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That’s the best part of everyone’s stomach in my opinion. You’re so young, don’t strengthen that talking mean to yourself muscle. You have nothing to worry about


Thanks 🥲❤️


No one sees it through your clothes I can promise you that. You’re very clearly not fat.


Yeah I know but what if I go to the beach or somewhere where I am only in pants


If you didn’t have that, you would rip open your torso every time you stand up. Most of the time those soft areas of the body we’re not fans of are there for a good reason.


I think that’s skin, dude. Haha But seriously, everyone has that…most of us have more than that. Don’t sweat it! You still look very fit.


Gonna be real this is 100% a mindset thing. I get it, the world sets super unrealistic and cruel body standards and esp when you're young it's hard to cope with and see through the bullshit. You are very obviously not fat. The existence of a fat particle on your body does not mean you're fat and its honestly an extreme thought. There are people out there with very flat stomachs but two important things to remember about that are 1. That's a body type that they have that not everyone is born with (every person in the world cannot be healthy with a flat stomach because we carry weight differently) and 2. Those people are, by most people, considered skinny. Thats fine, but not being skinny isn't immediately fat - you can just be a healthy more average dude that's literally fine. What you really need to do if you want to be happy with your body is to stop lying to yourself and saying your fat and then justifying the self-abuse. Every time you catch yourself you need to actively stop and correct the thought with a more positive one. If you're living a healthy lifestyle with decent diet, water intake, and exercise (and it sounds like you do put effort into being healthy so) and your doctor has no concerns with your weight that needs to be the end of it. Anyone who still has a problem with you obviously doesn't gave your best interests in mind so their opinions are worthless to you - not even worth considering.


Thank you a lot for this long response, I appreciate that.


Np! I hope I didn't sound too harsh (I have a bad habit of that online especially) because I genuinely feel for you. Today's culture around weight is more toxic than ever and you're super far from alone in how you feel. But, I think honesty and aggressive self love are the only real ways to get better. Good luck out there!


The vast majority of bellies do that, it's so that you can bend your torso freely. Adults also have 15+ feet of intestines and plenty of other awesome organs to store, so it's totally normal for our skin to shift to accommodate them in different positions.