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4 chapters remaining...


How tf are we supposed to finish this story in 4 chapters? Is the last one going to be an extra long chapter or something, because there is so much that needs to be covered in such a short amount of time.


Next chapter will be about Spinner's conclusion Following one will probably be Uraraka and Toga Last two will probably be about 1A and Hero society in the future


I very highly doubt it'll be 1 character each chapter. This chapter was Endeavor, Toya, Natsu, Fuyumi, Rei and Shotos conclusions. Next chapter will probably be spinner, Shoji, Uraraka, Toga and a shot of whoever villains survived being sent to a newly reconstructed Tartarus. Hori drags things out but there's no possible way he's making 2 chapters the conclusion of 3 characters. 2nd to last chapter will probably be the quick wrap up for Aizawa, Mic, Shirakumo/Kurogiri and the rest of the side characters. The character we saw at the end of the last chapter before this one who was crying wearing a straight jacket was probably Shirakumo, his black hair could just be his warpgate turning off and hes just in full control of the body now. The final chapter will probably end up being 30/35 pages being a 5 year timeskip or something showing 1-A + Shinso as adults and real heroes with Midoriya probably becoming a teacher at UA or even the new UA principle.


We probably also finished with Hawks, Nagant, Gentle/La Brava this chapter as well. Next chapter will definitely be more than just spinner, as you said.


-Spinner & The Extras recap -Mystery Man -Ochaco -End of Series Are my predictions.


I'm still hopping we get atleast some stuff on Chisaki Eri stuff set up all the way in Villain Hunt arc, since Chisaki was only one of major villians with SOME chance of redemption who didn't show up. Stain died helping All Might, Nagant pushed through her injuries to help against Shigaraki, and both Gentle and La Brava majorly helped with Shigi battle by helping keep the fortress afloat.


natsu & toya taking turns beating on the poor old man. not that he doesn’t deserve it from them but he’s getting a reminder every waking second lol


You gotta commend Enji for taking it though. You can say whatever to him and he'll embrace it. Man is the literal definition of "I hate myself too" and anything they say to him will just be absorbed like a sponge.


There's nowhere left for him to run (both literally and figuratively), after all. He can't even be a hero after this, so the only option he has *is* to be a proper father... for once.


Chapter 426: The Hellish Todoroki Family - Final The chapter begins with the entire family reunited. Rei has serious burns on her face, Fuyumi has a few, Natsu got a haircut and Enji is all bandaged up. Fuyumi says that Shoto didn't have to come, Rei says that none of the kids did and Enji says that Rei didn't either. Shoto says that he has come to fulfill his mission and that the same goes for the rest of the family. Enji says that since before the war he had been planning to talk to Toya, but now in the state he's in he can't get around on his own. "The hero Endeavor burned to death”. Toya replies, " oh really? My condolences. Giving me all your attention after everything's over is easy, you coward." Enji agrees and says that Toya understands him very well, after all he's been watching him this whole time and wanted his father to do the same. During this conversation, we see several flashbacks of Toya. Although Deku said that Dabi isn't the Endeavor, Enji says that this doesn't change the fact that his son's flames come from Hellflame. He's been watching Toya's reveal video every day. “So let's talk every day from now on. I know it took me too long, but I want to talk to you". In this panel, Endeavor is drawn without the bandages and Dabi is drawn like young Toya (but still with the Dabi scars). We hear the sound of Toya's heartbeat measure device. "You can hate me all you want. Say it all to me". Fuyumi and Rei also say that they want to talk to him about many things, but the employee from the facility says they should stop for today, so as not to burden his heart too much. Shoto: "can I ask him just one thing”? "What's your favorite food?". He remains silent and everyone starts to leave, but Toya then replies "soba...". Shoto says "same" and Toya starts crying and calling his brother's name as he remembers their fight and Shoto saying that their paths will cross even if by force "Shoto... I'm sorry..." After leaving the facility, Natsu says that he's not going to meet Enji anymore. He's going to marry his girlfriend, but they won't have a ceremony and he has no intention of introducing her to his father. Enji says that he completely understands and apologizes once again. Fuyumi quit her job, but the mother of one of her students found her a new one. Natsu says that Enji has already taken responsibility and can stop now, but he says that he intends to pay and apologize for his crimes for the rest of his life. Enji says that his kids no longer need to be in contact with him and that he will do everything he can to ensure that none of them suffer the consequences of the whole Dabi scandal: that's why he survived the war. Shoto gets into Natsu's car to go back to school and tells Enji and Rei that he'll be fine with Class A, he's becoming who he wants to be. Endeavor's sidekicks arrive and Rei says "Even if it's hell, some people are still here with us" as she shows a text from Hawks. Hawks is talking to Nagant and he's shocked to hear that she wants to stay in prison for a while because she's afraid of being used again. He says he wanted her help and Nagant says that they have to see how society will respond to what Midoriya showed everyone that day. Nagant jokes that she'll be eating food funded by people's taxes for a while longer and Hawks sticks his tongue out and calls her a villain. We see Gentle and La Brava shouting each other's names as they cry and the gorilla cop saying that their help has been officially recognized, so they're free now. Back to Hawks and Rei answers the text saying that he must be busy as the new president of the PSC. Hawks asks himself how things will change from now on and calls Mera on the phone. In the last panel, we see Spinner unconscious in a hospital bed and the door to his room opening. End of chapter. --- >Ok guys the link we received didn't include pages 2 and 3. They're basically the doctor (?) saying that Dabi is slowly heading to his death and Enji telling him that he's retiring. I'm so sorry for the confusion, Ever will post them soon -Rukasu on Twitter


>"What's your favorite food?". He remains silent and everyone starts to leave, but Toya then replies "soba...". Shoto says "same" and Toya starts crying and calling his brother's name as he remembers their fight and Shoto saying that their paths will cross even if by force >"Shoto... I'm sorry..." Fuck man. What else is there to say?


I think Toya cried because he realized that while he craved for his family's attention, he didn't even look at his own family himself. Shoto made a wholesome effort of asking Toya what is his favorite food, but Toya himself probably never did anything like that before. Did he even know what Fuyumi's hobbies are? Or Natsuo's? Did he even ask his dad why he became a hero? Or did he even ask his mom why her family sold their own daughter for quirk marriage? Toya made an effort of digging up Hawk's identity to further blemish Endeavor's name, but he didn't even know that his own grandpa burned to death with a kid he tried to save. When Toya answered "soba" as his favourite food and Shoto commented with "same..." thats probably the first time he knew something about his family that is not connected with any of the tragedy that they experienced


I love your analysis. That question made Touya realize that the brother he’s always villainized is in reality much more similar to him, plus that little excitement from his younger brother wanting to relate to him by having the same favorite food. Knowing that Touya is not going to make it out of that machine alive to fulfill that regret is incredibly heart wrenching.


I really liked reading what you wrote. Overall, the whole thing is just tragic.


> but he didn't even know that his own grandpa burned to death with a kid he tried to save. Do we know if Endeavour even told anyone about that?


The real question is, did any of his family asked about it? Rei probably knew, but what about any of his kids?


Good point honestly I never thought of it like that Maybe he realises what he wa missing in life was looking properly at others instead of wanting them to look at him




>Shoto: "can I ask him just one thing"? >"What's your favorite food?". He remains silent and everyone starts to leave, but Toya then replies "soba...". Shoto says "same" They brought up that moment from Ch. 342, aw edit; I did kind of expect a bit longer dialogue from what could be their (S&T’s) final conversation ever hmm… though I like that Touya apologized directly to Shouto and also cried. Natsuo permanently estranging himself from Enji is also based. Wish Rei and Fuyumi got to say more in the chapter, feels like they were rudely cut off before they could really start


>Natsuo permanently estranging himself from Enji is also based. Wish Rei and Fuyumi got to say more in the chapter, Natsuo cutting Enji out is my favourite take away, good for him. It took me a moment to figure out the reason Fuyumi lost/quit her job was because of Touya's tape so her immediately getting a new one helps mitigate the damage *but* Enji and Touya's conflict still impacted her life (if she loved her old job it is pretty devastating to lose it.) I think this chapter also touches on my feelings that Enji's atonement was always inadequate or flawed. Nice that he thought to atone but he was still self centered and kept making selfish decisions when it came to important actions. Allowing them to live some where away from him didn't conflict with his heroic interests or decisions but when doing his job I felt his actions were self centered. The family comes to him in the hospital following Touya revealing he is alive and say they're going to all take responsibility and Shoto finally reaches out to him (and we don't see Enji take his hand). Next thing we know Enji's gone off with Deku and is ghosting Shoto. Enji not taking Shoto's hand, not working with the family (who nominated Shoto as their Hero in a way) was significant of where Enji actually stood relative to the family. Which the final hammered home with Enji facing AFO and leaving Shoto to go to Touya, [edit: or at least by the time he suggests he does it is too late and Shoto has his own convictions on the matter] things might have been different if Enji was braver as a father to face the son he rejected and hurt than he was as a hero to fight the stories super villain. Enji chose heroics over his responsibilities as a father and it hurt the family, his actions spoke louder than his words. While atonement is a process his earlier attempts were not fully committed, not fully humbled and the family paid the price and in a way he's successfully killed Touya via that attempted double suicide and tragically the rest of the families efforts to prevent the two only saved ones life and bought the other a little time. Enji loses his two oldest sons and to an extent perhaps Shoto as well. He won't have heroics to attend to do he can fully work as a father and on his atonement via ensuring the scandal won't impact his kids. It is a fittingly bittersweet ending ( sweet as he still has some people who will stick by him and he is still alive to put in the work which is a gift in itself).


Yeah, it all feels very "too little, too late". It's astounding that it took *all of this* for Endeavour to finally sit down and be a responsible father for once - but it's not like he has any other choice now either, given he can't even walk and his reputation, along with that of the rest of his family, is in tatters. Their lives are "hell" indeed. And none of this could've ever happened if not for Touya. He literally had to become Dabi to *force* Endeavour to face actual consequences (albeit not legal ones) for his actions.


>but it's not like he has any other choice now either, given he can't even walk and his reputation, along with that of the rest of his family, is in tatters. Their lives are "hell" indeed. Yes, in this chapter he does say something along the lines of he can't "Endeavor" anymore (so he can't live up to his hero name). To sum him up he is too reactionary, too reluctant to actively makes the steps required, he changes when he is forced to and it took a lot and dragging many other character down for him to finally get there. >none of this could've ever happened if not for Touya. He literally had to become Dabi to force Endeavour to face actual consequences (albeit not legal ones) for his actions. This is a salient point. Touya becoming Enji's monster and vengeful ghost, ultimately delivers the "divine" retribution Enji was not going to get otherwise and it ties so closely to Enji continuing as a hero not just his obsession with number 1 but retaining that public persona he puts the most effort into. When legal justice fails, people are willing to corrupt themselves to get justice but at high price, they don't allow themselves to get better or move on and may hurt even more people in the process. I don't think that commentary is really coming into it because the story focuses so much on it as a private matter even if the public reaction will be part of his punishment that radiates out to the rest of the family. Perhaps this is because domestic violence falling under criminal law in Japan is ineffective as their criminal code doesn't criminalise crimes that occur within the family (were it pertains to financial crime) but given domestic abuse only became a criminal (rather than just a civil) matter between 2001-2007 coupled with historic attitudes and poor legally training for most police and consider the fictional status of Todoroki's and traditional families being exceptionally private Enji's retribution could only come from within and Touya was the only one willing to do it. Of the terrible T's his seeking of personal justice is probably the strongest case because as awful and extreme as his actions are we see that it takes that to get Endeavor to die and Enji to actually really think like a dad. Which was already shown since not even his original "death" derailed his dad's obsession. Touya was a villain but he was targeting a bigger one especially if we consider who Enji was less than a year ago.


Yes you described Endeavor’s flawed and bumpy, very unnecessarily tragic road to this current situation with the Todorokis really well ;; I srsly would have loved to see more of Touya interacting with Shouto and the rest of his family in this chp, but I do appreciate the reaffirmation that they truly, fully ‘see’ him, and want to continue facilitating conversations and understanding, not letting him go no matter where things end up. Enji also being very directly involved im caring for his son considering all the time he’s going to have now after retiring from hero work is what Touya has always wanted, so I’m glad for him. I was just reading a direct translation of the raws and I do quite like how Enji said “You don't have to watch me” towards his family in direct contrast to his previous “Just watch me”


Good analysis except one thing: Endeavor HAD to go against AfO or they'd be all dead as without him, AfO would have dispatched of the other heroes fighting him without even resorting to the rewind ability.


Toya being alive after ALL OF THAT, just off his pure hatred toward his family. Honestly I respect it. Edit: Nvm he dying


That is Sith levels of hatred. I'm calling him Darth Dabi from now on.


We got Darth Bortles yesterday too. Sith eating good this week.


Feels like he is Darth Sion- someone who can still control his corpse through sheer hatred.


AFO is the pettier hater but Toya is the bigger hater. Surviving off sheer hatred, even as a skeleton is crazy. Bro out-does Shiggy, who literally revived from his hatred. Edit: Yep I just saw the update, bro is LITERALLY cooked. 


*Reverse Flash seething at the level of hate Toya is displaying right now*


AFO is teenager meangirl at highschool levels of hate. Dabi is actual insane obsessive hate. They're not the same.


AFO killed an entire bloodline of a dude, including women and kids he talked to out of spite and literally turned into Reverse Flash in chapter 419. He’s a pretty crazy hater let’s be real


Shigaraki's thing was also part of his plan to get a next body so it was 2 problems being solved at the same time. Dabi however disregards his own life and planed to kill himself in front of Endeavor after killing whoever was in the way.


Nah I think AFO is a real hater. That man is vile, he put in so much effort just to spit in All Might’s face. Dabi’s hatred is just more raw and emotional


The moment he stops hating is the moment he dies. Sad.


So funny thing...


>Back to Hawks and Rei answers the text saying that he must be busy as the new president of the PSC. Why stop at just the PSC president? Let’s vote for Prime Minister Hawks! (Also seems like there’s no more **Hero** Public Safety Commission, but it seems like Heroes are still a thing, so I wonder how that will work)


Gentle and La Brava!! They're officially free! I'm so happy for them! I'm guessing next chapter will be Deku and Spinner.


They gonna be dealing with Tenko’s death 


Well I guess that Enji is going to retire now with Toya dealt with and also Toya is STILL alive and conscious after that attempted heat implosion from chapter 387-390? I never really thought he would make it out alive after all of that but he is still going.


>Well I guess that Enji is going to retire now with Toya dealt with i don't think he has much of a choice with all his injuries


>Ok guys the link we received didn't include pages 2 and 3. They're basically the doctor (?) saying that Dabi is slowly heading to his death I said the last week or so how funny will be if Dabi slowly stops hating his family and ironically that's what will cause his death because the fuel that keep him alive so many years is gone. Once a wild fire Dabi's life is just embers right now. Pretty ironic.


Oh bro is very much still dissing on Endeavor (as was Natsuo). It’s Shoto he showed remorse to.   What’s funny is if he simply stayed down, Shoto would’ve saved his life by defeating him the first time. But he got back up and seems to have caused his own death. Ironic how all 3 of the Big 3 of the League seem to die the same way they killed people: decay, taking blood and immolation.


Toya tears man… At his core he’s just a kid who wanted to be accepted by his family and be around them. Shoto was probably the first person ever to ask him a question like that 🥲


Enji is the real villain on that story 😬


This Endeavor ending was the best way to do it. Him dying is too easy. Make him live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life and make him live with the regret for what he did to Toya. This is atonement. These Todoroki family chapters was were always emotional rollercoaster. I’m gonna miss it.


Seriously, natsu telling him to his face that he doesn’t want to have him in his life anymore but also telling him to forgive himself (kinda) and endeavour accepting it, it was close to the best way to acknowledge endeavour’s character development while also making it clear that he won’t be getting a completely happy ending for the things he messed up


Not that Natsu would change much. Even if Natsu had decided to stay in good term with Enji, Toya by now is on his death door. An happy ending is simply impossible no matter what anyone choose.


Darth Sion would be proud of Toya.


u/DekusGrimoire Time to get the hat ready


didn't Toyas eyes burn out? how is crying again


Yeah... His tear ducts got burnt at some point between him escaping AFO's kindergarten of horrors and joining the League.


Place your final bets everyone! Toya redemption, yes or no? Genuinely curious if he’ll die or not.    Edit: this man Dabi is STILL hating. I respect it. And yeah, it’s confirmed bro cooked himself to the point of no return. Kido and Onima are ALIVE?!! Hori can’t let go of this plot armor for the heroes


Same here. I want to know what happens to Touya as well.


He’s alive but I have doubts they leave him looking like darth vader


"where is endeavor? is he dead? is he dying?" "it seems in your anger, you fail to kill him" "i...? i couldn't have. he was dying... i felt it! noooooooooooooo!"


He won't have a redemption. The best is maybe some mudane conversations with his family. He is slowly dying and has no control over his life or death.


I mean, it was to be expected with him looking like a burnt out skeleton last time we saw him. I am honestly surprised he can still talk at this point than that he is still dying.


My bet is no full-on redemption for Toya, but he apologizes to his family while on life support/makes amends before passing


For now, it looks like Touya said sorry only to Shoto and that his favorite food was Soba.


Fitting. Shoto is the only family member that never do anything wrong to him whatsoever. Even in the first war, he showed sympathy to him. He doesn’t forgive his family but he at least apologized to Shoto in his final moments. Good job Dabi, at least one good thing you did lol.


Natsuo is right for calling shouto their family's hero, because damn. Any other person would probably break down by that point. Especially at 16. And yet he still reaches a hand out to each and every member of his family


Yep. He's a champ in that sense. Seeing how Toga, Shigaraki, Dabi ended up, absolute worst case he could have possibly gone down the path of actual villainy. Or otherwise just turn into endeavor 2.0 - an abusive, jealous asshole. But he toughed it out and, with a bit of encouragement found the right path.


This is just the first of several conversations to come. The doctor says Toya is slipping away slowly / gently. And given how his heart reacted, I'm sure he'll apologize to Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo too. But it's fitting that he starts with Shoto. He's the one who did the most for Toya, who faced him, listened to him, did everything he could to save him even if Toya rejected him again and again and used him as a punching bag for his rage. And even now at the end, Shoto is still offering a connection and has no bad word to say to Toya. I'm so glad he reach his heart, even if just a bit.


My copium is Deku has AfO so he can actually save spinner for Shiggy since he couldn't save shiggy from himself.


I wonder if any of those faces are still healing, or if those are all healed scars. Poor Rei has a far worse scar than Shoto or Endeavor's Hood scar. Mt Lady, Gang Orca, and Hawks got dope scars from the PLF war, but Rei? That's a real nasty one


horikoshi is definitely obsessed with scarring, never seen a series let alone a shonen with such common permanent scarring especially on faces. we only have like 5 chapters left so idk if we'll see the todorokis after time has passed, i assume its healed scars


I don't know, it's refreshing to see the characters dont just magically recover from these brutal fights. Say what you want about Horikoshi not killing some characters, but he doesn't shy away from blood and gore.


Speaking of Mt. Lady, I think it's safe to assume she survived and there'll be a single panel of her recovering in the hospital or returning to work or something? The wiki still lists her status as "unknown" like Toga since she was last seen wounded snd unconscious, but with only 4 chapters after this one there would have been some indication if Mt. Lady died, unlike Midnight or Toga who got a ton of death flags.


Kido and Onima are shown to be alive in this chapter, after being brutally burned by Dabi. I think the only "unknown" fates that will end with death will be Machia and Stain. (Excluding Toga because that's an actual subplot) I'm guessing Kurogiri will still be alive, and all the heroes. Only exception is if Edgeshot dies in the hospital, due to his condition


There’s no “Unknown” for stain, mans just dead 💀 (Unless that scarred guy they show’s last chapter was him)


AFO punched Stain into chunky salsa.


Forgetting to post the pages that said Dabi is dying is next level trolling.


Wait he is? Remind’s of the JJK leaks when >!they made us think Kenjaku possessed Gojo but it was Yuta.!<


***Tonight on the series finale of Keeping Up with the Todorokis. . . .***


A series finale that I have been anxiously awaiting for quite sometime




What a title. Damn. Also, confirmation on Endeavor's retirement. He wanted to retire after Jaku because of the despair of the Dabi reveal, and the only reason he kept going was to stop Toya. Now that Toya has been dealt with, and the next generation is strong, he has no reason to continue. Wonder if he would still be a hero even if he did have a leg. Also, we figured he lost a foot, but a leg? Endeavor's rocking the Edward Elric lifestyle


I never even noticed he may have lost a foot or leg, even after going back and re-reading the war arc lol. Goes to show how much I notice


In some of the last panels when Shoto stops the Dabi nuke, Endeavor doesn't really have feet. The drawing of them are small, but they look like stumps at the ankles. If I'm remembering correctly EDIT: Last and third to last pages of chapter 390. If you zoom in, Endeavor's legs are too short compared to the rest of his body. Especially the last page. No feet.


Well shit…missing an arm, and his feet are damaged beyond repair. At this point it’d be smarter to just cut the feet off and get prosthetics. So he can at least walk


I don’t think anyone did. We know he lost his arm but idk how he lost his leg too


they were burnt during dabis explosion pretty sure


Oh your right here lost a arm and leg. Oh boy


Wow, Natsu completely cutting off Endeavor from his life. He said something similar in Endeavor's hospital room after the PLF war, but I never expected it to be so extreme. I fully get not wanting to have his future fiancé deal with all the trauma tho


Good on Hori for not pussying out on that.


I'll always respect Horikoshi for consistently establishing that Endeavor can't truly fix things with his kids, all he can do is try to be better and accept that they'll never forgive him for his shit.


I think only Natsuo and Touya are the only ones who won't forgive Enji


I don't think Shouto will forgive Enji either. But he doesn't hate him anymore; he seems more neutral on him nowadays.


I’m glad he didn’t do that with any of the villains. This sub was 100% convinced he would let Shiggy, Dabi and Toga get redemption’s and live on. Hori choose the a route that none of us predicted. Toga found acceptance for who she was. Shiggy destroyed the society that partially created him and had someone reach out a helping hand to him. Dabi got his family to look at him. But none of them got redeemed. Shiggy and Toga might’ve done one good deed but it didn’t nearly make up for everything they did


touya won't live on but he won't die full of hate. he cried and apologised. i wonder how all the crowd who said "dabi doesn't care at all" must feel now.


Well in touya case he even admitted during a flashback he regretted that he tried to burn shoto when he was an infant......but that still doesn't change the fact he hates his father's guts. Long story short he regrets what he did to shoto but not enji.


oh yeah, but so many made comments and even posts about how dabi doesn't care about anyone. joke's on them.


All Toya ever wanted was to be loved and recognised as strong instead of being seen as a failure that can't live up to his only purpose in life and why he exists in the first place. It's tragic and relatable and it sucks how many people just stamp him off as someone who was born a psychopath or even evil from the very beginning with no other causes to his current insanity when that isn't true. He did genuinely care for his family and regret his actions and while I don't agree with the choices he made and the path he chose, he was blinded by hatred and the knowledge that his body was dying.


Because they're not interested in trying to empathise with villains. Which means they're not interested in the narrative of stopping *future* villains either. But, then again... neither are the heroes in-universe, really. We have yet to see how they're actually going to prevent another Shigaraki, Dabi, or Toga being created. Or even what they're going to do about the "Quirk singularity".


Their souls got saved.


He’ll be back in the sequel. BNHA 2: The Search For More Money


The Todorokis can now move forward. It’s not perfect, but this is the best possible ending they could’ve hoped for after the PLW. Natsu may or may not hold to his promise to never see him again (his last panel suggests that there may be a future where he can be dragged to an occasional visit), but the point of Endeavor’s character arc is that the past never goes away. It does, however, force us to be better in the future.


Dabi did air the family's issues to the whole nation. Anyone who gets involved with the family after would get a lot of stigma. Prolly for the best


toya dragging his dad for being a coward & the callback to shoto’s soba wish was perfection also fuyumi is the sibling that remembers him the most I know she has a lot to say 🤍


Oh I guess Toya was able to cry after all.....


Doctor said yea we can't stop you from dying, but by god we're gonna fix those burnt up tear ducts.


He burned the holes to his tear ducts


Crying blood, yeah


>Shoto: "can I ask him just one thing”? >"What's your favorite food?". He remains silent and everyone starts to leave, but Toya then replies "soba...". Shoto says "same" and Toya starts crying and calling his brother's name as he remembers their fight and Shoto saying that their paths will cross even if by force The "Soba" conversation/scene between Shoto and Dabi really is making me feel emotional. It hits right in the heart and feels.


Kudos to horikoshi for making this an hard pill to swallow to the very end he could have made it so dabi becomes a reason for the family to solve their issues and be happy again, but it turns beating a zombie almost to death doesn't count as family therapy


It seems like Spinner and Deku will have their talk next chapter, and that’ll definitely be interesting to see (assuming Spinner has his mind back of course).


I feel like Hori left off the page where Shoto goes back to the dorms, his class waiting for him with soba and he breaks down in tears. /s The soba scene really got to me - I wonder if Shoto would ever enjoy his favourite food ever again without thinking about the brother he couldn't fully save. So cruel. But damn, Shoto's mental fortitude is incredible. With his traumatic past, the public scandal forever tying him to Endeavor and Dabi, the family he worked so hard to piece together ending up splintered (but mostly alive) and he's still able to hold his head high and give himself the permission to live and become the person he wants to be. I wish some more pages focused on his feelings though... :(((


I really appreciate how Hori depicts family trauma and the way it affects a big family. As someone who is the youngest with 3 other siblings just like Shoto, it is the most realistic portrayal I’ve ever seen out of all fiction. The youngest child who will always have this inherent tendency to admire and look up to older siblings, no matter how much rejection they face. - check. That two siblings having a closer bond out of everyone else due to being of similar age and supporting each other during the trauma - check. That one particularly fucked-up child that built his life on hating the entire family, but breaks down the instant his family shows regret and remorse - check. <- Those who complain about Touya crying not being realistic have obviously not had this experience irl. Especially when the guy is literally on his deathbed. That child that cuts contact (usually the hot-headed one)- check. That child that tries to maintain peace (usually the middle child) - check. That youngest child that’s socially inept due to being born in the tensest family situation and building walls around him as a result - check. Siblings in a group trying to reach out to the youngest one who was left behind at a later stage of life when their situation was more stable- check. The Todoroki family is probably one of the best plotlines in MHA. Very well done, wish I had more words to compliment it. Soba though…. 😭


As the eldest child of another screwed up family... I concur 😟 No guys, really... The tears as he apologizes towards the younger sibling he mistreated... I miss my baby brother. Last time I saw him, he was still a small child. Now he is an adult. He probably has a SO, a car, a job... He may pass me by on the street and would not even recognise me, his older sister just a distant memory of the past... Screw you mom, why did you have to be such a bitch towards all of us? My heart hurts.


toya is a perfect eldest child representation fr


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didn't expect Horikoshi to go all out with Natsu cutting Endeavor out of his life. I'm really happy about it tbh, even though Endeavour's one of my fav. way more realistic this way. props to both Fuyumi and Natsu for doing what's best for themselves (staying in touch and mending the relationship for Fuyumi / cutting ties for Natsu)


Natsu may feel such hurry to marry to take his girlfriend's family name and leave the Todoroki name behind.


Kind of a parallel to how Rei probably felt hurry to take her husband's family name because the Himura family was collapsing anyway... only for Endeavour to ruin things all over again (and on a greater scale).


Apologizing to Shoto... If he lived off hatred. Then that means he'll just die now, because he is not anymore. I'm not ready...


He'll die in soon time. The description forgot to include it, but its mentioned that he's slowly dying because of his bodies condition and the fact he no longer hates his family as much as he once did. Its like how the Doctor summed him up, "The Demon Lord had to abandon that Frenzied Flame of Death." His hatred was destroying everything. His family, his enemies, and even himself. Its clear that his hate has burned out completely and there is nothing left to keep him going now.


> Frenzied Flame What in the Elden Ring 


Would you look at that... Kido and Onima are still alive


Weren't those the two that people assumed would be the only named casualties on the heroes side? Guess we'll see Mt. Lady and Mirko alive soon then (definitely looking for the former since the wiki still lists her status as "unknown" despite her surviving much worse).


If those two didn't die, I heavily doubt Mirko and Mt. Lady are dead.


I'm not surprised, but it's still hilarious that, despite how high Hori tried to make the stakes look for the heroes in the Final War... the heroes still lost *no-one*. Meanwhile, the villains - i.e. the *actual* disadvantaged underdogs of the story - all either died; are dying; or had their numbers wiped out (largely off-screen; e.g. Gashly, the majority of the PLF). There really is no equality of consequence here. lol


Jeez, it sure is quite sad that Dabi finally got what he wanted in his final moments


That's what we call a tragedy. All of this pain and suffering was completely avoidable if Enji wasn't such a shit parent.


Imagine if Touya walked in on the family being normal instead of Shoto’s intense and hellish training


That is all what I have been thinking all this time. This whole "Dabi scandal" was entirely avoidable, and could have been easily prevented.


we don't know how much long he has left


At least he still has fuyumi and what’s left of toya 💀 I had the idea that Natsuo would come around for some reason but I guess after seeing toya in that state probably woke up his demons again.


I mean, what else can you really do after all of that? It's completely fair to excommunicate toxic family members from your life.


Toya is dying my man. 


I KNEW Hawks would be the new president of the HPSC! VERY cool that it's no longer the "Hero Public Safety Commission" but the "Public Safety Commission." The divide between the heroes and the civilians will no longer be so wide and extreme. Just neighbors with different careers. Great development


Okay that soba exchange hits hard, after all this time


I think some people forget the stigma that comes from being connected to a mass murder and terrorist(must be worse in Japan). It’s kind of like how the relatives of Hitler changed their last names to distance themselves from him and any association with the name to avoid being targeted.


hawks cannot not appear if the chapter's focus is on the todorokis what a king choosing the most dysfunctional family in all of Japan as his chosen family


Hawks: well it’s more functional than mine!


Maybe he ought to schedule a session with family therapist Deku


He's a Todoroki by now.


It would be funny if he actually becomes one, him and Fuyumi are the same age after all.


He’s taking Natsu’s spot.


Did Rei cut her hair short? She looks so beautiful, despite the scars


Looking beautiful despite the scars is a Todoroki specialty


Yeah, she cut her hair with flames lol


So Touya’s *not* in a coma since he can speak full sentences! Thought he was stuck in some kind of healing contraption last chapter, though I guess it could still be one, I imagine it’s been taking a lot to keep him alive/conscious


Apparently, the doctor confirmed in one of the early pages (which got missed by the leakers initially) that Dabi is going to die pretty soon. So my guess is that even though he's still conscious, it's probably some kind of life support system.


Some people were so excited about Touya living on with his fam only to be hit with the missing pages whiplash lol… But then again the guy has been shown living on the edge for a while now, he may have a decent amount of life in him yet


I love this f*cked up little family. Horiiii… I’m so sad… Also, of course Hawks gets a cameo in the final Todofam chapter lol.


F U Y U M I I don't know how many of you remember, but for years now, my only contribution to these threads has been to type F U Y U M I when she shows up. This might be the last time I get to do that. I'm gonna miss this series. It was the only thing that pulled me back into reading manga and I'll never forget it.  And always remember - F U Y U M I best girl


Oh god I knew Dabi would be in awful condition but that's quite a bit worse than I was expecting


What happened? 


He looks like the grandma in the chocolate episode of SpongeBob.


Chocolate?!? I ALWAYS HATED IT!!


His lips are gone for one.


Well that was evident since his 2nd defeat. The fun part is how it doesn't stop him to talk in a very fluid way, despite his tongue also must be charroted and his vocal cords can't be on a better state.


Endeavor's sidekicks really heard what he did to his family and said: "Damn that sucks, didn't happen to me though!! Love you boss!!"


They need the paychecks


“He just like me fr”


Seems like a Spinner cliffhanger


Wait really? I need to download twitter, idk what’s happening lol.


yeah saw a pic of him waking up in a hospital bed.


Gonna suck seeing him react to Shiggy death


True but I'm glad he gets this much


I wonder if Shoto will stay in contact with Endeavor


I think he will. They won't ever have an openly warm relationship, but they'll support each other as family.


Studio Bones: You what lets cook those fans espessially with those kid impact frames of Toya and Shoto Horikoshi: You know what, I like your idea. Toya's favorite food is Soba now. Manga-Anime watchers: Thoroughly Cooked


SOBA!? Nah Hori you are crazy for that.... the words Shoto has wanted to hear for so long 😭😭


Enji dropping a bar so hard that even his #1 hating son thought it was cool.


Probably came up with it while lying on the hospital bed for ages and is just waiting for a suitable moment to drop it


Bakugo predicted wrongly, Touya doesnt like hot spicy udon.


Well, he never said he doesn't like it. But it's not his favourite.


Tbf the prediction was more of an inside joke than a serious one. It was a callback to their remedial classes— Inasa liking hot udon and Shouto (who prefers cold soba) being at odds with him. Since Dabi was at odds with Shouto at that time, Bakugou wryly commented that he probably likes udon as opposed to soba. That's why Shouto laughed at that scene. Symbolically it also points to the end of the brothers' feud at present.


all the todoroki’s going their own paths, and all of them are valid, natsuo is perfectly valid in his decision to estrange himself, just like fuyumi is valid to (mostly) forgive him, because that’s what each of them chose on their own endeavor was a horrible monster to his family, and he has known this. he did damage that can’t be undone, but while he can’t undo any of that, he can prevent more from occurring, and the remainder of his life will be spent doing just that to keep the consequences of his actions away from them so they can try and live normal lives the todoroki plotline has always been one of the most compelling in the series, and it’s so crazy to see that it’s finally over


> to keep the consequences of his actions away from them so they can try and live normal lives It feels a bit hollow now: Toya is slowly dying, Fuyumi is scarred for life, lost her job, Rei is disfigured and is somehow being now Enji's caretaker? Natsu gets to cut away and Shoto? It's like nobody in the family cares about Shoto. Nobody thanks him, asks him how he's doing or even reacts to his "I'm going to be ok" statement. It's insane that after everything he's done for the family, he's NEVER got a hug from his mother. Contrast it to Bakugou and Deku getting recognition and praise from All Might. My heart aches so bad for Shoto - he deserved so much better than this family. And Enji cannot do a damn thing about Shoto forever being known as "Endeavor's son, Dabi's brother". What a depressing ending for this boy who did so much to heal himself and his family, went above and beyond for people who did nothing but hurt him since he was born.


Izuku was right about him when they met. Shoto has all the qualities that are ready for being the protagonist of his own story. Including the baggage. *Especially* the baggage.


Yeah, the Todoroki plotline definitely needed more than 1 chapter to conclude. I am fine with Endeavor's and Shoto's conclusions, but really wished we got more on the other Todorokis. For Natsuo, at least from the scans I read, Natsuo didn't even try to talk to Toya. I am guessing Natsuo was just  tired. I wish we got any time during the Dark Hero arc to see Natsuo and Fuyumi talk about what Toya has done as well as the whole Ending incident. I am kind of the most disappointed in Fuyumi's ending. During the Endeavor agency arc, the translation I read made it seem like she was pushing down her own resentment/didn't forgive Enji but was trying to forcibly move past those feelings because of her desire to have a happy family. And even before that, (albeit this is just my headcanon), I always felt she stayed in the family house for Shoto's sake. So, now that it is clearly impossible for her dream of a happy family to come true and Shoto doesn't really need to come home anymore, it would have been nice to see her try and reevaluate on what she wants. As for Rei, I really wished that Hori focused on what her plans are now. I know Endeavor said he planned on having a new house made, but she still spent years in a mental health hospital.


Enji catching every possible insult and taking it like a champ. Can't see Natsuo's GF or see her and Natsuo get married? Fine by him. Says he's going to face hell? He's accepted Toya's dance. Even if Endeavor "died", Enji Todoroki is still Top 10. That's my goat.


It'd be very MHA for the family to soften Dabi's hate and pain in the end, but I'd actually love it if Dabi's a stone cold hater forever. Like Endeavor visits him in the hospital every day for decades and every day it's "Hello Toya, I love you, son" "Fuck you dad" "I know, I know"


I’m just imagining Dabi on his deathbed, knowing that the end is near, and then he calls for Endeavor to rush over to the hospital and goes: Dabi: “Dad… come… closer…” Endeavor (leans over): “Yes, son?” Dabi: “closer… please… have to… tell you… tha….” Endeavor (leans in closer): “Yes, Toya! W-what is it, my son?” Dabi: “…” Dabi: **“you’re ugly”** *(fucking dies)*


So, Endeavors dad status is: Son 1: Dead Son 2: Done with Son 3: Low Contact Daughter: Probably infrequent contact Man. Not a great score for our boy


he has one one friendly bird by his side at least lmao


Hawks is best bird, truly.


It's actually pretty good when you remember he deserves to be cut off from the whole family 💀 Even Natsu is being civil with him and admitting to his positive qualities. Good for Enji 😂


Damn I didn't think soba could make me cry but here we are


You know, I was always thinking that Horikoshi would have the Todoroki family at least try to reconcile on some level at the end. It's not like I don't understand the feelings of Natsu in not wanting to see Endeavor again, but is that how this plotline should end? Having the entire family be burnt and broken? Is it not possible to at least have the entire family have dinner together for one last time before going seperate ways? This resolution, while being realistic, doesn't feel like things are resolved in as satisfying a manner as it should be. Rather than realism, I would like to see something more thematically satisfying.


tbh i'm mixed its realistic but does it fit the themes though?


Remember when some fans screamed about Hori being an abuse apologist because he wrote a redemption arc for Enji? I bet they're hiding in shame now. Hori did not force Natsu to reconcile with Enji in the name of "family unity". Natsu is not being deliberately unforgiving. There is no childish spite in his resolve. No misplaced need to get back at Enji by clinging to negative feelings. Some sins just take too much emotional labour to forgive, and some abuse victim cannot afford it and need to focus on their own healing away from the source of their trauma. This is what Natsu needs, and I'm glad he's giving himself what he needs without thinking of himself as unkind. I'm glad Enji immediately accepted his son's boundary and prioritised his son's needs. Hori showed that Natsu still cared about Enji because that is still his father (he's the only one who tells Enji to rest and ease his burden). He showed him being able to have civil interactions with Enji, being able to look at his character objectively, and even joke about viewing Enji as cool for the first time in his life. But he still allowed Natsu to keep his distance from Enji and go to his own path. Enji didn't have to be an irredeemable monster for that to happen. Natsu didn't have to be consumed by hate, rage, and resentment for that to happen. Sometimes, it's best for family members to keep a safe distance from each other. Sometimes, it's the only way for healing to happen. Family can still be family without wholesome togetherness. There is a space for family bond to exist between "cut them off" and "reconcile".


>Remember when some fans screamed about Hori being an abuse apologist because he wrote a redemption arc for Enji? It's good to remember these people are not writers, or should not be for good reasons. If it where up to them MHA would be a series full of one dimensional cartoonish characters


Hopefully we get Mr Compress next chapter


Hawks becoming the leader of PSC is expected but welcome. Gentle/La Brava conclusion while very short is still good Natsuo cutting off Endeavor sounds harsh but it's absolutely understandable. Endeavor is the reason the Todoroki family turns hellish after all. EDIT: Looking at it back, I wish we see more of Hawks' thoughts on him becoming the leader of PSC


Damn, I didn't even read the chapter, but I can just feel the heaviness of it. Natsu not wanting to remain in contact with his dad anymore, Fuyumi getting another job, Toya slowly dying, Enji quietly accepting and encouraging his kids to leave him and Shoto being fine with Class A. Seriously, people may shit on MHA as much as they want, but I've never seen a shonen deal with this kind of domestic abuse in such a serious and (semi)-realistic way without acting like everything will be fine in the end.


I understand why she wants to stay in prison for now, but I hope that we will see Nagant out of there in the last 4 chapters left


they really wanted me to cry this chapter and truly succeeded


I'm confused on whether Shoto has forgiven Endeavor or not. Cuz that was a plot point


My heart hurts, I know Todoroki family story is tragic, but having it realized it hurts. Love that by the end of the day Touya knows Shoto never do wrong, the soba thing oh my God, if only, if only Enji was never a shit father, they could’ve get a long well. Enji you could’ve had it all…. You could’ve had it all… A little surprised on Natsu’s decision to cut ties but it’s good that Hori is sticking with it, not easily forgiving the abuse that has been done This feels so short and I’m not a fan of having Touya die off-screen, will wait for the official translation on the missing pages


Kind of disappointing to not see any meaningful dialogue between Rei & Toya. An apology to her (which he wanted to do after waking up from his coma) would of been more impactful than with Shoto. The apology here seems kind of forced to be honest, but maybe the summary isn't doing it justice.


Horikoshi not ~~beating the allegations /joke btw~~ giving meaningful moments here between Touya specifically with Rei and Fuyumi in this “final” todofam chapter when they’ve seen directly what he’s been through from basically the very start (at least a little more than Natsuo and Shouto tbh) is pretty unfortunate. Almost feels like they were prevented from speaking with Touya (and giving more input re: Endeavor even) just because Horikoshi couldn’t think of anything for them to say


So Dabi hasn't died yet, with no flatline in this chapter, but he IS dying. This is the last Todoroki family chapter. Dabi's literally been a "man too angry to die" for a full decade, and Shoto easing his hatred (towards Shoto at least) will just make him die faster. Since Dabi didn't die at the end of the chapter, I'm guessing he'll die offscreen. I'm also guessing that to really conclude things, we'll see Shoto mourning Dabi in the last chapter. Either visiting his grave or an updated shrine at home. A quick half page confirmation


So like … my GOAT Best Jeanist gets his much deserved #1 hero ranking chapter before this thing wraps up?


There shouldn't be a hero ranking after this. 


Well now there are only 4 more chapters left. Guess the next one will start off with Spinner.