expansion adds a lot as well


Personally I like Parks better for the gameplay, but <$25 for Tokaido is a really good price! Both are beautiful games


Would it be worth it to get the deluxe version?


Yes, I think it brings a lot and can be used on first play through


Thanks! This is a game I’ve been wanting for a while. We really like to play games with high quality components. $60 for the deluxe which includes the first expansion and the deluxe components seems like a decent price.


I will say it's a game that is not necessarily meant to be min/maxed. You are along for the ride. But it's pretty easy to learn, and there are a good number of ways to win!


Tokaido has been on my list for a long time. Played it once at a friend's and really enjoyed it. Do you think the deluxe box is worth it? Looks like it is +$20 for metal coins, 16 miniatures, and an integrated (as opposed to 'separate' board for Crossroads)


Not sure how it compares to other places, but Mysterium for $35 seems like a good deal


I’m thinking about Mansions of Madness. For those who’ve played, how long is one play session realistically? My teen daughter loves betrayal at house on the hill and I would like to play this in place of that since betrayal is kind of broken. I think she would like Mansions. I don’t know that she’s going to sit there for 2 to 3 hours straight though! Worst case, how is it solo?


I love Mansions of Madness to the point where I've invested in all expansions and upgraded to deluxe wooden box organizers. Know that the base 2e game will only unlock a four of the total playable scenarios available within the required free app. You'll also want to load the app on a computer/tablet, not just a phone. The length of the scenarios will give you an estimate of time per scenario, which can be anywhere from 1-6 hours based on difficulty. Add on a bit more time for learning curve the first few times. Though you can fail sooner than any time estimate, you're still more likely to be playing for at least the minimal estimate, if not the maximum estimate. Indecision by players can always increase play times. The scenarios will never be exactly the same twice, so there is a good deal of replayibility within the base game. If you own more expansions, replayability drastically increases because the pool of possible tiles/monsters/tokens that the app can choose to randomly generate on the board per scenario increases. More expansions also unlocks more scenarios within the app--you just have to check off that you own them. That being said, this game is best with expansions, but owning them all will require a few hundred dollars of investment. Black friday/holiday sales can really help there, the expansions almost always go on sale. It's possible to snag them for half price sometimes. Even if you're just sticking with the base game, you're still going to want some box organizers to significantly reduce setup time. The base game really doesn't have any organization included. Having organizers that will allow you to keep cards and components seperated and miniatures assembled and ready to place on the board really does streamline the playing experience. Also recommend buying at least one extra dice set at the very least, so you're not passing around the same 5 dice for skill checks all the time. Solo play is the same as regular play, except you're controlling multiple characters. The app still runs everything else for you. Whether you think that's fun is going to depend on how much you love these kinds of games.


What kind of organization system did you go for? I have all the MoM things and it's at the point where finding what I need for a given scenario is a bit of a nightmare. I've seen a few wooden options but wasn't sure if they really held up or not.


I opted for the ones by SMONEX, aka Smart One Box. They do take a while to assemble, but they're worth it. My game and all expansions are condensed down to three boxes. The first organizer will easily hold all components for the base game, Sanctum of Twilight, and Beyond the Threshold expansions in the base game's box. The second organizer will condense all other expansions into another expansion's box, but because the expansion boxes aren't as deep as the base game's, I found it necessary to keep some of the tiles in a third expansion's box. First organizer: [https://smonex.com/products/mansions-of-madness-storage-box?\_pos=2&\_sid=53784feaa&\_ss=r](https://smonex.com/products/mansions-of-madness-storage-box?_pos=2&_sid=53784feaa&_ss=r) Second organizer: [https://smonex.com/products/mansions-of-madness-expansions-box?\_pos=1&\_sid=53784feaa&\_ss=r](https://smonex.com/products/mansions-of-madness-expansions-box?_pos=1&_sid=53784feaa&_ss=r) Unfortunately, looks like they're currently out of stock for USA shipping. Other countries have availability, however. I've linked to their direct website, but they do have an amazon store page too. Can't speak to the quality of any of the other wooden organizers, but there do appear to be some deals going on right now thanks to Amazon's sale and price matching. If you can hold out for Smonex or find something similar, I would recommend it, though. They way it all fits into the box, everything will stay in place and be exactly where you left it when you open the box again. The boxes with acrylic lids specifically are a fantastic feature--there's no chance of losing track of any tokens that are safely sealed away in a box.


Thank you so much for all of the info! It’s very helpful! I ended up ordering it. Looking forward to playing!


Have you used Valkyrie at all? It looks like there are home brewed scenarios now so I bought it with that in mind!


With 2 players, I'd say 90-120 min for the shorter scenarios. On longer scenarios or with more people involved, you're looking at 3 hours easy.


Is it worth it for 2 players? We had destinies which is also app based but the turn took so long and was so disconnected from the other player story that people got bored. It felt like 2 players playing a single player story


I've also played (and traded away) Destinies. MoM is good at 2. It's probably slightly better at 3 or 4 since it creates a more chaotic dungeon romp. It is fully co-op instead of competitive like Destinies so you are collaborating with the other people to escape/solve the mystery/etc. It's basically a dungeon crawl, dice-chucking game with some randomness and luck and cosmic horror monsters. There's a story to each scenario, and they are fine but the primary focus is investigating the locations you are in and fighting or running from monsters. Scenarios are a little replayable (unlike Destinies) since there is some randomness to them. The game is challenging, especially at 2 players so you will feel the pressure to optimize your actions and will probably fail a few scenarios. You need the app, but it does feel like you spend most of the time using the game board, dice, and your items rather than the app. My main complaint on MoM is the play can start to drag if it gets to 3+ hours. Destinies fell flat for us comparatively. The components were nice and the skill system was clever but ultimately, the story was too dark and too dense without really being very interesting, most interactions with location and NPCs were very static and forced, the competitive nature of the game was such that random luck would put someone far out ahead early on. It tries to be an RPG with choices and so on but then uses weird game logic that just felt contrived. It also felt like the game could be played entirely on the app, without needing any of the components. We traded it without finishing the base box.


I would say so. It requires a helper app to continue, so you can either set up a computer, but an iPad would probably be best. A tiny phone screen would probably be too distracting It's cooperative, so players are walking around a single haunted house together. Your mileage may vary, but we would always split up and explore separately. The game only lets you waste so many turns before introducing harder and harder enemies and eventually, the whole place burns down around you. You'll probably lose the first time you play. It scales difficulty based on the number of players. So with the helper app, if you are the dramatic voice actor in the family, you'll read a lot of the text verbatim at first to get your daughter into the theme. But there will come a point where you start to see how repetitive it is, and you'll start skipping the paragraphs and just saying what dice rolls are needed. But, it requires very little rules teaching. You put down the points of interest onto the board, put everyone on the starting space, and basically just tell the players "okay, so where would you like to go?"




Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'CMON Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition Board Game'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Players find the game fun and engaging (backed by 15 comments) * The game is easy to learn and suitable for all ages (backed by 13 comments) * The game provides an opportunity for quality time with friends and family (backed by 15 comments) **Users disliked:** * Game components are fragile (backed by 1 comment) * Artwork and production quality decreased (backed by 2 comments) * Price is higher than other retailers (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Guess the list is still updating because Maracaibo is on it now for only $42.49. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SMB53ZD/ref=cm\_gf\_adat\_iaac\_d\_p0\_e0\_qd7\_IZTbdJ0S6MtXwdWN3kdL


Your link does not work


That looks like a really cool game.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Capstone Games Maracaibo Big Box Strategy Board Game** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Game has high replayability (backed by 5 comments) * Game has engaging campaign mode (backed by 3 comments) * Game has simple mechanics but strategic depth (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product arrived damaged (backed by 2 comments) * Product was used, not new (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Picked up Get On Board: New York & London for 14.99


How good is meadow? Got 8yo to play with..


I really like it with 2 players. The art is really nice and the mechanics are interesting but not stressful. I think it might be simple enough for an 8yo, but I’d guess that it’d be on the more advanced end (unless they’ve already played a lot of strategy board games).


That's great! His dad is busy these days so it's just us 2 for games. His favorite game is 7 wonders. So guess he'll be able to play this one too 😅


Yeah if he plays 7 wonders, I think this game is about the same complexity. I think meadow is definitely worth it


There are also several Unlock! games at $19.99 now. That’s a decent price for some of them, but you’d have to check for each one (some run higher than others).


Oh, I see they're playing hide and seek in the sale section! Pandemic Legacy is just pretending not to be on sale, sneaky!


I really wish Amazon Canada was as good as Amazon.com for boardgames..


Sentinels base and Rook City Renegades expansion are both $29.99


Is it worth it?


Sentinels is a fantastic coop card game, would recommend if you’re into superhero themes


Can anyone comment on Castle panic big box? Looks like it's down about $20 from normal.


CP is fun but can get same-y in just a few plays. But if you have younger children or looking for a light fantasy experience in general, it’s cool. Def worth $20


Thanks for sharing, I picked up Spirit Island.


Lots of HABA games are on sale


Star Wars Shatterpoint is the lowest that I've seen it at 109.99 . Really wanting to get into this game but I'm maxed out on miniature games rn. [Amazon Link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSJRSXSQ/ref=cm_gf_adat_iaaa_iaac_d_p0_e0_qd3_iaGPNUOiCasVQ2UDCQsO)


Just as an aside Miniature Market has the base set for $99.99 right now and the various expansions on discount too. I really want to as well, but have so much unbuilt MCP and Legion stuff (let alone unplayed stuff).


Thoughts on aquire if I already have stockpile and love it?




Hoping for some Hasbro game deals on HQ stuff.


I wish we got the same boardgame deals on amazon in Canada. No where near as good