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I think you look great either way! If you're not super happy with your glasses-on look maybe you can try out some trendier frames (circle and square are in right now I think) with the pricier lenses that do a better job at minimizing distortion of your eyes.


Why thank you. I guess I'm just sick of wearing them.


I wear glasses too and I totally feel you! I actually just bought a new pair because I’m so tired of looking at mine. But really, you look great and have nothing to worry about.




I was going to say the same! Either way is cool. Glasses are versatile they can give you a totally different vibe depending on the frame. I remember when people started wearing glasses without prescription lenses just because they liked the aesthetic! They do give you another way to express your style, but can see it's a bit of a hassle when you actually need them to be functional!


Came here to suggest circle lenses too! OP you look great both with and without glasses. πŸ™‚


From a student to a basketball athlet within a second 🀣


Lol thank you. I actually suck at basketball


Hah, you know what they say; fake it until you make it!






As a fellow glasses wearer - ON 😎


I actually think on looks really good, but the truth is that you will always feel more confident and positive about yourself when you’re comfortable, so I’d say go for what feels best.


Honestly on but either way!


Thank you. I guess I just feel more confident without them


I like either way! The glasses are def handsome on you.


Thank you, I personally think I look better without them


you look great in both pictures. If you don't feel too confident wearing them then could you get contacts or new frames? Is it possible to keep your original lenses for some styles of frames? I've done that before when I've not had a lot of money. if you want my personal opinion, I like your photo of you wearing your specs. I hope you feel better about yourself as you are a good looking dude.


Thank you so much, and yes I'm saving up for another set of contacts


I like both! I think I like the glasses look a little more, but honestly it’s just whatever makes you feel comfortable :)


Out of those two choices, definitely glasses off, but that's partly because I dont think those frames compliment your face particularly well. I think they'd suit you much better if you went for either round lensed/framed glasses or larger more squared ones rather than the small rectangular ones you have at the moment. I think they'd reveal more of your eyes which are definitely one of your strongest features - don't hide them! 😊


Round lenses? No way! Im not harry Potter