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Angel on my shoulder is a wonderful fanfiction, I'm not certain how far you are in but it's **not** a carbon copy of MHA canon. There are similar elements, yes, but Izuku's experiences even with OFA itself are *vastly* different because of his original Quirk. It also is explained well in-universe **why** he was still given One for All.. I'll state that one of the Original Character Vestiges wanted Izu to be the Ninth.


I'm not a fanfiction writer but I can make some guesses: 1. Unoriginality: Writers can hardly think of how the plot would be like if All Might doesn't give OFA to Deku. Would he give it to Mirio? Would he be patient and wait a bit? If he gives it to Mirio, how can he be included in the series in an impactful way? Since they can't think of and can't plan for the plot's massive deviation if All Might doesn't transfer OFA to Deku, they usually give Deku OFA. This point is mostly noticable with fanfics that give Deku OFA and another Deku yet it's copy paste of the actual anime/manga hardly changing except when Deku fights and kicks ass because he is badass as he has a lot of power. 2. A power fantasy/SI: Also usually noticable with harems, Deku now has a lot of power, humiliates Bakugo every chance he gets, gets every girl from 1A and 1B, and is now so badass that AFO grovels at his feet and flies to America to hide from him. Fanfics like this require you to shut your brain as you register dopamine because is so cool and cool and cool.


The problem of power fantasy. Imo just it can be written better if only no ofa exist and just stick to whatever si power you can have or use other fandom chara power. I can excuse a bit for emerald prince ( izuku gay harem ) since at least no ofa added


Admittedly the power fantasy ones are a guilty pleasure of mine lol


I have read that one, and it's honestly an amazing choice The entire Fic is based on the Lore behind Quirks and the fact that there are Sentient Quirks, and OFA is both only one of 2 Sentient Quirks that we know of, it also has Multiple Minds inside of it Not to mention the Unique OFA Holders, which are some of the best parts of the story


- Not to mention the Unique OFA Holders, which are some of the best parts of the story - Right? The big Russian fella was my personal favourite, dude looks like a wall.


So you gon drop this and not the name of the fic💔


Angel on my shoulder. On AO3. ~~Gimme a minute to find the link.~~ [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17542487/chapters/41336843)


Would you mind posting a link to this? I'd quite like to read this


Omg Yes. I read fanfic because i like uncharted waters. If i wanted izuku with one for all, I would just watch mha. It's the same problem i have when izuku starts UA in the support or gen ed course, and after the sports festival, comes back to 1A. Like, if you're doing the bit, comit to the bit. If you really want to make him go to the hero course, be ballsy and put him in 1B. Reading fics drag on through the same plot points sucks the Joy out of the Experience


Exactly! It's like they're afraid of stepping outside the box, even though that's the whole point of fanfiction!


I once read a support course deku fic where he was at the USJ. Like, why? It doesn't make any sense, and it's boring as a story concept, since, 1, he didn't do that much in canon USJ, and 2, this alienates him to class 1A which can be really good for potential character conflict. Are these people lazy, or just woefully unimaginative?


Agree the only time I actually like it is if they used a weak quirk and powered it up with ofa id rather him not have it but I can live with that


Angel on my Shoulder is fine, I think, because after a while the author starts doing something different with it. Wonderful fanfic I think, tho the thing I enjoy the most is all the random speculation about Midoriya's lovelife. xD I wish the author would update ...


I know it isnt the case in canon but an interesting way someone could do something like this is that ofa just powers up his quirk to a high degree instead of improving it a bit and then the strength add on??? That could be an interesting way to do a fic that one wants to still include ofa but with an original quirk for whatever reason.


Isn't this what most of em do? It's why I read a lot of quirked Izuku fics. I love seeing normal ok-ish quirks get hyper charged by OFA


Same here which is why I don’t have the issue OP does. Give him OFA and we can see the wacky shit that does to his established powers in your AU. Or don’t, and show us how he’s able to leverage and improve those powers in interesting ways. I’m gonna be fine reading it either way


Maybe I havent spent time with fics like that, but on the occasion I do see a fic like that I don't ever see them doing just the hypercharge thing with no super strength. If you have good recommendations for fics like you said Ill take some I need some good reading material.


I don't know if you've ever seen this one but Green Tea Rescue is awesome. It is primarily an Izuocha fic, but Midoriya has a really weak telekinesis quirk. He doesn't receive OFA till after the sports festival, but it comes in during the Stain fight and it is awesome




[Here you are](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18469372/chapters/43759279)


I theorize that either: A) they want Izuku to be overpowered, B) want to follow, or are scared of deviating from, canon, C) they feel pressured to give him One For All due to readers and/or the frequent presence of the trope across fanfiction. It is pretty annoying though, fanfiction kind of dilutes One For All from something Izuku earned in a one in a million chance to something he's just guaranteed to get. It's always handed to him, and most authors don't even have the decency of changing how Izuku gets OFA. It's always the same thing, the same meeting, even when Izuku has a perfectly good quirk, still, he needs to ask if he can be a hero. It's disappointing that people have so little faith in the quirk they give him.


The whole reason All-Might gave Izuku OFA is *because* he was quirkless and still has the "heroic spirit" to fight the sludge dude. If he has a strong quirk, then that spirit should just be called confidence, which makes it 10x more annoying. I don't know why authors are scared about not giving him OFA, I personally like seeing Mirio with it.


I read one story where mirio gets ofa, dies, then passes it to deku with his dying breath. The power itself has no bearing on the overarching story whatsoever though, it was really just a prop to add stakes.


I find that a part of the MHA fandom has this tick where Izuku is the perfect holder and it doesn't feel right if he doesn't get One For All, and I feel like it just spreads from there. Some commenters will ask about Izuku getting OFA and tons of fics will have it handed to him, so the authors hand it to him as well. Basically peer pressure.


Honestly I always much preferred Izuku as being not perfect at OFA. There is no Izuku being a Destined Chosen One (TM) that Vestiges WILL choose always and will unironically throw a temper tantrum over not being with Izuku (one of the most edgy fanfics literally had Vestiges KILL in the most fucked up ways possible other Successors after All Might had Izuku give it up) Izuku is just some kid that got lucky. One in a million. And no matter how much the plot will try, I like to think that there probably are 10000000 times better options out there, but Izuku doesn't care, he was given that power and he will make it work


That’s why I like Metallurgy and Green Tea Rescue. They hold off on giving Izuku OFA so we get to see how far he gets on his own.


Honestly you can make someone overpowered with damn near any power there’s plenty of examples in fiction. People are just to lazy to realize how fair common sense and science can go


Because we've already seen the combination of Quirkless!Izuku Ninth!Izuku in Canon, so people try to put a unique spin on it. Same reason you see the Sports Festival rewritten sometimes, because the same thing can get boring after a while. Not to say Canon-adjacent Izuku is bad, but Quirked!Izuku plus OFA can lead to some interesting combinations. Like in YUTS, where Psychopomp starts out as "seeing ghosts" but with the power of OFA eventually evolves into "army of the dead".


AoMS gets a pass in my book because there's a few key reasons why Izuku needed to get OFA to interact with story: 1) Kiri is meant to be a completely sentient quirk and is treated like her own character, with her own arcs, motivations, relationships etc. She can't really be used by Izuku the same way Tokoyami uses Dark Shadow. 1.5) Considering how Kiri's often got her own subplots, the author needs to give Izuku something to do so that his part doesn't drag. Also, Quirklessness wouldn't fit with a story that's centred on the Quirk Singularity (or at least, not the one that the author's writing.) 2) The author wants to explore Quirks and the Quirk Singularity and that means that OFA is a prime focal point considering it's an ancient ability that's arguably the most powerful in canon. 3) The author changes quite a few things about OFA and wants to explore that to it's fullest. To do both that and have Izuku only have Kiri would require a new protagonist (likely someone from 1-A) which would split the story's focus even further. I get why you might be disappointed since you were mainly interested in the new quirk (It does get given a lot of time to be explored) but writers can write what they want and what the writer wants and what you want doesn't always mesh. As for other stories which have this happen, it's usually because of three reasons: super strength is a easy power set to work with and let's relatively weak unique abilities still be used in the frontline; it pulls Izuku into the main conflict between OFA and AFO; it's familiar and thus easy to write. Edit: hit send too early


My things is Izuku having a decent quirk, and an even better upbringing, but still sobs when All Might tells him he could be a hero. It’s ridiculous


To be fair, it’d be like Michael Jordan telling a star highschool basketball player that he can become the greatest. Sure the highschooler knows that he’s good, but having THE greatest tell you that would cause anyone to burst into tears


They wouldn’t burst into tears. They’d for sure be awed and somewhat disbelieving that their idol supports them, but falling to the ground, clutching a notebook tightly to their chest while sobbing loudly and profusely? Let’s be real here.


...do you understand who you're talking about here? This is \*Izuku Midoriya\*. The guy whose character sheet explicitly says "His tear ducts never take days off".


To add on to this, it's fucking All Might. He's basically a god. Imagine God coming down to you and telling you that you're worth it. That'd 100% make me cry


I wouldn't necessarily say a God, but definitely the literal world champion at your thing + someone who has made the difference for thousands of people getting to live or not. Even if we snipe that last part out: You wanna be a soccer player, and Messi shows up and says you've got the heart to be one of the greats. All of this after an awful day in which you got bullied, suicide-baited, mocked for your desire to be a soccer player, had your prized hobby notebook tossed like trash into a pond, nearly died to a mugger, Messi said you should try and stick to a gym membership and leaves you on top of a rooftop after said suicide-baiting, and then you charged the same mugger to save the suicide-baiter bully, who then proceeded to tell you to fuck off as thanks. You don't really need to be Izuku to ugly cry in that moment. But he's Izuku, and All Might has actually saved thousands upon thousands of lives rather than just being a world-class professional, so the ugly cry is even worse lol


In most cases some of the quirks given possess great effect based abilities but leave them open in case of close combat. OFA is given as a supplement in order to not increase the ability of his natural quirk but also to give him some combat ability and make him a powerhouse in CQC. Basically to answer your question it's simple terms most authors give izuku one for all because either: A. They like to stick with the Canon events with some added differences. B. It's to help out izuku by giving him more well-rounded abilities if he has a ranged quick, OFA provides a quirk that helps him in close combat while also providing a buff to his natural quirk. C. They just do it for the fun of it.


It gives him connections to AM, AFO, GT, and the vestiges. You lose a ton of potential interaction if he doesn't get it.


Thing is you don't even have to deviate from canon either. You can give OFA to someone else in the class, or just have All Might keep it, in which case telling the story from non-OFA Deku's POV would essentially be like telling it from the POV of Bakugo or Todoroki. You can still hit the same plot beats. My brightest idea that I wish I had the willpower to actually write was "Izuku has a fire quirk, Todoroki is quirkless". Todoroki gets OFA. Him and Izuku become rivals. Izuku is taken under Endeavour's wing, Todoroki is with All Might.


Power creep - AFO is just too damn strong that the heroes would lose if OFA didn’t exist and since they don’t wanna give up the spotlight to another character Deku needs OFA. It also gives them an easy way to keep the same relationships that deku had with All might and Bakugou in canon if Deku just had a very weak quirk to start with.


Well, for one, I know tons of MHA fanfic readers who, if anyone but Izuku gets one for all, they'll drop the fic entirely.


EXACTLY why establish something just to fall back on cannon its like you bought a five star meal only to toss it out and decide you want some kraft mac n cheese- just why?


He is the honored one. Side note i have seen very few fics where there's a good reason for him to receive OFA the only i can think of at the moment would be Blood for the Blood God.


Stations of Canon. Can’t reuse canon if you throw out the entire Chosen One plot.


Angel on my Shoulder is good. I get where you’re coming from though. The only thing I read is Alt-power fics and between sorting through EraserMic, M/M, and OFA I can’t find anything


I’ve got a story where Izumi’s quirk is White Thunder.


Because most fanfic writers wanna just change little details about the story without diverging from canon too much.


That fic was weird with the oddly sexual meeting with the dog girl


It’s because they don’t want to deviate from the stations of canon. Most fanfic writers, and I don’t say this to be rude, simply aren’t good enough to create their own narrative that strays from canon too much. They don’t know how to deal with the whole OFA/AFO plot without Izuku being center stage in it, so they don’t even try. As for fanfics with Worm elements, I was recommended [Flight of the Dragonfly](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13282532/1/Flight-of-the-Dragonfly). It’s an alt-power fic where Izuku has QA’s bug control. I haven’t personally read it, but the guy who recommended it said it was good. There’s also [Night’s End, Day’s Begun](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/nights-end-days-begun-mha-worm.900254/#post-72193346), which is an AU fic where Taylor, Amy, Vicky, and Lisa got teleported to MHA during the bank heist. The story itself takes place years after they got teleported though.


Flight of the Dragonfly was my introduction to Worm and what got me into it, so I have a soft spot for it. I don’t think I enjoy it enough to read it all again but I revisit the ending every now and then and still like it.


Thanks for the rec, and I see where you're coming from.


I would personally give Deku one of his parent’s quirks. Probably Inko’s. Because I bet you anything, if she’d dedicated herself to hardcore, UA-style hero training, it could have likely expanded into full blown telekinesis.


To hit all those sweet, sweet stations of canon, of course.


I think it basically boils down to not knowing how to handle OFA if Izuku isn’t the one wielding it. It’s a pretty major plot point and you can’t just ignore it because the whole reason All Might was originally going to be working at UA is because he wanted to find a successor among the students. So for a lot of authors it’s easier to just just the quirk to Izuku like in canon. I do get your frustration tho