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I'm going to be honest, while it is certainly well written and I quite enjoyed the fic early on.. Personally I reached a point where I was only reading it for the moments where Kendo was a POV character. I'd definitely suggest giving it a shot at least once, but I can see how it isn't everyone's cup of tea. Specifically the middle-ish chapters felt a bit.. too drawn out almost? I wouldn't call it a slog, but it definitely wasn't as good as the start or the end. Which I found kind of funny since most stories struggle with the end, but it is what it is. I'd give it an unbiased 7.8 out of 10 (assuming it doesn't have any tropes you dislike) but probably biased I'd give it a 8.5 for the Kendo scenes. Really liked her portrayal in this fic.


The Author loves Kendo, in fact shes the inheritor of OfA in the current fic s/he’s writing.


**Links:** [Our New Roommate \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27673661/chapters/67721522) | [Our New Roommate \[FanFiction\]](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13814886/1/Our-New-Roommate) **Pros:** Well-written. Good characterisation. I enjoyed the emphasis on 1-B. Actually uses the school setting well. **Cons:** Drags out in places, particularly in the middle, so it can across as a bit of a slog. I'd give it 7/10. Would definitely recommend this and anything else from the author.


I disagree with you on the whole ‘uses the school setting well’ part. They’re only seen attending class like once or twice. I don’t see this as a con, though. I think it adds to the lazy, summer-like vibe


That's fair, but I did mean more the boarding house aspect than the lessons and classes part.


The author's joke in the end note of chapter 1 was actually the truth about this fic. > Notes: > *Shuts lid on AFIO trash can* Alright, I'm ready for a break from you. *walks down alley, sees slightly shinier ___burning trash___ can* OOH!


It has the dubious honor of being the only fic I've read that made me hate every character on it. I know things improve dramatically but by the time I dropped it (when Izuku finally snaps), there's nary a single thing the work could do to redeem the characters in my eyes.






I absolutely love it and found it an inspiration for my own writing, though I was already a fanfic author by then. I did stop reading once the full polycule was established, but it did feel like it had reached a good stopping point by then. Recommended, 100%.


Reading it (again). Quite love how the author portrays most of the characters, with Kendo being the most rich of them all. Yet, I can't help but feel frustrated with it being a harem/smut fic. Oh, and the self-deprecation reads a tad artificial/forced (I mean of the Setsuna's or Yui's "redemption"). I would even dare to say that after chapter 35 it falls for the excessive raunchy scenes. 6.5/10


What's the fic even about?


Porn with plot fic where Midoriya goes and lives in the 1-B girls dorms because two students wrecked his room. True to every porn fic ever, the girls start having sex with Midoriya, with the exception of Ibara and Itsuka who do want him, but exercise restraint. Tensions start building, the girls start treating Midoriya like a sex object, Itsuka is angry at the girls and Midoriya and Ibara is angry at Midoriya because she thinks he's a chauvinist who's taking advantage of the girls or something. Eventually it all culminates in Midoriya snapping at the girls for their treatment of him, which begins their road of redemption and the girls and Midoriya falling in love and having sex because this is still a porn fic.


Sounds fucking terrible wow. It has to be somewhat interesting if so many ppl give it not-scalding reviews


Izuku's room in dorms is blown up, he lives with 1B girls for the foreseeable future You know Harem included


It is a good fic, somewhat excessive in chapters and in a way it interprets several characters OoC Monoma's plot, for example, would have been more interesting if it were more constant than some gags at the beginning and that conspiracy with the girl from the other class later on. and that everyone is so "Ok" with the idea that there are polyamorous relationships in various courses seems like a good detail to me (like Shoto, Jiro and Yaoyorozu). It's solid for a Porn with Plot


6/10 for me, strong beginning pretty middling end. But the middle by far is what drags it down so hard. I find the dialogue to be kind of repetitive between chapters and the conflicts kind of forced. Sometimes, the only driving force behind the story is the "idiot plot" trope. All in all, it was a pretty decent smut fic with some neat ideas, just not one I could take very seriously when it wanted to be taken seriously and one I'll probably never read again.


Definitely drags in a few places and I think the story ultimately would have benefitted from dropping half the girls from the actual relationship- I'd say Reiko/Kinoko should have just remained a separate couple and at least one of Yui/Setsuna/Pony should have been left out as well- but I enjoyed it.


I like it, is not perfect but is better done than most harem fics and I think the author use the 1-B girls very well, even though they fuck up considerably in this fic. My biggest complain? Ochako, the fic try to portrait her as a good friend but when you think about most of her actions she's a pretty toxic friend


No, I absolutely love Ochako. I love how she and Izuku are just best buds to the end, how she’s there to give Izuku advice whenever he needs it, how she’s not afraid to give the 1-B girls a violent shovel talk, and how overjoyed she is for Izuku when they finally get together. Ochako’s honestly a highlight for me.


Let's agree to disagree, the whole thing of her crying and fighting him cause she think she's being replaced is pathetic, childish and toxic, how after she just heard how he was treated as a walking talking dildo so badly Izuku" I forgive everything" Midoriya snapped and she decides to let him alone with Kendo who looks enraged, she left him alone after he had a breakdown with a girl that for all she knows is the one who forced him to have sex with her. Or how she decided to tell him she used to have a crush on him because it was starting to affect her relationship with Nejire it just feel like a scumbag move "hey look, I used to have a crush on you, never said anything because I wanted to focus on my career, but I felt I needed to tell you because is messing my relationship with Nejire, that somehow doesn't get in the way of my career". Man this ended up being longer than I expected


Sure, agree to disagree