• By -


When the entire class A cared more about shinso joining them than Aoyama getting out of U.A.


I think they'd already had a feeling and made peace with that


True. But... that's not the best storytelling... WE didn't get a "feeling" & **we had 0 time to process the loss of a great character** *(we were emotionally invested in)*, **before immediately the new replacement came in within *seconds*.**


we had the whole ua traitor arc to process it


To process that a teen hero integral for finale was gonna quit SCHOOL...? Many of us didn't see that coming. I mean, he's a kid & was forgiven. Not a given he'd quit. (And if we're going by what SHOULD happen, then his family should be facing charges for colluding with the enemies & being an active integral part in the kidnapping of a student, injuries of many others, and what led to the death of the Symbol of Peace... even if they cooperated. And most wouldn't immediately trust him or welcome him back so easily, even if his hand was forced.) But this is shonen and MHA. So, I didn't *know* he'd leave & be replaced within the same breath. Lol But anyway, **it's not ABOUT him leaving, I can totally understand that.** šŸ’” It's about the *pacing*. It's usually not... great to take away an emotional character and IMMEDIATELY introduced his replacement, without letting the audience "grieve". It would've been better if Shinso was introduced first. THEN Aoyama could say he's leaving. But, that's just imo.


> . I mean, he's a kid & was forgiven. he was explicitly _not_ forgiven. We were _told outright_ even with helping with AFO, he'd have to leave. Wer eyou not reading?


LOL calm down, it was years ago. šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ Though, I meant forgiven by his friends. But, WHERE were we told he would "HAVE to leave"? I only saw Aizawa saying [he will NOT expel him](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boku-No-Hero-Academia/0338-008.png), & that [he MIGHT](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Boku-No-Hero-Academia/0340-017.png) not have a UA home at the end. But it was all about in the air, as far as I remembered. But I don't see the "you'll be expelled once the war is over" which chapter is it? But again... my main issue was with TIMING. Usually, don't axe a character, and introduce replacement in the same breath. That's all. Normally, you either give it time or do the switch beforehand. (Edit= Also, Aoyama SAYS "Both sensei & detective said I MAY STAY ENROLLED." So, the school AND authorities wanted him to stay, HE didn't. So, he wasn't kicked out )


Just to add onto this, in the previous chapter, Aoyama does state that both the detective and Aizawa said he was allowed to remain enrolled. Though, Aoyama didnā€™t want to since he felt he didnā€™t deserve it.


Oh yeah, I edited it just a few mins ago. I had totally forgotten. Nice eye at catching it, my ass had to re-read to remember... ONE chapter ago... šŸ˜†


Oh sorry, I didnā€™t notice lol.


ā€œIt was years agoā€ Are you not watching the anime as well?


No. I'm waiting for it all to be over to binge. I'm not in a hurry, I already know what happens. Lol And either way, they were incorrect. Aoyama was never told he WOULD be expelled/kicked out. Aizawa said he wouldn't, then said he MIGHT not have a HOME in UA, and then at the end, it turns out the cops & Aizawa expected him to stay in school & continue studying to be a hero (but HE chose to leave). He *was* forgiven by friends, authorites, & school.


In Shinso's defense...they wanted him in class 1A back from the Joint Training arc. With all his training from Eraser Head, it was very unlikely he wouldn't join the class eventually. He'd accomplished plenty in the Final War to warrant promotion to a hero class from 1c.


True. I don't hate Shinso, just the timing of it. But a hero course for him was long overdue! Though, if I'm honest, while his biggest connections are in Class 1A (Aizawa & Deku), I was kinda hoping he'd go with Monoma as they have the funnest chemistry of any Shinso dynamic. Lol (*Monoma is like his Mic, loves to annoy & to be a loud obnoxious showman* šŸ˜†) (Plus, bond of being the only ones seen as having villain-like-Quirks & Quirks that don't work sans others.) So, I'm a bit bummed out he separated [this Dynamic Duo.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/641c315814406a317e8180186b79f210/6b26746fa7ee75b3-c5/s1280x1920/bc564ef5362b083af05e8a9f49f3a52a65ddeefc.jpg)


All about rushed endings.... a curse on writers


True. šŸ’” But at the same time... if you're FORCED to rush... make sure you're only focusing on critical panels... like... we didn't need close to 2 pages with the new student... from another class... that nobody gives a shit about lol (& *most* of what she said was interesting, but not critical enough...). And the principal stuff was kinda interesting but could've been shorter too... Those extra pages&panels could've gone to Aoyama & Deku's first attempt at contact with broken Uraraka&Shoto. *Or the CLASS reconnecting for the first time...* (or even Deku connecting with his own traumatized *mom* before leaving...) This ENTIRE war finale has been extensive (& for many it dragged a bit), so, it's odd that NOW it's when he's decided (or forcedšŸ’”) to use breakneck pacing... and it's hurting the story, imo.


> the loss of a great character I mean I guess that depends on what your definition of 'great character' is.


A great *side* character, ofc. And true, but the same could be said about 99.9% of every side or main character in MHA.


Ayoama is EASILY, my least favorite character in the series.


In the SERIES...? Wow lol ok. Why, if I may ask?


He always felt like a total coward to me. Like I get the back story. Navel laser is so dumb of a quirk for me. His outfit is lame. His voice "in japanese at least" is grating. Idk, he just never clicked for me.


They processed jt before the war started. When they found out.


But I'm not talking about them? I'm talking about the audience... us. *We* JUST got the news. Usually you don't get rid of a beloved character & immediately introduced his replacement. You pace it better. Or you add the replacement before, and THEN say goodbye to the other character.


> We JUST got the news. _we_ were told years ago when the traitor was first revealed...


We were told he MIGHT get kicked out. Might not. It was still undecided-- unless I missed a panel, ofc. It *was* years ago. And either way, again, it's the pacing... (But also, this chapter said "*outright*" lol that the authorities & Aizawa wanted him to stay, but HE wanted to leave.)


I mean it's a little ignorant to assume that everything was just going to be okay and that he was going to be a hero. He's still a criminal we never knew exactly what was going to happen but myself and everyone I talked to all speculated what was actually going to happen to aoyama.


You all speculated that *he* would choose to leave but the school & authorities would want him to stay? And where was he formally arrested & charged? He wasn't even expelled & they all wanted him to keep going to school to become a hero... Also, > it's a little ignorant to assume that everything was just going to be okay and that he was going to be a hero. But... had it not been for HIS OWN rogue-choice... everything WAS going to be okay & he was gonna be a hero. Also, this is the same story where the MC & FL tried to connect with & save the mass murderers, & now feel bad they weren't able to save their lives at the last moment? But they did... *save their hearts*. So, how's it ignorant to correctly assume he'd be forgiven (by friends, school, & authorites)?


So, I'm not gonna tell you that you should've considered this, because most shonen-aimed stories don't really stick to long-term consequences for things like betrayal, murder, genocide, etc. Vegeta's probably the best dad in Dragon Ball and he murdered entire planets for fun. However, I will respond to this: >But... had it not been for HIS OWN rogue-choice... everything WAS going to be okay & he was gonna be a hero. That's because it's a stronger character moment if this is something he decides, rather than something that's decided for him. Aoyama didn't belong at U.A., not really. But he found a place there and found a purpose that he wants to work for, and it's important for his character that he now goes back to square one so that he can work towards that the "right" way.


Oh how could we forgot that horrendous comparison Kirishimia made between Deku and Aoyoma? Oh gosh that was cringeĀ 


Which one ?


ā€œNone of us blamed Midoriya for hiding that he was quirkless!ā€ Like thatā€™s not even remotely the biggest issue. The issue is him nearly getting everyone killedā€¦ several times!


Well he wasn't addressing the biggest issue. He was addressing a smaller issue. So yeah, let him speak.


Donā€™t ever try to cook again


I won't if you eat my most recent dish.


Iā€™m probably gonna get heat for this, but Froppy crying and guilt-tripping everyone about breaking the rules and going to rescue Bakugo was so obnoxious to me.


In hindsight that was pretty weird, making Froppy such a narc out of nowhere. Canā€™t do shit around her without wearing regulation safety shoes lmfao


Iā€™ve seen people headcanon that it kind of lends to the mutant discrimination stuff where someone like Tsuyu tries to be like a model citizen so people donā€™t feel prejudiced against her for her features. Couldā€™ve potentially been an interesting point if Horikoshi actually explored the concept more seriously/deeper


She didn't want them to get in the way of the real heros.


Why? She was right the most likely escenario was that at least one of them would've died and they became a problem to the pros. All she did was care about her classmates and not wanting more of them to die to save another one plus they are students and they should put themselves in those situations yet they are still learning. The most sane and the actual answer was to let the pros handle it.


But thatā€™s the thing, if that had been how she explained it, it mightā€™ve been better. But what she actually says is ā€œbreaking the rules means youā€™re acting like villains.ā€ Which is such a short-sighted and immature way to look at heroism imo.


Guess we needed conflict somehow lol


They are 16 tho they are immature


So? That doesnā€™t make it any less annoying lol. No one else in the class felt the need to virtue-signal to the kids that even All Might acknowledged came in clutch.






100% Mineta is the most annoying thing


Wanted to say ā€žbeing Minetaā€œ, but this is better.


That one time he told Eri "i can't wait to see how you look in 10 years" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's just the anime pedo-ising him like they did with Midnight.




It was funny for a bit but got old way too quickly.


It really bothered me when Tsu said that bullshit about the 4 going to rescue Bakugo, "they were acting like villains." Clear difference and also clearly an exception to following the rules. And then for her to start crying after.


TBF to Tsu the entire class heard about the pro heroes doing a rescue operation to save Bakugo. She was worried that her Classmates going off on their own to save Bakugo without telling the pro heroes would have messed up the rescue operation that the pro heroes were doing which could have led to her classmates being suspended or worse case scenario arrested. We saw with Gentle Criminal backstory how harshly the law treats someone that goes off on their own to rescue someone. Gentle accidentally messed up a rescue that a pro hero was doing. She also didn't know that they weren't going to engage in combat with the villains to rescue Bakugo. Keep in mind that Izuku, Kirishima and Todoroki said that they weren't going to engage in combat with the villains only to Iida and Momo.


She had a point though. It's understandable that they wanted to save bakugo, but at the same time they were kids with no qualifications. Her point was that you can't do what you like just because you feel like you're in the right. And she was crying because she felt guilty for thinking that way, not to guilt trip them.


that moment (and the rest of the class fucking consoling her) really soured me on Tsuyu for the rest of the manga. Was kinda hoping she'd get her tongue cut off by Toga or something so she'd have to retire. Or shut the fuck up


........ she said one thing man wtf.


In this fandom if one character does 1 bad thing, they're condemned forever even if it makes sense.


Same Fandom that sucks bakugo's dick, lol


Wtf are you talking about? Any time I see a mention of someone hating Bakugo it always gets upvoted to the top


Skill issue




My brother in christ he's the one character that gets the most shit for a thing he said what are you talking about šŸ’€ Literally all of his discussions go back to "B-But he said kys in chapter 1-" The illusion of choice


As we should.




First I was joking. Second he's a great character.


I know you where joking, me too


He's a B+ character in a C- story.


That she also felt bad about. Like God forbid a character act irrational now and again, especially given the stress during those events


She said a stupid, hypocritical thing that goes against the core message of what a hero is.


And she regretted it. Wanting her to be hurt for it is fucked up.


She's a teenager in a world with insanely strict quirk laws and regulations for heroes which are jobs in mha. That's not hypocritical she's saying that Heroes aren't above the law and shouldn't just break it just cause they feel like it.Teenagers aren't going to have the most nuanced views of society. She later regrets saying and moves past that black and white view of society


Actually, what she said was probably very much in line with the core message of a Pro Hero in the *MHA* world. I mean, what she said wasn't *that* different from what Tsukauchi said when scolding Iida and co. for using their Quirks against Stain.


psalms 37:13, ā€œbut the lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is comingā€


Serial killer ass statement




Low key here for everyone saying Mineta. 100% agree


I love how half of them don't even say what the annoying thing he's done is, just saying Mineta alone is enough


Mineta: \*exists\* The fandom: \*rage screaming\* (100% agree. I hate him.)


Lol it's just so funny


Are we wrong?


He had a decent gag for the start then it got way overused and it is just boring and unnecesary now.


Mineta when he says thst he only want to vent to Forest Camp to peep at womans.


Mineta exists


How there's so many of them that when they try to convince Dekku to come back and they ALL have to say something (except Aoyama I guess) none of them end up saying anything meaningful by themselves (except Bakugo I guess). No wonder I didn't even notice him saying anything. I would prefer if the story fleshed out few of them a lot rather than all of them a little.


Aside from Mineta, nearly everything Midnight did.


How is that woman not charged with grooming minors lmao


I still remember the line at the sports festival where she said she got turned on by the classes of 16 year olds in the anime


Dunno if it's just me but she sometimes made me uncomfortable when watching :/


It is definitely not just you- I legit had to turn away sometimes when sheā€™d pop up on screen- especially during the Sports Festival Arc


Mineta breathing.


How dare he


Bakugo just generally being a shit person and still somehow being popular. Iidaā€™s hypocrisy by mocking Izukuā€™s house arrest for rule breaking while he himself went vigilante against Stain. Izukuā€™s whole stupid loner dark arc after every mission heā€™s been on since the start of the series only succeeding by working together with other people.


I think you're conflating enjoying a character with thinking they're a good person or wanting to be their friend. Bakugo has a lot of faults but he's easily my favourite character just because of how much fun he is to watch. I would 100% hate being around him IRL and I know that, but he's a fantastic character to have on a show about hero kids at school.


Nope, he's annoying. A screaming narcissist isn't a good character.


Honestly in my experience screaming narcissist make fucking fantastic characters haha


if you think bakugou is truly a shit character then you are extremely shallow lmao. he is one of the, if not the most well developed and complex character


Donā€™t think anyone said that




Mineta existing.


Mineta and Aoyama. The traitor thing doesnā€™t actually give anything lmao


Defied direct orders from All Might and launched a potentially lethal attack on a fellow student.


Sounds like your typical mha school day


That never happened


Yes it did. What are you talking about? During the battle trials bakugo uses one of his completely full gauntlets to launch a massive explosion at deku despite the fact that all might himself said not to (with his excuse being that midoriya would be fine so long as he dodged) The only reason bakugo didn't use his other gauntlet was because all might said he'd automatically fail his team if he did


Do you remember what all might said after?


"As a teacher, I should absolutely stop this now"? Because yes, he should have.


He said he wasn't aiming at Deku so it won't kill him and to not do it again


You're confusing lines there. Bakugo is the one who said that he wasn't aiming at Izuku, so it wouldn't kill him. While that's true, explosions revolve around shockwaves, so even without aiming directly at him, it could still do heavy damage and burns. Besides, Bakugo himself said he wanted to do as much damage as possible without stopping the fight. All Might then said that he noticed Bakugo hadn't gone completely insane and that, while he should just stop the fight, he wanted Izuku to overcome the challenge himself. Overall, that fight showed that BoS Bakugo was willing to hurt others for his own pride and that BoS All Might was awful as a teacher. I don't know what headcanon you took from it, but these are the facts.


You just confirmed it wasn't a lethal attack then thank you. The rest isn't relevant


It did happen though.


If Tsuyu has no haters, know I have died.


My people šŸ«¶šŸ¼ I just canā€™t get on with the frog, I canā€™t. I know we rag on wondering how Hagakure passed the entrance exam but for real how the fuck did a frog pass the robot combat entrance exam?


She was stronger than a lot of class 1-A, being one of only 5 people to be in a hero-work studies. She has very strong support capabilities and little to no weaknesses. Not to mention her tongue can lift multiple people, and knock out people. So she isn't weak.


Not to mention, her kicks probably have the capability of eventually reaching Mirko's level since she hops a lot, and frogs are known for strong legs


Tsu is a really good character, but people dislike her just becuaee she follows the rules. Pretty dumb reason really


We see her carrying the weight of Izuku and Mineta in her tongue during the USJ fight, and we probably see her carrying heavier loads later that I can't think of. All she'd have to do is pick up a few of the smaller robots and fling them at the others to rack up points. Additionally, she probably got a number of rescue points because Tsuyu's a good person and would have tried to pull people out of harm's way.


Mineta. Just Mineta


Mineta, existing.


Fuckin' saving plan. Excluding that, the "water under the bridge" bar was one of the most annoying to me as a reader.






Worst thing: Bakugou telling Izuku to k/// himself.Ā  Stupidest thing: Shoto trying to stop Midoriya with a slab of ice(Mido could have been injured) Most annoying: Mineta's peep hole incident.


Tsuyu. Like she irked me from day one and then the bullshit she said after the Bakugo rescue, that ended with anything _but_ she getting a backhand slap? Soured me from day one on that stupid character


Mineta existing.


Pretty much anything involving Aoyama How the class pretty much doesn't care that the dude is a traitor, like barely any reaction they just don't give a shit Probably one of the worst chapters of the entire manga


Bakugo going four hundred plus chapters yet the way he speaks when heā€™s not around Deku or All Might is still annoying. I could take it for the first 306 but not the rest of the damn series.


A popular character keeping his character trait that made him popular? Colour me suprised.


You think the way Bakugo speaks is the trait that made him popular instead of his great development as a character?


Considering he was popular before that development kicked in I'd say yes


The way he carries himself, a cocky asshole who can sometimes back it up, is what makes him popular. Its the vegeta archetype. its entertaining because either he will beat someone else and it will be satisfying, or he will lose and his hubris will be revealed as a fault and it will be satisfying.


He fails as a character cause the second possibility pretty much never happens lol


It happens when he loses to Deku


That was literally his entire character arc for the first half of the series, culminating in him breaking down during a fight with Izuku because his own weakness led to his hero losing everything that he thought mattered.


no im pretty sure heā€™s just popular because heā€™s handsome.


Iida tried to kill someone and he didn't even get detention. Mineta needs detention (hell course) Bakugo needed counseling, you don't say kys unless you have no regard for the life you're talking to. (He apologized recently, but this should have been addressed years ago instead of ignored.) Midoriya needed to be out of the way when Nighteye was dying. All Might, Mirio and the sidekicks belonged near him. Also, counseling. People telling you to kys does damage, even if you brush it off. Ashido freezes during villain encounters. Shoji covers his scars even as is classmates get covered in them. I know the manga covers this later, but I'm not there yet. Yaomomo plans work, but she doesn't take command completely. Uravity ... Actually I have no complaints. Tokoyami is too afraid of his quirk and needs counseling or something Hagakure needs an actual costume! Mirio has one!


Based for not having Uraraka or Koji Koda slander


Anyone who slanders the animal whisperer is a fool.


When Mineta


Mineta. His transgression? Being on screen.


Mineta keeps breathing, and I think that should stop.


Most of the things Mineta has done


Mineta. It's not that he exists, but rather, the fact that he neglects his high intelligence outside of exercise and war.


Jiro continously insulting and jabbing Kaminari. It's played as a joke but that's still bullying.


To be fair, itā€™s back and forth. He does the same with some insults and forcing her to reveal stuff she didnā€™t wanted to. It wasnā€™t good behavior from both of them but they also both got over it and learned from it. Jirou learned that she can be more confident in her music and Kaminari learned that he in fact is a good stun-gun (can control his electricity better through contact). Sero was the same, but even he learned to now only poke Bakugo.


Their dynamic was more two teenagers bantering than her bullying him.


If the author wasn't less keen on romantic partnerships, those two would have been together a long time ago in most manga. Kaminari's indicated that Jiro means a lot to him before, and his encouragement of her music has flustered her before.


God forbid friends harmlessly poke a little fun at eachother.


No, Jirou based


Bakugo bullying Deku and only beginning to tone it down when he starts getting closer in terms of power


Objectively wrong. Bakugou toned (stopped for a long time too) the bullying since after the Sludge incident.


He stopped physically bullying him for a brief period of time after the sludge incident, then promptly continued the second he found out that Deku had a quirk.


10 months of no-bullying is not "briefĀ ", but I guess it can be considered briefĀ in comparison to all their lives. As for Bakugou's stay at UA, it was stated multiple times he mostly ignores Deku's existence and minds his business. In UA he did 3 things; Attempting to attack Deku during their first test, their battle during Battle Trials, and whacked him one time during their final exams. Their 2nd battle doesn't count cuz Bakugou wanted a real fight and Deku went along with it for his own benefits. Between those moments (two in one day), there are long ass months. His behavior still sucked but he was making effort to mind his shit & it got nothing to do with their power ups.


He didnā€™t begin to start toning it down until season 3 when he started to realize he isnā€™t infallible and being cocky can lead to consequences (not that the kidnapping was his fault)


Being Mineta


Mineta opening his mouth




Mineta was born


I personally don't have anything against him, but Ojiro. Objectively speaking, his quirk is not as powerful as some of what we've seen from other classes and schools. It's not that he's bad or anything, but his quirk just seems out of place and low-tier compared to the power and potential that others' quirks have in 1a. Again...I don't hate the guy in the slightest. I just think he's a little out of his league quirk-wise compared to his classmates.


Mineta and Bakugo really.


Putting themselves in danger to save bakugo when they are just students. Yes I get the reason storywise but if we pretende they are real and thats a real situation realisticaly speaking they would be doing nothing other than be on the hƩroes way


Realistically you donā€™t think logically when you experience something as traumatic as a friend being kidnapped. Itā€™s similar to your friend being stuck in a burning building, if you donā€™t freeze up you run into that building because you have a minuscule chance of saving them.


Didn't know people hated tsuyu chan this much. But she was correct in her apprehension to support those guys. They were literally fresh highschoolers trying to meddle in pro-heros' business, yes they wanted to help bakugo but the worst case scenario would've been them getting caught by villans and making pro-heros work harder.


While that's true, she could have worded it better than calling them villains.


Technically she was right, breaking the law would make them villains. They already broke the law by fighting stain and were ordered not to go.


It'd make them vigilantes. NOT villains.


True, but vigilante is still illegal.


There's not really a difference in the eyes of the Hero Committee. They kinda go over this in the start of the Vigilantes comic, but the line between "Hero" and "Villain" is mostly determined by who works with the Committees and who doesn't. The other heroes generally turn a blind eye to Koichi, but that's because, at least in the first half of the story, he doesn't really involve himself directly in crime fighting, usually focusing more on using his quirk to help people.


Aoyama simply existing


When horikoshi focus 90% of the story about the Todoroki family instead of fully developed the rest of the 1A class and other side caracters (I know its not class 1A related more manga related i hope its ok)


Hot take but... Deku crying over any emotional conversation Like dude it's really not that deep


Bakugo telling Deku to kill himself (despite aspirations to be a hero). Weird kid to let into your hero school, but I guess it mightā€™ve been to keep an eye on him and prevent him from becoming a villain (I know heā€™s strong but seriously they should require psych exams to be a pro hero, especially after so many quit just cuz of some bad PR)


My biggest issue with this is that both characters and hori pretend like it never happened. Neither Deku or Bakugo bring it up once, not even during Bakugo's apology.


TBF Deku didn't take him seriously when he did that suicide Dare. In his inner monologue he called Bakugo an idiot for saying that and to think before you speak. Deku knows that Bakugo doesn't actually want him to kill himself and was saying that in a spur of the moment to be really mean.


Wether deku took it seriously or not shouldn't matter. It never should have been said, and the fact that even in his huge apology bakugo never mentions it is not okay. In all honesty, I feel like hori realized he had gone too far when he made bakugo say that and just treats it as if it never happened, and that just doesn't sit right with me.


Heā€™s saying that to everyone. Typical tsundere stuff.


Donā€™t know what that means lol


>but I guess it mightā€™ve been to keep an eye on him and prevent him from becoming a villain That one is pure fanfiction though lol


Idk dude, are you secretly horikoshi? Iā€™m allowed to not like a hero student telling people to kill themselves and try to rationalize taking in someone with those tendencies


You're free to dislike that, it really doesn't change the fact that this isn't the reason why he was taken in. Beside why *wouldn't* they take Bakugo in? They don't know about the bullying, his record is implied to be as clean as a daisy, he's one of the smartest student at his school, he was first in the entrance exams and is clearly determined to prove himself and is extremely talented His issue (dogshit personality) is a thing they *are* supposed to fix since he's now studying to be an hero in trainee (although they suck at their jobs lol) and even if they did psyche test all they'd get is "He's determinated and hot-headed, cool"


Bakugo acting like a spazz when he won the competition. They really tolerate a whole town of shitty behavior from him. Like if you have to tie someone to a pole and gag them, Iā€™d honestly have them sent to therapy for behavioral issues.Ā 


They still do not know how to chop and mince properly.


1- Sero, Kaminari and Asui calling Bakugou a villain and mocking him for being booed at after his match with Uraraka THEN Kaminari proceeding to call Uraraka frail, like stfu. 2- Kaminari telling Ibara to date him after she loses to him....... what???? At least he got what he deserved. 3- Deku stealing Bakugou's whole flow without his knowledge or consent. Okay, I know this is an unpopular opinion but a hero's style is his life's work. Aizawa for instance stated it took him 6 years to come up with and master using contraption, then he chose to pass it down to Shinso. Bakugou, similarly worked on his stuff for years. It wasn't some random fighting style or martial arts, it was so distinct that nearly all of his classmates were like "Oh, aren't those Bakugou's movements??" 2 seconds after Deku showed off, even during stain battle. If I was Bakugou, I'd be livid. Worse than merely telling him he's rubbing me off and challenge him. It's not the same if Deku saw a pro on screen and decided to mimic them. That's acceptable. But Bakugou was no pro, he was trying to make a life for himself. The fact Deku never saw issue with that or apologized is so annoying. 4- Bakugou hitting Deku in the final exam, similarly Deku hitting him (I don't care Deku had good intent and didn't want to see his "symbol of victory" give up. Dude, you full-cowling-punched a guy who can't even keep his balance mid battle. Beat tf out of some some other time). 5- Any time Bakugou yells at Deku. I get Bakugou stopped doing that to intimidate anyone after s3 and is just being his loud self but Deku doesn't want to be yelled at by him and expressed that during their final exam. I wish they discuss this in the manga. Like Bakugou asking Deku what he wants him to do, what he needs from him that he could change or give. Won't happen, I know. Also Mineta's and Aoyama's existence are annoying by default to me.


3. Deku's movements are nothing like Bakugo's. He jumped side to side like Grand Terino. Bakugo moves by propelling himself in the air with his explosions. If Deku flicked his fingers to cause air pressure that would have propelled himself in the air then he would have been copying Bakugo's movements. So when Bakugo and Deku's other classmates say his copying Bakugo's movements their talking out of their ass. Bakugo didn't invent mobility. 4. Deku tried talking normally to Bakugo to convince him that they needed work together as a team and Bakugo's response was hitting and yelling at him that he didn't need his help. Bakugo even takes it a step further and tells Allmight he would rather fail the exam than work with Deku. Any normal person would have punched that egotistical jackass. I would have taken it a step further and yelled at him for prioritizing his perfect victory bullshit over passing the exam.


Typical Bakugou hater. EVERYBODY including Deku himself stated these were Bakugou's movements and here you are, denying canon, all so you could talk outta your ass. Not worth wasting time on anything you say. Come back when you read the manga.


The problem was that the visuals in the manga and anime don't convey that. It's just the character and Deku saying that. When you actually read or watch Deku using Full Cowling in the race he's jumping side to side like Grand Terino. Unless you are trying to tell me that Bakugo invented and trademarked jumping side to side.The manga and anime should have shown Deku flicking his fingers to cause an air shockwave that would propel himself in the air like what Bakugo does with his explosions if it wants me to take the characters statements seriously.


Copying Bakugou's movements wasn't about copying the method in which he uses to fly but his loose fighting style. If it was just about mobility, Sero would have been a better reference for him. If you think the manga "failed" to convey it for you, that still got nothing with the narrative itself. Narratively, Deku stole Bakugou's style, period.


Are you made out of tissue paper?


Honestly agree with 3


I read an angsty Bakugou-centric fanfic that covered number three! I agree with your point there, honestly, though Izuku luckily creates more of his own style later in the series


Kirishima having the audacity, the CAUCASITY, to come to midoriya on his HOSPITAL BED, and ask him to get up and commit vigilantism to save his childhood bully from villains that had it out for midoriya. Legit soured me on his character more than midnetas perversion or aizawas terrible teaching.


Agreed on the fact Kirishima and Todoroki shouldn't have came to Deku, cuz he was hospitalized and needed rest not more battles. They should have went alone with their plan but I think they saw how badly he wanted to go after Bakugou (tried to enter the portal & had a whole breakdown after that) and knew he'd want to go. They still shouldn't have. However, they don't know about the bullying part.


Bullshit. Bakugo never made his disdain for midoriya a secret. Like, ever. The mf tried to attack midoriya from behind on the first day of school, and all of the characters are kinda just ok with it. They knew. They were just written to be complacent. Deku being passive to bakugo's behavior, while frustrating to watch, at least makes sense. He's an abuse victim. Defending their abusers is what they do. But the other characters? Mr "I hate bullies" kirishima himself? I don't buy it. One of my biggest problems with this show's narrative and one of the main reasons I stopped watching.


I was referring to middle school bullying. Nobody was "okay" with Bakugou's behavior. Each time he does shit, he gets criticized. No, they don't purposely isolate him and want to hurt him back like we see in fanfic but they never condoned it. They just see more in Bakugou than his temper. As for Deku, it's not an abuse-victim thing. He never defended Bakugou or excused him even at the age of 4.


They should have isolated him


Wouldn't work because Bakugou isolated himself on his own. Plus they are hero students. They wouldn't purposely hurt someone just because he was a bully and is generally an asshole.


why you gotta bring skin color into it